
Action learning

group, 6465

self-directed, 6263

Adult learning, principles of, 21

American Society for

Training and

Development, 53

Appreciative inquiry, 8991

Argyris, Chris, 16, 30, 62, 99

Ashkenas, Ron 12

Axelrod, Emily M., 92

Axelrod, Richard H., 92

Barriers to learning, 1620, 111

Benchmarking, 8586

Best practices, 3

Both/and principle, 23

Boughton, N. W., 42

Boundaryless organization, 12

Brache, Alan P., 101

Bradley, R., 48

Breaking Free: A

Prescription for

Personal and

Organizational Change, 2

Brinkerhoff, Robert O., 8

Building the Learning Organization, 12

Business leadership, 102

Causal loop, 8384


preparation for, 86

resistance to, 16

Charisma, leadership and, 104

Checklist, for individual learning, 3738

Classroom learning, 4446

Coaching, 4750

Collective learning, 12, 8688

Commitment, to team, 57


dialogue, 6872, 8688, 100

lack of, 16, 18

learning and, 99100

See also Conversation; Listening

Community, whole-organization learning and sense of, 8182

Computer technology, individual learning and, 5153

Computer-based training (CBT), 52

Computer-supported collaborative work, individual learning and, 52

The Conference Model, 92

Conferencing, individual learning and, 52

Connectivity, 56

Consensus, shared vision and, 5961

Continuous improvement, 3

Continuous measurement, 6568

Control mechanisms, need for, 18


dialogue, 6872, 100

world café, 8688

Cooperrider, David, 89

Cory, Diane, 48

Courage, leadership and, 104

Culture, learning, 9597


evaluation and, 112, 114115

feedback, 27

Dannemiller, Kathleen, 92

Daudelin, Marilyn W., 43

Debate, vs. dialogue, 70

Defensive reasoning, 3031

Dependability, leadership and, 104


vs. debate, 70

organizational learning and, 100

small-group learning and, 6872

world café, 8688

Diaries, 43

Direct reports, mentoring, 51

Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model, 5658

Electronic performance support system, 52

Emotional intelligence, 11

Empathic listening, 71

Employee development, ix–xi

Environment, learning and, 56, 117120

Espoused theory, 62


choosing methods of, 67, 114

continuous measurement, 6568

disseminating results of, 115

of learning, 111116

Experimentation, 3

Explicit knowledge, 106, 108


learning from, 30

learning opportunities from system failure, 8889

FedEx, 104


coaching and, 4849

continuous measurement and, 6568

creating a learning culture and, 97, 121122

guidelines for using, 2627

learning and, 25, 26, 46

self-directed action learning and, 63

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, 47

Flexibility, leadership and, 104

Future Search, 92

Garvin, David, 3

Gill, S. J., 8

Gilley, Jerry W., 42


clarification of team, 57

instructional design, 45

leadership and, 102

personal vision and, 41

shared vision and, 5962

Goleman, Daniel, 11

Grayson, C. Jackson, 105

Group action learning, 6465

Guidelines, small-group dialogue, 72

Hall, D. T., 43

Hamson, C., 73

Haworth, 119

Herman Miller, 119

Hierarchical leadership, learning and, 101102

Individual coaching, 4750

Individual learning, 911, 3540

defined, 23

organizational learning and, 56

physical environment and, 118

principles of, 2021

Individual learning strategies

Computer technology, 5153

individual coaching, 4750

individualized learning plans, 42

instructor-led classroom

seminars and

workshops, 4446

job rotation, 46

logs, diaries, and journals, 43

mentoring, 5051

on-the-job training (OJT), 53

personal visioning, 41

self-reflection, 4243

structured OJT, 5354

Individualized learning plans, 42

job rotation and, 46


assimilating, 3, 6

knowledge-management, 105109

retrieval of, x, 24

Information technology, 106107

knowledge flow and, 108, 109

Instructional design, 4446

Instructor-led training, 4446

Integrity, leadership and, 104

Interior design, of workplace, 117120

Internal customers, role in evaluation, 114

Internet, knowledgemanagement and, 108


evaluation, 67, 113

learning history, 7475

Intranet, 106, 108

Job rotation, 46

Journals, 43

Judgment, leadership and, 104

Katzenbach, J. R., 11, 55

Killion, J., 73

Kim, Daniel, 2

Kleiner, Art, 74

Know-how, 2

Knowledge, application of, 3, 6, 8

Knowledge-management, learning and, 105109

Know-why, 2

Leadership, for organizational learning, 101104

Learning alliances, 68, 3640

Learning community, 8182

Learning culture, 9597

Learning events

creating a learning culture and, 97

large-scale, 9192

Learning history, 7379

example, 7579

Learning plans,

individualized, 42

Learning process chart, 39

Learning questions, 23


adult, 21

assessment of, 25

barriers to, 1620

classroom, 4446

collective, 12, 8688

continuous measurement of, 6568

evaluation of. See Evaluation

learning styles, 1316

levels of, 9, 10. See also Individual learning; Small-group learning; Whole-organization learning

See also Organizational learning

Liberation Management, 117

Librarian, corporate, 106

The Link between Individual and Organizational Learning, 2

Lippitt, Lawrence L., 92

Lippitt, Ronald, 92


coaching and, 4748

empathic, 71

mentoring and, 51

shared, 88

Logs, 43

Losada, Marcial, 56

The Magic of Dialogue, 69


forming learning alliances, 3640

modeling learning, 2931

role in whole-organization learning, 12, 24

Marquardt, Michael J., 12

Maycunich, A., 42

Mentoring, 5051

knowledge flow and, 109

Network information, individual learning and, 52

Noer, Peter, 2

Nonaka, Ikujiro, 106

Nonprofit leadership, 102

O’Dell, Carla, 105

O’Mara, Martha, 119

On-the-job training (OJT), 53

Open Space Technology, 92

Organization, supporting generative learning, 1516

Organizational culture, learning and, 9597

Organizational goals, aligning individual

learning with, 36

Organizational learning, ix–xi, 121122

conditions for, 2425

feedback and, 25, 27

at individual level, 13, 3536

principles of, 7

reflection and, 25

self-audit, 122124

vs. training, 56

Organizational structure, learning and, 8182, 93

Orientation, team, 57

Owen, Harrison, 92

Personal characteristics, of leadership, 104

Personal mastery, 11

Personal vision, 41

Peters, Tom, 117

Preferred Futuring, 92

Preparation, for individual learning, 3738


learning and, 3

resisting short-term, simple solutions, 1819


evaluation of learning and, 111

group, 64

job rotation and, 46

organizational learning and, 25, 121122

self-reflection, 4243

small-group learning and, 7374


coaching and, 50

of individual learning, 38

Respect, leadership and, 104

Retention, of instructor-led training, 44

Risk, role in organizational learning, 24

Role clarification, in teams, 57

Role play learning, 14

Roth, George, 74

Rummler, Geary A., 101

Schein, Edgar H., 95

Schon, Donald, 62


of organizational learning, 122124

of organizational needs, 8586

Self-directed action learning, 6263

Self-mastery, 26

Self-reflection, 4243

Seminars, 4446

Senge, Peter, 11

Shared listening, 88

Shared meanings, in organizations, 1516

Skilled incompetence, 19

Small-group learning, 11, 15, 5558

ground rules for, 2223

physical environment and, 118

Small-group learning strategies

action learning, 6265

continuous measurement, 6568

dialogue, 6872

learning history, 7379

reflection, 7374

shared vision, 5962

Smith, D. K., 11, 55

Stakeholders, role in evaluation, 112

Steelcase, 119

Strengths, identifying and building on, 8991

Structured on-the-job training, 5354

System breakdown, opportunities for learning in, 8889

Tacit knowledge, 106, 108

Teaching Smart People How to Learn, 30


defined, 55

vs. groups, 11

learning in. See Small-group learning

stages of development, 5658

Theory-in-use, 62

Tobin, Daniel, 96

Training, 56

knowledge-management and, 107108, 109

preparation and reinforcement of, 3640

See also Individual

learning strategies; Small-group learning strategies; Whole-organization learning strategies

Trial and error learning, 14

Trust building, team, 57

U.S. Department of Labor, 53

Undiscussable, 16, 18


personal, 41

shared, 5962

Weisbord, Marvin, 92

Wheatley, Margaret, 88

Whole System Associates, 86

Whole-organization learning, 12, 8182

physical environment and, 118

Whole-organization learning strategies

appreciative inquiry, 8991

benchmarking, 8586

causal loop, 8384

external threats to the system, 8889

large-scale learning events, 9192

world café, 8688

Whole-Scale Change, 91, 92

Workplace environment, learning and, 117120


barriers to learning, 20

group action learning, 65

group reflection, 7374

self-directed action learning, 63

Workshops, 4446

World café, 8688

Xerox Corp., 85

Yankelovich, Daniel, 69

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