

AAO, see Anodically oxidized alumina (AAO)

Ab initio methods, 872

Absolute humidity, 114

AC, see Alternating current (AC)

Acetonitrile (ACN), 448

ACMOMDs, see Antenna-coupled MOM diodes (ACMOMDs)

ACN, see Acetonitrile (ACN)

ACs, see Activated carbons (ACs)

Action potential, 197

Activated carbons (ACs), 446

Activation, 168

duration and resistance, 170171, 172

integration of SETs using, 173

procedure for series-connected, 168169

Active-matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCD), 730

ACT Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF), 612

Adaptive average cell (AD–AVG), 591; see also Adaptive fault-tolerant architecture

crossbar layout view, 598

technology implementation, 597

2-input AD–AVG yield, 599

Adaptive fault-tolerant architecture, 591, 599600

adaptive averaging cell, 594596

AD–AVG technology implementation, 597599

averaging cell, 592593

balanced vs. unbalanced AVG, 596597

MAJ-based voting technique, 592

output error probability vs. output SD, 593

AD–AVG, see Adaptive average cell (AD–AVG)

ADC, see Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

AFC magnets, see Antiferromagnetically coupled magnets (AFC magnets)

AFM, see Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

After Tube Removal (ATR), 543

Agglomerated single-layer graphene (ASLG), 104

Air substrate, see Ideal substrate

ALD, see Atomic-layer-deposition (ALD)

ALD technique, 85

All-spin logic (ASL), 809

circuit, 811821

circuit energy vs. overdrive, 822

SITE for, 820

All-spin logic circuit, 811, 823824; see also CMOS circuit; Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs); Interconnects

delay vs. interconnect length, 821

diffusion coefficient in GNRs, 815819

electrical current flow, 811

energy dissipation of, 812

energy dissipation vs. interconnect length, 823

energy vs. overdrive, 822

interconnect dynamics, 814815

nanomagnet dynamics, 812814

nanomagnets in, 809

net delay of, 811

prototype, 811

spin injection and transport efficiency, 820821

spin-relaxation length in graphene, 819820

switching schemes, 814

α-Si, see Amorphous-Si (α-Si)

Alternating current (AC), 374

Ambipolar transistors, 328, 330

ambipolar conduction, 330

current-voltage relationship, 331

model of, 331

3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES), 505, 511, 526

AMLCD, see Active-matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCD)

Amorphous-Si (α-Si), 728

field-effect electron mobility of, 685

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 440

Analysis in frequency domain, 288

Analytical models, 17

mobility fluctuation-based, 1819

number fluctuation-based, 1718

percolation-based, 18

ANB-NOS, see N-5-Azido-2-nitrobenzoyloxysuccinimide (ANB-NOS)

ANC, see Artificial nucleation center (ANC)

AND type primitive, 270, 271

ANFF, see ACT Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF)

Anisotropic electron–hole exchange interaction, 835

Anisotropic exchange interaction, 846

ANL, see Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

Anodically oxidized alumina (AAO), 642

electrodeposition of Ag NWs, 643

pore geometries, 642

Anodizable metals, 91

Anodization, 81

Antenna-coupled MOM diodes (ACMOMDs), 134

Antiferromagnetically coupled magnets (AFC magnets), 766

Antiparallel (AP), 849

to parallel switching, 850, 851, 854; see also Spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM)

AP, see Antiparallel (AP)

Aprotic solvents, 448

APTES, see 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES)

AR, see Aspect ratio (AR)

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), 628

Arizona State University (ASU), 17

Artificial nucleation center (ANC), 780

ASL, see All-spin logic (ASL)

ASLG, see Agglomerated single-layer graphene (ASLG)

Aspect ratio (AR), 641

ASU, see Arizona State University (ASU)

ATK, see Atomistix ToolKit® (ATK)

Atomic force microscopy (AFM), 63

Atomic scale defects, 867

Atomic-layer-deposition (ALD), 393

Atomic-scale device structures, 870; see also Atomic-scale modeling of nanoscale devices

electronic structure methods, 872

methodology, 870

system geometry, 870

transmission pathway at Fermi level, 871

transmission spectrum, 871

Atomic-scale modeling of nanoscale devices, 867; see also Atomic-scale device structures

atomistic effects, 868

conductance, 869

effective mass theory, 869

electrical currents on nanoscale, 869870

electronic structure methods, 872

electrons, 868, 869

expression for current, 869

outlook, 876

quantum-mechanical device modeling, 871876

scattering effect sources, 867

Atomistix ToolKit® (ATK), 874

ATR, see After Tube Removal (ATR)

Autarkic power plants, 133

Averaging cell (AVG), 591

architecture, 592

AVG, see Averaging cell (AVG)

Axon-inspired communication, 204; see also Brain; Interconnects; Single-electron transistor (SET)

axon communication, 195197

biological nano-array, 198

broadcast coverage area, 197, 198

broadcast degradation, 200

communication array, 202

forwarding voltage-gated ion channels, 201

maximized broadcast coverage area, 199

to mimick action potential, 203

neurotransmitters, 194

optimum coverage area, 199, 200, 201

OR gates, 202, 203

power and energy estimation, 204206

in SET, 201205

synaptic clefts, 194; see also Interconnects

transistor delay reduction, 194

voltage-gated ion channel, 197

N-5-Azido-2-nitrobenzoyloxysuccinimide (ANB-NOS), 657


Back-end-of-line (BEOL), 43

processes, 641

Ballistic deflection transistor (BDT), 143, 145; see also Ballistic transistor logic; General-purpose gate (GPG)

alternative connection methods, 160

applications, 158159

ballistic transport, 145

cascading logic challenge, 147

circuit design methodology, 154157

circuit design with, 153

current gain, 146

current paths in, 148

drain potential, 150

empirical model of, 147

fabrication, 146

full adder, 156, 157158

future circuit improvements, 161

integration of BDT cores and conventional Si CMOS, 159

inverting BDT, 148

multicell circuit functionality, 156157

NAND gate, 148, 149151, 152

operating frequency, 148

output response of, 147

resistor variations on output voltage, 160

schematic of, 146

SEM image of, 146

variations, 159

voltage-mode operation of, 160

XOR/XNOR logic cell, 156

Ballistic electronic transport, 447

Ballistic transistor logic, 143; see also Ballistic deflection transistor (BDT)

band-to-band tunneling, 144

conventional devices and circuits, 144

heterojunction bipolar transistor, 144

nonconventional devices and circuits, 144145

one electron at a time transport, 144

SoI technology, 144

Ballistic transport, 145

Band gap equations, 485486; see also Energy band gap

Band-to-band tunneling, 144

Barium titanate (BT), 80

Barium–strontium titanates (BST), 81

Batteries, 445; see also Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion batteries)

progress, 627

BD, see Black diamond (BD)

BDT, see Ballistic deflection transistor (BDT)

Before Tube Removal (BTR), 543

BEOL, see Back-end-of-line (BEOL)

1/2 bias scheme, 310, 311

1/3 bias scheme, 310, 311

Bias-temperature stress (BTS), 45

analysis, 4546

Biexcitons, 835

BIST approach, see Built-in self-test approach (BIST approach)

Bitlines (BLs), 300, 332

BL’, see Inverse bit line (BL’)

Black diamond (BD), 44

Block under tests (BUTs), 570, 571

Blood oxygen level-dependent MRI (BOLD MRI), 194

BLs, see Bitlines (BLs)

Blue Brain Project, 194

BOLD MRI, see Blood oxygen level-dependent MRI (BOLD MRI)

Bond order potentials, 874

Bottom oxide (BOX), 728

Bottom-up self-assembly, 42

BOX, see Bottom oxide (BOX)

Brain, 194, see Interconnects; Neurons

Blue Brain Project, 194

cortical column, 195

energy consumption, 194

information transfer, 194

neurotransmitters, 194

synaptic clefts, 194

synaptic connections193

Brillouin zone (BZ), 702

BST, see Barium–strontium titanates (BST)

BT, see Barium titanate (BT)

BTR, see Before Tube Removal (BTR)

BTS, see Bias-temperature stress (BTS)

Buckling mechanism of thermal memory, 356358

Built-in self-test approach (BIST approach), 571, 572

Bulk-limited conduction, 123

BZ, see Brillouin zone (BZ)


C, see Capacitors (C); Comparators (C)

CAD, see Computer-aided design (CAD)

CAEN, see Chemically assembled electronic nanotechnology (CAEN)

C-AFM, see Conductive atomic force microscope (C-AFM)


of tunnel junction, 181

and voltage, 513, 741

Capacitive sensors, 111

Capacitive trans-impedance amplifier (CTIA), 439

Capacitors (C), 79, 445

aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 80

barium titanate, 80

capacitor technology limitation, 79, 80

gravimetric energy density, 446

gravimetric specific capacitance, 449

Leyden jar, 79

MLCC, 80

planar capacitors, 81

potential vs. time curve, 450

stability, 453

target capacitance enhancement, 80

technology classification, 81

Trench capacitors, 80

Volumetric densities of capacitor technologies, 80


based active electrode material oxidation, 450451

based material graphene, 815

containing precursor gas, 447448

Carbon nanofibers (CNF), 406

Carbon nanostructures, 93, 106; see also Graphene; Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)

applications, 93

cyclic voltammetry, 93

energy storage mechanism, 94

experimental methods, 9495

faradaic processes, 9394

field emission, 94

graphene, 93

irradiated MWCNTs, 9598

in layered transition metal oxides, 93

MoO3–MWCNT nanocomposites intercalation, 98

opened-tip nanotubes, 97

surface area enhancement, 93

Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFETs), 485, 493; see also CNTFET SRAM design

based cells, 548

challenges, 537

cross section of, 536

current of, 490

current–voltage characteristics, 492

single-walled, 535

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 93, 547; see also CNTFET SRAM design; Electrical control of CNT synthesis condition; Spray deposition of CNT; Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs); Yield improvement technique analysis

applications, 535

based IR sensors, 437

based single pixel IR imaging system, 442

challenges, 531

commercial, 525

detector signal monitoring, 438

diameter variations, 551

dielectrophoresis, 472

1D nature, 424

electronic structures, 509

gas sensors, 467

grown in opposite direction, 478

ink preparation, 510

as integrated capacitors, 536

integration in microsystems, 472, 473, 480

m-CNTs, 509

mean free path, 535

metallic, 535, 538, 552

misalignment of, 537

on-chip microelectronics and, 471

photovoltaic effect, 438

potential areas for, 423

Ragone plot, 453

random network channel, 514

randomly generated 3D CNT network, 530

resistance of, 529

s-CNT, 509, 511

semiconducting CNTs, 538

single-walled, 525, 547

solubility in organic solvents, 526

specific surface area, 446

SWeNT, 525

synthesis, 471

synthesis techniques, 552

as vertical interconnects, 423

Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), 458

Carrier conduction processes, 122

CBD, see Chemical bath deposition (CBD)

CBM, see Conduction-band minimum (CBM)

C2C, see Chip-to-chip (C2C)

CE, see Counterelectrode (CE)

Cellular automata architectures, 792

Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM), 628

Central conducting island, 181

Central processing unit (CPU), 751

Ceramic capacitor, 79

CFC, see Complementary ferroelectriccapacitor (CFC)

CFS, see Controlled Full Subtractor (CFS)

Channel mobility, 19

Channel resistance method (CRM), 738

Charge accumulation investigation in dielectric stacks, 119, 128; see also Charge injection; Fowler–Nordheim tunneling (FN tunneling)

bulk-limited conduction, 123

CV measurements, 120121, 122

carrier conduction processes, 122

charge accumulation at high bias voltage, 125

energy diagram, 126, 127

Poole–Frenkel conduction, 123

positive stress voltage, 124

sample preparation, 120

WBK approximation, 123

Charge conduction, 181

Charge injection, 121122

domination, 126

model, 122124

Chemical bath deposition (CBD), 665, 667

Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP), 401

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), 81

process, 457

Chemically assembled electronic nanotechnology (CAEN), 570; see also Self-test for nanofabric systems

Chip-to-chip (C2C), 647

Chip-to-wafer (C2W), 647

Circuit design methodology, 154157

CL, see Clock locality (CL)

CLB, see Configurable logic block (CLB)

Clock locality (CL), 808

Clocking field, 765

of symmetric nanomagnet, 766

CLRCL, see Complementary and Level Restoring Carry Logic (CLRCL)

Cl2 sensor, 617; see also Doped SnO2 NWs synthesis

CMC, see Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)

CMOL, see CMOS/nanowire/molecular (CMOL)

CMOS (Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor), 3; see also Nano-CMOS; N-channel metal oxide semiconductor (NMOS); Single-electron transistor (SET); Tunneling phase logic (TPL); Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)

atomic-scale limitations, 143

challenges, 570

classical transistors, 69

CMOS circuit, 809

cortical neurons and, 193

Cu resistivity enhancement, 808

dimensional scaling, 807

electron charge, 807

gates, 4

interconnect capacitance, 808

scaling, 267

scaling issues, 4344

SDD vs. ITRS technology year, 809

size, 255

top-down scaling, 41

CMOS circuit, 809, 810, 823824; see also All-spin logic (ASL); Interconnects

CMOS load, 809

delay evaluation, 810

delay vs. interconnect length, 821

energy dissipation of, 810, 811, 823

net delay of, 810

CMOS scaling, 67, 547; see also Reduced graphene oxide FETs (RGO FETs); Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs); Work function tuning

bottom-up self-assembly, 41

challenges, 67

optimal-sized FAs, 73

porphyrins, 43

reverse sizing scheme, 70

scaling Issues, 4344

top-down vs. bottom-up self-assembly

CMOS/nanowire/molecular (CMOL), 299

CMP, see Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP)

CNF, see Carbon nanofibers (CNF)

CNM, see Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM)

CNT, see Carbon nanotube (CNT)

CNTFET SRAM design, 547, 561, 564; see also Carbon nanotube (CNT)

CNT diameter variations, 551

CNTFET SRAM cell performance, 549551

CNTFET SRAM cell with metallic CNTs, 552558

delay and static power comparison, 556

eight-transistor SRAM cell, 549

functional memory probability, 560

memory cell probability, 553

memory with spare columns, 560

performance optimization, 558

process parameters, 561

read and write delays, 557

read and write energy comparison, 556

read delay distribution density, 559

short transistor, 558

SNM distribution density, 559

SRAM cell, 548549

SRAM Cell performance, 557

technology scaling, 561

transistor with series–parallel CNTFETs, 552

write delay distribution density, 559

write failure, 558

CNTFETs, see Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFETs)

Coating techniques, 526

Cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc), 112

Coffee stain, 514

CoMoCAT process, 525

Comparative analysis of mobility and dopant number fluctuation models

analytical models, 17

mobility fluctuation-based model, 1819

mobility fluctuation vs. trap position, 23

mobility values, 22

number fluctuation-based model, 17

percolation-based model, 18

threshold voltage distribution, 24

threshold voltage fluctuation, 20

threshold voltage fluctuation error bar plot, 25

threshold voltage fluctuation values, 24

threshold voltage fluctuation vs. trap position, 21, 22

threshold voltage values, 23

threshold voltage vs. random dopant configuration, 19

Comparators (C), 570

Complementary and Level Restoring Carry Logic (CLRCL), 68

with TG FA, 68, 69

Complementary ferroelectriccapacitor (CFC), 761

Complementary resistive switch (CRS), 316; see also Linear memristive model; Non-linear memristive model

basic simulation models, 317

memristive models, 317

parasitic current paths, 316

states, 317

Compute magnet, 767

Computer architecture, 591

Computer-aided design (CAD), 4

Conductance, 869

Conducting polymers, 454

Conduction-band minimum (CBM), 702

Conductive atomic force microscope (C-AFM), 139

current densities, 140

Configurable logic block (CLB), 571

Co/Ni multilayers, 789

Constant-type primitive (C type primitive), 270

Continues wave (CW), 839

Controlled Full Subtractor (CFS), 248

CoPc, see Cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc)

Copper diffusion barriers, 44

Copper silicide (Cu-Si), 628

Core–shell (CS), 609

Core–shell NW (CS-NW), 610

Corrected Coulomb approach, 17; see also Fast multipole method; Particle–particle–particle–mesh coupling method

Coulomb blockade, 181, 186, 187

change in, 189

Counterelectrode (CE), 644

Coupling field, 781, 783; see also Nanomagnet

enhancement, 784

simulation results for, 784, 785

CPU, see Central processing unit (CPU)

Critical buckling load, 357

CRM, see Channel resistance method (CRM)

Crossbar array architectures, 299

Crossbar memory array, 313

vs. flash-based memory arrays, 313

oxide-based resistive switching devices, 313

sensing margin, 313

size, 312

Crossbar memory array reading operations; see also Crossbar memory array writing operation

circuits for different reading voltage, 302

crossbar array, 299, 300, 301

crossbar array equation, 305

crossbar arrayreading operation, 300301

crossbar array solution, 304

current direction, 307

disturbance and power efficiency, 303304

half-selected devices, 301

memory concepts, 299300

nonlinearity ratio, 307

of nonlinear IV characteristics, 307

effect of nonlinear memory characteristics, 307

reading operation power efficiency, 306

readout voltage distribution, 306307

readout voltage distribution comparison, 310

sensing margin, 302303, 304, 308

sneak paths, 308

voltage configurations for, 301302

worst-scenario sensing margin, 308310

Crossbar memory array writing operation, 309, 312; see also Crossbar memory array reading operations

current delivery, 312

flash memory arrays, 311

leakage reduction, 312,

line resistance, 311

maximum disturbance voltage, 311

parasitic leakage paths, 309

partial bias schemes, 310311

resistive switching devices, 310

select devices, 310

voltage decay, 311312

voltage distribution, 311

CRS, see Complementary resistive switch (CRS)

CS, see Core–shell (CS)

CS-NW, see Core–shell NW (CS-NW)

CTIA, see Capacitive trans-impedance amplifier (CTIA)

C type IV converter, 439

C type primitive, see Constant-type primitive (C type primitive)

Current-to-voltage converter, 438

C type IV converter, 439

R type IV converter, 438

Current–voltage (IV), 513

Cu silicide nanowires, 627, 637638

characterization of, 629, 635

fabrication, 628, 629

high-resolution analysis, 633634

indexed Si[110] zone pattern, 634

as Li-ion anode materials, 636637

before and after lithiation process, 638

low-angle grain boundary, 633

oblique angle codeposition, 629

self-assembled nanowire, 629633

SEM images, 630, 631, 635

single crystalline, 633, 628

on Si substrate, 632

synthesis methods for, 628

XRD patterns of deposited, 637

Cu-Si, see Copper silicide (Cu-Si)

CV, see Cyclic voltammetry (CV)

CVD, see Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

CW, see Continues wave (CW)

C2W, see Chip-to-wafer (C2W)

Cyclic voltammetry (CV), 93, 448, 644


DARPA, see Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)

DC, see Direct current (DC)

DD, see Drift-diffusion (DD)

Defect tolerance, 570

Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), 406

Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA), 406

Deionized (DI), 366

water, 666

Delta-sigma modulation, 439

Dense plasma focus (DPF), 61

Densities of states (DoS), 418

calculating, 486

for conduction-band minimum, 702

Density functional theory (DFT), 48, 870

advantage, 873

band gap of semiconductors, 872

LDA in, 702

Density-gradient ultracentrifugation method (DGU method), 525

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 287

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 656

Describing function (DF), 287

analysis in frequency domain, 288

DNA or CNT nanodevices, 291

limit cycle frequency, 288

linear system transfer function, 288

memristor, 290291

nonlinear static vi characteristic, 289290

Device miniaturization, 835

Device parameters, 528

DEZn, see Diethylzinc (DEZn)

DF, see Describing function (DF)

DFT, see Density functional theory (DFT)

DGU method, see Density-gradient ultracentrifugation method (DGU method)

DHS, see Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

DI, see Deionized (DI)

Diamond-like carbon (DLC), 400

DIBL, see Drain induce barrier lowering (DIBL)

Dictator majority gate, 229

Dielectrics, 80, 81

constant, 448

films, 83

permittivity, 80

Dielectrophoresis deposition of graphene, 375376, 381; see also Graphene

Diethylzinc (DEZn), 667

Diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI), 194

Digital circuits,nanofabric-based, 571

Digital media object detection, 793

image processing, 793794

magnetic Hamiltonian, 794795

Digital signal processing module (DSP module), 438

Dimensional scaling

Cu resistivity and, 808

limitation, 807

Dimethyl formamide (DMF), 448

Dimethyl octadecylchlorosilane (DMODCS), 43


contact resistance, 313

resistor logic, 571

Direct bandgap 1D nanostructures, 485

Direct current (DC), 510

Direct diagonalization techniques, 494

Discrete atomic system, 875

Disordered graphene, 103; see also Graphene

ASLG, 104, 105

current density against electric field, 105

parameters from field emission, 106

PSLG, 103104

Raman spectra of, 104

DIUS, see UK Department for Innovations, Universities and Skills (DIUS)

DLC, see Diamond-like carbon (DLC)

DMEA, see Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA)

DMF, see Dimethyl formamide (DMF)

DMODCS, see Dimethyl octadecylchlorosilane (DMODCS)

DNA, see Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

DOE, see U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Domain wall (DW), 779

Doped SnO2 NWs synthesis, 615, 625

bulk-scale synthesis, 619

Cl2 sensor fabrication and characterization, 617

depletion regions in NPs and NWs, 624

dynamic sensor testing system, 618

experimental procedure, 616

homo-junction diode sensors, 616

IV curves, 621

material characterizations, 616

materials, 616

n- and p-type NWs, 616

optical absorption spectra, 623

p-doped, 622

PL spectra, 620

response concentration curve, 624

sensor application of n-doped NWs, 625

surface plasmon resonance frequency, 622

synthetic methods, 616617

DoS, see Densities of states (DoS)

Dot model, 781782

Double-junction, 182

DP spin-relaxation mechanism, see D’yakonov–Perel’ spin-relaxation mechanism (DP spin-relaxation mechanism)

DPF, see Dense plasma focus (DPF)

Drain induce barrier lowering (DIBL), 728

coefficient, 71

effect, 19

fluctuation, 28, 33

Drain potential, 150

DRAM, see Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM)

Drift-diffusion (DD), 725

transport, 145

Driver magnets, 767

Dry etching, 85

DSP module, see Digital signal processing module (DSP module)

DSSCs, see Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)

DT-MRI, see Diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI)

DW, see Domain wall (DW)

D’yakonov–Perel’ spin-relaxation mechanism (DP spin-relaxation mechanism), 819

Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), 655

Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), 85, 751


EA, see Easy axis (EA)

Easy axis (EA), 812


deposited Ag NPs, 675

growing method, 679

lithography, 135

EBL, see Electron-beam lithography (EBL)

ECM, see Electrochemical metallization (ECM)

Edge-scattering MFP, 817

EDL, see Electrochemical double layer (EDL)

EDLCs, see Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs)

EDS, see Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX)

EDX, see Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX)

EELS, see Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)

Effective cross-points, 582

Effective oxide thickness (EOT), 28

EHT, see Extended Hückel theory (EHT)

8T, see Eight-transistor (8T)

Eight-transistor (8T), 549

memory cell, 549

memory cell probability, 553

performance, 555, 562, 563

read and write delays, 557

write delay distribution density, 551

8T SRAM cell, see Eight-transistor (8T)—memory cell

EIS, see Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

Electrical control of CNT synthesis condition, 471, 481; see also Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

bridge resistance vs. temperature, 476, 477

calculation and simulation, 474476

CNT diameter measurement, 479

CNT growth, 474, 478

CNT–microsystem integration, 473

electric field simulation, 478

experimental characterization, 476477

IV curve, 479

industrial implementation, 480481

locally synthesized CNT, 478

methodology, 472474

polysilicon microbridge temperature distribution, 475

polysilicon microstructures and electrical arrangement, 474

silicon resistivity vs. temperature, 475

synthesized CNT diameter distribution, 479

Electrical currents on nanoscale, 869870

Electrical energy storage, 445; see also Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs)

Electrical field strengths for hole and electron tunneling, 125

Electrical quantum-dot cellular automata (EQCA), 226, see Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)

gates and bistable feature of, 227

Electric field-controlled spin interactions, 835, 846

barrier-dependent polarization-resolved spectra, 845

degree of polarization, 839, 844, 845

direct and indirect excitons, 840

electric field-tunable exchange interaction, 839842

electron–hole exchange interaction, 837838

exciton fine structure, 837838

fundamentals, 836

luminescence polarization, 837

optical orientation, 836837

polarization signatures, 842

polarization-dependent PL spectra, 840, 841

polarization-resolved photoluminescence, 838839

polarization-resolved PL measurements, 840

positive trion spin fine structure, 844

singly charged trion state identification, 844

spin effects of charged exciton states, 842846

X pattern, 842, 843

Electric-field-induced layer formation method (ELF method), 510

s-CNT purification, 511

Electrochemical capacitors (EC) construction, 447

Electrochemical double layer (EDL), 642

Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), 446; see also Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs)

ACs-based, 446

in charged and discharged states, 446

EDLC−battery hybrid systems, 454

gravimetric energy density, 448

gravimetric specific capacitance, 449

gravimetric-specific double-layer capacitance, 446

stability, 453

VACNT-based, 450, 453

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), 644

Electrochemical metallization (ECM), 317, 318

memristive model of, 321

Electromagnetic effect, 673

Electromagnetic fields (EM fields), 494

Electromechanical modeling, 216, 219220; see also Stress sensor modeling

average distance among GNPs in matrix, 216217, 219

effective electrical conductivity, 216, 217

relative deformations, 218

Electromigration method, 167


density, 499

hole exchange interaction, 837

tunneling, 182

Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), 451

Electron-beam lithography (EBL), 168, 402

Electronic structure methods, 872; see also Atomic-scale modeling of nanoscale devices

ab initio methods, 872

DFT, 873874

DFTB, 873

EHT, 873

germanium band structure, 873

Hubbard model, 873

semiempirical models, 873

Slater–Koster tight-binding models, 873

Electrostatic short-range Coulomb forces, 15

ELF method, see Electric-field-induced layer formation method (ELF method)

Elliott–Yafet spin-relaxation mechanism (EY spin-relaxation mechanism), 819

EM fields, see Electromagnetic fields (EM fields)

EMC, see Ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC)

EMIM-Tf2N, see 3-Methylimidazoliumbis(trifluoromethy lsulfonyl) imide (EMIM-Tf2N)


diagram, 126, 127

minimization co-processor, 793

Energy-band control study, 701, 709710; see also [110]-SiNWs

cross-sectional shape effects, 703704

cutoff energy, 702

method, 702703

origins of dependence on cross-sectional shapes, 706707

radius of rough wire, 702

random fluctuation distribution, 702703

sidewall roughness effects, 707709

Energy band gap, 485, 492

with defect and temperature, 486487

with diameter, 486

at different diameters and temperatures, 490

equation implementation, 486

IV characteristics, 490491

methodology, 486

results, 488

Schrödinger equation, 486

with temperature, 487, 488

temperature dependent band-gap behavior, 489

Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX), 451, 674

Ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC), 18, 713

EOT, see Effective oxide thickness (EOT)

EQCA, see Electrical quantum-dot cellular automata (EQCA)

Equivalent series resistance (ESR), 448

ESR, see Equivalent series resistance (ESR)

Etched-foil Nanocapacitors, 81; see also Particulate capacitors

ALD technique, 85

Al foil micrograph, 84

counter electrode, 82

deposition technique drawbacks, 81

dielectric films, 83

dry-etching, 81

integrated passive device, 89

intrinsically conducting polymers, 83

leakage current reduction, 83

MIM nanocapacitor arrays, 83

oxynitrides, 82

PEDT-based capacitors, 83

reactive ion etcher, 84

self-healing process, 82, 83

wet-etching, 81

Etching; see also Etched-foil Nanocapacitors

Mesa etching, 696

Piranha etch, 183

reactive ion etching, 728

selective chemical etching, 539

wet etching, 85

Exchange-correlation (XC), 718

functionals, 872

potential, 718, 719

Exciton fine structure, 837838

Exotic elements, 867

Extended Hückel theory (EHT), 873

parameters, 874

EY spin-relaxation mechanism, see Elliott–Yafet spin-relaxation mechanism (EY spin-relaxation mechanism)


FA, see Formic acid (FA); Full adder (FA)

Fanout, 766

driver magnetization states, 769

nanomagnet, 767

Faradaic redox reactions, 451

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 875

Fast multipole method, 17; see also Corrected Coulomb approach; Particle–particle–particle–mesh coupling method

FC magnets, see Ferromagnetically coupled magnets (FC magnets)

FE, see Field emission (FE)

FEM, see Finite element method (FEM)

FENA, see Functional Engineered Nano Architectonics (FENA)

FEOL, see Front-end-of-line (FEOL)

Ferromagnetically coupled magnets (FC magnets), 766

Ferromagnetic material switching speeds, 856

in-plane vs. partially perpendicular materials, 860, 861

in-plane vs. perpendicular materials, 857860, 861

low vs. high HK in-plane materials, 856857

switching delay, 857, 858

FET, see Field effect transistor (FET); Fast Fourier transform (FFT)

Few-layer graphene (FLG), 401; see also Graphene-on-diamond devices

FIB, see Focused ion beam (FIB)

Field effect transistor (FET), 61

Field emission (FE), 93

phenomena, 168

Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM)

Field programable gate array (FPGA), 570

application-dependent testing of, 571

Field-coupled computing, 792

cellular automata architectures, 792

energy minimization, 793

magnetic coupling, 792

quantum tunneling, 792

Field-coupled nanomagnets, 781

Field-effect mobility, 518

Field-programmable nanowire interconnect (FPNI), 299

Fin field effect transistors (FinFETs), 547, 717; see also CNTFET SRAM design

FinFETs, see Fin field effect transistors (FinFETs)

Finite element method (FEM), 475, 875

Finite-difference solver, 359

FLG, see Few-layer graphene (FLG)

Floating catalyst method, 447

fMRI, see Functional MRI (fMRI)

F–N, see Fowler–Nordheim (F–N)

FN tunneling, see Fowler–Nordheim tunneling (FN tunneling)

Focused ion beam (FIB), 136

etching, 182183, 186

irradiation, 780

piranha etch, 183

Formic acid (FA), 448

4-D, see Four-dimension (4-D)

Four-dimension (4-D), 272

cube, 272274

Four-layer reliable hardware architecture (4LRA), 592

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), 616, 657

4LRA, see Four-layer reliable hardware architecture (4LRA)

Fowler–Nordheim (F–N), 168

activation, 168

Fowler–Nordheim tunneling (FN tunneling), 123, 138

barrier heights, 126127

barriers, 123

electrical strengths for, 125

modified, 124

parameters, 126

probability, 124

FPGA, see Field programable gate array (FPGA)

FPNI, see Field-programmable nanowire interconnect (FPNI)

Free ferromagnetic layer magnetization, 852

Free layer magnetization dynamics, 853854; see also Spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM)

Frequency-limiting skin effect, 647

Front-end-of-line (FEOL), 43

FST switching, see Full-spin torque switching (FST switching)

FTIR, see Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)

Full adder (FA), 67

Full subtractor, 246, 247

Full width half maximum (FWHM), 384, 427

Full-spin torque switching (FST switching), 814

Functional Engineered Nano Architectonics (FENA), 406

Functional MRI (fMRI), 194

Functional yield, 539

FWHM, see Full width half maximum (FWHM)


GAA, see Gate-all-around (GAA)

GAA multiple-channel nanowire TFT variations, 727, 735

average grain size, 731

experiment, 728

Poisson area scatter model, 728

Poisson distribution probability, 731

subthreshold swing mean, 730, 733

TEM images, 729

threshold voltage, 730, 733, 731

transfer characteristics of, 731, 734

transfer curve comparison, 729

GAA poly-Si NW TFT, 727; see also GAA multiple-channel nanowire TFT variations

GAA Si-NWFET, 737, 746747; see also Nanowire field-effect transistor (NWFET)

channel resistance, 738

device structure and CV measurement, 741742

equivalent circuit diagram of MOSFET, 738

gate signal response, 742744

parasitic bottom transistor turning-on effect analysis, 745746

series resistance extraction procedure, 738741

SiGe layer roles, 744

Y parameter in planar MOSFET and NWFET, 739

GaAs matrix, 838

GaAs nanowires, 603, 610, 612

AlGaAs shell growth, 606

buffer layer growth, 605, 606607

core–shell, 611

crystal structure of, 604605

double GaAs buffer layer structure, 607

experimental details, 605606

grown on Si (111) substrates, 607

growth of III–V nanowires, 604

High-magnification TEM images, 610

HR-TEM images, 610

morphology, 604, 606, 607608

optical properties, 609610

PL emission peaks, 611

SEM images, 604, 605, 606

in situ annealing, 607

structure improvement, 608609

types of, 608

Ga-doped ZnO films (GZO films), 687

GaN nanowires (GaN NWs), 674; see also Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)

GaN NWs, see GaN nanowires (GaN NWs)

Gas sensor, 188190

Gas-phase oxidations, 451

Gate length, 687

Gate-all-around (GAA), 737; see also GAA Si-NWFET

nanowire transistor, 720

TEM images of, 729

transfer curves, 729

General-purpose gate (GPG), 143, 151

circuit model of, 152

connections for common logic functions, 153

current response of, 153, 154

function, 152

logic function of, 152

SEM image of, 151

XOR and XNOR simulation, 153, 155

Generalized gradient approximation (GGA), 411, 718

meta, 872

Germanium band structure, 873

GGA, see Generalized gradient approximation (GGA)

GIC, see Graphite intercalation compound (GIC)

Glucose, 656

GNPs, see Graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs)

GNRs, see Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs)

Grain boundary, 727

Graphene, 93, 209, 365, 393, 399, 409; see also Disordered graphene; Graphene band gap modification; Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs); Graphene nanotransistors; Graphene-on-diamond devices; Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG); Low-stress graphene transfer; Patterned graphene printing

assembly of graphene sheets, 374

based electronics, 383384

based field-effect transistor, 377

bilayer, 409

chemical doping, 373

chemical modification of, 410

controlled modifications of, 106

current–voltage characteristics of, 377

CVD, 383

deposition, 373

device design and fabrication, 374

device fabrication, 374

device output and transfer characteristics, 378

direct transfer method, 366

electrical characteristics, 377379

electrical resistance of, 370

electrode design, 374

film, 365366

into graphane, 366, 371

graphene–metal interaction, 413

handling of, 373

ion sensitivity of, 379381

large-area monolayer, 94

MA-Gr, 410

material strength, 373

molecular structures of functionalized, 410

pH response of, 379381

solution, 375

testing scheme of deposited, 379

wider strips, 410

Graphene band gap modification, 409, 418; see also Graphene

binding energy, 412

calculated band structures, 414

electronic properties, 413418

geometrical properties, 412413

MA-Gr band structures, 416

metal atoms electronic configuration, 413

methods, 411

PFPA-functionalized graphene band gaps, 410

spin-resolved density, 418

synthesis strategy, 412

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), 809; see also All-spin logic (ASL); CMOS (Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor); Interconnects

atomic SOC, 819

diffusion coefficient in, 815

edge-scattering MFP, 817

effective MFP of electrons in, 818

electron diffusion coefficient vs. width, 818

electron MFP, 815

energy-dispersion relation of, 816

low-field 1D conductivity, 817

spin-relaxation length in, 819

Graphene nanotransistors, 393, 397

device electrical measurements, 394396

graphene preparation and device fabrication, 393394

IV characteristics, 395

RF transistor device micrograph, 394

small-signal analysis and discussion, 396397

top gates, 394

Graphene-on-diamond devices, 399, 406

breakdown current testing of, 405

characteristics of, 404405

electrical and thermal characteristics of, 404

graphene device fabrication, 402403

graphene preparation and characterization, 401

IV characteristics, 404

micro-Raman spectroscopic analysis, 402

optical microscopy image, 403

SEM images, 404

substrate material selection, 400

synthetic diamond growth, 400401

thermal breakdown in, 405406

two and three-terminal devices, 403

Graphite intercalation compound (GIC), 210

Graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs), 209; see also Graphene; Integrated stress monitoring; Nanocomposites

film fabricated for DC electrical conductivity measurement, 211

fracture surface, 212

synthesis, 210211

Graphone, 366

Ground–signal–ground configuration (G-S-G configuration), 395

G-S-G configuration, see Ground–signal–ground configuration (G-S-G configuration)

GZO films, see Ga-doped ZnO films (GZO films)


HA, see Hard axis (HA)

Hafnium-based gate dielectric materials, problems in, 61

Half-selected devices, 301

Hamming distance, 274

HAR, see High-aspect-ratio (HAR)

HAR metallic nanowires, 641, 649650

AAO templates, 644

application scheme for, 647

characterization, 644

cyclic voltammetry, 644

deposition mechanism, 648649

electrodeposition, 643, 644

equivalent electrical circuit diagram, 649

experimental section, 642

frequency-limiting skin effect, 647

kinetic growth curve of Ag NWs, 648

method to fabricate, 642

NW deposition, 645647

pathway to packaging, 647648

pulse frequencies, 644

template preparation, 642, 644

Hard axis (HA), 812

HARDI, see High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)

HBT, see Heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT)

HCN, see Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)

HDL framework, 230; see also HDLQ; Magnetic Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (MQCA)

HDL model of MQCA, 230, 236

I/O interface, 230231

magnetization, 231232

propagation and cell placement, 232

Verilog code for magnetization functions, 232

HDL-based design tool (HDLQ), 226

HDLM, see HDL framework

HDLQ, see HDL-based design tool (HDLQ)

Heat transfer coefficient, 358

HEMTs, see High-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs)

Heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT), 144

HEV, see Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV)

Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS), 515

Hexamethylenetetramine (HMT), 667

HF, see Hydrofluoride (HF)

HFCV, see hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle(HFCV)

High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), 195

High-aspect-ratio (HAR), 423; see also HAR metallic nanowires

High-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs), 145

High-energy particle collision, 360361

High-resistance state (HRS), 300

determination, 301

readout voltage distribution, 306307

sneak-path, 315

High-resistive tunnel junctions, 190; see also Single-electron transistor (SET)

capacitance of tunnel junction, 181

charge conduction, 181

electron tunneling, 182

tungsten oxide thickness estimation, 184

tungsten oxide tunnel junctions, 187

High-resolution (HR), 605

High-κ/metal-gate (HKMG), 27

Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), 52, 415

Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 383; see also Graphene; Patterned graphene printing

graphene ~100 nm FWHM line pattern on, 386

micron-scale pattern preparation, 384

nanoscale pattern preparation, 384

pattern generation on, 384

SEM image of TEM grid pattern on, 385

HKMG, see High-κ/metal-gate (HKMG)

HMDS, see Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS)

HMT, see Hexamethylenetetramine (HMT)

Homo-junction diode sensors, 616

HOPG, see Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)

Hot-spot effect, 677

HR, see High-resolution (HR)

HRS, see High-resistance state (HRS)

HSQ, see Hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ)

Hubbard model, 873

Human Brain Project, 194

Humidity, 114

Humidity sensing, 112

capacitance measurement set up, 113

capacitance–humidity relationship, 114

capacitor’s capacitance, 115

CoPc, 112113, 115

device fabrication and characterization, 113

humidity-dependent capacitance, 113

response and recovery times, 115

Hybrid, 327

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), 453

Hybrid memory cell, 327, 339; see also Memory cell, proposed; Memristor

memory operations, 328

relationship between circuit elements, 328

Hydrofluoride (HF), 605

Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), 448

Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle(HFCV), 45

plots, 49, 51, 52

Hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ), 44

Hydrogenated SiNWs, 701

5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-10, 15, 20-tri (p-tolyl) zinc(II) porphyrin (Zn(II) TTPOH), 45


IAS, see Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS)

IC, see Integrated circuit (IC)

ICPs, see Intrinsically conducting polymers (ICPs)

Ideal substrate, 818

IDES, see Interdigitated electrode structure (IDES)

IEP, see Isoelectric point (IEP)

IGSSE, see International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)

ILDs, see Inter-layer dielectrics (ILDs)

Image processing, 793794

Indium tin oxide (ITO), 43

Infrared (IR), 437

Inkjet printing, 510

Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), 531

Insulator properties, 852

Integrated circuit (IC), 3

Integrated passive device (IPD), 89

Integrated stress monitoring, 209; see also Electromechanical modeling; Graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs); Nanocomposites

analysis, 218220

electromechanical modeling, 216218

stress sensor modeling, 214216

thermal interface materials, 209

Integration of SETs using activation, 173175, 178

Interaural time difference (ITD), 350

Interconnects, 808, 823824; see also All-spin logic (ASL); Brain; CMOS (Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor); Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs); Neurons

ASL circuit, 811821

ASL circuit energy vs. overdrive, 822

brain and, 193

capacitance, 808

challenge associated with, 808

in CMOS circuit, 809811

delay vs. interconnect length, 821

dynamics, 814815

electrical and spintronic circuit comparison, 821

electron spin flux, 815

energy dissipation vs. interconnect length, 823

outlook, 823824

power consumption, 193, 194

resistance evaluation, 810

spin diffusion time constant through, 815

steady-state carrier concentration in, 815

total transmitter-side resistance, 822

Interdigitated electrode structure (IDES), 467

Interface trap fluctuation (ITF), 27

Interface traps (ITs), 27, 29; see also Random dopants

fluctuations of drain current–gate voltage, 31

and RDs comparison, 34

surface potential and current density, 32

threshold voltage fluctuation, 33

Inter-layer dielectrics (ILDs), 44

International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE), 531

International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 193

for industry, 423, 424

postsilicon innovations, 547

Inter-spike intervals (ISIs), 341

Intrinsically conducting polymers (ICPs), 83

Inverse bit line (BL’), 332

Inverting BDT, 148

Ion sensitivity of graphene, 379381; see also Graphene

Ionic liquid electrolytes, 454

Ionosorption, 189

IPA, see Isopropyl-alcohol (IPA)

IPD, see Integrated passive device (IPD)

IR, see Infrared (IR)

ISIs, see Inter-spike intervals (ISIs)

Isoelectric point (IEP), 656

Isopropyl-alcohol (IPA), 628

ITD, see Interaural time difference (ITD)

ITF, see Interface trap fluctuation (ITF)

ITO, see Indium tin oxide (ITO)

ITRS, see International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)

ITs, see Interface traps (ITs)

IV, see Current–voltage (IV)


Jahn–Teller effect, 413


Kaelble’s model, 512

surface free energy estimation, 513

Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), 48


potential, 495

Schrödinger-type equation, 494

KPFM, see Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM)


Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation (LLG equation), 758, 852

modified, 853

Landauer–Büttiker formalism, 869

Laser ablation, 111

Latch-up, 356

Lateral spin–orbit coupling (LSOC), 827

Lathanum incorporated hafnium, 61, 65; see also Metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS)

AFM characteristics of, 63

capacitance–voltage characteristics, 64

current–voltage characteristics, 64

electrical parameters of MOS devices, 65

experimental details, 62

results, 63

XRD spectra of, 63

Lattice-based integrated-signal nanocellular automata (LINA), 256, 266

assigning binary value, 257

block layout, 260262

correct logical output probability, 258260, 263

design and simulation, 264265

designs space, 262264

full adder cell, 265

geometrical layout, 258

integrated signals of, 257

LINA wire, 256, 258

logic structures, 260

majority and fan-out gates, 262

minimum half-pitch and wire design, 264

reliability, 257

theory and advantages, 256

3-wide LINA majority gate, 261

vs. traditional QCA, 257

wire width, 357

Lattice-based integrated-signal nanocellular automata-type QCA (LINA-QCA), 256

Lazy AND gate, 229

LDA, see Local density approximation (LDA)

LDoS, see Local density of states (LDoS)

Leakage current reduction, 83

LEDs, see Light emitting diodes (LEDs)

Leyden jar, 79

LFSR, see Linear feedback shift registers (LFSR)

Liénard equation, 291

conditions for limit cycle, 292

nonlinear nanodevice, 293294

quadratic memristor, 292293

Light emitting diodes (LEDs), 655

Light microscopy (LM), 385

Li-ion batteries, see Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion batteries)

Limit cycle, 294295

conditions for, 292

LINA, see Lattice-based integrated-signal nanocellular automata (LINA)

LINA-QCA, see Lattice-based integrated-signal nanocellular automata-type QCA (LINA-QCA)

Linear feedback shift registers (LFSR), 571

Linear memristive model, 318320; see also Non-linear memristive model

filament length range limitation, 318

memristive elements connected antiserially, 319

Spice simulation, 319

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion batteries), 627; see also Batteries

LLG equation, see Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation (LLG equation)

LM, see Light microscopy (LM)

LNA, see Low-noise amplifiers (LNA)

Local density approximation (LDA), 411

for electron–ion interaction, 702

for XC potential, 718

Local density of states (LDoS), 722, 723

Logic computation basic operations, 757

clocking cells, 758759

read circuit, 759

reading outputs, 759760

STT clocking, 759

writing inputs, 758

Logic gates, 228; see also Majority gates (MAJ); Yield improvement technique analysis

CFC, 761

dictator majority gate, 229

lazy AND gate, 229

MOSFET gate, 47

n-input AND gate, 236

novel n-input AND gate in MQCA, 235236

OR-3 gate, 203, 206

in QCA, 240

TGs, 68

Logic-in-memory design, 753; see also Nonvolatile logic-in-memory architecture

Low-field 1D conductivity, 817

Low-noise amplifiers (LNA), 536

Low-pass filter (LPF), 440

Low-power reliable nano adders, 67; see also CMOS scaling


low-power FA, 68

measuring power consumption and delay of FA, 72

mirrored FA, 71

power dissipation, 70

sizing simulations, 71

28T and TG FAs comparison, 73

TG FA, 68, 69, 74

threshold voltage variation effects, 6869

transistor dimensions, 73

transistor sizing, 6971

Low-pressure CVD method (LPCVD method), 448, 728

Low-resistance state (LRS), 300

determination, 301

readout voltage distribution, 306307

sneak-path, 315

Low-stress graphene transfer, 365, 367, 371

experimental, 366368

graphene to graphane, 366, 371

hydrogen-plasma-treated single-layer graphene, 369, 370

remote hydrogenation plasma, 368

transferred, 369

Lowest unoccupied molecular level (LUMO), 415

LPCVD method, see Low-pressure CVD method (LPCVD method)

LPF, see Low-pass filter (LPF)

LRS, see Low-resistance state (LRS)

LSOC, see Lateral spin–orbit coupling (LSOC)

LUMO, see Lowest unoccupied molecular level (LUMO)


MA, see Metal-arene (MA)

Macropores, 446

MA-functionalized graphene (MA-Gr), 410; see also Graphene

ball-and-stick presentation, 412

band structures, 416

geometrical parameters of, 414

MAG, see Maximum available gain (MAG)

Magnetic core memories, 751

Magnetic coupling, 792

Magnetic field-based computing systems (MFC systems), 797, 801

Magnetic force microscope (MFM), 766

image of second full adder design, 774

images of programmable majority gate, 768

Magnetic Hamiltonian, 794795

Magnetic Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (MQCA), 225, 236, 811; see also HDL model of MQCA; Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)

basic logic gate for, 228

binary wire, 233

bistable feature and binary wire of, 228

cascade propagation failure, 228

dictator majority gate, 229

layout and waveform, 234.

lazy AND gate, 229

logic operation and signal propagation, 227

majority gate, 233

MQCA majority gate, 228

MQCA-specific blocks, 234235

n-input AND gate, 236

novel n-input AND gate in MQCA, 235236

truth table, 229

Verilog code of MQCA wire, 233

waveform of MQCA wire., 233

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 194

Magnetic toroids, 751

Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), 752, 811, 849, 850; see also Spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM)

with access transistor, 753

column inside logic-in-memory architecture, 757

dipolar magnetic coupling, 755

electrical resistance of, 752

inside MRAM, 752

MTJ-CMOS unit, 752

placement in logic-in-memory architecture, 755

STT-clocking phases in, 758

TMR, 752

Magnetoresistive RAMs (MRAMs), 752

layout, 753

logic states in, 752

MTJ, 752

MA-Gr, see MA-functionalized graphene (MA-Gr)

MAJ, see Majority gates (MAJ)

Majority gates (MAJ), 591, 766; see also Majority logic synthesis

based voting technique, 592

with driver magnets, 768

full adder design constructed from, 771

MFM images of programmable, 768

Majority logic synthesis, 268, 275, 278; see also Minimal majority gate mapping

benchmark circuit synthesis comparisons, 283

commands, 278279

conversion to majority gates, 279280

logic function of benchmark circuit majority, 281

MALS implementation, 282

remove repeated terms, 281

simplifying and decomposing, 276

standard functions, 277

Maskless printing, 510

Mason’s power gain (MSG), 395

Maximum available gain (MAG), 693

MBE, see Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)

MCAM, see Memristor-based content addressable memory (MCAM)

MCD, see Microcrystalline diamond (MCD)

MD, see Molecular dynamics (MD)

MDS, see Multidimensional scaling (MDS)

Mean free path (MFP), 535, 815

Memory; see also Crossbar memory array; CMOS; Eight-transistor (8T); Memory cell, proposed; QCA

devices, 548

MCAM, 330

modules, 548

thermal memory buckling mechanism of, 356358

Memory cell, proposed, 332, 339; see also Hybrid memory cell; Memristor

comparison with CMOS, 337, 338339

driver circuit for WRITE operation, 334

power dissipation, 338

READ operation, 334336

refresh operation simulation, 337

transistor sizing simulation, 337

WRITE operation, 332335

WRITE /READ times and voltages, 338

WRITE time vs. memristance range, 335, 336

Memristor, 290291, 327, 328330; see also Hybrid memory cell; Memory cell, proposed; Resistive switches

current–voltage relationship, 329

doped region width, 329

electric charge, 328

as memory element, 329

resistive array, 329330

as switching resistance device, 329

TiO2 film between Pt electrodes, 329

as variable resistor, 328

Memristor-based content addressable memory (MCAM), 330

MEMS, see Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)

Mesa etching, 696

Mesopores, 446

Metal-arene (MA), 410

metal atoms electronic configuration, 413

Metal-bis-arene, 411

Metal–insulator–metal (MIM), 83

capacitors, 535

nanocapacitor arrays, 83

Metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor (MNOS), 120

Metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), 604

Metal–oxide–metal tunneling diodes. (MOM tunneling diodes), 134, 136

direct tunneling, 138

electrical characterization and simulations, 138

fabrication, 137

implementation challenges, 140

morphological characterization, 139

Metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS), 64, 84; see also CMOS; Lathanum incorporated hafnium

capacitors, 535

electrical parameters of, 65

Metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET), 3, 27, 143

based memory industry, 849

gate, 47

Metallic carbon nanotubes, 535; see also Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

Metallic single-walled CNT (m-SWCNT), 493

Metallic–metallic junction points (MM junction points), 529

Metallic–semiconducting junction points (MS junction points), 529

Metallocenes, 411

3-Methylimidazoliumbis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide (EMIM-Tf2N), 454

Methyl-silsesquioxane (MSQ), 44

MFC systems, see Magnetic field-based computing systems (MFC systems)

MFM, see Magnetic force microscope (MFM)

MFP, see Mean free path (MFP)

MFS, see Minimum feature size (MFS)

Microcrystalline diamond (MCD), 400; see also Graphene-on-diamond devices

Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), 119, 423, 471

technology, 42

Microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD), 400

MIM, see Metal–insulator–metal (MIM)

MIMD, see Multiple-instruction-multiple-data (MIMD)

Minimal majority gate mapping, 267, 283; see also Majority logic synthesis

4-D cube, 272274

Hamming distance, 274

K-map, 270, 272, 273

majority expression, 272

primitives, 270271

QCA cell, 268

QCA clock, 269

QCA devices, 268269

standard functions, 274275, 276

Minimum feature size (MFS), 807

edge-scattering, 817

electron, 815

of electrons in GNR, 818

Mixed-mode switching (MM switching), 814

ML, see Multilayers (ML)

MLA, see Molecular logic array (MLA)

MLCC, see Multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC)

MLG, see Multilayer graphene (MLG)

MM junction points, see Metallic–metallic junction points (MM junction points)

MM switching, see Mixed-mode switching (MM switching)

MNOS, see Metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor (MNOS)

Mobility fluctuation-based analytical model, 1819; see also Analytical models

MOCVD, see Metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)

Modified array model, 527, 528

Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), 135

Molecular dynamics (MD), 711

Molecular logic array (MLA), 571

MOM tunneling diodes, see Metal–oxide–metal tunneling diodes. (MOM tunneling diodes)

Monolayer systems, 42

Monte Carlo

free-flight scatter, 713

molecular dynamics–3D Poisson–3D thermal solver, 712

MoO3–MWCNT composites, 94; see also Nanocomposites

cathodic half-cycle, 99

charge storage, 99, 100, 106

cyclic voltammograms, 99, 100

electrochemical responses, 99

intertwined, 9899

low equivalent series resistance, 103

nanowire crystallinity, 103

Raman spectra, 102103

redox kinetics, 103

specific capacitance, 100, 101

structural changes, 101

XP spectra, 98, 99

Moore’s law, 570

MOS, see Metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS)

MPCVD, see Microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD)

MQCA, see Magnetic Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (MQCA)

MRAMs, see Magnetoresistive RAMs (MRAMs)

MRI, see Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

MSG, see Mason’s power gain (MSG)

MS junction points, see Metallic–semiconducting junction points (MS junction points)

MSQ, see Methyl-silsesquioxane (MSQ)

m-SWCNT, see Metallic single-walled CNT (m-SWCNT)

MTJs, see Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs)

Multicell circuit functionality, 156157

Multidimensional scaling (MDS), 795

Multigrid method, 875

Multijunction SET device, 184, 186

Multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC), 80

Multilayer graphene (MLG), 384

pattern on glass slide, 387

Multilayers (ML), 784

Multiple-instruction-multiple-data (MIMD), 793

Multiplexer (MUX), 68, 248

Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), 93, 424; see also Carbon nanotubes (CNTs); MoO3–MWCNT composites; MWCNT IR sensor readout circuit

capacitance reduction, 98

controlled modifications of, 106

defect creation, 97

electrochemical performance of, 96, 97

ion irradiation of, 106

knock-on atomic displacement, 9798

pristine MWCNT, 95

Raman analysis, 96

specific capacitance, 96, 97

MUX, see Multiplexer (MUX)

MWCNT IR sensor readout circuit, 437, 442; see also Infrared (IR)—sensors

ADC PCB board, 440

CNT detector signal monitoring, 438

C type IV converter, 439

current readout, 438439

current-to-voltage conversion, 438, 439

high-resolution ADC, 439440

readout in single pixel camera, 441

readout system, 439, 440, 441

readout test on CNT-based IR detector, 441

recovery image, 442

requirements of readout circuits, 438

R type IV converter, 438

single pixel IR imaging, 442

testing system hardware setup, 440

MWCNTs, see Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)


Nano antennas for energy conversion, 133; see also Metal–oxide–metal tunneling diodes. (MOM tunneling diodes)

antenna length, 133

antenna-coupled MOM diodes, 134

autarkic power plants, 133

current density, 138

F–N tunneling, 138

nano antenna fabrication, 135136, 137

nanotransfer printing, 134135

photovoltaics, 133

rectifiers, 133134

renewable energy sources, 133

Schottky diodes, 134

stamp, 134

transfer-printing process, 137

Nanoblock, 570, 571

nanowires in, 572

utilization, 584585

Nanocapacitor with copper nano-electrode, 88

Nano-CMOS, see Nanometer scale complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (Nano-CMOS)

Nanocomposites; see also Graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs); Integrated stress monitoring; MoO3–MWCNT composites

DC effective conductivity of, 212

production, 211212

tensile properties, 213

tensile stress–strain characteristic of, 214

tensile test setup, 213

Nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si), 342

Nanocrystalline ZnO (nc-ZnO), 686

Nanodevices, 287, 296297; see also Describing function (DF); Liénard equation

limit cycle, 294295

stable fixed point, 295296

vi characteristics plot, 287

Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), 119, 471

Nanofabric, 571


activation, 168, 176

charging energy of activated SETs, 176, 177

current–voltage curves, 169170, 171172, 173, 177

EB lithography, 168

electromigration method, 167

field emission phenomena, 168

integration of SETs using activation, 173175, 178

resistance and activation duration, 170171, 172, 176, 178

resistance dependence, 174

SEM images of, 170, 176

structural and electrical property tuning, 169

NanoHUB. org, 4; see also Nanometer scale complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (Nano-CMOS)


tungsten, 185

tungsten oxidation, 183184, 185

Nanomagnet, see Magnetic Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (MQCA); Nanomagnetic logic (NML)

correspondence between nanomagnets and vision problem formulation, 796

coupling field, 781, 783785

dipole field, 783

dipole moment, 783

dot model, 781782

easy axis, 754

energy landscape and clocking process, 766

FIB irradiation and, 780

field-coupled, 781

hard axis, 754

magnetic interaction, 754

NML wires, 766

for quadratic minimization problems, 791

saddle point, 754

simplified physical model for, 781

single domain behavior and, 794

switching field of, 783

for vision problem, 800, 801

Nanomagnet dynamics, 812; see also All-spin logic (ASL)

elliptical, 813

magnetic moment, 812

material and design parameters for, 813

shape anisotropy energy of, 812

switching time, 813, 814

Nanomagnet full adder circuit, 765, 775776; see also Nanomagnetic logic components of full adder; Nanomagnetic logic full adder

design flaw, 773

fabrication and characterization, 771773

fanout, 766

NML components, 765

OOMMF simulations, 773

proposed designs, 773775, 776

reduced footprint design, 776

reduced footprint NML full adder design, 774

SEM and MFM images, 773

simulated switching field vs. dot length, 772

including three-input majority gates, 772

Nanomagnetic compact model, 785, 786

Nanomagnetic logic (NML), 779, 788789; see also Nanomagnet full adder circuit; Nanomagnet

applications for, 789

basic unit of, 765

benefits, 765

bit representation, 754

building blocks for, 780

circuits, 766

clocked single-layer nanomagnet in, 754

components, 765

Co/Ni multilayers, 789

coupling field, 783785

devices, 766

dot model, 781782

experiments, 782

fabrication, 782

FIB irradiation, 780

Gaussian distribution in, 788

logic behavior and performance, 762

logic execution, 753

majority gate, 766

model verification, 786787

nanomagnetic 1-bit full adder, 787788

nanomagnetic compact model, 785, 786

nulled condition, 765

perpendicular, 780

with PMA, 779

simulations, 786

switching behavior, 782783

working principles of, 753

Nanomagnetic logic components of full adder, 766

compute magnet, 767

driver magnets, 767

fanout, 766, 767769

five-nanomagnet-long vertical wire, 767

nanomagnet wires, 766

programmability and majority gate, 766767

shape engineering, 769770

slant magnet, 769770

Nanomagnetic logic full adder, 770; see also Nanomagnet full adder circuit

constructed from majority gates, 771

design, 770771

functionality, 771

Nanomechanical memory, 356, 357

Nanometer (nm), 641

Nanometer scale complementary metal–oxide semiconductor (Nano-CMOS), 3, 1213, 27; see also CMOS (Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor)

bulk-CMOS model files, 5

characteristics, 5

IDVD curves, 7, 8

IDVG curves, 7, 8

IV curves, 9, 10

log IV curves, 9, 10

model cards, 6, 12

model parameters, 5

nine-stage inverter circuit, 6

propagation delays, 1112

tool, 4

Nanoparticle memory TFT (NP-TFT), 342, 343; see also Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE)

charge leakage, 343, 344

gate voltage, 343, 344

threshold voltage shift, 343, 344

transfer characteristics of, 344

Nanoparticles (NPs), 616

NanoPLA, see Nanoscale programmable logic array (NanoPLA)

Nanoscale application-specific integrated circuit (NASIC), 299

Nano-scale capacitors with conformal nano-dielectrics, 79, 89; see also Etched-foil Nanocapacitors

aluminum electrolytic capacitors, 80

capacitor technology limitation, 79, 80

ceramic capacitor, 79

passive components, 79

silicon trench capacitors, 8485

tantalum capacitors, 82

target capacitance enhancement, 80

trench capacitors, 80

Nanoscale Integration and Modeling Group (NIMO Group), 4

Nanoscale programmable logic array (NanoPLA), 299

Nanoscale structures, 870

Nanotechnology, 287

benefits and challenges of, 570

Nanotubes (NTs), 615; see also Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

Nanowire capacitor (NWCAP), 742

Nanowire field-effect transistor (NWFET), 737, 746; see also GAA Si-NWFET

capacitance components, 747

charge distribution in n-type, 743, 745, 746

CV characterization in, 741742

extracted series resistance values, 741

measured current, 741

with nanowire channels, 744

single dopant effect on, 721

technical issues, 737738

with twin Si nanowires, 742

Y function of, 738740

Y parameter in, 739, 740

Nanowires (NWs), 603; see also Cu silicide nanowires; Doped SnO2 NWs synthesis

defects, 603

detection, 657

interconnecting incorporation of nanoparticles, 641

poly-Si NWs, 728

synthesis method, 615

NASIC, see Nanoscale application-specific integrated circuit (NASIC)

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 656

N-channel metal oxide semiconductor (NMOS), 47, 330, 536

transistors, 332

WRITE and READ times vs. transistor size, 337

nc-Si, see Nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si)

nc-ZnO, see Nanocrystalline ZnO (nc-ZnO)

nc-ZnO TFTs, 685, 698699; see also Thin film transistor (TFT); Transparent thin film transistor (TTFT)

baseline nc-ZnO thin film transistor, 687

current–voltage characteristics of, 697

DC characteristics, 689692

field-effect mobility for, 691, 692

growth temperature influence, 687689

high-speed transistors, 692694

indium-free TTFT, 695

I–V characteristics of, 689, 690

parasitic capacitance, 692, 693

PLD-grown ZnO thin films, 698

small-signal microwave characteristics of, 694, 695

small-signal microwave performances, 693, 694

thin film analysis, 687

thin film deposition and device fabrication, 686687

thin film transistors, 689

transconductance dependence on gate length, 691

transfer characteristics of, 691, 697

transparent, 696

transparent transistors, 694

x-ray diffraction patterns, 689

ZnO film over gate metal, 688

ZnO thin films, 687, 688

NDR, see Negative differential resistance region (NDR)

Near-edge x-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS), 401

NEB, see Nudged elastic bands (NEB)

NEDO, see New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

Negative differential resistance region (NDR), 829

NEGF, see Nonequilibrium Green’s function (NEGF)

NEMS, see Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS)

Neurons, 195; see also Brain; Interconnects

action potential, 197

impulse propagation, 195

myelinated, 196

refractory period, 197

Neurotransmitters, 194

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), 520

NEXAFS, see Near-edge x-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS)

NIH, see National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIMO Group, see Nanoscale Integration and Modeling Group (NIMO Group)

n-input AND gate, 236

90 nm node, 791

Nitrophenols, 661

nm, see Nanometer (nm)

N-methylpyrrolidinone (NMP), 425, 526

NML, see Nanomagnetic logic (NML)

n-NWFET, see n-type NWFET (n-NWFET)

Nonconventional devices, 144145

Nonequilibrium Green’s function (NEGF), 717, 872

formalism, 718

Hamiltonian of, 718

implementations, 874

simulations, 717

Non-linear memristive model, 320; see also Linear memristive model

applied equivalent circuit, 320, 321

ionic current, 322

series resistor on IV characteristics, 322323

Spice simulation, 318, 323

Nonlinearity ratio, 307

Nonvolatile logic-in-memory architecture, 751

benefits of, 761

cell types, 756

CMOS and MTJs interaction, 756

comparison with logic-in-memory architectures, 760761

comparison with NML, 761

logic behavior and performance, 762

logic built with multilayer STT-MTJs, 761

logic computation basic operations, 757

logic inside architecture operating principles, 753755

MTJ column, 757

MTJ placement, 755

performance analysis, 760

salient features, 756

specifications, 755757

STT current-driven clock, 755

two-input AND, 758

NP-TFT, see Nanoparticle memory TFT (NP-TFT)

NPs, see Nanoparticles (NPs)

n-/p-type ZnO nanorod synthesis, 665, 671

experiment, 666667

I–V characteristics, 669, 670

N-doped ZnO nanorods, 668

seed layer, 666

SEM images, 669

on Si wafers, 668

XRD and PL spectra, 667669, 670

XRD patterns, 669

Zn solution concentration effect, 667

NTs, see Nanotubes (NTs)

n-type NWFET (n-NWFET), 743; see also Nanowire field-effect transistor (NWFET)

charge distribution in, 743, 745, 746

CV curves of, 743

n-type TFTs fabrication, 505, 507508

Cs @ SWNTs formation process, 506

Cs atom encapsulation, 505

current–voltage curves, 507

experimental, 505

soaking time dependence, 507

Nudged elastic bands (NEB), 873

Nulled condition, 765

Number fluctuation-based model, 17; see also Analytical models

NWCAP, see Nanowire capacitor (NWCAP)

n-wide, see Wire width

NWs, see Nanowires (NWs)


OAD, see Oblique angle deposition (OAD)

Object-oriented micromagnetic framework (OOMMF), 780

Oblique angle deposition (OAD), 628

O/C ratio, see Oxygen/carbon atomic ratio (O/C ratio)

Octadecylphosphonic acid (ODPA), 42

Octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS), 43

ODPA, see Octadecylphosphonic acid (ODPA)

Office of Naval Research (ONR), 406

Oleic acid, 657

FT-IR spectra, 660

ON current degradation simulation results, 711

energy loss paths, 713

incorporation of self-heating effects, 712

Monte Carlo free-flight scatter, 713

Monte Carlo–molecular dynamics–3D Poisson–3D thermal solver, 712

simulated nanowire MOSFET device, 711

single negative impurity impact, 714

solving energy balance equations, 713

On-chip capacitors, 535

1D, see One-dimension (1D)

One-dimension (1D), 27

nanostructure materials, 615

Ostwald ripening mechanism, 619

One electron at a time transport, 144

One-electron Schrödinger equation, 718

ONO, see Oxide-nitride-oxide (ONO)

ONR, see Office of Naval Research (ONR)

OOMMF, see Object-oriented micromagnetic framework (OOMMF)

OPs, see Organophosphorus compounds (OPs)

Optoelectronic device, 437

OR type primitive, 270, 271

OR-2 gate, see Two-input OR gate (OR-2 gate)

OR-3 gate, see Three-input OR gate (OR-3 gate)

ORAs, see Output response analyzers (ORAs)

Organic semiconductors, 110; see also Humidity sensing

capacitive sensors, 111

humidity measurement and control, 110

laser ablation, 111, 115

nanoparticle generation, 111

phthalocyanines, 111

sensor materials, 110

sensors based on, 111

synthesis and characterization of, 109, 110

Organophosphorus compounds (OPs), 661

Orthodox theory, 188

OTF, see Oxide thickness fluctuation (OTF)

OTS, see Octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS)

Output response analyzers (ORAs), 571

Output-node capacitance, 807

Overdrive at receiver nanomagnet, 812

Oxidation processes, 450

Oxide thickness fluctuation (OTF), 30

Oxide-nitride-oxide (ONO), 728

Oxygen/carbon atomic ratio (O/C ratio), 451

Oxynitrides, 82


P, see Parallel (P)

Palladium nanoparticles (Pd nanoparticles), 625

PANI, see Polyaniline (PANI)

Parallel (P), 849

plate model, 527

Parallel energy minimizing computation, 791, 801802

correspondence between vision and magnets, 795796

digital media object detection, 793

energy minimization co-processor, 793

fabricated nanomagnets, 800

fabrication process, 796797

field-coupled computational technologies, 792793

image processing, 793794

intricate system of nanomagnets, 801

magnetic Hamiltonian, 794795

read-out scheme, 797798

single domain magnet, 798, 799

Parallel tube (PT), 539

Parasitic current paths, 316

Parasitic leakage paths, 300

Partial bias schemes, 310

Particle-based device simulation, 1617

Particle–mesh coupling (PM coupling), 16

Particle–particle–particle–mesh coupling method, 17; see also Corrected Coulomb approach; Fast multipole method

Particulate capacitors, 85; see also Etched-foil Nanocapacitors

high K ferroelectrics, 87

nanocapacitor with copper nano-electrode, 88

stable dielectric, 86

Tantalum capacitors, 86, 87, 88

three-dimensional trench structure, 86

valve metal challenges, 87

Patterned graphene printing, 384; see also Graphene; Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)

direct printing, 387388

FLG pattern on PDMS, 388

graphene nanowire printing, 388

MLG pattern on glass slide, 387

process for, 386

thermal tape method, 384387

Pattern generator (PG), 572

Patterning processes, 520

PC, see Propylene carbonate (PC)

PCLO, see Probability of correct logical output (PCLO)

PDF, see Probability density function (PDF)

PDMS, see Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)

Pd nanoparticles, see Palladium nanoparticles (Pd nanoparticles)

PDP, see Power-delay product (PDP)

PECVD, see Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD)

PEDT, see Polyethylenedioxythiophene (PEDT)

PEDT-based capacitors, 83

PEO, see Polyethylene oxide (PEO)

Percolation-based analytical model, 18; see also Analytical models

Perfluorophenylazide (PFPA), 410

Performance metrics, 528

Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), 779

PET, see Positron emission tomography (PET)

Petrick’s method, 582

PFPA, see Perfluorophenylazide (PFPA)

PG, see Pattern generator (PG); Polarity gate (PG)

Phase-change memory, 300

Phonon scattering impact on Si GAA NFETs, 717, 725726

current reduction in NFET, 722

current spectra, 724

DD multi-subband Silvaco simulations, 725

electron density, 722, 723

electron–electron interaction model, 718720

GAA nanowire transistor, 720

IDVG characteristics, 721, 722, 724, 725

LDoS along axis of nanowire, 723

NEGF model, 718

one-electron Schrödinger equation, 718

potential energy across channel, 720

simulated device, 720721

single dopant effect, 721725

XC potential, 718, 719

Photoluminescence (PL), 657

doping state evaluation, 667

GaAs NWs optical property characterization, 609610

neutral exciton state identification, 836

Photovoltaics, 133

P3HT, see Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)

Phthalocyanines, 111

Physical vapor deposition technique (VPD technique), 629

p-Backbonding process, 418

Piezoelectric effects, 838

PI film, see Polyimide film (PI film)

Piranha etch, 183

Planar single-layer graphene (PSLG), 103104

Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), 120

silicon oxide and nitride to cover CNT, 425

SiO2 films growth, 686

PLD, see Pulsed laser deposition (PLD)

PLL, see Poly-L-lysine (PLL)

PM coupling, see Particle–mesh coupling (PM coupling)

PMA, see Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA)

PMMA, see Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)

PMOS, see p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (PMOS)


area scatter model, 728

distribution probability, 731

Polarity gate (PG), 330

Polyaniline (PANI), 454

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), 383

Polyethylene oxide (PEO), 82

Polyethylenedioxythiophene (PEDT), 82

Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), 43, 82

Polyimide film (PI film), 510; see also Printing fabrication technology

I–V and C–V characteristics, 514

thickness and conductance, 514

Poly-L-lysine (PLL), 606

Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), 94, 796

based transfer, 365

Polynomial VCCS (PVCCS), 147

Polypyrrole (PPy), 454

Poly-Si, 727

Polysilicon thin-film transistors (Poly-Si TFTs), 727

Poly-Si TFTs, see Polysilicon thin-film transistors (Poly-Si TFTs)

Poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS), 657

Polythiophene (PT), 454

Porous silicon (PS), 665666; see also n-/p-type ZnO nanorod synthesis

Porphyrins, 43; see also Copper diffusion barriers; Work function tuning; Ultra-large scale integration (ULSI)

with different central metal ions, 49

MOSFET gate, 47

POS, see Product of sums (POS)

Positive stress voltage, 124

Positron emission tomography (PET), 194

Power dissipation comparison, 349

Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR), 439

Power-delay product (PDP), 73

PPy, see Polypyrrole (PPy)

Predictive technology model (PTM), 4

Primitives, 270271

Printed CNT transistors, 515

AFM phase image, 519

field-effect mobility, 518

field-effect mobility and on/off ratio, 519

Ion dependence of Ioff, 518

Ion dependence of on/off ratio, 517

morphology test results, 518

results and discussion, 516520

TFT fabrication, 515516

transfer characteristics, 516

Print fabrication, 509510

flow, 512

Printed electronics, 509510

Printed TFTs fabrication, 510

Printing fabrication technology, 510; see also Polyimide film (PI film)

Ag dot patterns printed on PI surfaces, 513

CNT random network channel, 514515

C–V characteristics of PI films, 514

device fabrication flow, 510512

gate insulators, 513514

I–V characteristics of PI films, 514

Kaelble’s model, 512

surface treatment methods, 514

wettability, 512

Printing technology and CNTs, 509, 520; see also Printed CNT transistors; Printing fabrication technology

CNT ink preparation, 510

CNT random network channel, 514515

print fabrication, 509510

printed TFTs fabrication, 510

Probability density function (PDF), 592

Probability of correct logical output (PCLO), 258259

for room temperature operation, 263

Process variation effect (PVE), 27

Product of sums (POS), 572

Propylene carbonate (PC), 448

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 656

Protic solvents, 448

PS, see Porous silicon (PS)

PSA, see Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

PSLG, see Planar single-layer graphene (PSLG)

PSRR, see Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR)

PSS, see Poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS)

PT, see Parallel tube (PT); Polythiophene (PT)

PTM, see Predictive technology model (PTM)

P to AP switching, 850; see also Spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM)

at −0.4 V applied to free layer, 851

in in-plane CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB MTJ, 854

p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (PMOS), 47, 330, 536

Pulse frequencies, 644

Pulsed deposition processes, 642

Pulsed laser deposition (PLD), 686

PVCCS, see Polynomial VCCS (PVCCS)

PVE, see Process variation effect (PVE)

PyBA, see 1-Pyrenebutyric acid (PyBA)

1-Pyrenebutyric acid (PyBA), 661


QCA, see Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)

QCADesigner, 226

QCMs, see Quartz crystal microbalances (QCMs)

QDMs, see Quantum dot molecules (QDMs)

QDs, see Quantum dots (QDs)

QPCs, see Quantum point contacts (QPCs)

Quadratic memristor, 292293


conductance unit, 869

effects, 717

information processing, 835

mechanical software packages, 874

QCA cell, 240, 792

tunneling, 792

Quantum bits (Qubits), 835

Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA), 225, 226, 239, 266; see also Interconnects; Magnetic Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (MQCA); Minimal majority gate mapping; Restoring divider

alternate computing structures, 255

cell, 240, 268

challenge of room temperature electric, 256

circuit design guidelines, 245

circuit unit for, 267

clock, 269

clock signals, 242

as clock zones, 242

coplanar wire crossings, 242, 243

devices, 268269

functional paradigm, 227

inverters in, 241

logic gates in, 240

magnetization direction, 227

majority logic for, 268

molecule deposition of required size scale, 256257

QCADesigner, 226

single nanometer-sized molecules, 256

3-input majority gate in, 342

traditional QCA logic design, 260

wire with clock zones, 242

Quantum dot molecules (QDMs), 835

anisotropic electron–hole exchange interaction, 835

band edge diagram, 839

direct band gap semiconductor, 836

electron–hole exchange interaction, 837

embedded in Schottky diode structure, 839

n-doped, 840

optical excitation of, 837

spins in, 835

Quantum dots (QDs), 836

Quantum-mechanical device modeling, 871; see also Atomic-scale modeling of nanoscale devices

basic ingredients, 871

boundary conditions, 875

Dirichlet boundary conditions, 875

electronic structure methods, 872874

electrostatics, 874

multigrid method, 875

self-consistent electrostatic potential, 875

Quantum point contacts (QPCs), 827; see also Side-gated QPC conductance anomalies

configuration in numerical simulations, 828

Quartz crystal microbalances (QCMs), 629


systems, 655

ZnO nanowires, 655656

Qubits, see Quantum bits (Qubits)

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