

Set aside time for your own reflection. Select a recent work experience from which you want to learn, such as leading a team meeting, making a presentation to a group, discussing a performance review, or participating in a small-group work session. Ask yourself these questions, developed by Daudelin and Hall:

1.   Have any new ideas for me come out of the experience?

2.   What ideas stand out as being important to me?

3.   How do these ideas relate to other ideas I know about?

4.   How can I use these ideas in my work?

5.   How did I react to the discussion in these activities?

6.   How did I relate (positively and negatively) to other people in the activity? What might have caused me to relate in that way?

7.    At what point during the activity did I feel my interest rising? Declining? What might have caused these shifts in my interest?

8.    What was it about the experience that made it easy for me to learn? What made it difficult? What does that say about how I prefer to learn?

9.   What do I plan to do as a result of what I have learned from this experience?

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