Chapter 4
Extreme Value Theory: An Introductory Overview

Isabel Fraga Alves1 and Cláudia Neves2

1CEAUL, University of Lisbon, Portugal

2CEAUL, Portugal and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Reading, United Kingdom

“It seems that the rivers know the theory. It only remains to convince the engineers of the validity of this analysis.”

–Emil Julius Gumbel (1891–1966)

4.1 Introduction

In this chapter we give an introduction to the most important results in extreme value theory (EVT) with a flavor of how they can be applied in practice. EVT is the theory underpinning the study of the asymptotic distribution of extreme or those rare events, which can be considered huge relatively to the bulk of observations. Relying on well-founded theory on which parametric or semiparametric statistical models are built for handling with rare events, EVT is the adequate theory for modeling and measuring events which occur with a very small probability. EVT has proven to be a powerful and useful tool to describe atypical situations that may have a significant impact in many application areas, where knowledge of the behavior of the tail of the actual distribution is in demand. The main objective is to tackle the problem of modeling rare phenomena with large magnitude, hence lying outside the range of the available observations (out-of-sample).

The typical question we would like to answer is

If things go wrong, how wrong can they go?

which in a certain sense is the mitigation attitude to Murphy's law:

If anything can go wrong, it will!

In fact, the statistical analysis of extremes is the key step in the analysis of many risk management problems related not only to insurance, reinsurance, and finance in general but also in other fields as geophysics and environment, where the analysis of extremes is of primordial importance, as it happens with sea levels, river levels, snow avalanches, wind speeds, temperatures, rainfall, snow, air pollution, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, or even other areas as Internet traffic, reliability, and athletics. One should not forget natural hazards with extreme consequences for the society, often entailing big fatalities with the loss of human lives. For instance, one learns from catastrophic events such as the 9 min of Lisbon earthquake and tsunami in 1755 (Figures 4.1 and 4.2).


Figure 4.1 A natural disaster: Lisbon earthquake in 1755 —engraving “Aardbeeving te Lissabon in den Jaare 1755” by Reinier Vinkeles and François Bohn at Biblioteca Nacional Digital de Portugal, open source. Source: Nacional Digital de Portugal, Public domain.


Figure 4.2 Financial disasters: Black Monday in 1987 and the financial collapse of 2007–2008.

When we are dealing with financial or even meteorological data, there are two situations which matter to differentiate: the case where the data highly concentrates around the average value, with none of these observed values being dominant, and the case where a few observations overpower the remainder of the sample by their large (or low) magnitude. Since the latter can have a very negative impact, it is important to quantify its occurrence. Typically, one is interested in the analysis of maximal (or minimal) observations and records over time, since these may entail the negative consequences. Reinsurance is also a good example of this: the reinsurance premium needs to be computed to withstand the extremal behavior of the claims process. Another problem concerns the so-called return period (or waiting time period) for high levels c04-math-0001, and c04-math-0002 corresponds to average return period, for a random variable (r.v.) of interest c04-math-0003 exceeds the high level c04-math-0004; close to this, the dual problem of return levels is also most important in applications. In hydrology, design levels typically correspond to return periods of 100 years or more; however, time series of 100 or more years are rare. A model for extrapolation is required and here intervenes the EVT. More precisely, suppose the problem consists in estimating the tail probability associated with an r.v. c04-math-0005 with cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) c04-math-0006:


with c04-math-0008 being small, that is, a near-zero probability. This entails a large (c04-math-0009) quantile c04-math-0010, so that c04-math-0011 is approaching the right endpoint of c04-math-0012 defined as c04-math-0013. On the other hand, and in the context of financial variables, for instance, a primary tool for assessment of financial risks is the value-at-risk, VaR(c04-math-0014), which is nothing more than a c04-math-0015-quantile for the distribution of returns for very small probability c04-math-0016 of an adverse extreme price movement that is expected to occur. Bearing the previous estimation purpose in mind, suppose that c04-math-0017 is an ordered sample of c04-math-0018 observations from the distribution function c04-math-0019. One can use the empirical distribution function (e.d.f.), defined by


c04-math-0021, where c04-math-0022 and c04-math-0023. For small c04-math-0024, the e.d.f. c04-math-0025, defined as the proportion of values c04-math-0026, can however lead us to a null estimated probability, and, clearly, we cannot assume that these extreme values c04-math-0027 are simply “impossible”! With the purpose of VaR estimation, this is the same to say that the historical simulation fails. On the other hand, the classical theory allows a possibly inadequate methodology in such a way that a specific probabilistic model would be fitted to the whole sample, for instance, the normal c04-math-0028, and use that model to estimate tail probability as c04-math-0029 (notation: c04-math-0030 is the c.d.f. of a c04-math-0031 r.v.), with estimated mean value c04-math-0032 and standard deviation c04-math-0033. But what if the variance c04-math-0034 or even the mean value c04-math-0035 does not exist? Then the central limit theorem (CLT) does not apply, and the classical theory, dominated by the normal distribution, is no more pertinent. These types of problems associated with rare events are very important, since the consequences can be catastrophic. When we deal with log returns in finance, for instance, most of the observations are central, and a global fitted distribution will rely mainly in those central observations, while extreme observations will not play a very important role because of their scarcity (see Figure 4.3 for illustration); those extreme values are exactly the ones that constitute the focus for traders, investors, asset managers, risk managers, and regulators. Hence EVT reveals useful in modeling the impact of crashes or situations of extreme stress on investor portfolios. The classical result in EVT is Gnedenko's theorem (Gnedenko, 1943). It establishes that there are three types of possible limiting distributions (max-stable) for maxima of blocks of observations—annual maxima (AM) approach—which are unified in a single representation, the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. The second theorem in EVT is the so-called Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem (Balkema and de Haan, 1974 and Pickands, 1975). Loosely speaking, it allows us to approach the generalized Pareto (GP) distribution to the excesses of high thresholds—peaks-over-threshold (POT) approach—for distributions in the domain of a GEV distribution. Complementary to these parametric approaches, we also pick up a possible semiparametric approach, comparing it with the previous ones. In order to present some of the basic ideas underlying EVT, in the next section we discuss the most important results on the univariate case under the simplifying independent and identically distributed (“i.i.d.”) assumption; for instance, in insurance context, losses will be i.i.d., as in risk models for aggregated claims, and most of the results can be extended to more general models.


Figure 4.3 Densities of one normal distribution (c04-math-0036) and one heavy-tailed distribution (c04-math-0037). Interest is on both tails (a) and on the right tail (b) In log returns in finance, for instance, most of the observations are central, but it is exactly those extreme values (extremely low and/or extremely high) that constitute the focus for risk managers.

4.2 Univariate Case

4.2.1 Preliminaries

Extreme value analysis (EVA) can be broadly described as the branch of statistics that focuses on inference for a c.d.f., c04-math-0038, near the endpoint of its support. In the univariate case, one usually considers the upper tail, that is, the survival function c04-math-0039, in the neighborhood of the right endpoint of the distribution, c04-math-0040. The most powerful feature of EVT results is the fact that the type of limiting distribution for extreme values does not depend on the exact common c.d.f. c04-math-0041, but depend only on the tail; this allows us to “neglect” the precise form of the unknown c.d.f. c04-math-0042 and pay attention only to the tail. Then, a semiparametric approach enables inference for rare events. It is possible to apply large sample results in EVT by assuming the sample size toward infinity.

Let c04-math-0047 be a sample of c04-math-0048 i.i.d. r.v.'s, with c.d.f. c04-math-0049, and let the corresponding nondecreasing order statistics (o.s.'s) be c04-math-0050. In particular, c04-math-0051 and c04-math-0052 represent the sample minimum and the sample maximum, respectively. We will focus only on the results about the sample maximum, since analogous results for the sample minimum can be obtained from those of the sample maximum using the device


The exact distribution of c04-math-0054 can be obtained from the c.d.f. c04-math-0055, as follows:


Notice that, as c04-math-0057, the c.d.f. of the partial maxima c04-math-0058 converges to a degenerate distribution on the right endpoint c04-math-0059, that is,


Figure 4.4 illustrates this behavior of the c.d.f. of the sample maximum c04-math-0061 for several beta distributions. 1 From the two top rows of Figure 4.4, we clearly see that as the sample size increases, the c.d.f. of the maximum c04-math-0069 approaches a degenerate distribution on the right endpoint c04-math-0070 equal to one. The following theorem expounds this result in a slightly stronger statement.


Figure 4.4 Convergence of the sample maximum to a degenerate distribution on the right endpoint (a and b) for c04-math-0043; convergence of the normalized maximum to a nondegenerate distribution, max Weibull, for suitable constants c04-math-0044 and c04-math-0045 (c and d), for c04-math-0046.

Moreover, the strong convergence c04-math-0074 also holds (notation: c04-math-0075 almost sure convergence). Since c04-math-0076 has a degenerate asymptotic distribution, a suitable normalization for c04-math-0077 is thus required in order to attain a real limiting distribution, which constitutes one key step for statistical inference on rare events. We henceforth consider a linear normalization for the partial maxima of the sequence c04-math-0078 of i.i.d. r.v.'s, c04-math-0079, for real sequences c04-math-0080 and c04-math-0081, with positive scale c04-math-0082, c04-math-0083. Then


If we look at the two bottom rows of Figure 4.4, it is clear that for beta models with different shapes, it is possible that the linearized maximum has exactly the same asymptotic distribution. Indeed, what is determinant for that is the shape of the probability density function next to the right endpoint.

4.2.2 Theoretical Framework on EVT

We now explore the possible limiting distributions for the linearized maxima. In this sequence, we assume there exist real constants c04-math-0091 and c04-math-0092 such that

(notation: c04-math-0094 convergence in distribution) where c04-math-0095 is a nongenerate r.v. with c.d.f. c04-math-0096, that is, we have that


for every continuity point c04-math-0098 of c04-math-0099. The first problem is to determine which c.d.f.'s c04-math-0100 may appear as the limit in (4.1)—extreme value distributions (EVD). First, we introduce the notion of “type.”

It means that c04-math-0106 and c04-math-0107 are the same, apart from location and scale parameters, that is, they belong to the same location/scale family. The class of EVD essentially involves three types of extreme value distributions, types I, II, and III, defined as follows.

The three types can be expressed by the corresponding location/scale families, with location c04-math-0111 and scale c04-math-0112, with c04-math-0113:


Among these three families of distribution functions, the type I is the most commonly referred in discussions of extreme values (see also Figures 4.5 and 4.6). Indeed, the Gumbel distribution is often coined “the” extreme value distribution (see Figure 4.7).


Figure 4.5 For r.v.'s c04-math-0115, distribution of c04-math-0116 (a) and of c04-math-0117 (b), c04-math-0118, c04-math-0119, for c04-math-0120, comparatively to the limit law Gumbel (fast convergence).


Figure 4.6 For r.v.'s c04-math-0121, distribution of c04-math-0122 (a) and of c04-math-0123 (b), c04-math-0124, c04-math-0125, for c04-math-0126, comparatively to the limit law Gumbel (very slow convergence).


Figure 4.7 Max-stable distributions.

The following short biographical notes are borrowed from an entry in International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science (Lovric, 2011).


Emil Gumbel2

The Gumbel distribution, named after one of the pioneer scientists in practical applications of the EVT, the German mathematician Emil Gumbel (1891–1966), has been extensively used in various fields including hydrology for modeling extreme events. Gumbel applied EVT on real-world problems in engineering and in meteorological phenomena such as annual flood flows2 (Gumbel, 1958).


Maurice Fréchet3

The EVD of type II was named after Maurice Fréchet (1878–1973), a French mathematician who devised one possible limiting distribution for a sequence of maxima, provided convenient scale normalization3 (Fréchet, 1927). In applications to finance, the Fréchet distribution has been of great use apropos the adequate modeling of market returns which are often heavy tailed.


Waloddi Weibull4

The EVD of type III was named after Waloddi Weibull (1887–1979), a Swedish engineer and scientist well known for his work on strength of materials and fatigue analysis4 (Weibull, 1939). Even though the Weibull distribution was originally developed to address the problems for minima arising in material sciences, it is widely used in many other areas thanks to its flexibility. If c04-math-0127, the Weibull distribution function for minima, c04-math-0128, reduces to the exponential model, whereas for c04-math-0129 it mimics the Rayleigh distribution which is mainly used in the telecommunications field. Furthermore, c04-math-0130 resembles the normal distribution when c04-math-0131.

Richard von Mises (1883–1953) studied the EVT in 1936 (see von Mises, 19361936), establishing the well-known von Mises sufficient conditions on the hazard rate (assuming the density exists), leading to one of the aforementioned three types of limit law, while providing one extreme domain of attraction c04-math-0160. Later on, and motivated by a storm surge in the North Sea (31 January–1 February 1953) which caused extensive flooding and many causalities, the Netherlands government gave top priority to understanding the causes of such tragedies with a view to risk mitigation. The study of the sea-level maxima projected EVT to a Netherlands scientific priority. A celebrated work in the field is the doctoral thesis of Laurens de Haan (1970). The fundamental extreme value theorem, worked out by Fisher–Tippett (1928) and Gnedenko (1943), ascertains the GEV distribution in the von Mises–Jenkinson parametrization (von Mises, 1936; Jenkinson, 1955) as a unified version of all possible nondegenerate weak limits of the partial maxima of a sequence c04-math-0161 of i.i.d. random variables.

Notice that for c04-math-0169, c04-math-0170 and c04-math-0171, the c.d.f. c04-math-0172 reduces to Weibull, Gumbel and Fréchet distributions, respectively. More precisely,


The EVI c04-math-0174 is closely related to the tail heaviness of the distribution. In that sense, the value c04-math-0175 concerns exponential tails, with finite or infinite right endpoint c04-math-0176 and can be regarded as a change point: c04-math-0177 refers to short tails with finite right endpoint c04-math-0178, whereas for c04-math-0179 the c.d.f.'s have a polynomial decay, that is, are heavy tailed with infinite right endpoint c04-math-0180.

In many applied sciences where extremes come into play, it is assumed that the EVI c04-math-0181 of the underlying c.d.f. F is equal to zero, and all subsequent statistical inference procedures concerning rare events on the tail of c04-math-0182, such as the estimation of high quantiles, small exceedance probabilities or return periods, bear on this assumption. Moreover, Gumbel and exponential models are also preferred because of the greater simplicity of inference associated with Gumbel or exponential populations. For other details on EV models see Chapter 22 of Johnson et al. (1995) and a brief entry of Fraga Alves and Neves in the International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science (Fraga Alves and Neves, 2011).

The class GEV, up to location and scale parameters, that is,


represents the only possible max-stable distributions. The GEV model is used as an approximation to model the maxima of large (finite) random samples. In applications the GEV distribution is also known as the Fisher–Tippett distribution, named after Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890–1962) and Leonard Henry Caleb Tippett (1902–1985) who proved that these are the only three possible types of limiting functions as in Definition 4.3.

At this stage, a pertinent question is:

What is the limiting distribution (if there is one) that is obtained for the maximum from a given c04-math-0203?

One research topic in EVT comprehends the characterization of the max-domains of attraction; this means to characterize the class of c.d.f.'s c04-math-0204 that belong to a certain max-domain c04-math-0205 and to find the suitable sequences c04-math-0206 e c04-math-0207 such that c04-math-0208. We consider first the case of absolutely continuous c.d.f.'s c04-math-0209.

The next theorem presents necessary and sufficient conditions for c04-math-0238.

The function c04-math-0267 is denominated as mean excess function. The following result is also useful to obtain the normalizing constants for the EVDs: c04-math-0268, c04-math-0269, c04-math-0270.

There are distributions that do not belong to any max-domain of attraction.

Note: (Super-heavy tails) A c.d.f. such that its tail is of slow variation, that is, c04-math-0319, is called superheavy tail, which does not belong to any max-domain of attraction. For more information about superheavy tails, see Fraga Alves et al. (2009).

It is possible also to characterize the max-domains of attraction in terms the tail quantile function c04-math-0320. The following result constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition for c04-math-0321, c04-math-0322.

The following result gives necessary conditions for c04-math-0327, in terms of c04-math-0328.

The following result encloses necessary and sufficient conditions for c04-math-0348, c04-math-0349, involving the tail quantile function c04-math-0350.

A brief catalog of some usual distributions concerning the respective max-domain of attraction is listed as follows.

Fréchet domain: The following models belong to c04-math-0357 with c04-math-0358:

  • Pareto Pa(c04-math-0359): c04-math-0360; EVI: c04-math-0361;
  • Generalized Pareto GP(c04-math-0362): c04-math-0363, EVI: c04-math-0364
  • Burr(c04-math-0365): c04-math-0366, EVI: c04-math-0367;
  • Fréchet(c04-math-0368): c04-math-0369, EVI: c04-math-0370;
  • t-student with c04-math-0371 degrees of freedom: EVI: c04-math-0372;
  • Cauchy: c04-math-0373, EVI: c04-math-0374;
  • Log-gamma(c04-math-0375): c04-math-0376, EVI: c04-math-0377.

Weibull domain: The following models belong to c04-math-0378 with c04-math-0379:

  • Uniform c04-math-0380: c04-math-0381; EVI: c04-math-0382;
  • Beta(c04-math-0383): c04-math-0384; EVI: c04-math-0385
  • Reversed Burr(c04-math-0386): c04-math-0387, c04-math-0388; EVI: c04-math-0389;
  • Weibull for maxima: c04-math-0390; EVI: c04-math-0391.

Gumbel domain: These distributions are from c04-math-0392:

  • EXP(1): c04-math-0393;
  • Weibull for minima: c04-math-0394;
  • Logistic: c04-math-0395;
  • Gumbel: c04-math-0396;
  • Normal: c04-math-0397;
  • Lognormal: The r.v. c04-math-0398 has a lognormal distribution if c04-math-0399 is a normal random variable;
  • Gamma(c04-math-0400): c04-math-0401
  • Fréchet for minima: c04-math-0402.

4.2.3 Parametric and Semiparametric Inference Methodologies

When we are interested in modeling large observations, we are usually confronted with two extreme value models: the GEV c.d.f. introduced in (4.4) and the GP c.d.f. defined as

4.6 equation

The GP c.d.f. is defined more generally with the incorporation of location/scale parameters, c04-math-0404 and c04-math-0405, for values c04-math-0406, as

equation Parametric methodologies

Statistical inference about rare events can clearly be deduced only from those observations which are extreme in some sense. There are different ways to define such observations and respective alternative approaches to statistical inference on extreme values: classical Gumbel method of maxima per blocks of size c04-math-0408, also designated AM (see Figure 4.8), a parametric approach that uses GEV c.d.f. to approximate the c.d.f. of the maximum, c04-math-0409, and the (POT) parametric method, which picks up the excesses of the observations (exceedances), above a high threshold c04-math-0410 (see Figure 4.9(a)), using GP class of c.d.f.'s to approximate c04-math-0411, for c04-math-0412, if c04-math-0413, and for c04-math-0414, if c04-math-0415.


Figure 4.8 AM or Gumbel parametric method.


Figure 4.9 POT parametric methodology (a) and PORT semiparametric methodology (b).

Pickands (1975) and Balkema and de Haan (1974) established the duality between the GEV(c04-math-0416) and GP(c04-math-0417), in a result summarized as follows. Given an r.v. c04-math-0418 with c.d.f. c04-math-0419, it is important to characterize the distribution c04-math-0420 of the excesses above a threshold c04-math-0421,


that is,

Another parametric approach for statistical inference is to fit a parametric model to the largest observations (LO), as sketched in Figure 4.10(a). Consider now that those c04-math-0427 largest observations, after properly normalized with suitable location and scale real parameters c04-math-0428 and c04-math-0429, c04-math-0430, c04-math-0431, are reasonably modeled by the joint p.d.f. given by

where c04-math-0433 is the p.d.f. associated with GEV c.d.f. In general, c04-math-0434 is the form of the p.d.f. of the nondegenerate limiting distributions of the top c04-math-0435o.s.'s from a set of c04-math-0436 i.i.d. r.v.'s, as stated in the result.


Figure 4.10 LO parametric methodology (a) and largest intermediate order statistics semiparametric methodology (b).

Although in some practical cases only the annual maxima are available, and constituting AM approach a natural method, there are other situations for which the data are more complete, with the registration of the c04-math-0445 largest values per year. For such cases, a possible parametric approach combines AM and LO methods, which considers a blocking split of the sample data and the largest c04-math-0446 observations in each of the c04-math-0447 blocks through what is called the multidimensional c04-math-0448 model, as follows: a set of i.i.d. c04-math-0449-dimensional random vectors c04-math-0450, normalized for c04-math-0451 and c04-math-0452, where the common p.d.f. of the vectors c04-math-0453 is given by c04-math-0454 defined in (4.8). Note that both AM and LO approaches can be particular cases of this multidimensional model, taking c04-math-0455 and c04-math-0456, respectively. Some references on these two last approaches are Gomes (1981), Smith (1986), Gomes and Alpuim (1986), Gomes (1989), Fraga Alves and Gomes (1996), and Fraga Alves (1999). Semiparametric methodologies

In a semiparametric context, rather than fitting a model to the whole sample, built on whatever chosen extreme values as described before, the only assumption on c04-math-0457, the c.d.f. underlying the original random sample c04-math-0458, is that condition

4.9 equation

is satisfied. In this setup, any inference concerning the tail of the underlying distribution c04-math-0460 can be based on the c04-math-0461 largest observations above a random threshold (see Figure 4.10b). Theoretically, the designated threshold corresponds to an intermediate o.s., c04-math-0462, letting c04-math-0463 increase to infinity at a lower rate than the sample size c04-math-0464; formally, c04-math-0465 is an intermediate sequence of positive integers such that

4.10 equation

In the context of statistical choice of extreme models, Neves and Alves (2006) and Neves et al. (2006) proposed testing procedures which depend on the observations from the sample lying above a random threshold, with test statistics that are only based on the c04-math-0467 excesses over c04-math-0468:

4.11 equation

This setup represents an analogy to the POT approach, but here the random threshold c04-math-0470 plays the role of the deterministic threshold c04-math-0471. This motivates the peaks-over-random-threshold (PORT) methodology, as drafted in Figure 4.9(b). Another publication related with PORT methodology, in the context of high quantile estimation with relevance to VaR in finance, is Araújo e Santos et al. (2013). The non-i.i.d. case: a brief note

For the previous presented results in EVT, with special relevance to the main EV Theorem 4.7, the main assumption is that the observed values can be fairly considered as outcomes of an i.i.d. sample c04-math-0472; however, in many real-world applications, dependence and/or nonstationarity is inherent to the actual processes generating the data. In particular, for statistical inference of rare events, it is of interest to account for dependence at high levels, seasonality, or trend. A simple approach for the latter is given by de Haan et al. (2015). Altogether, the EVT presented so far has to be adapted, and, for instance in AM and POT approaches, it is important to analyze how the respective GEV and GP distributions need to be modified in order to incorporate those features.

Week dependence

For the case of temporal dependence, a case of utmost importance in financial applications, the EV theorem can be extended by assuming the existence of a condition that controls the long-range dependence at extreme levels c04-math-0473 of a target process. This is known in the literature as the c04-math-0474 condition, rigorously defined by Leadbetter et al. (1983). For stationary sequences c04-math-0475, for which the local weak dependence mixing condition c04-math-0476 holds, it is still possible to obtain a limiting distribution of GEV type. More precisely, let c04-math-0477 be the an i.i.d. associated sequence to c04-math-0478, that is, with the same marginal c04-math-0479. The limiting distributions of partial maxima c04-math-0480 and c04-math-0481 for both sequences, respectively, c04-math-0482 and c04-math-0483, are related by the so-called extremal index parameter c04-math-0484 through the equality

Consequently, a GEV c.d.f. is still present in this case, due to the max-stability property for GEV, defined in (4.5); the respective parameters in (4.12) satisfy

The extremal index c04-math-0487, verifying c04-math-0488, is a measure of the tendency of the process to cluster at extreme levels, and its existence is guaranteed by a second condition c04-math-0489 defined by Leadbetter and Nandagopalan (1989). For independent sequences, c04-math-0490, but the converse is not necessarily true. Smaller values of c04-math-0491 imply stronger local dependence, and clusters of extreme values appear; moreover, the concept of the extremal index is identified as the reciprocal of the mean cluster size for high levels. Summing up, in the case of block of maxima, provided long-range independence conditions, inference is similar to that of the i.i.d. case, but in this case the AM approach is adapted to c04-math-0492 for location/scale parameters as in (4.13). For details on the weak dependence approach, please see Leadbetter (2017).


The absence of stationarity is another situation common in most applications, with process of interest for which the marginal distribution does not remain the same as time changes (seasonality, trends, and volatility, for instance). For these cases, extreme value models are still useful, and parameters dependent of c04-math-0493 can be the answer to some specific problems. In the adapted POT approach, for instance, the GP model incorporates then parameters with functional forms on time c04-math-0494, as dictated by the data, c04-math-0495. With the main goal of estimating one-day-ahead VaR forecast, and within this adapted POT framework, Araújo Santos and Fraga Alves (2013), Araújo Santos et al. 2013) proposed the presence of durations between excesses over high thresholds (DPOT) as covariates. For a general overview of EVT and its application to VaR, including the use of explanatory variables, see Tsay (2010), for instance. Recent works providing inference for nonstationary extremes are Gardes (2015), de Haan et al. (2015) and Einmahl et al. (2017). Statistical inference: EVT “at work”

This section devoted to the illustration of how statistical inference for extreme values develops from EVT, using some of the approaches presented before. Two data sets, worked out by Beirlant et al. (2004), will be used with this purpose:

Meuse river

This is a data set c04-math-0498 of c04-math-0499 annual maxima, considered here with the objective of illustrating the AM methodology. Figure 4.11(a) is the time series plot of the annual maxima. From figure 4.11(b) it seems clear that a positive asymmetrical distribution underlies the sample of maxima. With the main goal of making statistical inference on interesting rare events in the field of hydrology, EVT supports the GEV approximation of the c.d.f. of the annual maximum c04-math-0500, with c04-math-0501 for monthly maxima river discharges (or c04-math-0502 daily records),


and the subsequent estimation of the EVI, c04-math-0504, jointly with location/scale parameters c04-math-0505. Then, for the annual maximum c04-math-0506, the interesting parameters are

  • Exceedance probability of a high level c04-math-0507:


  • Return period for level c04-math-0509 :


  • c04-math-0511-years Return level:


  • Right endpoint: If c04-math-0513,



Figure 4.11 Annual maximal river discharges c04-math-0497 of the Meuse river from 1911 to 1995.

R package (R Development Core Team, 2011) incorporates several libraries aimed to work with statistics for extreme values, for instance, ismev, evir, evd, fExtremes. For Meuse data set, the ML parameter estimates obtained by evir for the EVI and location and scale parameters from GEV are c04-math-0515 (remember that c04-math-0516; Proposition 4.9),


and the estimated 100-years return level is c04-math-0518. Notice that a nonparametric estimation for this high (c04-math-0519) quantile of the annual maxima, c04-math-0520, is given by the empirical quantile of the sample of maxima, c04-math-0521, and the answer remains the same for any c04-math-0522. The evir still has the possibility of returning confidence intervals (CI) for the parameters involved. For the return level c04-math-0523, for instance, the c04-math-0524 CI based on profile likelihood is c04-math-0525. As the EVI is negative, the right endpoint for the annual maximum of the river discharges is estimated by c04-math-0526, a value beyond the largest value in the sample of annual maxima. Since EVI is close to zero, it is also pertinent to fit the Gumbel model to the sample of 85 annual maxima; the estimated location and scale parameters are then


leading to an estimated 100-years return level of c04-math-0528. In this case study, it is observed that a small change in the value of the EVI has big repercussion on the estimated high quantile. So, it seems important to make beforehand a statistical choice between Gumbel model and the other GEV distributions, Weibull and Fréchet. This can be accomplished by a statistical test for the EVI on the hypothesis


Overviews on testing extreme value conditions can be found in Hüsler and Peng (2008) and Neves and Fraga Alves (2008). For other useful preliminary statistical analysis, like QQ-quantile plot or mean excess plot, see Coles (2001), Beirlant (2004), or Castillo et al. (2005), for instance.

SOA claims

This data set comprises c04-math-0530 large claims6 c04-math-0532 registered in 1991 from Group Medical Insurance Large Claims Database. The box plot in Figure 4.12(b) indicates a substantial right skewness.


Figure 4.12 Large claims (USD) of SOA Group Medical Insurance Large Claims Database, 1991.

POT approach

Keeping in mind the main goal of estimating a high quantile and a probability of exceedance of a high level, the POT approach will be considered, supported by the Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem 4.19. In Figure 4.12(a) a number of c04-math-0533 exceedances is provided by a high threshold c04-math-0534 and the respective observed excesses of c04-math-0535, replicas of the excess c04-math-0536, with c.d.f. in (4.7). Denoting by c04-math-0537 the c.d.f. of the large claim c04-math-0538, the probability of exceedance of the high level c04-math-0539 is

  • Suppose that in order to set the reinsurance premium someone is interested in the probability of a large claim exceeding the maximum observed value, c04-math-0541,

    for the maximum observed excess c04-math-0543. From now on we simplify the notation, with c04-math-0544 and c04-math-0545. Consider now the approximation of the distribution of the excesses to GP distribution Fu(y0)≈Hξ(y0u); with ML estimates of EVI and scale returned by evir library, respectively, c04-math-0546 and c04-math-0547, it obtained


    consequently, estimating the probability of a large claim exceeding the thresholdc04-math-0549, by c04-math-0550, the target small probability of exceedance of a high level c04-math-0551 is estimated by



    For SOA data is c04-math-0554, if we assume c04-math-0555 in (4.14).

  • Consider a high quantile of c04-math-0556, the c.d.f. of a large claim c04-math-0557, that is, a value c04-math-0558, c04-math-0559 small, such that c04-math-0560. The estimator of the high quantile, c04-math-0561, is obtained by similar arguments to the ones for the probability of exceedance, and it is given by

    which is accomplished by making c04-math-0563 in expression (4.14) and inverting. For SOA data, with c04-math-0564 as before, expression (4.15) provides the estimate for a high (1-c04-math-0565) quantile, c04-math-0566, the value c04-math-0567 USD. In Figure 4.13 it represented the sample path for the estimation, with POT approach, of the high quantile, c04-math-0568, for a decreasing value of the threshold.

    For SOA data, the previous chosen threshold c04-math-0571 is such that it is between the c04-math-0572 and c04-math-0573 largest data values, respectively, c04-math-0574 and c04-math-0575, that is, c04-math-0576.

  • For c04-math-0577, an estimator of the right endpoint c04-math-0578 is

    which can be easily checked by making c04-math-0580 in expression (4.15).

    Indeed, for admissibility of any right endpoint estimator c04-math-0581, one should take


Figure 4.13 SOA insurance data: sample path for POT high quantile estimates, c04-math-0569, versus c04-math-0570-largest.

Semiparametric approach

It is assumed that the random sample c04-math-0583 is i.i.d. from c.d.f.


or, equivalently, by Theorem 4.16, the first-order condition for some positive function c04-math-0585:


Statistical inference is based on the top sample


with c04-math-0588 an intermediate o.s., that is,

  • Estimation of EVI c04-math-0590 and scale c04-math-0591: In a semiparametric setup, the EVI is the crucial parameter to be estimated.

    • c04-math-0592: Hill estimator—In heavy tails, an usual case in financial applications, the most popular is the classical estimator introduced by Hill (1975), which has played as the starting point for some other more sophisticated estimators: 4.16 c04-math-0593
    • c04-math-0594: Moments estimator—The estimator in (4.16) has been extended to real EVI by Dekkers et al. (1989) using the log-Moments

      with c04-math-0596 and

      the moments EVI estimator is defined by

    • c04-math-0599: Pickands estimator—To simplify the presentation, denote the ith largest observation by

      This EVI estimator only involves three observations from the top c04-math-0601


      and is defined by

    Under extra conditions on the rate of c04-math-0604 and on the tail of c04-math-0605, a normal asymptotic distributional behavior is attained for Hill (c04-math-0606), moments (c04-math-0607), and Pickands (c04-math-0608) estimators:




    In Figure 4.14 the asymptotic variances are compared for Hill, Pickands, and moments estimators as functions of c04-math-0611, c04-math-0612.

    For c04-math-0616 finite, these semiparametric estimators exhibit the following pattern: for small c04-math-0617 less bias, and big variance, and the other way around for large c04-math-0618.

  • Scale estimator of c04-math-0619—With c04-math-0620 the Hill EVI estimator and c04-math-0621 defined in (4.17), an estimator of the scale, in semiparametric setup, is given by equation
  • Probability of exceedance of a high level c04-math-0623: c04-math-0624.

    Theoretically, the results for estimating c04-math-0625 are established for high levels


    A consistent estimator for c04-math-0627, in the sense that c04-math-0628, is

    with c04-math-0630 and c04-math-0631 consistent estimators of EVI c04-math-0632 and scale c04-math-0633. In particular,

    For EVI c04-math-0635 positive, the following simpler version of (4.20) is valid:


    Obs: Compare the semiparametric estimation (4.20) with expressions in (4.14) under parametric POT approach.

  • High quantile c04-math-0637: with c04-math-0638.

    with c04-math-0640 and c04-math-0641 consistent estimators of EVI c04-math-0642 and scale c04-math-0643, in particular for estimators in (4.21).

    Obs: Compare the semiparametric estimation (4.22) with expressions (4.15) under parametric POT approach.

    For EVI c04-math-0644 positive, the simpler version of (4.22) is valid:

    introduced by Weissman (1978).

  • For c04-math-0646, an estimator of the right endpoint is equation as in (4.21).

Figure 4.14 Asymptotic variances for EVI estimators c04-math-0613, c04-math-0614, and c04-math-0615.

All the classical presented semiparametric estimators are asymptotic normal, under convenient extra conditions on the rate of c04-math-0652 and on the tail of c04-math-0653, which enables the construction of CI for the target parameters. Details can be found, for instance, in de Haan and Ferreira (2006). Another area of current and future research, closely related with semiparametric methodology in EV, is the estimation of the right endpoint for distributions in the Gumbel domain of attraction, which has been innovated by Fraga Alves and Neves (2014). Therein, an application was pursued to statistical EVA of Anchorage International Airport Taxiway Centerline Deviations for Boeing 747 aircraft. For SOA data from 1991 of Group Medical Insurance Large Claims Database, the semiparametric estimation of the EVI c04-math-0654 and of the high quantile c04-math-0655 are represented in Figures 4.15 and 4.16, respectively, in comparison with POT estimation. Close to this subject on statistical analysis on extreme values, see also Beirlant et al. (2017) and Gomes et al. (2017).


Figure 4.15 SOA insurance data: sample paths for semiparametric EVI estimates, c04-math-0648, as in (4.16), (4.18), and (4.19), versus c04-math-0649-largest.


Figure 4.16 SOA insurance data: sample paths for semiparametric high quantiles estimates, c04-math-0650 as in (4.22) and (4.23), versus c04-math-0651-largest.

4.3 Multivariate Case: Some Highlights

There is no obvious ordering in multivariate observations, but there are too many possibilities. Hence, the interest is not in extraordinary high levels but rather in extreme probabilities or probability of an extreme or a failure set. A fruitful approach in multivariate extreme value (MEV) theory is the modeling of component-wise maxima. We define the vector of component-wise maxima (and minima) as follows. Let


be a random sample of c04-math-0657-variate outcomes from


with the same joint distribution function c04-math-0659. The pertaining random vector of component-wise maxima is defined as


Analogously for the vector of component-wise minima, we observe that


It is worthy of note that the sample maximum may not be an observed sample value. Hence, there is not a direct transfer of the block maxima method from the univariate to the multivariate case. Nevertheless, a rich theory emanates from looking at maximal components individually. Let


be the distribution function of the component-wise maximum c04-math-0663. As in the univariate case, the usual approach is to find sequences of constants c04-math-0664 and c04-math-0665 such that we get a nontrivial limit for sufficiently large c04-math-0666, that is, such that

for every continuity point c04-math-0668 of c04-math-0669, with c04-math-0670 a c.d.f. with nondegenerate margins c04-math-0671. Any distribution function c04-math-0672 arising in the limit is called a MEV distribution, and we then say that c04-math-0673 belongs to the max-domain of attraction of c04-math-0674 (notation: c04-math-0675). It is important to note that (4.24) implies convergence of the pertaining marginal distributions,


which entails, in turn, a known parametric structure in the limit of the corresponding sequence of marginal distributions, that is, c04-math-0677, for all c04-math-0678 such thatc04-math-0679. Similarly to the univariate case, the parameters c04-math-0680, c04-math-0681, are called (marginal) extreme value indices. Defining c04-math-0682, c04-math-0683, then the extended regular variation (see Theorem 4.16) of each marginal tail quantile function c04-math-0684 holds with auxiliary functions c04-math-0685, c04-math-0686, that is,

for all c04-math-0688 (cf. de Haan and Ferreira, 2006, p. 209). Furthermore, since c04-math-0689 is monotone and c04-math-0690 itself is continuous, because its components are continuous, then the convergence in (4.24) holds locally uniformly. Considering for all c04-math-0691, the sequences


by (4.25), then we may write


Therefore, for a suitable choice of constants c04-math-0694 and c04-math-0695 in Eq. (4.24), we write

for all c04-math-0697. This leads to the statement in Theorem 6.1.1 of de Haan and Ferreira (2006). We now go back to the MEV condition (4.24): suppose that the random vector c04-math-0698 of dimension c04-math-0699 belongs to the max-domain of attraction of the random vector c04-math-0700. That is, there exist constants c04-math-0701 and c04-math-0702 such that

where c04-math-0704 is a nontrivial random vector and c04-math-0705 are independent copies of c04-math-0706. Unlike the univariate case (4.1), the MEV distribution of c04-math-0707 cannot be represented as a parametric family in the form of a finite-dimensional parametric vector. Instead, the family of MEV distributions is characterized by a class of finite measures. To this effect we reformulate the domain of attraction condition (4.27) as follows: suppose that the marginal distribution functions c04-math-0708, c04-math-0709 are all continuous functions. Define the random vector


By virtue of (4.26), we have, as c04-math-0711,


where c04-math-0713 has joint distribution function c04-math-0714, meaning that the marginal distributions no longer intervene in the limiting sense. Hence it is possible to disentangle the marginal distributions from the inherent dependence structure. This process of transformation to standard marginals (Pareto in this case; another popular choice is the tail equivalent Fréchet marginals) does not pose theoretical difficulties (see, e.g., Resnick, 1987; Deheveuls, 1984). From a practical viewpoint, margins may be estimated via the e.d.f and then standardized into a unit Fréchet or standard Pareto distributions. This approach is also well established in the literature; see, for example, Genest et al. (1995). For a motivation and implications of choosing other standardized marginals, see Section 8.2.6 in Beirlant et al. (2004).

We proceed with the study of the dependence structure in the limit. Like in the univariate case, we may apply logarithm everywhere in order to find that (4.26) is equivalent to


With some effort (see Corollary 6.1.4 of de Haan and Ferreira, 2006), we can replace c04-math-0716 with c04-math-0717 in the foregoing, ending up with a variable running through the real line, in a continuous path, that is, for any c04-math-0718 such that c04-math-0719,


If we take c04-math-0721 and multiply this scalar with the vector c04-math-0722, we obtain




Therefore, a measure characterizing the distribution of c04-math-0725 in (4.27) should satisfy the homogeneity relation


This is particularly true in the case of the exponent measure (see, e.g., Definition 6.1.7 of de Haan and Ferreira, 2006; p. 256 of Beirlant et al., 2004). The exponent measure c04-math-0727 is concentrated on c04-math-0728 such that


with c04-math-0730, for all c04-math-0731 and c04-math-0732 a Borel subset of c04-math-0733. This homogeneity property suggests transformation using pseudopolar coordinates, yielding the spectral measure c04-math-0734 with respect to the sum-norm c04-math-0735:


c04-math-0737 the unit simplex (notation: c04-math-0738 stands for c04-math-0739), with


Section 6.1.4 of de Haan and Ferreira (2006) contains results that expound a direct link between convergence in distribution and convergence of exponent measures for sequences of max-stable distributions, in the sense of closure with respect to convergence in distribution. Section 8.2.3 in Beirlant et al. (2004) is fully dedicated to the spectral measure starting from arbitrary norms. Another way of characterizing max-stable distributions is by the stable tail dependence function


The exponent measure and the stable tail dependence function are related via c04-math-0742, c04-math-0743. Here the marginal distributions are featured through their extreme value indices c04-math-0744. Among the properties of the function c04-math-0745, listed in Proposition 6.1.21 of de Haan and Ferreira (2006), we mention that c04-math-0746 is a convex function, satisfies the homogeneity property of order 1, and is such that c04-math-0747, for all c04-math-0748. We also note that only the bivariate c04-math-0749 is straightforward in this respect (cf. p. 257 of Beirlant et al., 2004). Pickands dependence function is also a common tool in the bivariate context (Pickands, 1981). On the unit simplex, it is defined as


where c04-math-0751 denotes again the stable dependence function. By homogeneity of the function c04-math-0752, Pickands dependence function c04-math-0753 completely determines the limit c04-math-0754. Important properties of the function c04-math-0755 are that (P1) c04-math-0756 is convex, (P2) c04-math-0757, and (P3) c04-math-0758. Moreover, c04-math-0759 is related with the spectral measure c04-math-0760 via


A similar relation with respect to an arbitrary choice of norms, possibly other than the sum-norm, is given in Eq. (8.49) of Beirlant et al. (2004). The c04-math-0762-variate extension of Pickands dependence function also relies on the homogeneity of the tail dependence function c04-math-0763, entailing the restriction to the unit simplex:


We now turn to conditions fulfilled by a distribution function c04-math-0765 in the domain of attraction of a max-stable distribution c04-math-0766 (notation: c04-math-0767) in the c04-math-0768-variate setting. In the bivariate case, Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 of Barão et al. (2007) can be used to generate distributions which are in the domain of attraction of a multivariate extreme distribution c04-math-0769. An extension of the latter to higher dimension is detailed in Section 3.1 of Segers (2012). As expected at this point, MEV conditions approach the marginal distributions and the dependence structure in a separate way. In order to be prepared for applying at least one of the previous measures, we consider the random vector c04-math-0770 with standard Pareto margins, provided the transformation


Denote the joint distribution function of c04-math-0772 with c04-math-0773, that is, c04-math-0774. If c04-math-0775, then the following are equivalent:

  1. c04-math-0776.
  2. For all c04-math-0777,

    for all continuity set c04-math-0779 for the spectral measure c04-math-0780.

  3. The point processes associated with the normalized random sample c04-math-0781 converges weakly to a nonhomogeneous point processes on c04-math-0782 (de Haan and Resnick, 1977).

Points 1 and 2 reveal nonparametric estimation procedures in the sense that probabilities involved can be translated and replaced by their empirical analogs. The latter also entails that empirical measures are in demand. An estimator for the spectral measure is introduced by Einmahl et al. (1997). We also refer the reader to Einmahl et al. (2001) in this respect. The problem of estimating the dependence structure is tackled in depth by de Haan and Ferreira (2006) (see their Chapter 7 and references therein). Parametric estimators evolve from point 3 by means of likelihood statistical inference. In this respect we refer to Coles and Tawn (1991, 1994). Other parametric threshold estimation methods, evolving from point 1, are presented by Ledford and Tawn (1996) and Smith et al. (1997). In these works, the sum-norm c04-math-0783 is in order. Others have used the c04-math-0784 (Einmahl et al., 1993) and c04-math-0785 (Einmahl et al., 2001) norms in nonparametric estimation. Estimation of the probability of a failure set is expounded in Chapter 8 of de Haan and Ferreira (2006). A class of corrected bias estimators for the stable tail dependence function is proposed by Fougères et al. (2014). Finite sample comparison of several estimators by means of a simulation study is laid out in Barão et al. (2007) for the bivariate case. Altogether, the class of MEV distributions, being infinite dimensional, yields modeling and statistical inference a cumbersome task in practice. When we are dealing with realizations of stochastic processes, any difficulties in this task can be aggravated, although de Haan and Ferreira (2006, p. 293) point out that the theory of infinite-dimensional extremes is quite analogous to the MEV addressed in this chapter. For a review of the existing estimation techniques for max-stable processes, see, for example, Padoan et al. (2010), Reich and Shaby (2012), Einmahl et al. (2012), and Yuen and Stoev (2014a). Within the scope of finance and actuarial applications, Yuen and Stoev (2014b) advocate the use of a specific finite-dimensional max-stable model for extreme risks, which can be effectively estimated from the data, rather than to proceed in the infinite-dimensional setting.

At the two opposite ends of the dependence spectrum of max-stable or MEV distributions are the cases of asymptotic independence and complete dependence. Here, the stable tail dependence function proves to be useful. The main advantage of the stable function c04-math-0786 arises from the possibility of setting levels in order to get a graphical depict of the dependence structure. Setting c04-math-0787 yields independent components of the limit vector c04-math-0788. On the opposite end, c04-math-0789 means that the c04-math-0790-components are the same r.v.'s. There are several accounts on that the asymptotic independence assumption fails to provide a satisfactory way to estimate joint tails using MEV distributions (see, e.g., de Haan and Ferreira, 2006; Eastoe et al., 2014). A test for independence is constructed in Genest and Rémillard (2004). A comprehensive essay on the tail dependence function intertwined with the tail copula function is the work by Gudendorf and Segers (2010). The copula function represents the dependence structure of a multivariate random vector; hence the description of extreme or tail dependence does not escape its grasp. In fact, copula theory (cf. Nelsen, 1999; Joe, 1997) and copula estimation have been extensively used in financial applications. Concerning the estimation of general copula functions, several parametric, semiparametric, and nonparametric procedures have already been proposed in the literature (see, e.g., Stute, 1984; Genest and Rivest, 1993; Genest et al., 1995). Estimation of tail-related copula has been tackled, for instance, by Huang (1992), Peng (1998), and Durrleman et al. (2000).

Further reading

A recent up-to-date review of univariate EVT and respective statistical inference can be found in Gomes and Guillou (2014). Reference books in EVT and in the field of real-world applications of EVDs and extremal domains of attraction are Embrechts et al. (2001), Beirlant et al. 2004, Coles (2001), de Haan and Ferreira (2006), David and Nagaraja (2003), Gumbel (1958), Castillo et al. (2005), and Reiss and Thomas (2007). Seminal works on MEV theory are the papers by Tiago de Oliveira (1958), Sibuya (1960), de Haan and Resnick (1977), Deheuvels (1978), and Pickands (1981). For books predicated on this subject, we refer to Resnick (1987, 2007), Coles (2001), Beirlant et al. (2004), de Haan and Ferreira (2006), and Salvadori et al. (2007). Applications of MEV theory range from environmental risk assessment (Coles and Tawn, 1991; Joe, 1994; de Haan and de Ronde, 1998; Schlather and Tawn, 2003), financial risk management (Embrechts, 2000; Longin, 1996; Longin, 2000; Longin and Solnik, 2001; Stărică, 1999; Poon et al., 2003), and Internet traffic modeling (Maulik et al., 2002; Resnick, 2002) to sports (Barão and Tawn, 1999).


This work was funded by FCT – Fundação para a Cic04-math-0791ncia e a Tecnologia, Portugal, through the project UID/MAT/00006/2013.


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