Chapter 18
Portfolio Insurance: The Extreme Value Approach Applied to the CPPI Method

Philippe Bertrand1,2 and Jean-Luc Prigent3

1CERGAM, Aix-Marseille University, Aix, France

2KEDGE Business School, Marseille, France

3THEMA and Labex MME-DII, University of Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France

18.1 Introduction

Portfolio insurance is designed to give the investor the ability to limit downside risk while allowing some participation in upside markets. This return pattern has seemed attractive to many investors who have poured up to billions of dollars into various portfolio insurance products, based either on basic financial assets such as equity or bond indices or on more complex assets such as credit products and hedge funds. There exist several methods of portfolio insurance: stop-loss strategy, the option-based portfolio insurance (OBPI) introduced by Leland and Rubinstein (1976), the constant proportion portfolio insurance (CPPI), and so on (see Bertrand and Prigent, 2005 for a comparison of these methods).

Here, we are interested in a widely used one: the CPPI introduced by Black and Jones (1987) for equity instruments and by Perold (1986) and Perold and Sharpe (1988) for fixed-income instruments (see also Black and Perold, 1992). The standard CPPI method uses a simplified strategy to allocate assets dynamically over time. It requires that two assets are exchanged on the financial market: the riskless asset with a constant interest rate (usually treasury bills or other liquid money market instruments), and the risky one (usually a market index or a basket of market indices). The key assumption is that, at any time of the management period, the amount invested on the risky asset (usually called the exposure) is proportional to the difference (usually called the cushion) between the current portfolio value and the floor, which corresponds to the guaranteed amount. In particular, such a method implies (theoretically) that the exposure is nil as soon as the cushion is nil. Advantages of this strategy over other approaches to portfolio insurance are its simplicity and its flexibility. The initial cushion and the floor can be chosen according to the own investor's objective, while the multiple can be derived from the maximization of the expected utility of the investor (see Prigent, 2001a). However, in that case, the optimal multiple may be a function of the risky asset, as shown in El Karoui et al. (2005). Usually, banks do not directly bear market risks on the asset portfolios they manage for their customers. This is not necessarily true when we consider management of insured portfolios. In that case, banks can use, for example, stress testing since they may suffer the consequences of sudden large market decreases, depending on their management method.1 For instance, in the case of the CPPI method, banks must at least provision the difference on their own capital if the value of the portfolio drops below the floor. Therefore, one crucial question for the bank that promotes such funds is: what exposure to the risky asset or, equivalently, what level of the multiple to accept? On one hand, as portfolio expectation return is increasing with respect to the multiple, customers want the multiple as high as possible. On the other hand, due to market imperfections,2 portfolio managers must impose an upper bound on the multiple m. First, if the portfolio manager anticipates that the maximum daily historical drop (e.g., −20%) will happen during the period, he chooses m smaller than 5, which leads to a low return expectation. Alternatively, he may think that the maximum daily drop during the period he manages the portfolio will never be higher than a given value (e.g., −10%). A straightforward implication is to choose m according to this new extreme value (e.g., c18-math-0001). Another possibility is that, more accurately, he takes account of the occurrence probabilities of extreme events in the risky asset returns. Finally, he can adopt a quantile hedging strategy: choose the multiple as high as possible but so that the portfolio value will always be above the floor at a given probability level (typically 99%). However, he must take care of heavy tails in the return distribution, as emphasized in Longin (2000) and also in Hyung and De Vries (2007). The answer to the previous questions has important practical implications in the management process implementation. It is addressed in this chapter, using extreme value theory (EVT).

This chapter is organized as follows. Section 18.2 presents the model and its basic properties. In Section 18.3, we examine the gap risk of the CPPI method and provide upper bounds on the multiple, in particular when using a quantile hedging approach. EVT allows us to get approximation of these bounds. We provide an empirical illustration using S&P 500 data.

18.2 The CPPI Method

18.2.1 Illustrative Example

To illustrate the method (see Figure 18.1), consider, for example, an investor with initial amount to invest c18-math-0002 (=100). Assume the investor wants to recover a prespecified percentage c18-math-0003 (= 95%) of her initial investment at a given date in the future, T (=1 year). Note that the insured terminal value c18-math-0004 (=95) cannot be higher than the initial value capitalized at the risk-free rate (= 3%), c18-math-0005 (= 103.04). Her portfolio manager starts by setting an initial floor c18-math-0006 (= 92.2). To get a portfolio value c18-math-0007 at maturity t higher than the insured amount c18-math-0008, he keeps the portfolio value c18-math-0009 above the floor c18-math-0010 at any time t during the management period c18-math-0011. For this purpose, the amount c18-math-0012 invested in the risky asset is a fixed proportion m of the excess c18-math-0013 of the portfolio value over the floor. The constant m is usually called the multiple, c18-math-0014 the exposure, and c18-math-0015 the cushion. Since c18-math-0016, this insurance method consists in keeping c18-math-0017 positive at any time t in the period. The remaining funds are invested in the riskless asset c18-math-0018.


Figure 18.1 The CPPI method.

Both the floor and the multiple are functions of the investor's risk tolerance. The higher the multiple, the more the investor will participate in a sustained increase in stock prices. Nevertheless, the higher the multiple, the faster the portfolio will approach the floor when there is a sustained decrease in stock prices. As the cushion approaches zero, exposure approaches zero, too. Normally, this keeps the portfolio value from falling below the floor. Nevertheless, during financial crises, a very sharp drop in the market may occur before the manager has a chance to trade. This implies that m must not be too high (e.g., if a fall of 10% occurs, m must not be higher than 10 in order to keep the cushion positive).

18.2.2 The CPPI Method (Continuous-Time Case)

The continuous-time framework is generally introduced to study the CPPI method as in Perold (1986). Recall that it is based on a dynamic portfolio strategy so that the portfolio value is above a floor F at any time t. The value of the floor gives the dynamical insured amount. It is assumed to evolve as a riskless asset, according to


Obviously, the initial floor c18-math-0020 is smaller than the initial portfolio value c18-math-0021. The difference c18-math-0022 is called the cushion, denoted by c18-math-0023. Its value c18-math-0024 at any time t in c18-math-0025 is given by


Denote by c18-math-0027 the exposure, which is the total amount invested in the risky asset. The standard CPPI method consists of letting


where m is a constant called the multiple.

Note that the interesting case for portfolio insurance corresponds to c18-math-0029. When the risky asset dynamics follows a geometric Brownian motion, it implies that the portfolio value at maturity is a convex function of the risky asset value. Such feature can provide significant percentage of the market rise.

Assume that the risky asset price process c18-math-0030 is a diffusion process with jumps:


where c18-math-0032 is a standard Brownian motion, independent of the Poisson process c18-math-0033 that models jumps. All coefficient functions satisfy usual assumptions to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of the previous stochastic differential equation. It means, in particular, that the sequence of random times c18-math-0034 corresponding to jumps satisfies the following properties: the inter-arrival times c18-math-0035 are independent and have the same exponential distribution with parameter denoted by c18-math-0036.

The relative jumps of the risky asset c18-math-0037 are equal to c18-math-0038. They are supposed to be strictly higher than −1 (in order for the price S to be nonnegative). We deduce the portfolio value and its basic properties (see Prigent, 2007).

Let us examine the Lévy process case. For this, we assume that c18-math-0061 is not equal to c18-math-0062 but c18-math-0063 and c18-math-0064 are constant. Suppose also that the jumps are i.i.d. with probability distribution c18-math-0065, with finite mean c18-math-0066 denoted by c18-math-0067 and c18-math-0068 equal to c. The logarithmic return of the risky asset S is a Lévy process. Then, we deduce the following:

18.2.3 The CPPI Method (Discrete-Time Case)

Previous modeling is based on the continuous-time strategy. However, continuous-time processes are usually estimated from discrete-time observations. In that case, we have to decide whether a given return observation is due to a jump or to a relatively high fluctuation of the diffusion component (see the literature about statistical estimation of stochastic processes, and in particular, estimation of diffusion processes with jumps based on bi-power variations and its extensions). One solution is to consider that there exists a jump as soon as the observed arithmetic return lies in a given subset. However, in such a case, we have to take account of the inter-arrival time distribution.

Additionally, from the practical point of view, the discrete-time framework is more convenient since the actual CPPI strategy is based on discrete-time portfolio rebalancing. Additionally, transaction costs and/or illiquidity problems on some specific financial assets can induce discrete-time strategies. The standard discrete-time case

Changes in asset prices are supposed to occur at discrete times along a whole time period c18-math-0070 (e.g., 10 years). Particular subperiods indexed by c18-math-0071, c18-math-0072 with c18-math-0073, can be introduced. They may correspond to several standard portfolio management periods (e.g., 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, etc.). Finally, for each subperiod c18-math-0074, consider the sequence of deterministic prices variations times c18-math-0075 in c18-math-0076, which for simplicity, for each c18-math-0077, we denote by c18-math-0078 (e.g., daily variations).

In this framework, the CPPI portfolio value can be determined as follows. Denote by c18-math-0079 the opposite of the arithmetical return of the risky asset between times c18-math-0080 and c18-math-0081. We have


Consider the maximum of these values. For any c18-math-0083, define


Denote by c18-math-0085 the portfolio value at time c18-math-0086. The guarantee constraint is to keep the portfolio value c18-math-0087 above the floor c18-math-0088. The exposure c18-math-0089 invested in the risky asset c18-math-0090 is equal to c18-math-0091, where the cushion value c18-math-0092 is equal to c18-math-0093. The remaining amount c18-math-0094 is invested on the riskless asset with return c18-math-0095 for the time period c18-math-0096. Therefore, the dynamic evolution of the portfolio value is given by (similar to the continuous-time case)


where the cushion value is defined by


Thus, we deduce both the cushion and the portfolio values.

For example, if the maximum drop is equal to −20% (the “Black Monday” on October 1987), then d = −0.2. Thus m must be less than 5. The “truncated” discrete-time case

Because of the discrete-time estimation of stochastic processes or of the possible anticipation of the portfolio manager concerning the relative jumps during a given period (e.g., c18-math-0108 is considered as an actual jump if its value is higher than 3% or c18-math-0109 will never be higher than 20%, corresponding to the market crash in October 1987), we introduce also the truncated jumps c18-math-0110 defined by


where c18-math-0112 is equal to 1 if c18-math-0113, and 0 otherwise.

In fact, when determining an upper bound on the multiple m, we have only to consider positive values of c18-math-0114 (see Section 18.3). Therefore, it is sufficient to take c18-math-0115 and c18-math-0116 equal to the maximum relative drop anticipated for the management period. Since the portfolio manager may take account of the occurrence probabilities of some given values of the relative jumps (corresponding, e.g., to maximum drops), we must introduce their arrival times which are random variables. Denote by c18-math-0117 the sequence of times at which c18-math-0118 takes values in the interval c18-math-0119. The sequence c18-math-0120 is called a marked point process.3

18.3 CPPI and Quantile Hedging

18.3.1 Upper Bounds on the Multiple

As seen in Proposition 18.4, there exists an upper bound on the multiple, which allows the perfect guarantee. However, this latter one is usually rather stringent and does not allow making significant benefit from market rises.

This strong condition can be modified if a quantile hedging approach is adopted, like the value at risk (see Föllmer and Leukert, 1999 for application of this notion in financial modeling). This gives the following relation for a time period c18-math-0121:

equation The standard discrete-time case

In our framework, the portfolio manager must keep the cushion positive for each trading day. Thus, we measure stock market price fluctuations by the daily rates of returns. More precisely, we use the opposite of the arithmetical rate c18-math-0123, which determines the conditions to impose on the multiple m, within the context of the CPPI method. If these variables are statistically independent and drawn from the same distribution, then the exact distribution of the maximum is equal to the power of the common distribution of c18-math-0124.

Assume that the random variables c18-math-0125 are not truncated and the arrival times are the times c18-math-0126 themselves. Let us consider c18-math-0127 the maximum of the c18-math-0128 for all times c18-math-0129 in c18-math-0130. Then, the previous quantile condition is equivalent to


Note that, since m is nonnegative, the condition c18-math-0132 is equivalent to c18-math-0133.

If the N random variables c18-math-0134 are i.i.d. with cumulative distribution function (CDF) F, then we get the following result:

But, in most cases the CDF F is not exactly known, and some consecutive returns can be dependent. However, if block-maxima can be assumed to be independent by using a suitable length of the blocks, then the insurance condition on the multiple m can be analyzed by applying EVT.

Indeed, the fundamental result of EVT proves that there exists a normalization procedure of the maxima to get nondegenerate distributions at the limit (like the well-known central limit theorem for the sums of random variables).4 This is the well-known Fisher–Tippett theorem (1928). Indeed, we know that there exist scale and location parameters c18-math-0136 and c18-math-0137 such that c18-math-0138 converges in distribution to a generalized extreme distributions (GEV) defined by


where the parameter c18-math-0140 is called the tail index:


Consequently, from the condition c18-math-0142, and by applying EVT to c18-math-0143, we get c18-math-0144. This leads to the result. Indeed, we get the following approximation of the upper limit on multiple m.

The statistical problem is to find the correct distribution of extremes of returns from the data and, in particular, to estimate the normalizing constants c18-math-0146, and the tail index c18-math-0147. For this purpose, when using a maximum likelihood method, we need the GEV distribution of a general, non-centered, non-reduced random variable, defined by


When examining the sequence c18-math-0149, it is obvious that its distribution has a right end limit equal to 1. Therefore, the normalized maxima c18-math-0150 converge either to the Gumbel distribution c18-math-0151 or to a Weibull distribution c18-math-0152. For the sequence of the opposite of log-returns c18-math-0153, we get a Gumbel distribution or a Fréchet distribution.

For the determination of the limit, we can use the characterizations of Resnik (1987) for the maximum domains of attraction based on generalizations of the von Mises functions (see Embrechts et al., 1997). The “truncated” discrete-time case

Consider now the truncated values c18-math-0154; denote the truncated jumps (c18-math-0155), and c18-math-0156 the corresponding sequence of arrival times. As has been previously mentioned, the times c18-math-0157 are random variables and the range of their distributions can be the set of times c18-math-0158 or the whole management period c18-math-0159 if we consider jump-diffusion processes.

Define c18-math-0160 as the maximum of the c18-math-0161 in c18-math-0162. The quantile hedging condition leads to


Denote by c18-math-0164 the random number of random variables c18-math-0165 during the period c18-math-0166.

Then, by conditioning with respect to the random number c18-math-0167, the quantile hedging condition becomes


which is equivalent to


Introduce the function c18-math-0170


Since c18-math-0172 is increasing, c18-math-0173 has also the same property. Consider its inverse c18-math-0174.

Then we get the following result:

As can be seen, this condition involves the joint conditional distributions of the marked point process c18-math-0177. In the independent marking case, where c18-math-0178 and c18-math-0179 are independent, the CDF c18-math-0180 can be simplified as


Suppose, for example, that the number of times c18-math-0182 is sufficiently high so that we can consider that the set of c18-math-0183 seems like an interval (continuous time at the limit). Assume also that the sequence of inter-arrival times c18-math-0184 is an i.i.d. sequence and is exponentially distributed with a parameter c18-math-0185. This case corresponds to the special case of an independent marked Poisson process. c18-math-0186 corresponds also to the parameter of the Poisson counting distribution. This implies that the expectation of the number of variations with values in c18-math-0187 during the period c18-math-0188 is equal to c18-math-0189. We get


Furthermore, if c18-math-0191 are also i.i.d., then we get (see Prigent, 2001b)


This latter formula allows the explicit calculation of the upper bound.

This condition gives an upper limit on the multiple m, which is obviously greater than the standard limit c18-math-0194 (which is given in Proposition 18.4 with b = d if the distribution is not truncated). It takes account of both the distribution of the variations and of the inter-arrival times. Note that, if the intensity c18-math-0195 increases, then this upper limit decreases. So, as intuition suggests, if the frequency c18-math-0196 increases, then the multiple has to be reduced and, if c18-math-0197 goes to infinity, then the previous upper limit converges to the standard limit c18-math-0198.

Again, if the distribution of the opposite of arithmetic returns is not known, we can apply EVT to get approximation of the upper bound, provided that the management period c18-math-0200 over which the risk is evaluated is sufficiently high and that the probabilities c18-math-0201 are small, for small values of k. Under the previous conditions, we get


From the practical point of view, condition “c18-math-0203 small, for small values of k” implies that the set c18-math-0204 is not too small. Thus, we have to carefully calibrate this set in order to get rational upper bounds.

18.3.2 Empirical Estimations

In what follows, we illustrate numerically the upper bound given in Proposition 18.10 when dealing with upper bound for block-maxima series. Estimations of the variations Xk

We examine the variations of the opposite of the arithmetic returns, c18-math-0205, of the S&P 500 during both the period December 1983–December 2013 and the subperiod December 2003–December 2013. First we consider the whole support of c18-math-0206. We refer to Longin (1996b) for details about estimation procedures when dealing with EVT. We begin with some usual descriptive statistics about daily variations c18-math-0207 (Table 18.1).

Table 18.1 Descriptive statistics of daily variations

S&P 500 (10 years) S&P 500 (30 years)
Mean −0.029057% −0.038591%
Median −0.078802% −0.056489%
Maximum 0.0903 0.2047
Minimum −0.1158 −0.1459
Standard deviation 0.0129 0.0116
Skewness 0.0762 0.5550
Kurtosis 14.3041 27.0027
Jarque-Bera 13409 18040

As expected, c18-math-0208 is far from normally distributed and has fat tails. We find evidence for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation in the series. More precisely, the original series should be replaced by the innovation of an AR(5).5 Nevertheless, the estimates on the raw data do not differ qualitatively from the ones on innovations.6 As we need estimates on the raw data for the upper bound on the multiple, we conduct econometrics work on the original series.

We examine the behavior of maxima for various time periods. We first plot the maxima of c18-math-0209 over 20 and 60 days for the two time periods (Figures 18.2 and 18.3).

c18f002a c18f002b

Figure 18.2 Maxima (20 days).

c18f003b c18f003a

Figure 18.3 Maxima (60 days).

Notice, first, that on our sample the maximum values of c18-math-0210 are always positive. Knowing that we have to discriminate between the Weibull and the Gumbel distribution, the analysis confirms that the extremes of c18-math-0211 seems to follow a Weibull distribution.

Equivalently, we can introduce the opposite of the log-returns:


In that case, we get a Fréchet distribution.

We consider the maximum likelihood estimation of GEV distribution of the non-normalized series (see Martins and Stedinger, 2000). The density is given by


The likelihood function to maximize is defined as follows:


The estimation results for a Fréchet distribution and for various lengths of the subperiod c18-math-0215 are reported in Table 18.2.

Table 18.2 Estimation results for a Fréchet distribution

Length of the selection period Tail parameter ξ Scale parameter ψθ Location parameter μθ
Estimation over 10 years
θ = 5 0.3210 0.0062 0.0074
θ = 20 0.4162 0.0071 0.0134
θ = 60 0.3704 0.0086 0.0186
θ = 120 0.4741 0.0081 0.0227
θ = 240 0.5589 0.0108 0.0258
Estimation over 30 years
θ = 5 0.2296 0.0059 0.0071
θ = 20 0.2936 0.0068 0.0130
θ = 60 0.3816 0.0079 0.0186
θ = 120 0.4614 0.0098 0.0221
θ = 240 0.4978 0.0142 0.0287 Estimations of the upper bound

We are now able to give an estimation of the upper bound on the multiple. From Proposition 18.10, the upper bound is given by c18-math-0216, where c18-math-0217 denotes the number of transaction dates during the management period. For the log-returns, we get an analogous expression of the upper bound:


where c18-math-0219 denotes the inverse of the extreme distribution of maxima of c18-math-0220.

We illustrate numerically this upper bound in Table 18.3.

Table 18.3 Numerical upper bounds on the multiple

Length of the selection period ϵ = 5% ϵ = 1% ϵ = 0.1%
Estimation over 10 years
θ = 5 23.8 12.4 5.6
θ = 20 18.6 9.4 3.9
θ = 60 12.2 5.7 2.4
θ = 120 7 3.1 1.4
θ = 240 5.3 2.3 1.1
Estimation over 30 years
θ = 5 28.2 16.1 8.4
θ = 20 22.6 13.1 6.5
θ = 60 15.1 8 3.8
θ = 120 7.1 3.3 1.5
θ = 240 5.3 2.4 1.2

As expected, the upper bound on the multiple decreases when the probability level c18-math-0221 decreases, which corresponds to a more stringent gap risk control. It also decreases when the length of the selection period c18-math-0222 increases because at the same time the risk of significant drops increases. If bank “risk tolerance” to the probability level is very small, say c18-math-0223, while the length of the rebalancing period is short, or if the length of the rebalancing period is high with c18-math-0224, the upper bound on the multiple is in line with standard values of the multiple used by practitioners (between 4 and 8). As soon as bank risk tolerance is higher, c18-math-0225, the corresponding multiple is above its usual values except for long periods. Note also that the upper bounds on the multiple are smaller when dealing with data on the past 10 years due to the more important impact of the financial crisis than for the longer time period corresponding to 30 years. However, for long management period (e.g., 1 year corresponding to c18-math-0226 trading days) and for c18-math-0227 (resp. c18-math-0228), the upper bound is small (resp. very small) compared to m = 5, which corresponds to the historical maximum daily drop of about 20%. In fact, when using the Fréchet distribution with parameter values in Table 18.3 for c18-math-0229, we can check that the probability that the maximum daily drop is higher than 20% is about 25%, which is much higher. This is due to the weak convergence speed to the extreme distribution. On the contrary, using parameter values for the maximum on a week, this probability is much more in accordance with empirical frequency. Of course, it is possible to consider the dependence in the time series, such as the GARCH or stochastic volatility models. In that case, we can use results about the asymptotic of maxima. Note that, for example, using results of Davis and Mikosch (2009) for GARCH models, the upper bound involves the extremal index, which is the inverse of the mean cluster size of exceedances (see Ben Ameur et al., 2015). Another way to solve this problem is to introduce time-varying conditional multiples together with local quantile or expected shortfall risk measures to better take account of market fluctuations (see Ben Ameur and Prigent, 2014; Hamidi et al., 2014).

18.4 Conclusion

As expected, it is possible to choose higher multiples for the CPPI method than standard values if quantile hedging is used. The upper bounds can be calculated for each level of probability, according to the distributions of the marked point process, which indicates the variations of the underlying asset and its times of variations. EVT allows the approximation of these distributions in order to provide a numerical upper bound. We have illustrated this result on S&P 500 data. The difference with the standard multiple is significant, especially if we consider that the highest historical daily market decrease is unlikely to appear during the management period and when the probability level is not too small.


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