Action Learning


Action learning is learning from doing—you must intentionally engage a group in a work activity for the purpose of learning and change, have the group reflect on the process and outcomes of that activity, and then use that newfound awareness for improving the group activity.

A. Self-Directed Action Learning

What we do is often inconsistent with the values that we say we believe in—what Argyris and Schon refer to as the difference between “theory-in-use” and “espoused theory.” We are often not aware of this inconsistency, however. Action learning gives us an opportunity to surface our behavior and the values underlying this behavior in relation to the group: A manager might claim to believe that all employees deserve respect and trust, yet create rules and express expectations that are different for different people. John is asked to meet with a new client by himself, but Sally is asked to team up with a co-worker when she goes to see a new client. If managers are not aware of their inconsistent behavior, they won’t see the problems it creates and the confusion, frustration, and possibly, distrust others feel because of it.

Create situations that you think you can learn from. At the next team meeting you lead make it a point to learn about your leadership behavior. During the next team project, learn about your project-management behavior. In your next performance review discussion with someone you supervise, ask for feedback about your coaching skills. (You might want a peer to sit in on the session and provide the feedback, rather than asking the person you are coaching to do this.)

The self-directed action learning worksheet that follows should help you evaluate your actions.


Ask yourself:

1.   What do I want to learn about myself from this situation?

2.   What did I want to happen? What outcome was I hoping for?

3.   What actually occurred?

4.   How did the other people in the situation respond to me? What did they say, and what did they do?

5.   What did I think and say that might have contributed to these outcomes?

6.   How was what I said or did different from what I wanted to say and do?

7.   How can I get feedback on my behavior from others? Who should I ask for feedback?

B. Group Action Learning

Groups can participate in action learning as well. You and your co-workers, for example, can be brought together for a reflective discussion, perhaps led by a facilitator so that you can join in the group reflection. This facilitator should interview participants beforehand to create a learning story that is a composite of the perceptions of the interviewees. This story then becomes the focus of group reflection, as the group examines its values and beliefs in comparison to its actual behavior. New insights will come from this kind of reflective session.

Action learning can take on more importance when a group meets or interacts regularly to collectively decide how members might deal with problems or tasks they face in their work. The decision-making process itself will help increase their understanding of the situations they are in. They will learn from each other’s experience.

Action learning is not just another discussion group. A learning environment must be created in which members are able to reflect on their experiences (warts and all) and learn from the mistakes, rather than explain or excuse them. Members need to be able to listen to the experiences of others and offer careful and constructive support by asking challenging questions. Group members then need to support changes in behavior as a result of action learning.

You can help a group learn from any project by using the group action learning worksheet that follows.


1.   What did we plan, and what assumptions guided our planning?

2.   What took place as planned, and why?

3.   What did not happen as planned and why?

4.   What did we learn from items 2 and 3 above?

5.   What did we learn about our assumptions?

6.   What can we do the next time? (Based on what we learned, how can we get results closer to our plan?)

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