Chapter 2
Extremes Under Dependence—Historical Development and Parallels with Central Limit Theory

M.R. Leadbetter

Department of Statistics and Operation Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2.1 Introduction

I first encountered the field of extreme value theory (EVT) as a young mathematician when it had become an essentially complete and major discipline for independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables (r.v.'s) and widely used though often with seemingly little thought given to the validity of the i.i.d. assumptions. I was aware that sequential dependence of data was intrinsic to very many classic common time series situations (daily high temperatures, sea levels, stock prices) and found it fascinating that the i.i.d. theory of extreme values seemed to apply to such data without change. Interest was indeed developing in extension to dependence as a natural mathematical undertaking stimulated by corresponding central limit theory (CLT) results as I will indicate (e.g., Watson, 1954) and the landmark 1956 introduction of mixing conditions by Rosenblatt providing a general framework for discussion of long-range dependence.

In any case the time was ripe for a period of high activity by many researchers to investigate EVT under more general assumptions (particularly stationarity and Gaussian modeling). I was personally highly privileged to work with outstanding mentors and collaborators, among those seeking extension of the theory toprovide greater realism in EVT applications. It turned out that under wide conditions, the same central results were found to apply to stationary series as if the data were i.i.d., requiring just a simple adjustment of constants in the limiting distributional results for maxima and explaining the early success of the classical theory when applied to non-i.i.d. data. This was also a precursor of some of the extremal problems in financial settings which have seen tremendous developments and which are the main concern of this volume.

Our plan in this short contribution is to recall personal impressions of the development of EVT for stochastic sequences and processes from the existing i.i.d. results already in a satisfying detailed form in the 1950s. Of course extreme values have been of concern since time immemorial, for example, as observed by Tiago de Oliveira—one of the champions of EVT development and use—biblical accounts of maximum age (Methuselah) and extreme floods (Noah's ark and issues of its structural safety relying on divine guidance rather than mathematics). But formal development of what we know as classical EVT took place in the first half of the twentieth century. This primarily focused on limiting results for the distribution of the maximum c02-math-0001 of c02-math-0002 r.v.'s c02-math-0003 as c02-math-0004, when the c02-math-0005 are assumed to be i.i.d.

2.2 Classical (I.I.D.) Central Limit and Extreme Value Theories

The development of EVT is intertwined with that of CLT whose results motivated many of those of EVT. At the risk of possible appearance of some lack of continuity, we sketch a brief history of these two disciplines in parallel—typically alternating CLT with EVT results which they motivate. We first indicate some milestones in the early theories for i.i.d. sequences followed by the again parallel activity when dependence is introduced via stationarity. No attempt is made at completeness, and we focus only on the theory of EVT and not its applications—a reader wishing to learn both the structural theory of extremes and its use in application would be well advised to study one of a number of available excellent accounts such as the splendid volume of de Haan and Ferreira (2006).

A paper by Dodd (1923) is sometimes regarded as giving birth to EVT and primarily involves convergence in probability of c02-math-0006 for some sequence c02-math-0007 and various classes of the distribution functions (d.f.'s) of the i.i.d. r.v.'s c02-math-0008. Its first result is that c02-math-0009 in probability where c02-math-0010 is the right end point of the d.f.'s c02-math-0011 of each c02-math-0012 (and hence also almost surely since its monotonicity implies the existence of a limit, finite or infinite). Thus c02-math-0013 has the almost sure limit c02-math-0014. When c02-math-0015, limits in probability for c02-math-0016 are shown for several classes of d.f. c02-math-0017. For example, for a sequence of standard normal r.v.'s c02-math-0018, it is shown that c02-math-0019 in probability. Also, for a sequence of Pareto r.v.'s c02-math-0020 with d.f. c02-math-0021, c02-math-0022 in probability.

This is reminiscent of CLT where weak and strong laws of large numbers give the“degenerate” convergence of averages c02-math-0023 to c02-math-0024 with probability one. But it is found to be much more useful to consider distributional convergence of the normalized sums c02-math-0025 for appropriate constants c02-math-0026, c02-math-0027, where this is possible, and to determine what limits in distribution can occur and their domains of attraction.

The simplest example of such theory is of course the central limit theorem where c02-math-0028 is shown to have a standard normal distributional limit for (i.i.d.) r.v.'s c02-math-0029 having finite means c02-math-0030 and variances c02-math-0031. This was greatly generalized (almost ad infinitum) in the study of a wide variety of “central limit” results for “array sums” c02-math-0032 where c02-math-0033 are i.i.d. for each c02-math-0034 in which the possible limits may be the class of self decomposable stable or infinitely divisible distributions.

It does not seem surprising, at least in hindsight, that the extensive CLT for sums should suggest the possibility of similar asymptotic distributional results for the maximum c02-math-0035 of i.i.d. c02-math-0036, that is, results of the form c02-math-0037 for some constants c02-math-0038 and some distribution c02-math-0039. This probability is clearly c02-math-0040 which is known exactly when the d.f. c02-math-0041 of each c02-math-0042 is known but changes with c02-math-0043 and may be difficult to calculate.

Following the model of CLT, obviously there would be great practical utility if one c02-math-0044 corresponded to many different c02-math-0045's aside from changes of normalizing constants. It was found in a series of papers (including Fréchet 1927; Fisher and Tippett 1928, and von Mises, 1936) that certain specific c02-math-0046 could be limits and in fact that they must have one of three general forms (extreme value “types”) to be limiting distributions for maxima in the sense given in the previous paragraph. These results were given a rigorous formulation and proof by Gnedenko (1943) and were refined by de Haan. This is the centerpiece of EVT and its application referred to by various names including Gnedenko's theorem, Fisher–Tippett–Gnedenko theorem, Gnedenko–de Haan theorem, and extremal types theorem (ETT). The theorem is stated as follows.

In these c02-math-0063 may be replaced by c02-math-0064 for any c02-math-0065. In other words, the specific expressions listed are representatives of the types. Also, types II and III are really families of types, one type for each c02-math-0066.

For each c02-math-0067 of one of these types, there will be a family of d.f.'s c02-math-0068 for which this c02-math-0069 applies as the limiting d.f. for (normalized) c02-math-0070—referred to as the domain of attraction (c02-math-0071) for c02-math-0072. Not all d.f.'s c02-math-0073 lead to a limiting distribution for a linearly normalized version of c02-math-0074, (e.g., if c02-math-0075 is Poisson), that is, not all c02-math-0076's belong to any domain of attraction. However, most common continuous d.f.'s c02-math-0077 do belong to the domain of attraction of one of the types.

Note that the limiting distribution (2.1) for c02-math-0078 can be written as c02-math-0079 where c02-math-0080 and c02-math-0081. The following almost trivially proved result is basic for classical EVT and a cornerstone for the natural extension when dependence is introduced.

It is seen at once from this that (2.1) holds for a given c02-math-0088 (i.e., c02-math-0089) and constants c02-math-0090, c02-math-0091 if and only if


for each c02-math-0093. In some cases for given c02-math-0094, the search among the three types for which the previous equation holds for some constants c02-math-0095 (and hence c02-math-0096) is very simple. For example, for a uniform distribution c02-math-0097 on c02-math-0098, it is immediate that c02-math-0099 giving c02-math-0100, c02-math-0101, a type III limit with c02-math-0102, c02-math-0103. On the other hand the determination of which (if any) c02-math-0104 applies for a given c02-math-0105 can be an intricate matter facilitated by domain of attraction criteria which have been developed. Our purpose here is not to review the extensive theory now available for extremes of i.i.d. r.v.'s but to indicate and motivate the extension to dependent cases with personal observation on some of its history.

One convenient view of the i.i.d. theory is that it (i) first involves result (2.2) and (ii) allows the determination of constants c02-math-0106 such that c02-math-0107 satisfies c02-math-0108 some extremal d.f. c02-math-0109. As noted earlier success in this gives domain of attraction and much related detailed theory. Part (ii) of the activity is essentially unaltered under dependence assumptions, and hence the extension of the ETT to dependent cases depends on finding a modification to Lemma 2.1 for useful non-i.i.d. situations.

2.3 Exceedances of Levels, kth Largest Values

First we mention some interesting and useful implications of the choice of constants c02-math-0110 to satisfy c02-math-0111. Regarding c02-math-0112 as a “level,” we say that c02-math-0113 has an exceedance of c02-math-0114 if c02-math-0115. This clearly implies that the mean number of exceedances converges to the value c02-math-0116. Further if the c02-math-0117 are i.i.d., then the events c02-math-0118 are independent in c02-math-0119 and have probability c02-math-0120 so that the number of exceedances of c02-math-0121 for c02-math-0122 is binomial in distribution, c02-math-0123, which converges as c02-math-0124 to a Poisson r.v. with mean c02-math-0125.

It is useful to regard the exceedance points as a point process: a series of events occurring in “time.” For this it is more convenient to normalize by the factor c02-math-0126 and consider the exceedance point process c02-math-0127 to be the points c02-math-0128 for which c02-math-0129, c02-math-0130. The points of c02-math-0131 all lie in the unit interval c02-math-0132, and for any set c02-math-0133, c02-math-0134 is the number of normalized points in the set c02-math-0135, namely, the number of points c02-math-0136, c02-math-0137, for which c02-math-0138. This is a point process on the “space” [0,1], consisting of (no more than c02-math-0139) normalized exceedance points and is simply shown to converge in distribution to a Poisson process c02-math-0140 with intensity c02-math-0141 on c02-math-0142 in the full sense of point process convergence. In particular this means that c02-math-0143 for any Borel set c02-math-0144 and corresponding joint distributional statements for c02-math-0145 for Borel c02-math-0146 subsets c02-math-0147of c02-math-0148. If the c02-math-0149 are disjoint, then the limits c02-math-0150 are independent Poisson r.v.'s with means c02-math-0151 where c02-math-0152 is the Lebesgue measure of c02-math-0153.

Note that the probability c02-math-0154 may be written in terms of c02-math-0155 as c02-math-0156. Similarly c02-math-0157 is just c02-math-0158 where c02-math-0159 is the c02-math-0160th largest of c02-math-0161, c02-math-0162 (the c02-math-0163th order statistic). The use of the previous Poisson convergence of c02-math-0164 to c02-math-0165 with c02-math-0166 immediately gives the limiting distribution for c02-math-0167, modifying (2.1) to read


with the same constants c02-math-0169, c02-math-0170, and d.f. c02-math-0171 as in (2.1). This shows one of the many uses of the point process c02-math-0172 in classical EVT. We will see later the interesting way this is modified to accommodate dependence.

2.4 CLT and EVT for Stationary Sequences, Bernstein's Blocks, and Strong Mixing

As indicated earlier, i.i.d. theory for maxima followed similar patterns to those established in CLT—replacing the convolution c02-math-0173 for the d.f. of c02-math-0174 by the power c02-math-0175 for that of c02-math-0176. This potentially simplifies the theory for maxima, but the situation is reversed for transforms where, for example, the characteristic function for the sum c02-math-0177 is the c02-math-0178th power of that for each c02-math-0179. In both cases one standard method of including dependence is to make use of the i.i.d. theory by restricting the dependence between two separated groups of c02-math-0180 in some way. In describing the principles we assume strict stationarity of the sequence c02-math-0181—thus introducing dependence between the c02-math-0182 but leaving them identically distributed.

This originated from a suggestion of Markov (discussed in Bernstein, 1927) to the effect that one expects a CLT to hold if the r.v.'s of the sequence behave more like independent r.v.'s the more they are separated. Specifically, Bernstein introduced the very useful device of dividing the integers c02-math-0183 into c02-math-0184 alternating “big blocks” and “small blocks” of respective sizes c02-math-0185, c02-math-0186 such that c02-math-0187 and c02-math-0188. Under specific dependency conditions, he showed that the sums of the c02-math-0189 over each big block are approximately independent giving a normal limit for their sum, whereas the sum over all small blocks is small by comparison and hence may be discarded in the limit. In this way it is shown (albeit under complex conditions) that the CLT can hold under dependence assumptions.

Later Hoeffding and Robbins (1948) showed that this result holds for c02-math-0190-dependent processes—a statistically useful class—under certain very simple conditions by using the block method with big blocks of length c02-math-0191 - c02-math-0192 alternating with small blocks of length c02-math-0193, for some c02-math-0194. Thus the groups of c02-math-0195 in two different big blocks are independent, and the classical CLT may be applied to their sums. Then showing that the total normalized sum from small blocks tends to zero in probability gives the desired CLT. The proof is straightforward and even simpler if stationarity is assumed.

The previous method of Bernstein was given considerable generality by Rosenblatt (1956) with the formal introduction of a hierarchy of the so-called “mixing conditions” differing in the degrees of dependence restrictions. The most used of these is strong mixing satisfied by a sequence c02-math-0196 if for some c02-math-0197 as c02-math-0198 c02-math-0199 when c02-math-0200, c02-math-0201) (the c02-math-0202-fields generated by past and future by the indicated r.v.'s for any c02-math-0203 and c02-math-0204). That is, any event c02-math-0205 based on the past up to time c02-math-0206 is “nearly independent” of any event c02-math-0207 based on the future from time c02-math-0208 onwards.

Rosenblatt obtained a CLT using Bernstein's method and strong mixing as its dependence assumption, initiating significant activity in that area (see, e.g., Ibragimov and Linnik, 1971; Bradley, 2007). In some cases strong mixing can be readily checked, for example, a stationary Gaussian sequence with continuous spectral density having no zeros on the unit circle—Ibragimov and Linnik (1971), Theorem 17.3.3. But in general it may be very difficult or impossible, and it has been suggested by a Swedish colleague that to start a theorem with “Let c02-math-0209 be a strongly mixing sequence” seems to be essentially assuming what one wants to prove! Nevertheless even if strong mixing cannot be fully verified, it may still be a reasonable assumption in useful cases.

We turn now from this tour of CLT history to the corresponding EVT it motivated. Perhaps the earliest result for dependent EVT was a paper by Watson (1954) generalizing the early paper of Dodd applicable to i.i.d. r.v.'s described earlier to c02-math-0210-dependent sequences. In this it is shown that the basic lemma 2.2 of the i.i.d. theory holds for stationary c02-math-0211-dependent sequences c02-math-0212. This result was motivated by the paper of Hoeffding and Robbins (1948), showing the CLT under c02-math-0213-dependence as discussed earlier.

Watson's result was straightforward probability calculations with a simple form of Bernstein's method. He obtains the basic Lemma 2.2 but does not discuss detailed extremal forms under linear normalization. However, it is readily shown that the limits for the maximum in this case are the same as would apply if the c02-math-0214 were independent with the same marginal d.f. c02-math-0215 as the stationary c02-math-0216-dependent sequence. In fact this holds for any identically distributed sequence for which the basic lemma holds, regardless of the dependence structure as the following result holds. We term this a “proposition” at the risk of inflating its importance.

The basic lemma was proved for i.i.d. sequences, but as noted above it was shown by Watson to apply to stationary c02-math-0239-dependent sequences. It also applies to other cases with strongly restricted dependence—for example, stationary normal sequences with correlations c02-math-0240 satisfying Berman's Condition c02-math-0241 to be discussed next indicating low correlations at large separations. One may thus conjecture that the basic lemma applies to sequences which are in some sense “close to being i.i.d.” One way of making this precise is to note that for i.i.d. sequences, exceedances of a high level tend to occur singly and not in clusters, whereas for significant (positive) dependence one high value will tend to be followed by another, initiating a cluster. For many stationary sequences the limiting mean number of exceedances in a cluster is a parameter which we denote by c02-math-0242, c02-math-0243 and c02-math-0244 for i.i.d. sequences as well as “nearly i.i.d.” sequences such as stationary normal sequences satisfying Berman's condition stated above.

Another special class of sequences is considered by Berman (1962) in which the r.v.'s c02-math-0245 are assumed to be exchangeable and the possible limits for the maximum obtained. That paper also considers the classical i.i.d. framework but where a random number of terms are involved.

Berman is perhaps most recognized for his work on maxima of Gaussian sequences and continuous time processes. He shows (Berman, 1964) that for a standard stationary Gaussian sequence with correlation sequence c02-math-0246 satisfying c02-math-0247, the maximum c02-math-0248 has a type I limit c02-math-0249 where c02-math-0250 c02-math-0251, the same constants that apply to i.i.d. standard normal r.v.'s. This condition gives a sufficient condition for the limit, and while not necessary, it is close to being so, and known weaker sufficient conditions only differ slightly from it. As indicated earlier stationary Gaussian sequence satisfying Berman's condition exhibits no clustering and satisfies the basic lemma even though not i.i.d.

For more general stationary processes as noted earlier, Rosenblatt (1956) introduced the concept of strong mixing and used it in discussion of the CLT. Loynes (1965) used the strong mixing (albeit referred to there as “uniform mixing”) assumption in developing EVT for stationary sequences—including the ETT. He also gave a version of the extension of the basic i.i.d. result c02-math-0252 iff c02-math-0253 in which under strong mixing the limit c02-math-0254 is replaced by c02-math-0255 for some c02-math-0256, c02-math-0257, the parameter referred to earlier in the context of clustering (c02-math-0258 mean cluster size). This foreshadowed the use of the parameter c02-math-0259 as the “extremal index” (EI) under weaker conditions than strong mixing. As discussed later, this provides a simple and natural link between the limiting distribution for maxima under i.i.d. assumptions and under stationarity.

2.5 Weak Distributional Mixing for EVT, D(un), Extremal Index

In attempting to weaken the strong mixing condition for EVT, one notes that the events of interest for extremes are typically those of the form c02-math-0260 or their finite intersections. For example, the event c02-math-0261 is just c02-math-0262. Hence it is natural to attempt to restrict the events c02-math-0263 and c02-math-0264 in strong mixing to have the form c02-math-0265, c02-math-0266 where the c02-math-0267 indices are separated by some c02-math-0268 from the c02-math-0269's. For a level c02-math-0270, note that c02-math-0271, the joint d.f. of c02-math-0272 with all arguments equal to c02-math-0273 and similarly for c02-math-0274 and c02-math-0275. This leads to the following weak dependence condition introduced in Leadbetter (1974) (see also Leadbetter et al., 1983). The stationary sequence c02-math-0276 is said to satisfy the condition c02-math-0277 for a sequence c02-math-0278 if for any choice of integers c02-math-0279, c02-math-0280,

2.3 equation

where c02-math-0282 as c02-math-0283 for some c02-math-0284.

The ETT holds for a stationary sequence c02-math-0285 satisfying c02-math-0286 for appropriate c02-math-0287. Specifically if c02-math-0288 converges to a nondegenerate c02-math-0289 and c02-math-0290 holds for c02-math-0291, each real c02-math-0292, then c02-math-0293 is one of the three extreme value types. This of course includes the result of Loynes under strong mixing which clearly implies c02-math-0294.

The basic lemma however does not hold as stated under c02-math-0295 but may be modified in a very simple and useful way to relate limits under c02-math-0296 to those for i.i.d. sequences. Specifically, with a slight abuse of notation, write c02-math-0297 to denote a sequence such that c02-math-0298 as c02-math-0299 (which exists under wide conditions—certainly if c02-math-0300 is continuous). Then if c02-math-0301 converges for one c02-math-0302, it may be shown to converge for all c02-math-0303 (e.g., Leadbetter et al., 1983) and c02-math-0304 for all c02-math-0305and some fixed c02-math-0306, c02-math-0307. We term c02-math-0308 the “Extremal Index (EI)”. From the basic lemma it takes the value 1 for i.i.d. sequences and for some dependent sequences including c02-math-0309-dependent stationary sequences and stationary normal sequences under Berman's conditions.

If c02-math-0310 is a stationary sequence, write c02-math-0311 for a sequence of i.i.d. r.v.'s with the same marginal d.f. F as each c02-math-0312. c02-math-0313 has been termed “the independent sequence associated with the stationary sequence c02-math-0314” (Loynes, 1965; Leadbetter et al., 1983). Now if c02-math-0315, then by the basic lemma c02-math-0316 c02-math-0317 if c02-math-0318. If c02-math-0319 holds and c02-math-0320 has EI c02-math-0321, then as earlier c02-math-0322.

In particular if c02-math-0323, then c02-math-0324 if c02-math-0325 holds for c02-math-0326 for each c02-math-0327. That is, if c02-math-0328 has the normalized limit c02-math-0329, c02-math-0330 has the limit c02-math-0331 with the same normalizing constants. For each extreme value d.f. c02-math-0332, c02-math-0333 is easily seen to be of the same extremal type as c02-math-0334, and indeed by a simple change of normalizing constants, it follows that c02-math-0335 for some c02-math-0336, c02-math-0337. Hence under c02-math-0338 assumptions the normalized maximum c02-math-0339 for the stationary sequence c02-math-0340 has a limiting distribution if (and only if) it would if the c02-math-0341 were independent, with the same distribution. Further, the form of the limit in the stationary case is trivially determined from the i.i.d. limit c02-math-0342, either as c02-math-0343 with the same normalizing constants or as c02-math-0344 itself by a change of normalizers.

2.6 Point Process of Level Exceedances

Finally in our personal tour of the development of EVT under dependence, we return to the discussion of exceedances of a level c02-math-0345 normalized to occur on the unit interval as the points c02-math-0346 for which c02-math-0347. As already indicated these form a point process c02-math-0348 on c02-math-0349 which converge to a Poisson process with intensity c02-math-0350 if the c02-math-0351 are i.i.d. When the c02-math-0352 form a stationary sequence satisfying c02-math-0353 with c02-math-0354 and having EI c02-math-0355, the exceedance points tend to coalesce in groups to become clusters, the locations of which form a Poisson process with intensity c02-math-0356 in the limit. The limiting cluster sizes cause multiple events in the point process c02-math-0357 which converges to a “compound Poisson process” if the dependence restriction c02-math-0358 is strengthened in a natural and modest way (see, e.g., Hsing, 1987). For c02-math-0359 the limiting point process is Poisson as discussed earlier. Other related Poisson processes are of considerable interest in addition to that of exceedances and of their locations. For example, the point process of sums of values in a cluster or the maximum values in a cluster are of interest, the latter generalizing the popular “peaks over thresholds” notions used in classical i.i.d. theory, with typically compound Poisson limits.

We have focused in our tour on some milestones in the historical development of EVT in its classical results for i.i.d. sequences and the evolution of the natural extensions to dependent (stationary) cases. These are more realistic since, for example, temporal data is almost always correlated in time at least at some smallspacing. We have not discussed statistical analysis at all—methods for which abound and are documented in many publications and books. But it should be noted that the recognition of the EI and the (extended) basic lemma can really facilitate the application of inference for i.i.d. situations to, for example, stationary sequences. As a simple example one traditional way of fitting an extremal distribution c02-math-0360 from a series of observed maxima is to graphically compare the empirical distribution c02-math-0361 with each EV type. For example, if c02-math-0362 is type 1, c02-math-0363, then c02-math-0364 and so c02-math-0365 may be chosen by linear regression of c02-math-0366 on c02-math-0367. If the fit of c02-math-0368 is good, one concludes that c02-math-0369 is the appropriate choice of extremal type and can estimate the normalizing constants by linear regression. This procedure is valid for a stationary sequence with some EI c02-math-0370 (its extremal limit c02-math-0371 is of the same type as c02-math-0372). One cannot therefore differentiate between stationarity and independence but can in either case hope to determine the correct limiting type and use the regression to estimate the normalizing constants giving the limit in standard form. It is thus by no means a test for stationarity but makes the method of determination of extremal type (and constants) valid whether or not the data is i.i.d. or stationary. This may account for success in determining extremal types for data by applying i.i.d. methods to (perhaps clearly) correlated data before the advent of the dependent theory!

2.7 Continuous Parameter Extremes

In the foregoing we have focused on extremes in sequences (i.i.d. and stationary) which are traditionally basic for very many applications. However (stationary) processes in continuous time also have significant applications—for example, in continuous monitoring of values of a pollutant for environmental regulation. Some such cases may be approximated by high-frequency sampling to give a discrete series, but the consideration of continuous parameters can be natural and helpful.

In fact much of the continuous parameter theory parallels that for sequences at least under stationarity. For example, let c02-math-0373 where c02-math-0374 is a stationary process on c02-math-0375. Then under weak dependence restrictions (akin to c02-math-0376), the ETT holds: If c02-math-0377 has a limit c02-math-0378 (for some c02-math-0379, c02-math-0380 and nondegenerate c02-math-0381), then c02-math-0382 must be one of the EV types. If c02-math-0383 is stationary and Gaussian with correlation function c02-math-0384, then the previous limiting distribution c02-math-0385 is of type 1, under the weak dependence restriction of Berman, c02-math-0386 as c02-math-0387. This is entirely analogous to the sequence case described previously.

For a continuous parameter process c02-math-0388, of course exceedances of a level c02-math-0389 occur in ranges rather than discrete points and hence do not form a point process. However, the closely related “upcrossings” of c02-math-0390 (points c02-math-0391 at which c02-math-0392), but c02-math-0393 for c02-math-0394 and c02-math-0395 for c02-math-0396 when c02-math-0397 is sufficiently close to c02-math-0398, do form a useful point process.

Analogous (e.g., Poisson) results hold under appropriate conditions to those for exceedance in the sequence case described earlier with close connections to maxima. For example, c02-math-0399 if and only if either c02-math-0400 or c02-math-0401 has at least one upcrossing of c02-math-0402 in c02-math-0403. A systematic study of upcrossings was initiated by the pioneering electrical engineer Rice (see, e.g., Rice, 1944) and is important for assisting with obtaining asymptotic distributional properties of c02-math-0404 but also in many other engineering applications. For example, the intensity of upcrossings (expected number per unit time) of ozone levels is of real interest in environmental (tropospheric) ozone regulation. Discussions of issues regarding maxima and level crossings by stationary stochastic processes may be found, for example, in Cramér and Leadbetter (1967) and Leadbetter et al. (1983) as well as other references cited.

A well developed useful theory for a class of one-dimensional problems of any kind often attracts interest in extensions to higher dimensions. Sometimes such extensions are not obviously useful and done because they are “there for the taking” and sometimes are too intricate, requiring too much effort in calculation, but often can lead to new and interesting theories which are not just obvious extensions of the one-dimensional case.

For a stochastic process c02-math-0405 or sequence c02-math-0406, there are two obvious forms of introducing multidimensional versions of results in one dimension. One is to consider a finite family (vector) c02-math-0407, for example, if c02-math-0408, and c02-math-0409 may be the gross national products of China, the United States and Russia in year c02-math-0410, to compare economies over a period of years.

There is a huge literature on the study of the vector of maxima c02-math-0411, c02-math-0412, c02-math-0413 known as multivariate EVT (see, e.g., de Haan and Ferreira, 2006). This does not yield the simple classification of possible limit distributions into the three forms as in one dimension but does give useful and interesting classification methods regarding families of possible limits.

The other extension of the classical theory to higher dimensions is to consider r.v.'s indexed by multidimensional parameters, for example, c02-math-0414, a r.v. measured at a point of the plane with coordinates c02-math-0415 for, for example, c02-math-0416, c02-math-0417 (a square area) or a discrete version c02-math-0418 for c02-math-0419 say. Such an c02-math-0420 (or c02-math-0421) is termed a random field (r.f.). A simple example is where c02-math-0422 is the coordinate location of a point on a map with c02-math-0423-coordinate c02-math-0424 and c02-math-0425-coordinate c02-math-0426. c02-math-0427 may be measured c02-math-0428 levels at that location at a specified time, and one is interested in c02-math-0429, that is, the maximum level at locations in the square area with c02-math-0430 and c02-math-0431 coordinates no more than c02-math-0432.

A regulating agency, for example, may be interested in modeling the distribution of this maximum in an area (e.g., a county) in which measurements are made to determine compliance with environmental standards. Trends over time may be assessed by introducing a further (time) parameter to define a “spatio temporal” r.f. c02-math-0433 at spatial location c02-math-0434 and time c02-math-0435.

In one dimension conditions such as c02-math-0436 or strong mixing really assert a degree of independence between past and future of a sequence c02-math-0437 or process c02-math-0438. But in two dimensions there is no natural ordering of the pairs of points and so no natural definition of past and future. One can of course limit dependence between c02-math-0439 in regions separated by large distances, but this is far too restrictive and can require the terms c02-math-0440 to be almost independent for different c02-math-0441 points.

A promising approach is to not seek a single condition based on some measure of separation of two sets but rather require a “c02-math-0442” type of condition applied sequentially in each coordinate direction, taking advantage of each past–future structure. This is explored in Leadbetter and Rootzen (1998) where, for example, an ETT is shown.

It is interesting to note the continuing intertwining of EVT and CLT, for example, the CLT result of Bolthausen (1982).

There are also many structural results even for i.i.d. situations which are important for inference but not included in our sketch of development. For example, we have barely referred to order statistics (of any kind—“extremal,” “central,” “intermediate”), associated point processes (e.g., exceedances of several levels), exceedance, and related point processes as marked point processes in the plane. See also Hsing (1987) for general results relevant to a number of these topics. In this chapter there has been no attempt to review the growing literature involving specific models for economic extremes. But the general methodology described earlier complements these, as should be clear. Economic data is certainly dependent and if not stationary can often be split into periods of stationarity which can be separately studied. High exceedances are certainly of considerable interest and can potentially be used to test for reality of changes, for example, of stock price levels. Study of exceedance clustering may well give insight into underlying causative mechanisms.

Our selection of papers considered has not been on the basis of mathematical depth or topic importance though some are universally considered to be pathbreaking. Rather we have attempted to give sign posts in the development of EVT from its i.i.d. beginnings, its pathway to and through stationarity, and its parallels with CLT from our own personal perspective.


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