R6G, see Rhodamine-6G (R6G)

Radio frequency (RF), 119, 393

transistor device micrograph, 394

Radio frequency identification tags (RFIDs), 109

Radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), 355


enhancers, 678

spectroscopy, 427

Random CNT networks, 457

Random dopant fluctuations (RDF), 15, 27

simulation, 28

Random dopants (RDs), 29; see also Interface traps (ITs)

Random ITs on asymmetric characteristic fluctuation, 27, 3536

of drain current–gate voltage, 31

drain-induced, barrier-lowering fluctuation, 28, 33

effective oxide thickness, 28

interface traps, 29

ITs and RDs comparison, 34

random dopants, 29

RDF simulation, 28

static noise margin fluctuation, 35

statistical 3D device simulation, 2830

subthreshold swing fluctuation, 28, 33

surface potential and electron current density, 32

threshold voltage fluctuation, 33, 34, 35

threshold voltage spread characteristic magnitude, 31

transfer characteristic fluctuation estimation, 30

Random network transistor, 525; see also Solution-processed random CNT networks

back-gated, 526

characterization, 526528

fabrication, 525526

IV characteristics of, 527

performance comparison, 528529

randomly generated 3D CNT network, 530

substrates, 526

transconductance, 528

Random Rashba field (RRF), 819

Random telegraph noise (RTN), 15

Random telegraph noise fluctuations (RTF), 15, 711

Random telegraph signal (RTS), 15

Raw defect map, 576

RC, see Reference resistor (RC); Resistor–capacitor (RC)

RDF, see Random dopant fluctuations (RDF)

RDs, see Random dopants (RDs)

RE, see Reference electrode (RE); Radio frequency (RF)

Reactive ion etching (RIE), 84, 728

reaxFF, 874

Rectifiers, 133134

Reduced graphene oxide (RGO), 51

Reduced graphene oxide FETs (RGO FETs), 51; see also CMOS scaling

controlling carrier injection, 53

cyclic voltammogram, 54

electrical transport modification in, 52

fabricated device images, 53

injection current, 54

output characteristics of graphene device, 54

transfer characteristics, 54

Reference electrode (RE), 644

Reference resistor (RC), 301

Refractory period, 197

Relative humidity (RH), 110, 114

Renewable energy sources, 133

Research Resources Center (RRC), 628

Resistive switches, 315

bipolar resistive switch simulation, 317, 318

sneak-path problem, 315

Resistor–capacitor (RC), 44

Response generator (RG), 572

Restoring, 243

Restoring divider, 239, 253

array divider, 244245

binary divider, 243244

comparison, 253

controlled full subtractor, 248149

elements for, 246

full subtractor, 246, 247

multiplexer, 248

simulation, 251253

3 bit × 3 bit binary, 245

timing analysis, 251

timing block diagram, 250

wire crossings comparison, 249

RFIDs, see Radio frequency identification tags (RFIDs)

RG, see Response generator (RG)

RGO, see Reduced graphene oxide (RGO)

RGO FETs, see Reduced graphene oxide FETs (RGO FETs)

RH, see Relative humidity (RH)

Rhodamine-6G (R6G), 674

SERS enhancement of, 676

RMS, see Root mean square (RMS)

Room temperature (RT), 400

Root mean square (RMS), 139

RRC, see Research Resources Center (RRC)

RRF, see Random Rashba field (RRF)

RT, see Room temperature (RT)

RTF, see Random telegraph noise fluctuations (RTF)

RTGs, see Radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs)

RTN, see Random telegraph noise (RTN)

RTS, see Random telegraph signal (RTS)

R type IV converter, 438

Runge–Gross theorem, 495


SAMs, see Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)

Sandwich compounds, 411

SAW, see Surface acoustic wave (SAW)

SC, see Sodium cholate (SC)

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 169

to characterize transferprinted antenna structures, 137

graphene and hydrogenated graphene characterization, 368

for morphology analysis, 657, 686

of vertically aligned wire, 767

Scanning probe microscope (SPM), 167

Scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), 628

Scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 831

SCD, see Single-crystal diamond (SCD)

SCE, see Selective chemical etching (SCE); Standard calomel electrode (SCE)

SCEs, see Short-channel effects (SCEs)


diodes, 134

emission, 123

Schrödinger equation, 486

SCLC, see Space–charge-limited conduction (SCLC)

S–D, see Source–drain (S–D)

SD, see Standard deviation (SD)

SDD, see Signal-drive distance (SDD)

Secondary ion mass spectrometry, 4647

Select devices, 300, 310

array leakage reduction, 312

Selective chemical etching (SCE), 539

Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), 41, 42; see also CMOS scaling; Porphyrins

flat-band voltage values, 50, 52

formation, 43

SAM-modified interface, 53

UV–Vis reflection spectra, 49, 50, 51

Self-healing process, 82, 83

Self-heating and short-range coulomb interaction interplay, see ON current degradation simulation results

Self-test for nanofabric systems, 570, 587588

algorithm, 577

analysis and discussion, 584

AND/OR bridging faults, 579, 580

AND/OR implementation, 573

background and related works, 571572

BIST approach, 571

BUT configurations, 578, 579

customized configurations, 583584

defect tolerance, 570

fault coverage, 578, 579, 581

faulty block identification, 577578

forward-biased diode faults, 580584

half-adder implementation, 574

junction cross points, 583

logic mapping technique, 572574

nanoblock, 570, 571, 584585, 587, 588

nanofabric architecture, 571

number of configurations required, 584

optimization technique, 582

recovery procedure, 584, 586

redundant configuration elimination, 583

results, 586587

reverse-biased diode and bridging faults, 580

simple logic implementation, 572

stuck-at-0 and stuck-open faults, 578

stuck-at-1 faults, 579

switchblock, 571

TA and procedure, 574575

test patterns, 578, 579

testing approach, 574

testing procedure, 576

testing time, 585586, 587, 588, 589

SEM, see Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Semiconducting–semiconducting junction points (SS junction points), 529

Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), 406

Semiconductors, 616

memories, 751

role of temperature in, 485

silicon, 807

tubes, 548

zinc oxide, 665

Semiempirical models, 873

advantage, 874

limitation, 874

SERF, see Static Energy Recovery Full adder(SERF)

SERS, see Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)

SET, see Single-electron transistor (SET)

SFD, see Switching field distribution (SFD)

SFIL, see Step and flash imprint lithography (SFIL)

Short transistor, 558

Short-channel effects (SCEs), 43

suppressed, 728

Short-wavelength-based optoelectronic devices, 655

Side-gated QPC conductance anomalies, 827, 834; see also Quantum point contacts (QPCs)

dangling bond scattering effect, 832833

impurity scattering effect, 829832

numerical simulations, 828829

results, 829

SiGe layer, 744; see also GAA Si-NWFET

Signal-drive distance (SDD), 808

Silicon trench capacitors, 8485

Silicon-based CMOS technology, 3

Silicon-based semiconductor chips, 61

Silicon-on-insulator technology (SoI technology), 144

Silver nanowires self-assembly, 628

SIMD, see Single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD)

Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE), 3, 529

Si nanowire, 868

Si nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW FETs), 701; see also Energy-band control study; [110]-SiNWs

Single crystalline nanowires, 628

Single domain magnet, 798

phase graph and magnetic image of, 799

switching behavior of, 781

Single-crystal diamond (SCD), 399

Single-electron transistor (SET), 201, 267; see also Axon-inspired communication; High-resistive tunnel junctions

Coulomb blockade, 181, 186, 187, 189

device fabrication, 182186

double-junction, 182

as gas sensor, 188190

IV characteristics, 187

multijunction SET device, 184, 186

operation constraints on, 182

Orthodox theory, 188

as photondetector, 190

for room-temperature operations, 182

simulators for, 202

source drain voltage, 188

threshold voltage, 188

tungsten nanoislands, 183184

tungsten oxide, 187

Single-event upsets, 356

Single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD), 793

Single-layer nanomagnets

bit representation in, 754

clocked, 754

dipolar magnetic coupling, 754

Single-type primitive (S type primitive), 270

Single-wall (SW), 536

Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), 505; see also SWNTs terahertz response

chiral, 486

TFTs, 505, 506

zigzag, 486

SiNW FETs, see Si nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW FETs)

[110]-SiNWs, 701, 709710; see also Energy-band control study; Si nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW FETs)

calculated bandgap, 704

conduction-band structures of, 704

cross-sectional views, 703, 707

DOS, 702

electron effective masses, 702

fabrication, 701

side views, 707

SITE, see Spin injection and transport efficiency (SITE)

6T, see Six-transistor (6T)

Six-transistor (6T), 548

6T SRAM cell, see 6T static memory cell

6T static memory cell, 548, 549

performance, 555, 562, 563

probability, 553

Size effects, 810

Slater–Koster tight-binding models, 873

SLS, see Solution–liquid–solid (SLS)

SMD, see Surface mount discretes (SMD)

Sneak-path problem, 315

SNM, see Static noise margin (SNM)

SOC, see Spin–orbit coupling (SOC)

Sodium cholate (SC), 526

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 514, 526

SoI technology, see Silicon-on-insulator technology (SoI technology)

Solid-phase crystallization (SPC), 728

Solution-based methods, 457

Solution–liquid–solid (SLS), 619

Solution-processed random CNT networks; see also Random network transistor

advantages, 530

challenges, 531

as electronic material, 525

nanotube network simulation, 529530

random network transistor, 525529

SEM image, 526

3D CNT network, 530

Solution-state methods, 615

Solvothermal method, 615

SOP, see Sum of products (SOP); System-on-panel (SOP)

Source–drain (S–D), 51, 717

voltage, 188

Space–charge-limited conduction (SCLC), 307

Spacecraft electronics

high-radiation environment, 355356

latch-up, 356

reliability, 355

single-event upsets, 356

Spacer patterning technique, 728

SPC, see Solid-phase crystallization (SPC)

Special quasi-random structures (SQS), 873

SPICE, see Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE)

Spike timingdependent plasticity (STDP), 341; see also Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE); Synaptic learning mechanism

applications, 349

bias degradation of nc-Si silicon TFT devices, 349

circuit diagram for, 343

device models, 342

injection voltage reduction, 349

neural circuits, 342

power dissipation comparison, 349

sound localization, 350

spatio-temporal pattern recognition, 350

visual data processing, 351

Spin; see also All-spin logic (ASL)

accumulation, 820

based circuits, 811

current, 819

interactions, 836; see also Electric field-controlled spin interactions

torque, 812

torque effect, 811

torque-induced switching, 852

Spin–orbit coupling (SOC), 815

atomic, 819

in graphene, 819

Spin injection and transport efficiency (SITE), 812, 820

for ASL circuit, 820

spin quasi-chemical potential equation, 820

Spin-transfer torque (STT), 752, 811

clocking, 759

STT-MRAMs, 752

Spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM), 849, 860862

AP to P switching, 850

critical current densities, 852

critical switching currents and thermal stabilities, 855856

energy dissipation, 852

ferromagnetic materials investigated for, 859

ferromagnetic material switching speeds, 856860

free ferromagnetic layer magnetization, 852

material issues for efficient, 849

micromagnetic solver and benchmarks, 853854

potential energy density, 855

P to AP switching, 850

simulation result, 850

spin torque-induced switching, 852

switching mechanism, 849852

Spin-wave bus (SWB), 811

SPM, see Scanning probe microscope (SPM)

SPPs, see Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs)

Spray deposition of CNT, 457, 469; see also Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

as-prepared film, 460

chemical treatment, 464465

CNT film characterization, 459463

CNT film fabrication, 458459

CNT film with low tube density, 465

CNT gas sensors, 467469

DC conductivity vs. film thickness, 462

optical characteristics, 465467

process parameter effect, 463

sensitivity vs. NH3 concentration, 468

sensor resistance over time, 468

sheet resistance and film thickness, 462

sheet resistance vs. transmittance, 463, 464

sheet resistance vs. treatment duration, 466

solution preparation, 458

sonication time and CNT distribution, 463464

transmittance vs. wavelength, 466

SQS, see Special quasi-random structures (SQS)

SRC, see Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)

SS, see Subthreshold swing (SS)

SS junction points, see Semiconducting–semiconducting junction points (SS junction points)

ST, see Strontium titanates (ST)

Stagnation points, 813

Stamp, 134

electron-beam lithography, 135, 136

molecular beam epitaxy, 135136, 140

nanotransfer printing, 134135

Standard calomel electrode (SCE), 644

Standard deviation (SD), 782

Static Energy Recovery Full adder(SERF), 68

Static noise margin (SNM), 68, 70, 548

fluctuation, 35

Static random access memory (SRAM), 28, 548, 751; see also CNTFET SRAM design

Statistical 3D device simulation, 2830

STDP, see Spike timingdependent plasticity (STDP)

STEM, see Scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM)

Step and flash imprint lithography (SFIL), 186

STM, see Scanning tunneling microscope (STM)

Stress sensor modeling, 214; see also Electromechanical modeling

circuit model of single cell, 216

by current, 214

currents flow, 215

discretized electric potential and current density, 215

voltage drop, 215, 219

Strontium titanates (ST), 81

STT-RAM, see Spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM)

S type primitive, see Single-type primitive (S type primitive)

Subthreshold swing (SS), 727

fluctuation, 28, 33

Sum of products (SOP), 572

Surface acoustic wave (SAW), 111, 656

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), 673, 680

Ag coverage and SERS intensity, 677678

as analytical tool, 679

applications, 678

as biosensing tool, 678

detection limit comparison of, 676

E-beam-deposited Ag NPs, 675

effect, 673674

enhancement, 673, 676

for environmental detection, 678679

experimental section, 674

GaN contribution to SERS effect, 678

TEM and Raman results, 675677

template for, 674

Surface mount discretes (SMD), 89

Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), 493

Surface plasmon resonance frequency, 622

Surface-to-volume ratio, 447

Surfactants, 42

SW, see Single-wall (SW)

SWB, see Spin-wave bus (SWB)

SWeNT CNTs, 525; see also Carbon nanotube (CNT)

Switchblock, 571

Switching field distribution (SFD), 782

Switching mechanism, 849852

SWNTs terahertz response, 493

CNT s of different lengths, 498

current density vs. time, 498

electron density, 499

electron resonances, 497499

Fourier transform of current density, 499

kinetic energy, 500

kinetic inductance, 499500

Kohn–Sham potential, 495

Kohn–Sham Schrödinger-type equation, 494

model and methodology, 494496

probability current density of wave function, 497, 500

Runge–Gross theorem, 495

simulation, 496497

time-dependent Schrödinger equation, 494

Synaptic clefts, 194; see also Interconnects

Synaptic learning mechanism, 343

action potential pairs, 343, 344347

frequency dependence, 347349

spike triplets, 347, 348

Synthetic diamond, 400; see also Graphene-on-diamond devices

growth and characterization, 401

material characterization of, 402

System-on-panel (SOP), 728


TA, see Test architecture (TA)

Tantalum capacitors, 86, 87, 88

TCAD models, see Technology computer aided design models (TCAD models)

TCNQ, see Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ)

TCO, see Transparent conductive oxide (TCO)

TCVD, see Thermal chemical vapor deposition technique (TCVD)

TDDFT, see Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)

TDEAH, see Tetrakis(diethylamino) hafnium (TDEAH)

Technology computer aided design models (TCAD models), 867

TEGO, see Thermally expanded graphite oxide (TEGO)

TEM, see Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

Temperature-independent charge transfer mechanism, see Fowler–Nordheim tunneling

TEOS, see Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS)

Terahertz (THZ), 134

Test architecture (TA), 574, 575

Test group (TG), 571

Test pattern generators (TPGs), 571

Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), 82

Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), 425, 728

Tetrakis(diethylamino) hafnium (TDEAH), 49

TFET, see Tunnel field-effect transistors (TFET)

TG, see Test group (TG)

TGA, see Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

TGs, see Transmission gates (TGs)

Thermal chemical vapor deposition technique (TCVD), 94

Thermal force, 357

Thermal interface materials (TIMs), 209

Thermal management

graphite nanoplatelets in, 210

thermal interface materials, 209

Thermal tape method (T-tape method), 384387

Thermal–structural simulation, 358359

Thermally actuated nanoelectromechanical memory, 355, 361362

buckling mechanism of thermal memory, 356358

critical buckling load, 357

finite-difference solver, 359

geometry effects on writing time and power consumption, 359360

heat transfer coefficient, 358

high-energy particle collision, 360361

nanomechanical memory, 356, 357

thermal force, 357

thermal–structural simulation, 358359

total required buckling temperature, 357

Thermally expanded graphite oxide (TEGO), 210, 211

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), 510

Thin film transistor (TFT), 342, 505; see also Zinc oxide nanostructures

applications, 685, 692

CNT random network as, 509

poly-Si TFT, 727

3D, see Three-dimension (3D)

Three-dimension (3D), 299

trench structure, 86

Three-input OR gate (OR-3 gate), 203

power and energy, 206

Threshold voltage spread characteristic magnitude, 31

static noise margin fluctuation, 35

threshold voltage fluctuation, 34, 35

Through-silicon vias (TSVs), 641

THZ, see Terahertz (THZ)

Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), 494

Time-dependent Schrödinger equation, 494

Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToFSIMS), 46

Time-resolved-PL spectra (TR-PL spectra), 610

TIMs, see Thermal interface materials (TIMs)

Tin oxide, 616

TLR, see Tube-level redundancy (TLR)

TMGa, see Trimethylgallium (TMGa)

ToFSIMS, see Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToFSIMS)

Top-down fabrication, 42

Torques, 812

Total required buckling temperature, 357

TPGs, see Test pattern generators (TPGs)

TPL, see Tunneling phase logic (TPL)

Tractography methods, 194

Traditional QCA logic design, 260

Transconductance, 528

Transfer characteristic fluctuation estimation, 30

Transfer-printing process, 137

Transistors; see also Printed CNT transistors; Transparent thin film transistor (TTFT)

FET, 61

in NMOS, 332

sizing simulation, 337

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), 657

film morphology analysis, 686

Transmission gates (TGs), 68

Transmission spectrum, 871

Transparent conductive oxide (TCO), 695

Transparent thin film transistor (TTFT), 694; see also nc-ZnO TFTs

current–voltage characteristics of nc-ZnO, 697

field-effect mobility and transconductance, 698

indium-free, 695

optical transmission rate, 696

transfer characteristics of, 697

Trench capacitors, 80

silicon, 8485

TriGate, 717

Triglyme (triethylenglykol-dimethylether), 515

Trimethylgallium (TMGa), 605

TR-PL spectra, see Time-resolved-PL spectra (TR-PL spectra)

Truth table, 229

TSVs, see Through-silicon vias (TSVs)

T-tape method, see Thermal tape method (T-tape method)

TTFT, see Transparent thin film transistor (TTFT)

T type primitive, 270

Tube-level redundancy (TLR), 542

Tungsten nanoislands, 183184, 185

Tungsten oxide, 187

thickness estimation, 184

tunnel junctions, 187

Tunnel field-effect transistors (TFET), 867

tunneling current, 868

Tunneling barrier heights, 126127

Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR), 752, 849

Tunneling phase logic (TPL), 267

2D, see Two-dimension (2D)

2DEG, see Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG)

Two-dimension (2D), 95

crossbar-based nanoarchitectures, 299

Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), 143

Two-input OR gate (OR-2 gate), 202

power and energy, 206

Two-terminal select devices, 300, 313


UHV, see Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV)

UIC, see University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

UK Department for Innovations, Universities and Skills (DIUS), 206

ULSI, see Ultra-large scale integration (ULSI)

Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), 628

Ultra-large scale integration (ULSI), 44

bias–temperature–stress analysis, 4546

Cu diffusion barriers, 4445

Cu/low-k technologies, 44

secondary ion mass spectrometry, 4647

Ultra-nanocrystalline diamond (UNCD), 399

UNCD, see Ultra-nanocrystalline diamond (UNCD)

Unipolar graphene field effect transistors, 51; see also Reduced graphene oxide FETs (RGO FETs)

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), 628

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), 406

Utilization metric, 582


VACNTs, see Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs)

Valve metals, see Anodizable metals

Vapour-liquid-solid mechanism (VLS mechanism), 605, 615, 658

VCCS, see Voltage-controlled current sources (VCCS)

Verilog code of MQCA wire, 233

Vertical interconnect CNT, 423, 435

AFM images, 430, 431

bottom-up integration, 433435

experimental, 425426

integration approaches, 424

issues in, 423

IV characterization, 429, 432433

Raman data, 429

Raman spectra of CNT, 434

Raman spectroscopy, 427

resistivity vs. diameter, 432

SEM images, 428, 431, 434

surface treatment of TiN, 426429

top-down and bottom-up integration process, 425

Vertical interconnects, 424; see also Interconnects; Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs)

Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs), 445; see also Carbon nanotubes (CNTs); Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs)

applications, 454455

based supercapacitor specific capacitance, 452

capacitive behavior of, 448450

cyclic voltammograms of, 449

EC construction, 447

EDLC–battery hybrid systems, 454

EDLC, 446, 448, 450

electrolyte dielectric constant, 448

ESR of, 450

Faradaic behavior of, 450

Faradaic redox reactions, 451

floating catalyst method, 447

gas-phase oxidations, 451

lifetime and performance, 453454

nonaqueous electrolytes, 448

effect of oxidation, 450452

physical properties of, 447

pristine, 451

Ragone plot, 453

wettability, 451

Very-large-scale integration (VLSI), 67

Vision computing circuits, 793

Visual cortex, 351

VLSI, see Very-large-scale integration (VLSI)

VLSI-compatible metallic carbon nanotube removal (VMR), 539

VLS mechanism, see Vapour-liquid-solid mechanism (VLS mechanism)

VMR, see VLSI-compatible metallic carbon nanotube removal (VMR)

Voltage transfer characteristics (VTCs), 71

Voltage transfer curve (VTC), 71

Voltage-controlled current sources (VCCS), 147

Voltammogram, 449

Volumetric densities of capacitor technologies, 80

Vosko–Wilk–Nusair (VWN), 411

VPD technique, see Physical vapor deposition technique (VPD technique)

VTC, see Voltage transfer curve (VTC)

VTCs, see Voltage transfer characteristics (VTCs)

VWN, see Vosko–Wilk–Nusair (VWN)


Wafer-to-wafer (W2W), 647

Waveform of MQCA wire, 233

WBK approximation, see Wentzel–Kramer–Brillouin approximation (WBK approximation)

WE, see Working electrode (WE)

Wentzel–Kramer–Brillouin approximation (WBK approximation), 123; see also Temperature-independent charge transfer mechanism

Wet etching, 85

Wire width, 257

WKF, see Work function fluctuation (WKF)

WLs, see Wordlines (WLs)

Wordlines (WLs), 300, 332, 548

Work function fluctuation (WKF), 30

Work function tuning, 47; see also Porphyrins

electrodes for, 47

HFCV analysis, 4851

KPFM imaging, 48

multiple metals integration, 48

porphyrin SAMs for, 48

Working electrode (WE), 644

Worst-scenario sensing margin, 304, 308

Write failure, 558

Wurtzite structure model, 666

W2W, see Wafer-to-wafer (W2W)


XC, see Exchange-correlation (XC)

XEDS, see X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometer (XEDS)

XOR and XNOR simulation, 153, 155

XPS, see X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

X-ray diffraction (XRD), 63

nanowires examination, 94, 657

patterns of deposited Si, 637

X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometer (XEDS), 633

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 94, 451

XRD, see X-ray diffraction (XRD)


Y function technique, 738

advantages, 746

modified, 739

Y parameter in planar MOSFET and NWFET, 739

Y parameter vs. NWFET VG curves, 740

Yield improvement technique analysis, 535, 544

background, 537

CNT s in CNFET BTR and ATR, 543

functional yield, 539

metallic CNTs, 538–539

methodology, 537538

Monte Carlo simulation, 540, 542, 544

semiconducting CNTs, 538

tube configurations CNFET, 540

YΦ method, 738


ZB structure, see Zinc blende structure (ZB structure)

Zinc blende structure (ZB structure), 604

Zinc oxide nanostructures (ZnO nanostructures), 655656; see also Zinc oxide nanowires

Zinc oxide nanowires, 655, 661662

advantages of, 656

as-synthesized, 659

background, 656657

based detection, 657

characterization and surface studies, 658661

design approach and potential applications, 657

FT-IR spectra, 660

oleic acid-modified, 660

PL spectrum, 661

quasi-1D, 655656

Raman spectrum, 659

synthesis of, 658

XRD spectrum of, 658

ZnO nanowire-based p-nitrophenol sensor development, 661

on ZnO substrate, 658

ZnO-based biosensor designing, 657

Zn(II) TTPOH, see 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-10, 15, 20-tri (p-tolyl) zinc(II) porphyrin (Zn(II) TTPOH)

ZnO nanostructures, see Zinc oxide nanostructures (ZnO nanostructures)

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