Individual Learning: References


American Productivity and Quality Center

American Society for Training and Development:

Argyris, Chris. Good Communication that Blocks Learning. Harvard Business Review, July–August 1994.

Argyris, Chris. Teaching Smart People How to Learn. Harvard Business Review, May–June 1991, pp. 5–15.

Carnevale, A. P., and L.J. Gainer. The Learning Enterprise. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development and U.S. Department of Labor, 1989.

Cory, Diane, and R. Bradley. Partnership Coaching. The Systems Thinker, Vol. 9, No. 4, May 1998, pp. 1–5.

Daudelin, Marilyn W., and D.T. Hall. Using Reflection to Leverage Learning. Training and Development, December 1997, pp. 13–14.

Fisher, Sharon G. The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Performance Management. Amherst, MA: HRD Press, 1997.

Flaherty, James. Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.

Gallway, T. The Inner Game of Work: Building Capacity in the Workplace.

Gery, Gloria J. Electronic Performance support Systems. Boston: Weingarten Publications, 1991.

Gilley, Jerry W., N. W. Boughton, and A. Maycunich. The Performance Challenge. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1999.

Hiam, Alexander. The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Creativity. Amherst, MA: HRD Press, 1998.

International Society for Performance Improvement

Jacobs, R.L., and M.J. Jones. Structured On-the-Job Training. San Francisco: Berrett-Kohler, 1995.

Kim, Daniel H. The Link between Individual and Organizational Learning. Sloan Management Review, Fall 1993, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 37–50.

Library of Congress Internet Resource:

Richey, Rita. The Theoretical and Conceptual Bases of Instructional Design. New York: Nichols Publishing, 1986.

Shea, Gordon F. Mentoring. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, 1992.

Stamps, David. Enterprise Training: This Changes Everything. TRAINING, January 1999, pp. 41–48.

The Training Café (online Web technology instruction):

TRAINING Magazine:

Training Zone (news, tools, discussion):

Vaill, Peter. Learning as a Way of Being: Strategies for Survival in a World of Permanent White Water. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Web-Based Training Information Center:

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