Chapter 15
Extreme Value Theory and Risk Management in Electricity Markets

Kam Fong Chan1 and Philip Gray2

1The University of Queensland Business School, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia

2Department of Banking and Finance, Monash Business School, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

15.1 Introduction

The last 40 years have seen a dramatic increase in the complexity of markets. This is true in relation to the types of assets, securities, and commodities traded, as well as the mechanisms for trading and the linkages between markets. Recent decades have also witnessed a series of notable shocks and episodes of extreme volatility in a variety of markets.1 Consequently, while risk management has always been an essential function of market participants, its importance has reached unprecedented levels and is unlikely to abate.

Perhaps surprisingly, in light of recent attention on risk management, value at risk (VaR) remains the metric most popular in practice and often favored by regulators. Put simply, VaR is an estimate of the maximum loss that will occur over a given time period (τ) for a specified significance level (α). For example, if VaR is estimated to be $X with α = 5% and τ = 1 day, there is a 95% chance that losses over a 1-day period will not exceed $X. In practice, the choice of the significance level (α) and the time horizon (τ) will vary depending on the particular VaR application on hand and the risk manager's risk attitude.2

Implementing VaR also requires a forecast of the distribution of τ-day profit/loss. While, at face value, VaR is an elementary concept, it is the forecast of this distribution that has attracted increasingly sophisticated statistical and econometric techniques. This is likely attributable, at least in part, to advances in available econometric tools. However, the increased importance of nontraditional markets, as well as the distinctive nature and behavior of assets traded therein, is also relevant.

Financial economists have long recognized that the distribution of asset returns is nonnormal, exhibiting fat tails and skewness. Further, rather than being constant, volatility varies through time, with episodes of high volatility tending to cluster. While these stylized facts are derived predominantly from studies of traditional assets, they are also acutely prominent amongst nontraditional securities. Power markets are an interesting case in point. Unlike commodities, electricity cannot be stored in space and time. Demand for electricity is highly sensitive to extreme weather conditions, yet inelastic to price. As a consequence, electricity prices display a number of distinctive characteristics, including seasonality, mean-reversion toward an equilibrium level (equal to the marginal cost), occasional negative values, time-varying volatility, and volatility clustering. Of particular relevance to estimating VaR, electricity prices feature temporal spikes of magnitudes that are uncommon in traditional financial markets.3

Individually and collectively, these distinctive features present challenges for market participants involved in trading and hedging electricity price risk. Given that VaR is essentially an estimate of tail probabilities, extreme value theory (EVT) is potentially well suited to the task of risk management in power markets. Rather than attempting to model the entire distribution of interest, EVT is primarily concerned with modeling the tails of a probability distribution. A parametric model can be chosen to accommodate a range of distributional shapes. Further, as Marimoutou et al. (2009) note, EVT allows each tail to be modeled separately, thereby accommodating asymmetry and nonstandard distributions.

This chapter illustrates the application of EVT to risk management in electricity markets. Two variations of the EVT approach to forecasting VaR are explored. The first is a vanilla application of EVT to raw electricity returns. Second, conscious that electricity returns are unlikely to be independent and identically distributed (IID), EVT is applied to the residuals of a parametric model that serves to filter the data of heteroskedasticity and intertemporal dependence. The VaR forecasting performance of these EVT-based approaches is compared with that of a number of more traditional approaches including bootstrapping from historical returns, autoregressive (AR), and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH)-style models. In particular, we utilize the nonlinear generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (NGARCH) specification suggested by Christoffersen (2009) for volatility forecasting for risk management, with explicit application to electricity power markets. Our most sophisticated parametric model combines an AR process for the mean returns with NGARCH modeling of conditional volatility. The second EVT-based approach mentioned above is then applied to the standardized residuals of this model.

For each model considered, we tabulate the VaR forecasting performance in terms of the frequency with which VaR forecasts of a given model are violated by actual electricity returns. These violation ratios (VRs) are augmented with formal statistical testing of unconditional and conditional coverage. Further, VaR forecasting performance is analyzed separately for violations in the left and right tails. Given the nonstandard distribution of electricity returns and notable differences across power markets, it is likely that the optimal approach to forecasting will depend on the tail and the market of interest.

In addition to traders operating in power markets, the findings of this study are potentially of interest to utility firms who, as providers of electricity to end consumers, face constant exposure to high electricity prices. These market participants often impose optimal trading limits to prevent extreme price fluctuations from adversely impacting firm profitability and allocate capital covering potential losses should the trading limits be breached.

The rest of this chapter is structured as follows. Section 15.2 overviews the development of EVT and the range of assets (traditional and nontraditional) to which it has been applied in the extant literature. Section 15.3 presents technical details of all models for which VaR forecasting performance will be compared. Section 15.4 contains the empirical analysis, including description of the European and US power markets, an in-sample fit of the model of interest, and, most importantly, a detailed analysis of each model's out-of-sample forecasting accuracy. Section 15.5 makes some concluding remarks.

15.2 Prior Literature

While the statistical distribution theory pertaining to EVT is well established (Gumbel, 1958; Galambos, 1978; Leadbetter et al., 1983), its application to finance is notably more contemporary. Longin (1996) demonstrates several parametric and nonparametric approaches to estimating the parameters of the extreme value distribution. In an application of EVT to extreme stock market movements, he demonstrates that minimal and maximal returns follow a heavy-tailed Fréchet distribution. A number of other early EVT applications in finance (such as foreign exchange and equities) and insurance settings include Embrechts et al. (1997), McNeil (1997), Daníelsson and de Vries (1997, 2000), and Embrechts et al. (1999).

Building on this early literature, Longin (2000) develops an approach to VaR measurement that utilizes EVT to model the relevant tail probabilities. First, maximum likelihood is utilized to estimate the parameters of the asymptotic distribution of extreme returns, where the notion of “extreme” is relative to a chosen threshold. Second, VaR metrics are constructed using probabilities from the distribution of extreme returns (as opposed to probabilities from the full distribution of returns, as is traditionally the case in VaR measurement).4 With one important modification, this approach is the basis for most EVT applications to VaR measurement. Acknowledging that asset returns are often non-IID, McNeil and Frey (2000) advocate a conditional approach whereby the volatility of returns are modeled using a GARCH process, and then EVT is applied to the standardized model residuals. While this still allows EVT to model the tails of distribution that are of interest in VaR estimation, it conditions on the current volatility background and generates GARCH-filtered residuals that are likely to be closer to IID.

A growing empirical literature provides support for the conditional EVT (i.e., GARCH-EVT) approach of McNeil and Frey (2000) in a variety of scenarios for both traditional and nontraditional assets. Examining the US and Swedish stock markets, Byström (2004) documents that the conditional-EVT approach provides more accurate VaR forecasts than non-EVT approaches, especially for the extreme tails (i.e., the superiority is more noticeable for α = 1% than for α = 5%). Neftci (2000) and Bali (2003) adopt a vanilla EVT approach to derive VaR for US Treasury yield changes, while Bali and Neftci (2003) find that the conditional-EVT specification provides more accurate VaR forecasts in short-term interest rates than those afforded by a non-EVT GARCH-only model. Gençay and Selçuk (2004) reach a similar conclusion when comparing the relative performance of various models in forecasting VaR for stock returns in emerging markets. Similarly, Kuster et al. (2006) compare alternate methods in predicting VaR for the NASDAQ composite index returns, showing that the conditional-EVT approach performs best in general.

Despite the suitability of EVT-based applications to energy risk management, existing studies are sparse. Byström (2005) provides cautious support for the conditional-EVT approach using NordPool electricity prices over the period 1996–2000. Similarly, Chan and Gray (2006) find that a conditional-EVT model generates more accurate forecasts of VaR for several electricity markets (Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, NordPool) over the period 1998–2004. Krehbiel and Adkins (2005) also show that a conditional-EVT specification is more accurate than conventional approaches for forecasting VaR in most of the energy futures markets traded on New York Mercantile Exchange, including crude oil, heating oil, and natural gas. Marimoutou et al. (2009) study risk management relating to crude oil prices over a long-time horizon spanning 1983 and 2007. While the conditional-EVT approach performs strongly, a non-EVT approach that bootstraps the residuals from a GARCH model also performs well.

15.3 Specification of VR Estimation Approaches

15.3.1 Historical Simulation (HS)

As a starting point, we estimate VaR using the simple, yet popular, historical simulation (HS) approach. Rather than making an arbitrary parametric assumption about the true (but unknown) return distribution, HS draws on the distribution of historical returns. At any point in time t, the T most recent daily return observations represent the empirical distribution. The next-day estimate of VaRt + 1 is given by the q% quantile of this empirical distribution:

15.1 equation

Consistent with Manganelli and Engle (2004), who note that it is common practice to utilize a rolling window of up to 2 years for HS approaches, we assume T = 500 days. If one requires the left-tail (downside) one-day VaRt + 1 with α = 1%, one takes the q = α = 1% quantile from the most recent 500 observed daily returns. Conversely, if the right-tail (upside) VaRt + 1 is of special interest, one takes the q = 1 − α = 99% quantile from the empirical distribution.

Naturally, the success of the HS approach to VaR estimation depends on the extent to which the prior distribution of returns is an adequate representation of future returns. Even though this assumption is reasonable, HS may still suffer from the fact that it is entirely unconditional – it makes no use of current information in the mean and volatility of the underlying process. The parametric approaches described next propose a variety of ways to incorporate conditioning information into the VaR forecast.

15.3.2 Autoregression with Constant Volatility (AR-ConVol)

Our first parametric approach to estimating VaR utilizes a first-order AR model for daily returns with constant volatility (hereafter denoted AR-ConVol):

where rt is the daily returns and |ρ| < 1 controls the gradual convergence to price equilibrium. The AR-ConVol specification is sufficiently simple to be estimated using the ordinary least-squares method. At each point in time, a rolling window encompassing the previous 5 years' daily returns are utilized to fit the model.5 The next-day VaRt + 1 is computed as

where c15-math-0005 are the parameter estimates from Eqs (15.2) and (15.3), and F−1(q) is the desired q% quantile of the standard normal distribution function.

15.3.3 Auto-regression with Time-Varying Volatility (AR-NGARCH)

In light of extensive empirical evidence refuting constant volatility in asset returns, the second parametric model relaxes the constant volatility assumption defined in Eq. (15.3). Denoted AR-NGARCH, the first-order autoregression is augmented by assuming that the return innovations follow a time-varying conditional variance process:

where Ξt − 1 is the information set at time t − 1 and ht is the conditional variance process.6

The extant literature boasts many possible specifications for the conditional variance process. In modeling oil returns, Marimoutou et al. (2009) adopt a (symmetric) GARCH process. For electricity returns, however, a specification that captures positive leverage effects is desirable. Knittel and Roberts (2005) argue that the convex nature of the marginal costs of electricity generation causes positive demand shocks to have a greater impact on volatility than negative shocks. Accordingly, Eq. (15.7) represents the nonlinear, asymmetric GARCH process introduced by Engle and Ng (1993) and advocated by Christoffersen (2009) for the purpose of forecasting volatility for risk management. The parameter θ captures asymmetric, nonlinear volatility behavior. For θ < 0, a positive shock on day t − 1 increases current volatility by more than a negative shock of the same magnitude.

Given the normality assumption in (15.6), the AR-NGARCH model is estimated by the maximum likelihood approach. The next-day VaRt + 1 is computed in a manner similar to Eq. (15.4), with the exception that the constant volatility c15-math-0010 is replaced with the time-varying estimate c15-math-0011:

15.9 equation

15.3.4 AR-NGARCH with No Distributional Assumption (Filteredhs)

While the HS approach is appealing due to its nonparametric nature, it ignores potentially useful information in the volatility dynamics (Marimoutou et al., 2009). Following Hull and White (1998), Barone-Adesi et al. (1999), and Marimoutou et al. (2009), we attempt to capture the best of both worlds by combining the distribution-free flavor of the HS approach with the conditional variance dynamics in AR-NGARCH.

The AR-NGARCH model given by Eqs. (15.5)–(15.7) is estimated as described above. However, rather than relying on the normal distribution function F−1(q) as in Eq. (15.8), VaR estimation draws on the empirical distribution of filtered residuals (hence, the approach is denoted filteredHS). The residuals from (15.5) are standardized by the conditional volatility estimates c15-math-0014 from Eq. (15.7):

The next-day VaRt+1 is then computed as

where the residuals c15-math-0016 are standardized residuals. While the AR-NGARCH parameters are estimated using a 5-year rolling window period, to maintain consistency with the HS approach, the tail quantiles are constructed by bootstrapping from the 500 most recent standardized residuals.

15.3.5 EVT Approaches

Whereas the parametric AR-ConVol and AR-NGARCH approaches model the entire return distribution, EVT focuses on the part that is of primary interest in risk management (i.e., the tail). Explicitly modeling tail behavior seems natural in VaR applications. Following recent literature, the peak over threshold method is used to identify extreme observations that exceed a high threshold u (which is defined below). EVT is then used to specifically model these “exceedences.”

Let xi denote a sequence of IID random variables from an unknown distribution function. For a chosen threshold u, the magnitude of each exceedence is yi = xiu for i = 1, … , Ny, where Ny is the total number of exceedences. The probability that x exceeds u by an amount no greater than y, given that x > u, is

Balkema and de Haan (1974) and Pickands (1975) show that Fu(y) can be approximated by the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD)

where ξ and ν are the shape and scale parameters, respectively. Interestingly, the GPD subsumes various distributions, with ξ > 0 corresponding to heavy-tailed distributions (such as Pareto, Cauchy, and Fréchet), ξ = 0 corresponding to thin-tailed distributions (such as Gumbel, normal, exponential, gamma, and lognormal), and ξ < 0 corresponding to finite distributions (such as uniform and beta distributions). By setting x = y + u and rearranging Eq. (15.12), we obtain

Noting that the function Fx(u) can be estimated by its empirical counterpart as (TNy)/T, where T refers to the total sample observations, and after substituting Eq. (14) into (15.12), we obtain

The next-day VaRt + 1 for a given α% is computed by inverting (15.15):

Critically, the EVT procedure depends on the threshold u chosen to define exceedences. The choice of u involves a tradeoff. On one hand, u must be set sufficiently high to maintain the asymptotic theory of EVT and generate unbiased estimates of the GPD parameters (particularly the shape variable ξ). On the other hand, if u is set too high, there may be too few exceedences from which to estimate ξ and ν. Guided by Hull (2010) and Christoffersen (2012), we set u such that the most positive (most negative) 5% of observations are used to estimate ξ and ν in the right (left) tail of the distribution. Given u, the parameters (ξ, ν) of the GPD equation (15.13) are estimated by maximum likelihood, and then substituted into (15.16) along with the known values of T, Ny, α, and u to calculate VAR.

Two variations of the EVT approach are explored. First, the approach described above is applied to the raw data. That is, xt is simply the daily electricity return rt. This vanilla application is simply denoted as “EVT.” The second approach recognizes that raw electricity returns are unlikely to be IID. With this in mind, McNeil and Frey (2000) advocate applying EVT (as described above) to the “filtered” residuals from a parametric model. Specifically, we fit the AR-NGARCH model Eqs (15.5)–(15.7) as described in Section 15.3.3. Model residuals are then filtered as in Eq. (15.10) and EVT is applied to these standardized residuals. This approach is denoted condEVT. The corresponding next-day VaRt + 1 is computed in a manner to Eq. (15.11), with the exception that the normally distributed quantile F−1(q) is replaced by the EVT tail estimator c15-math-0023 defined in Eq. (15.16).

To summarize, the empirical analysis will explore the relative merits of a number of alternate approaches to estimating VaR for electricity markets. The approaches range from a simple, nonparametric, HS approach through to a sophisticated approach that applies EVT to the filtered residuals of a model that accommodates mean-reverting returns and nonlinear, asymmetric, time-varying volatility (i.e., the condEVT model).

15.4 Empirical Analysis

15.4.1 Data

The empirical analysis features two prominent European power markets (European Energy Exchange EEX Phelix in Germany, and PowerNext PWX in France) and one of the major power markets operating in the United States (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland; PJM). Daily peak load prices are sourced from DataStream over the period from January 3, 2006 to December 20, 2013 (2010 days). As such, this sample period represents a significant update on the time horizons utilized in prior work (e.g., Chan and Gray, 2006; Huisman et al., 2007; Klüppelberg et al., 2010; Lindström and Regland, 2012).

For each power market, Table 15.1 reports the basic summary statistics that depict daily continuously compounded returns, that is, c15-math-0024. Figure 15.1 plots the time series of daily prices (left panels) and continuously compounded returns (right panels). Arguably, if one ignores the scale, the diagrams resemble those commonly observed for traditional assets (or, at least, traditional assets with stationary prices). Prices, while highly volatile, revert to mean. Each market exhibits a number of extreme price movements. Volatility clustering is readily apparent.

Table 15.1 Descriptive statistics

Mean 0.00 −0.03 −0.03
Std. dev. 22.19 20.02 27.13
Skewness −0.18 0.06 0.04
Excess kurtosis 7.54 13.30 3.37
Jacque–Bera statistic 4777*** 14,805*** 954***
Q(1) 247.78*** 178.85*** 145.11***
Q2(1) 388.45*** 281.19*** 34.50***
Minimum −138.31 −142.72 −133.36
Prctile 1% −77.97 −65.39 −73.33
Prctile 5% −31.51 −25.48 −43.43
Prctile 25% −8.60 −6.86 −14.16
Prctile 50% 0.08 −0.06 0.00
Prctile 75% 8.61 6.43 14.76
Prctile 95% 31.81 27.62 41.94
Prctile 99% 69.46 60.48 72.85
Maximum 136.92 145.53 174.56

This table reports summary statistics for daily returns on the EEX, PWX, and PJM power markets over the period covering January 3, 2006 to December 20, 2013 (2010 days). From daily peak load prices, continuously compounded returns are calculated. All returns are stated on a daily basis in percentage (i.e., multiplied by 100). Q(1) and Q2(1) are the respective Ljung–Box Q-statistics for first-order autocorrelation in returns and squared returns. *** indicates statistical significance at the 1% level.


Figure 15.1 Time Series Plots of Prices and Returns. Data are daily peak load prices for the EEX, PWX, and PJM power markets over the sample period covering January 3, 2006 and December 20, 2013. The left panel plots daily spot prices, while the right panel plots the corresponding daily continuously compounded returns (in %). For ease of comparison, the y-axis in the left and right panels are truncated between 0 and 200, and between −130% and +130%, respectively.

In the VaR context of this study, the fundamental differences between electricity markets and traditional markets come to the fore when the scale of the diagrams is considered. The magnitude of price movements, and therefore resulting returns, are rarely seen in stock markets. In fact, the electricity movements dwarf even oil markets, despite oil prices being highly vulnerable to economic, political, and military events.7 A case in point surrounds the unrelenting US heatwave of July 2013, when temperatures exceeded 100 ºF. PJM peak load price jumped from $98/MW h on July 17, 2013 to $162/MW h the following day. After remaining around this level for a further day, price reverted to $47/MW h.

Figure 15.1 exhibits movements of this magnitude regularly throughout the sample, with obvious consequences for the distribution of returns. While the mean daily return is near zero in each market, the standard deviation is several orders of magnitude higher. The interquartile range and skewness statistics suggest that electricity returns have a near-symmetric distribution. However, the probability mass in each tail far exceeds a normal distribution, with the Jarque–Bera statistic overwhelmingly rejecting the null of normality.8 Further, both positive and negative extreme returns are well represented in the distribution of returns. This is relevant to our study of VaR in both left and right tails. Together, Table 15.1 and Figure 15.1 demonstrate the unique characteristics of the power markets: high volatility, volatility clustering, and infrequent extreme movements that result in a fat-tailed return distribution. This casual empiricism provides strong motivation to study various alternative model specifications, particularly the EVT-based models, to forecast VaR.

15.4.2 Parameter Estimates

With the exception of the purely nonparametric HS approach, the alternate approaches to forecasting VaR require an estimate of the parameters of each model. While Section 15.4.3 describes a rolling estimation approach used to generate a series of VaR forecasts, we begin by simply fitting the main model of interest, the condEVT specification, over the entire sample between 2006 and 2013. Table 15.2 presents the parameter estimates and corresponding standard errors (in parentheses) that are computed using the quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) procedure of Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992).

Table 15.2 In-sample parameter estimates of condEVT model

Panel A
φ −0.826 −0.647 2.462
(0.022) (0.008) (0.021)
ρ −0.345 −0.304 −0.292
(0.019) (0.032) (0.008)
β0 24.063 31.839 42.991
(0.605) (1.205) (0.395)
β1 0.205 0.276 0.089
(0.021) (0.015) (0.008)
β2 0.761 0.681 0.715
(0.022) (0.012) (0.007)
θ 0.149 0.065 −1.373
(0.018) (0.004) (0.007)
ξ (right tail) 0.046 0.089 0.129
(0.105) (0.109) (0.113)
ν (right tail) 0.551 0.650 0.881
(0.08) (0.096) (0.132)
ξ (left tail) 0.278 0.639 −0.038
(0.128) (0.164) (0.096)
ν (left tail) 0.769 0.530 0.796
(0.123) (0.096) (0.11)
Panel B
q = 95% (right tail) 1.459 1.361 2.266
q = 99% (right tail) 2.421 2.384 3.724
q = 99.5% (right tail) 2.887 2.947 4.446
q = 95% (left tail) 1.591 1.496 2.232
q = 99% (left tail) 3.151 2.982 3.476
q = 99.5% (left tail) 4.069 4.271 3.988

Panel A reports QML parameter estimates and the corresponding standard errors (in parentheses) for the condEVT model for the EEX, PWX, and PJM markets. The model is estimated over the full sample period covering January 3, 2006 to December 20, 2013. Panel B reports the sample mean for the EVT right- and left-tail quantiles c15-math-0025 (in absolute values) of the standardized residuals; the sample mean is estimated based on a rolling series of 750 parameter estimates of the EVT corresponding right- and left-tail quantiles from January 4, 2011 to December 20, 2013. For comparison, the tail quantiles F−1(q) (in absolute values) of a normal distribution for q = 95%, 99%, and 99.5% are equal to 1.645, 2.326, and 2.576, respectively.

For each power market, returns are negatively autocorrelated (ρ < 0), suggesting that a large positive (negative) return on a given day is followed by a large negative (positive) return the next day. This is likely to be driven at least in part by the occurrence of large temporary spikes in electricity prices. Each market also exhibits clear GARCH effects (β1 and β2 significant). Curiously, the direction of the leverage effect in volatility shocks (θ) differs between markets. In PJM, a positive prior-day shock increases current volatility by more than a negative shock of the same magnitude (θ < 0). For EEX and PWX, the reverse is true.

The final two rows in Panel A reports the corresponding statistics of the shape (ξ) and scale (ν) parameters of the EVT framework, estimated by fitting the GPD distribution to the standardized residuals defined in Eq. (15.10). Estimates of ξ and ν are calculated separately for the left and right tails of the distribution. The left tail is of primary concern to utility- and electricity-provider firms since they have a short position in electricity. On the other hand, when electricity prices increase, electricity buyers such as retailers incur losses because they have a long position with the providers and generators. As such, electricity buyers are more interested with the extreme right tail of the distribution.

Recall that values of ξ > 0 are indicative of heavy-tailed distributions. In the right tail, ξ is positive for all three power markets, corroborating the casual empiricism provided in Figure 15.1 that the distribution of standardized residuals follows a Fréchet distribution. In the left tail, EEX and PWR markets also exhibit fat tails, while ξ is negative for PJM.

Panel B provides an indication of how far the tail behavior deviates from normality. The condEVT model is fitted using a rolling in-sample period (the procedure is described in full in Section 15.4.3). For each day in the out-of-sample period, the right- and left-tail quantiles c15-math-0026, defined in Eq. (15.16), (in absolute values) are estimated for α = 5%, 1%, 0.5%. Panel B then reports the time-series mean of the daily quantile estimates.

For comparison, note that the tail quantiles F−1(q) (in absolute values) from a normal distribution for the respective q's are 1.645, 2.326, and 2.576, respectively. The estimates provided in Panel B reveal that the tail quantiles from the condEVT model are higher than those of the normal distribution especially when we move to more extreme quantiles at q = 99% and q = 99.5%, with the empirical right-tail fatness even more apparent for the PJM power market.

15.4.3 VaR Forecasting

In order to compare the various approaches, we generate a series of VaR forecasts over an out-of-sample period. For each parametric approach, this requires an estimate of model parameters.9 With a relatively modest time series available, it is a delicate tradeoff between the length of in-sample period used for parameter estimation and the length of the out-of-sample period used to compare performance. For each parametric approach, we employ a rolling in-sample estimation window of approximately 5 years. The initial in-sample period spans January 3, 2006 through December 31, 2010 (1260 days). Parameter estimates from each model are used to forecast next-day VaRt + 1 (on January 3, 2011). Rolling forward one day, VaR on January 4, 2011 is based on parameters estimated over January 4, 2006 and January 3, 2011. This procedure is repeated to generate VaR forecasts for a total of 750 out-of-sample days spanning January 3, 2011 through December 20, 2013.

Out-of-sample VaR forecasting performance of the competing models is assessed using a VR. The VR for the right (left) tail is calculated as the percentage of positive (negative) realized returns that exceed (fall below) the VaR predicted by a particular model. If, for example, α = 1% and given that there are a total of 750 observations in the out-of-sample period, violations are expected on approximately 7–8 days. The competing models are then ranked according to how close their actual VRs are to the expected rates.

Consistent with prior studies, we also utilize statistical metrics of forecasting accuracy. First, the unconditional coverage test statistic (LRuc) assesses whether the actual VR is statistically different from the expected failure rate. The no-difference null is rejected if a model generates either too many or too few violations. Second, following Christoffersen (1998), we employ the conditional coverage test (LRcc) that jointly tests unconditional coverage and whether VaR violations are independently distributed across time. Under this test, the null hypothesis that the VaR approach is accurate is rejected if the violations are too many, too few, or too clustered in time. A third test, which also follows from Christoffersen (1998), examines the independence property of VaR violations through time (LRind).10 For each of the six competing models, Tables 15.3 and 15.4 report the respective out-of-sample performance relating to the right and left tails of the distribution. For each market, a range of significance levels is examined, that is, α = {5%, 1%, 0.5%}.

Table 15.3 Out-of-sample VaR forecasting accuracy (right tail)

VR Rank LRuc LRind LRcc VR Rank LRuc LRind LRcc VR Rank LRuc LRind LRcc
α = 5%
HS 8.67 (4) 16.50 0.42 16.92 5.73 (3) 0.83 12.51 13.34 4.93 (1) 0.01 0.49 0.49
AR-ConVol 4.53 (1) 0.34 5.62 5.97 3.47 (4) 4.11 25.25 29.35 5.07 (1) 0.01 0.00 0.01
AR-NGARCH 4.00 (2) 2.17 0.03 2.19 2.27 (6) 14.63 3.68 18.31 9.20 (4) 22.65 0.02 22.68
filteredHS 2.80 (3) 8.98 9.73 18.71 7.33 (5) 6.81 19.69 26.50 11.07 (5) 42.28 1.10 43.37
EVT 6.00 (2) 1.51 0.04 1.55 4.93 (1) 0.01 4.32 4.33 5.33 (2) 0.18 0.01 0.19
condEVT 5.47 (1) 0.18 0.89 1.07 4.53 (2) 0.58 1.31 1.89 6.40 (3) 2.88 2.10 4.98
α = 1%
HS 1.87 (3) 4.55 0.53 5.08 1.87 (3) 4.55 0.53 5.08 1.33 (2) 0.77 0.27 1.04
AR-ConVol 2.53 (4) 12.53 11.34 23.87 1.87 (3) 4.55 10.34 14.89 2.00 (3) 5.89 1.07 6.97
AR-NGARCH 0.53 (2) 1.98 0.04 2.02 0.67 (2) 0.95 0.07 1.01 4.93 (5) 60.37 0.02 60.39
filteredHS 1.07 (1) 0.03 0.17 0.21 3.73 (4) 33.40 28.15 61.55 4.67 (4) 53.94 0.31 54.25
EVT 1.47 (2) 1.45 0.33 1.78 1.20 (1) 0.29 0.22 0.51 1.33 (2) 0.77 0.27 1.04
condEVT 0.53 (2) 1.98 0.04 2.02 0.67 (2) 0.95 0.07 1.01 1.20 (1) 0.29 0.22 0.51
α = 0.5%
HS 1.20 (4) 5.31 0.22 5.53 0.80 (3) 1.15 0.10 1.25 0.93 (3) 2.26 0.13 2.39
AR-ConVol 1.60 (5) 11.53 6.34 17.87 1.47 (4) 9.27 7.05 16.32 1.60 (4) 11.53 1.80 13.33
AR-NGARCH 0.27 (1) 0.98 0.01 1.00 0.67 (1) 0.38 0.07 0.45 4.13 (6) 77.54 0.38 77.92
filteredHS 0.93 (3) 2.26 0.13 2.39 3.07 (5) 45.49 17.87 63.35 3.07 (5) 45.49 0.12 45.60
EVT 0.93 (3) 2.26 0.13 2.39 0.67 (1) 0.38 0.07 0.45 0.80 (2) 1.15 0.10 1.25
condEVT 0.13 (2) 2.86 0.00 2.86 0.27 (2) 0.98 0.01 1.00 0.67 (1) 0.38 0.07 0.45

The table reports the out-of-sample violation ratios (VR), the model rankings (in parentheses), as well as the likelihood ratio test statistics for unconditional coverage (LRuc), independence (LRind), and conditional coverage (LRcc) of the right tail of the distribution for all six competing models. Bold test statistics indicate statistical significance at the 5% level or below. The out-of-sample period covers January 3, 2011 to December 20, 2013 (750 days).

Table 15.4 Out-of-sample VaR forecasting accuracy (left tail)

VR Rank LRuc LRind LRcc VR Rank LRuc LRind LRcc VR Rank LRuc LRind LRcc
α = 5%
HS 7.33 (3) 7.61 0.34 7.95 6.00 (3) 1.51 0.04 1.55 3.87 (4) 2.17 0.61 2.78
AR-ConVol 4.80 (1) 0.06 0.04 0.10 2.93 (5) 7.83 9.01 16.83 3.73 (5) 2.74 2.71 5.45
AR-NGARCH 7.73 (4) 10.24 0.07 10.31 4.40 (2) 0.58 0.17 0.75 10.00 (6) 31.09 10.28 41.36
filteredHS 10.13 (6) 32.60 2.59 35.19 8.13 (6) 13.21 2.62 15.83 5.60 (3) 0.56 4.99 5.55
EVT 6.40 (2) 2.88 0.00 2.89 4.67 (1) 0.17 1.03 1.20 4.67 (2) 0.17 0.08 0.26
condEVT 8.93 (5) 20.09 0.89 20.98 6.67 (4) 4.02 2.50 6.53 5.07 (1) 0.01 4.06 4.07
α = 1%
HS 1.60 (3) 2.32 1.80 4.12 1.20 (2) 0.29 2.85 3.14 1.07 (1) 0.03 3.31 3.35
AR-ConVol 2.80 (5) 16.53 1.21 17.74 1.73 (4) 3.36 5.70 9.06 1.33 (3) 0.77 2.45 3.22
AR-NGARCH 3.07 (6) 20.92 1.46 22.37 2.00 (5) 5.89 0.61 6.50 4.93 (4) 60.37 3.85 64.22
filteredHS 1.47 (2) 1.45 0.33 1.78 1.07 (1) 0.03 0.17 0.21 1.20 (2) 0.29 0.22 0.51
EVT 1.73 (4) 3.36 0.46 3.82 1.33 (3) 0.77 0.27 1.04 1.20 (2) 0.29 2.85 3.14
condEVT 1.20 (1) 0.29 0.22 0.51 1.07 (1) 0.03 0.17 0.21 1.20 (2) 0.29 0.22 0.51
α = 0.5%
HS 0.80 (2) 1.15 0.10 1.25 0.53 (1) 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.67 (2) 0.38 0.07 0.45
AR-ConVol 2.53 (5) 31.52 0.99 32.51 1.60 (4) 11.53 6.34 17.87 1.20 (5) 5.31 2.85 8.16
AR-NGARCH 1.87 (4) 16.55 0.53 17.09 1.73 (5) 13.96 0.46 14.42 3.33 (6) 53.02 1.73 54.75
filteredHS 0.67 (1) 0.38 0.07 0.45 0.40 (2) 0.16 0.02 0.18 0.40 (1) 0.16 0.02 0.18
EVT 0.80 (2) 1.15 0.10 1.25 0.80 (3) 1.15 0.10 1.25 0.93 (4) 2.26 0.13 2.39
condEVT 1.07 (3) 3.66 0.17 3.83 0.80 (3) 1.15 0.10 1.25 0.80 (3) 1.15 0.10 1.25

The table reports the out-of-sample violation ratios (VR), the model rankings (in parentheses), as well as the likelihood ratio test statistics for unconditional coverage (LRuc), independence (LRind), and conditional coverage (LRcc) of the left tail of the distribution for all six competing models. Bold test statistics indicate statistical significance at the 5% level or below. The out-of-sample period covers January 3, 2011 to December 20, 2013 (750 days).

Table 15.3 provides strong support for the use of EVT-based approaches to VaR forecasting. The vanilla EVT and condEVT approaches rank in the top two in every case (rankings shown in brackets), with the exception of PJM and EEX for α = 5% and α = 0.5%, respectively. For example, for EEX with α = 5%, VaR forecasts under the conditional EVT approach are violated on 5.47% of the out-of-sample days. Similarly, the vanilla EVT approach has an actual VR of 6.00%. In contrast, forecasts under the HS approach are violated in 8.67% of cases. Comparing the two EVT-based approaches, no clear winner is evident across Table 15.3. Arguably, applying EVT to the distribution of raw returns is of comparable reliability to the more sophisticated condEVT approach that applies EVT to the filtered model residuals.

The success of EVT-based approaches is also evident in the statistical tests. Twenty-seven statistical tests are presented for each approach in Table 15.3 (rejections at the 5% level of significance are indicated in bold). The condEVT approach records no rejections, while the vanilla EVT approach records a single rejection (the independence test in PWX for α = 5%).

With respect to the non-EVT parametric approaches, it is not readily apparent that more sophisticated approaches to modeling volatility are justified. The relative rankings of AR-ConVol, AR-NGARCH, and filteredHS vary widely across Table 15.3. Curiously, the performance of the semiparametric filteredHS, which bootstraps from the filtered model residuals, is underwhelming. This is in sharp contrast to applications in oil markets, where Marimoutou et al. (2009) document that its performance rivals the condEVT approach.

Taken as a whole, the out-of-sample testing of competing approaches to VaR forecasting in the right tail provides strong support for the use of EVT-based approaches. Even a vanilla EVT application to raw (unfiltered) returns generates forecasts of risk exposures that are superior to traditional approaches to risk management.

Table 15.4 presents a similar analysis of left-tail performance, a result which is of particular interest to plant generators and electricity providers since they naturally have a short position in electricity. Examining the rankings of competing approaches, it is readily apparent that no single method dominates across all power markets and significance levels (α). This is in sharp contrast to the right-tail analysis of Table 15.3, where the EVT-based approaches ranked highly in most cases. With the exception of the AR-NGARCH approach, each method ranks first in at least one scenario. While the filteredHS approach performs poorly for α = 5%, it ranks consistently in the top two for higher levels of significance, that is, α = {1%, 0.5%}. In terms of statistical inferences, the two EVT-based approaches generate no significant violations for α = {0.5%, 1%}. However, the same is also true for the HS and filteredHS approaches.

To conclude, it is useful to compare and contrast the findings from Tables 15.3 and 15.4 across the three power markets. With respect to the right tail (Table 15.3), casual empiricism suggests that the PJM market is fundamentally different from EEX and PWX. To illustrate, for α = 5% in EEX, some forecasting approaches underestimate the risk exposure (e.g., HS, 8.67%; EVT, 6.00%), while others overestimate risk (AR-NGARCH, 4.00%; filteredHS, 2.80%). Similar findings occur for the PWX market. In contrast, risk exposures in the PJM market are underestimated in nearly all cases (VR > α). This is true for all levels of α. The possible idiosyncrasies of PJM were highlighted in relation to Table 15.2, where the leverage effect (θ) for PJM differed notably from the other markets. Similarly, the fatness of the tail (ξ) of filtered model residuals was most pronounced for PJM.

In terms of statistical performance, several other idiosyncrasies are observed. The right tail analysis (Table 15.3) suggests that the PWX market behaves differently with respect to the assumption that VaR violations are distributed independently through time. Whereas the other markets display very few rejections of independence, LRind is significant for many combinations of forecasting model and α in the PWX market. Curiously, the lack of independence for PWX is confined to the right tail; there are very few significant LRind statistics in Table 15.4. Table 15.4 also flags EEX as a difficult market in which to forecast left tail violations. Although not attributable to lack of independence, EEX exhibits many rejections of unconditional coverage (LRuc). Perhaps not surprisingly, EEX stands out in Table 15.2 as being the only market for which the distribution of returns is negatively skewed.

15.5 Conclusion

The importance of risk management is paramount for participants in a wide range of markets. The recent development of markets in nontraditional securities, coupled with prominent episodes of extreme volatility, only serves to heighten interest in risk management tools. Power markets are a prime example where recent deregulation in many countries has resulted in the rapid emergence of markets for electricity. While these markets share some features in common with traditional markets (e.g., volatility clustering and nonnormal return distributions), they are also are characterized by extreme jumps and levels of volatility rarely observed in traditional financial securities. Naturally, these distinctive features present unique challenges for market participants involved in trading and hedging electricity price risk.

Given that EVT explicitly models the tails of a distribution, as opposed to attempting to model the entire distribution, it is ex ante well suited to risk management practices such as VaR. This chapter explored the usefulness of EVT for risk management in electricity markets. The VaR forecasting accuracy of two EVT-based approaches was compared with those of a range of more traditional approaches (e.g., bootstrapping and AR-GARCH-style parametric models). The out-of-sample forecasting accuracy of each model was documented in terms of the frequency with which VaR forecasts are violated by actual daily returns, compared to expected violations rates for a given level of significance.

On the whole, out-of-sample testing provides cautious support for the potential usefulness of EVT in electricity risk management. This is particularly the case in the right-tail analysis, which is relevant to market participants (e.g., electricity retailers) engaged in buying electricity. Of the six competing VaR forecasting approaches examined, the two EVT-based approaches consistently rank highly. This is the case across the three markets examined and for all levels of significance considered. Curiously, a vanilla application of EVT to the distribution of raw returns appears to perform on par with a more sophisticated approach that applies EVT to the residuals of a parametric model. The empirical analysis is less emphatic when examining the left tail, where selecting an optimal approach to forecasting VaR proves to be a difficult task. The out-of-sample analysis fails to identify a method that performs consistently well. Rather, the optimal forecasting approach differs markedly, depending on the specific market under consideration and the level of significance chosen. This finding suggests that utility firms, power generators, and other traders who have long/short positions may need to carefully consider the idiosyncrasies of each power market to determine the approach best suited to risk management.

While EVT applications to risk management are still in their infancy, prior work has provided encouraging results that it is a potentially useful tool in both traditional financial markets and nontraditional markets (such as oil and electricity). This study lends further support to its application in power markets. In many circumstances, the practice of augmenting VaR with EVT generates forecasts that clearly outperform traditional forecasting approaches. However, the superiority of EVT-based approaches is not across the board, with the left tail of the distribution proving particularly challenging to model. Not only do electricity returns exhibit distinctive characteristics, but different power markets also appear to have idiosyncratic features. Risk management practice in these markets will benefit from future work that seeks to document and understand return behavior in each market, thereby further facilitating refinement of the approach chosen to forecast VaR.


We gratefully acknowledge Professor Longin (the Editor of this handbook) for his helpful suggestions.


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where k = 1 − β1(1 + θ2) − β2 refers to the speed of mean reversion in the conditional variance process. Following Christoffersen (2009), we restrict k > 0 during the optimization procedure to ensure variance stationarity of the model.

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