Chapter 3. Machine Learning with DeepChem

This chapter provides a brief introduction to machine learning with DeepChem, a library built on top of the TensorFlow platform to facilitate the use of deep learning in the life sciences. DeepChem provides a large collection of models, algorithms, and datasets that are suited to applications in the life sciences. In the remainder of this book, we will use DeepChem to perform our case studies.

Why Not Just Use Keras, TensorFlow, or PyTorch?

This is a common question. The short answer is that the developers of these packages focus their attention on supporting certain types of use cases that prove useful to their core users. For example, there’s extensive support for image processing, text handling, and speech analysis. But there’s often not a similar level of support in these libraries for molecule handling, genetic datasets, or microscopy datasets. The goal of DeepChem is to give these applications first-class support in the library. This means adding custom deep learning primitives, support for needed file types, and extensive tutorials and documentation for these use cases.

DeepChem is also designed to be well integrated with the TensorFlow ecosystem, so you should be able to mix and match DeepChem code with your other TensorFlow application code.

In the rest of this chapter, we will assume that you have DeepChem installed on your machine and that you are ready to run the examples. If you don’t have DeepChem installed, never fear. Just head over to the DeepChem website and follow the installation directions for your system.

Windows Support for DeepChem

At present, DeepChem doesn’t support installation on Windows. If possible, we recommend that you work through the examples in this book using a Mac or Linux workstation. We have heard from our users that DeepChem works on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) in more modern Windows distributions.

If it’s not feasible for you to get access to a Mac or Linux machine or work with WSL, we’d love to have your help getting Windows support for DeepChem. Please contact the authors with the specific issues you’re seeing, and we will try to address them. Our hope is to remove this restriction in a future edition of the book and support Windows for future readers.

DeepChem Datasets

DeepChem uses the basic abstraction of theDataset object to wrap the data it uses for machine learning. A Dataset contains the information about a set of samples: the input vectors x, the target output vectors y, and possibly other information such as a description of what each sample represents. There are subclasses of Dataset corresponding to different ways of storing the data. The NumpyDataset object in particular serves as a convenient wrapper for NumPy arrays and will be used extensively. In this section, we will walk through a simple code case study of how to use NumpyDataset. All of this code can be entered in the interactive Python interpreter; where appropriate, the output is shown.

We start with some simple imports:

import deepchem as dc
import numpy as np

Let’s now construct some simple NumPy arrays:

x = np.random.random((4, 5))
y = np.random.random((4, 1))

This dataset will have four samples. The array x has five elements (“features”) for each sample, and y has one element for each sample. Let’s take a quick look at the actual arrays we’ve sampled (note that when you run this code locally, you should expect to see different numbers since your random seed will be different):

In : x
array([[0.960767 , 0.31300931, 0.23342295, 0.59850938, 0.30457302],
   [0.48891533, 0.69610528, 0.02846666, 0.20008034, 0.94781389],
   [0.17353084, 0.95867152, 0.73392433, 0.47493093, 0.4970179 ],
   [0.15392434, 0.95759308, 0.72501478, 0.38191593, 0.16335888]])

In : y

Let’s now wrap these arrays in a NumpyDataset object:

dataset =, y)

We can unwrap the dataset object to get at the original arrays that we stored inside:

In : print(dataset.X)
[[0.960767 0.31300931 0.23342295 0.59850938 0.30457302]
[0.48891533 0.69610528 0.02846666 0.20008034 0.94781389]
[0.17353084 0.95867152 0.73392433 0.47493093 0.4970179 ]
[0.15392434 0.95759308 0.72501478 0.38191593 0.16335888]]

In : print(dataset.y)

Note that these arrays are the same as the original arrays x and y:

In : np.array_equal(x, dataset.X)
Out : True

In : np.array_equal(y, dataset.y)
Out : True

Other Types of Datasets

DeepChem has support for other types of Dataset objects, as mentioned previously. These types primarily become useful when dealing with larger datasets that can’t be entirely stored in computer memory. There is also integration for DeepChem to use TensorFlow’s dataset loading utilities. We will touch on these more advanced library features as we need them.

Training a Model to Predict Toxicity of Molecules

In this section, we will demonstrate how to use DeepChem to train a model to predict the toxicity of molecules. In a later chapter, we will explain how toxicity prediction for molecules works in much greater depth, but in this section, we will treat it as a black-box example of how DeepChem models can be used to solve machine learning challenges. Let’s start with a pair of needed imports:

import numpy as np
import deepchem as dc

The next step is loading the associated toxicity datasets for training a machine learning model. DeepChem maintains a module called dc.molnet (short for MoleculeNet) that contains a number of preprocessed datasets for use in machine learning experimentation. In particular, we will make use of the dc.molnet.load_tox21() function, which will load and process the Tox21 toxicity dataset for us. When you run these commands for the first time, DeepChem will process the dataset locally on your machine. You should expect to see processing notes like the following:

In : tox21_tasks, tox21_datasets, transformers = dc.molnet.load_tox21()
Out: Loading raw samples now.
shard_size: 8192
About to start loading CSV from /tmp/tox21.CSV.gz
Loading shard 1 of size 8192.
Featurizing sample 0
Featurizing sample 1000
Featurizing sample 2000
Featurizing sample 3000
Featurizing sample 4000
Featurizing sample 5000
Featurizing sample 6000
Featurizing sample 7000
TIMING: featurizing shard 0 took 15.671 s
TIMING: dataset construction took 16.277 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 1.344 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 1.165 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.779 s
Loading dataset from disk.
TIMING: dataset construction took 0.726 s
Loading dataset from disk.

The process of featurization is how a dataset containing information about molecules is transformed into matrices and vectors for use in machine learning analyses. We will explore this process in greater depth in subsequent chapters. Let’s start here, though, by taking a quick peek at the data we’ve processed.

The dc.molnet.load_tox21() function returns multiple outputs: tox21_tasks, tox21_datasets, and transformers. Let’s briefly take a look at each:

In : tox21_tasks

In : len(tox21_tasks)
Out: 12

Each of the 12 tasks here corresponds with a particular biological experiment. In this case, each of these tasks is for an enzymatic assay which measures whether the molecules in the Tox21 dataset bind with the biological target in question. The terms NR-AR and so on correspond with these targets. In this case, each of these targets is a particular enzyme believed to be linked to toxic responses to potential therapeutic molecules.

How Much Biology Do I Need to Know?

For computer scientists and engineers entering the life sciences, the array of biological terms can be dizzying. However, it’s not necessary to have a deep understanding of biology in order to begin making an impact in the life sciences. If your primary background is in computer science, it can be useful to try understanding biological systems in terms of computer scientific analogues. Imagine that cells or animals are complex legacy codebases that you have no control over. As an engineer, you have a few experimental measurements of these systems (assays) which you can use to gain some understanding of the underlying mechanics. Machine learning is an extraordinarily powerful tool for understanding biological systems since learning algorithms are capable of extracting useful correlations in a mostly automatic fashion. This allows even biological beginners to sometimes find deep biological insights.

In the remainder of this book, we discuss basic biology in brief asides. These notes can serve as entry points into the vast biological literature. Public references such as Wikipedia often contain a wealth of useful information, and can help bootstrap your biological education.

Next, let’s consider tox21_datasets. The use of the plural is a clue that this field is actually a tuple containing objects:

In : tox21_datasets
(< at 0x7f9804d6c390>,
< at 0x7f9804d6c780>,
< at 0x7f9804c5a518>)

In this case, these datasets correspond to the training, validation, and test sets you learned about in the previous chapter. You might note that these are DiskDataset objects; the dc.molnet module caches these datasets on your disk so that you don’t need to repeatedly refeaturize the Tox21 dataset. Let’s split up these datasets correctly:

train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = tox21_datasets

When dealing with new datasets, it’s very useful to start by taking a look at their shapes. To do so, inspect the shape attribute:

In : train_dataset.X.shape
Out: (6264, 1024)

In : valid_dataset.X.shape
Out: (783, 1024)

In : test_dataset.X.shape
Out: (784, 1024)

The train_dataset contains a total of 6,264 samples, each of which has an associated feature vector of length 1,024. Similarly, valid_dataset and test_datasetcontain respectively 783 and 784 samples. Let’s now take a quick look at the y vectors for these datasets:

In : np.shape(train_dataset.y)
Out: (6264, 12)

In : np.shape(valid_dataset.y)
Out: (783, 12)

In : np.shape(test_dataset.y)
Out: (784, 12)

There are 12 data points, also known as labels, for each sample. These correspond to the 12 tasks we discussed earlier. In this particular dataset, the samples correspond to molecules, the tasks correspond to biochemical assays, and each label is the result of a particular assay on a particular molecule. Those are what we want to train our model to predict.

There’s a complication, however: the actual experimental dataset for Tox21 did not test every molecule in every biological experiment. That means that some of these labels are meaningless placeholders. We simply don’t have any data for some properties of some molecules, so we need to ignore those elements of the arrays when training and testing the model.

How can we find which labels were actually measured? We can check the dataset’s w field, which records its weights. Whenever we compute the loss function for a model, we multiply by w before summing over tasks and samples. This can be used for a few purposes, one being to flag missing data. If a label has a weight of 0, that label does not affect the loss and is ignored during training. Let’s do some digging to find how many labels have actually been measured in our datasets:

In : train_dataset.w.shape
Out: (6264, 12)

In : np.count_nonzero(train_dataset.w)
Out: 62166

In : np.count_nonzero(train_dataset.w == 0)
Out: 13002

Of the 6,264 × 12 = 75,168 elements in the array of labels, only 62,166 were actually measured. The other 13,002 correspond to missing measurements and should be ignored. You might ask, then, why we still keep such entries around. The answer is mainly for convenience; irregularly shaped arrays are much harder to reason about and deal with in code than regular matrices with an associated set of weights.

Processing Datasets Is Challenging

It’s important to note here that cleaning and processing a dataset for use in the life sciences can be extremely challenging. Many raw datasets will contain systematic classes of errors. If the dataset in question has been constructed from an experiment conducted by an external organization (a contract research organization, or CRO), it’s quite possible that the dataset will be systematically wrong. For this reason, many life science organizations maintain scientists in-house whose job it is to verify and clean such datasets.

In general, if your machine learning algorithm isn’t working for a life science task, there’s a significant chance that the root cause stems not from the algorithm but from systematic errors in the source of data that you’re using.

Now let’s examine transformers, the final output that was returned by load_tox21(). A transformer is an object that modifies a dataset in some way. DeepChem provides many transformers that manipulate data in useful ways. The data-loading routines found in MoleculeNet always return a list of transformers that have been applied to the data, since you may need them later to “untransform” the data. Let’s see what we have in this case:

In : transformers
Out: [<deepchem.trans.transformers.BalancingTransformer at 0x7f99dd73c6d8>]

Here, the data has been transformed with a BalancingTransformer. This class is used to correct for unbalanced data. In the case of Tox21, most molecules do not bind to most of the targets. In fact, over 90% of the labels are 0. That means a model could trivially achieve over 90% accuracy simply by always predicting 0, no matter what input it was given. Unfortunately, that model would be completely useless! Unbalanced data, where there are many more training samples for some classes than others, is a common problem in classification tasks.

Fortunately, there is an easy solution: adjust the dataset’s matrix of weights to compensate. BalancingTransformer adjusts the weights for individual data points so that the total weight assigned to every class is the same. That way, the loss function has no systematic preference for any one class. The loss can only be decreased by learning to correctly distinguish between classes.

Now that we’ve explored the Tox21 datasets, let’s start exploring how we can train models on these datasets. DeepChem’s dc.models submodule contains a variety of different life science–specific models. All of these various models inherit from the parent class dc.models.Model. This parent class is designed to provide a common API that follows common Python conventions. If you’ve used other Python machine learning packages, you should find that many of the dc.models.Model methods look quite familiar.

In this chapter, we won’t really dig into the details of how these models are constructed. Rather, we will just provide an example of how to instantiate a standard DeepChem model, dc.models.MultitaskClassifier. This model builds a fully connected network (an MLP) that maps input features to multiple output predictions. This makes it useful for multitask problems, where there are multiple labels for every sample. It’s well suited for our Tox21 datasets, since we have a total of 12 different assays we wish to predict simultaneously. Let’s see how we can construct a MultitaskClassifier in DeepChem:

model = dc.models.MultitaskClassifier(n_tasks=12,

There are a variety of different options here. Let’s briefly review them. n_tasks is the number of tasks, and n_features is the number of input features for each sample. As we saw earlier, the Tox21 dataset has 12 tasks and 1,024 features for each sample. layer_sizes is a list that sets the number of fully connected hidden layers in the network, and the width of each one. In this case, we specify that there is a single hidden layer of width 1,000.

Now that we’ve constructed the model, how can we train it on the Tox21 datasets? Each Model object has a fit() method that fits the model to the data contained in a Dataset object. Fitting our MultitaskClassifier object is then a simple call:, nb_epoch=10)

Note that we added on a flag here. nb_epoch=10 says that 10 epochs of gradient descent training will be conducted. An epoch refers to one complete pass through all the samples in a dataset. To train a model, you divide the training set into batches and take one step of gradient descent for each batch. In an ideal world, you would reach a well-optimized model before running out of data. In practice, there usually isn’t enough training data for that, so you run out of data before the model is fully trained. You then need to start reusing data, making additional passes through the dataset. This lets you train models with smaller amounts of data, but the more epochs you use, the more likely you are to end up with an overfit model.

Let’s now evaluate the performance of the trained model. In order to evaluate how well a model works, it is necessary to specify a metric. The DeepChem class dc.metrics.Metric provides a general way to specify metrics for models. For the Tox21 datasets, the ROC AUC score is a useful metric, so let’s do our analysis using it. However, note a subtlety here: there are multiple Tox21 tasks. Which one do we compute the ROC AUC on? A good tactic is to compute the mean ROC AUC score across all tasks. Luckily, it’s easy to do this:

metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.roc_auc_score, np.mean)

Since we’ve specified np.mean, the mean of the ROC AUC scores across all tasks will be reported. DeepChem models support the evaluation function model.evaluate(), which evaluates the performance of the model on a given dataset and metric:


We want to classify molecules as toxic or nontoxic, but the model outputs continuous numbers, not discrete predictions. In practice, you pick a threshold value and predict that a molecule is toxic whenever the output is greater than the threshold. A low threshold will produce many false positives (predicting a safe molecule is actually toxic). A higher threshold will give fewer false positives but more false negatives (incorrectly predicting that a toxic molecule is safe).

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a convenient way to visualize this trade-off. You try many different threshold values, then plot a curve of the true positive rate versus the false positive rate as the threshold is varied. An example is shown in Figure 3-1.

The ROC AUC is the total area under the ROC curve. The area under the curve (AUC) provides an indication of the model’s ability to distinguish different classes. If there exists any threshold value for which every sample is classified correctly, the ROC AUC score is 1. At the other extreme, if the model outputs completely random values unrelated to the true classes, the ROC AUC score is 0.5. This makes it a useful number for summarizing how well a classifier works. It’s just a heuristic, but it’s a popular one.

train_scores = model.evaluate(train_dataset, [metric], transformers)
test_scores = model.evaluate(test_dataset, [metric], transformers)

Now that we’ve calculated the scores, let’s take a look!

In : print(train_scores)
...: print(test_scores)
{'mean-roc_auc_score': 0.9659541853946179}
{'mean-roc_auc_score': 0.7915464001982299}

Notice that our score on the training set (0.96) is much better than our score on the test set (0.79). This shows the model has been overfit. The test set score is the one we really care about. These numbers aren’t the best possible on this dataset—at the time of writing, the state of the art ROC AUC scores for the Tox21 dataset are a little under 0.9—but they aren’t bad at all for an out-of-the-box system. The complete ROC curve for one of the 12 tasks is shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. The ROC curve for one of the 12 tasks. The dotted diagonal line shows what the curve would be for a model that just guessed at random. The actual curve is consistently well above the diagonal, showing that we are doing much better than random guessing.

Case Study: Training an MNIST Model

In the previous section, we covered the basics of training a machine learning model with DeepChem. However, we used a premade model class, dc.models.MultitaskClassifier.  Sometimes you may want to create a new deep learning architecture instead of using a preconfigured one. In this section, we discuss how to train a convolutional neural network on the MNIST digit recognition dataset. Instead of using a premade architecture like in the previous example, this time we will specify the full deep learning architecture ourselves. To do so, we will introduce the dc.models.TensorGraph class, which provides a framework for building deep architectures in DeepChem.

When Do Canned Models Make Sense?

In this section, we’re going to use a custom architecture on MNIST. In the previous example, we used a “canned” (that is, predefined) architecture instead. When does each alternative make sense? If you have a well-debugged canned architecture for a problem, it will likely make sense to use it. But if you’re working on a new dataset where no such architecture has been put together, you’ll often have to create a custom architecture. It’s important to be familiar with using both canned and custom architectures, so we’ve included an example of each in this chapter.

The MNIST Digit Recognition Dataset

The MNIST digit recognition dataset (see Figure 3-2) requires the construction of a machine learning model that can learn to classify handwritten digits correctly. The challenge is to classify digits from 0 to 9 given 28 × 28-pixel black and white images. The dataset contains 60,000 training examples and a test set of 10,000 examples.

Figure 3-2. Samples drawn from the MNIST handwritten digit recognition dataset. (Source: GitHub)

The MNIST dataset is not particularly challenging as far as machine learning problems go. Decades of research have produced state-of-the-art algorithms that achieve close to 100% test set accuracy on this dataset. As a result, the MNIST dataset is no longer suitable for research work, but it is a good tool for pedagogical purposes.

Isn’t DeepChem Just for the Life Sciences?

As we mentioned earlier in the chapter, it’s entirely feasible to use other deep learning packages for life science applications. Similarly, it’s possible to build general machine learning systems using DeepChem. Although building a movie recommendation system in DeepChem might be trickier than it would be with more specialized tools, it would be quite feasible to do so. And for good reason: there have been multiple studies looking into the use of recommendation system algorithms for use in molecular binding prediction. Machine learning architectures used in one field tend to carry over to other fields, so it’s important to retain the flexibility needed for innovative work.

A Convolutional Architecture for MNIST

DeepChem uses the TensorGraph class to construct nonstandard deep learning architectures. In this section, we will walk through the code required to construct the convolutional architecture shown in Figure 3-3. It begins with two convolutional layers to identify local features within the image. They are followed by two fully connected layers to predict the digit from those local features.

Figure 3-3. An illustration of the architecture that we will construct in this section for processing the MNIST dataset.

To begin, execute the following commands to download the raw MNIST data files and store them locally:

mkdir MNIST_data
cd MNIST_data
cd ..

Let’s now load these datasets:

from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)

We’re going to process this raw data into a format suitable for analysis by DeepChem. Let’s start with the necessary imports:

import deepchem as dc
import tensorflow as tf
import deepchem.models.tensorgraph.layers as layers

The submodule deepchem.models.tensorgraph.layers contains a collection of “layers.” These layers serve as building blocks of deep architectures and can be composed to build new deep learning architectures. We will demonstrate how layer objects are used shortly. Next, we construct NumpyDataset objects that wrap the MNIST training and test datasets:

train_dataset =, mnist.train.labels)
test_dataset =, mnist.test.labels)

Note that although there wasn’t originally a test dataset defined, the input_data() function from TensorFlow takes care of separating out a proper test dataset for our use. With the training and test datasets in hand, we can now turn our attention towards defining the architecture for the MNIST convolutional network.

The key concept this is based on is that layer objects can be composed to build new models. As we discussed in the previous chapter, each layer takes input from previous layers and computes an output that can be passed to subsequent layers. At the very start, there are input layers that take in features and labels. At the other end are output layers that return the results of the performed computation. In this example, we will compose a sequence of layers in order to construct an image-processing convolutional network. We start by defining a newTensorGraphobject:

model = dc.models.TensorGraph(model_dir='mnist')

The model_dir option specifies a directory where the model’s parameters should be saved. You can omit this, as we did in the previous example, but then the model will not be saved. As soon as the Python interpreter exits, all your hard work training the model will be thrown out! Specifying a directory allows you to reload the model later and make new predictions with it.

Note that since TensorGraph inherits from Model, this object is an instance of dc.models.Model and supports the same fit() and evaluate() functions we saw previously:

In : isinstance(model, dc.models.Model)
Out: True

We haven’t added anything to model yet, so our model isn’t likely to be very interesting. Let’s start by adding some inputs for features and labels by using the Feature and Label classes:

feature = layers.Feature(shape=(None, 784))
label = layers.Label(shape=(None, 10))

MNIST contains images of size 28 × 28. When flattened, these form feature vectors of length 784. The labels have a second dimension of 10 since there are 10 possible digit values, and the vector is one-hot encoded. Note that None is used as an input dimension. In systems that build on TensorFlow, the value None often encodes the ability for a given layer to accept inputs that have any size in that dimension. Put another way, our object feature is capable of accepting inputs of shape (20, 784) and (97, 784) with equal facility. In this case, the first dimension corresponds to the batch size, so our model will be able to accept batches with any number of samples.

One-Hot Encoding

The MNIST dataset is categorical. That is, objects belong to one of a finite list of potential categories. In this case, these categories are the digits 0 through 9. How can we feed these categories into a machine learning system? One obvious answer would be to simply feed in a single number that takes values from 0 through 9. However, for a variety of technical reasons, this encoding often doesn’t seem to work well. The alternative that people commonly use is to one-hot encode. Each label for MNIST is a vector of length 10 in which a single element is set to 1, and all others are set to 0. If the nonzero value is at the 0th index, then the label corresponds to the digit 0. If the nonzero value is at the 9th index, then the label corresponds to the digit 9.

In order to apply convolutional layers to our input, we need to convert our flat feature vectors into matrices of shape (28, 28). To do this, we will use a Reshape layer:

make_image = layers.Reshape(shape=(None, 28, 28), in_layers=feature)

Here again the value None indicates that arbitrary batch sizes can be handled. Note that we have a keyword argument in_layers=feature. This indicates that the Reshape layer takes our previous Feature layer, feature, as input. Now that we have successfully reshaped the input, we can pass it through to the convolutional layers:

conv2d_1 = layers.Conv2D(num_outputs=32, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,
conv2d_2 = layers.Conv2D(num_outputs=64, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,

Here, the Conv2D class applies a 2D convolution to each sample of its input, then passes it through a rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function. Note how in_layers is used to pass along previous layers as inputs to succeeding  layers. We want to end by applying Dense (fully connected) layers to the outputs of the convolutional layer. However, the output of Conv2D layers is 2D, so we will first need to apply a Flatten layer to flatten our input to one dimension (more precisely, the Conv2D layer produces a 2D output for each sample, so its output has three dimensions; the Flatten layer collapses this to a single dimension per sample, or two dimensions in total):

flatten = layers.Flatten(in_layers=conv2d_2)
dense1 = layers.Dense(out_channels=1024, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, 
dense2 = layers.Dense(out_channels=10, activation_fn=None, in_layers=dense1)

The out_channels argument in a Dense layer specifies the width of the layer. The first layer outputs 1,024 values per sample, but the second layer outputs 10 values, corresponding to our 10 possible digit values. We now want to hook this output up to a loss function, so we can train the output to accurately predict classes. We will use the SoftMaxCrossEntropy loss to perform this form of training:

smce = layers.SoftMaxCrossEntropy(in_layers=[label, dense2])
loss = layers.ReduceMean(in_layers=smce)

Note that the SoftMaxCrossEntropy layer accepts both the labels and the output of the last Dense layer as inputs. It computes the value of the loss function for every sample, so we then need to average over all samples to obtain the final loss. This is done with the ReduceMean layer, which we set as our model’s loss function by calling model.set_loss().

SoftMax and SoftMaxCrossEntropy

You often want a model to output a probability distribution. For MNIST, we want to output the probability that a given sample represents each of the 10 digits. Every output must be positive, and they must sum to 1. An easy way to achieve this is to let the model compute arbitrary numbers, then pass them through the confusingly named softmax function:

The exponential in the numerator ensures that all values are positive, and the sum in the denominator ensures they add up to 1. If one element of x is much larger than the others, the corresponding output element is very close to 1 and all the other outputs are very close to 0.


SoftMaxCrossEntropy first uses a softmax function to convert the outputs to probabilities, then computes the cross entropy of those probabilities with the labels. Remember that the labels are one-hot encoded: 1 for the correct class, 0 for all others. You can think of that as a probability distribution! The loss is minimized when the predicted probability of the correct class is as close to 1 as possible. These two operations (softmax followed by cross entropy) often appear together, and computing them as a single step turns out to be more numerically stable than performing them separately.

For numerical stability, layers like SoftMaxCrossEntropy compute in log probabilities. We’ll need to transform the output with a SoftMax layer to obtain per-class output probabilities. We’ll add this output to model with model.add_output():

output = layers.SoftMax(in_layers=dense2)

We can now train the model using the same fit() function we called in the previous section:, nb_epoch=10)

Note that this method call might take some time to execute on a standard laptop! If the function is not executing quickly enough, try using nb_epoch=1. The results will be worse, but you will be able to complete the rest of this chapter more quickly.

Let’s define our metric this time to be accuracy, the fraction of labels that are correctly predicted:

metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.accuracy_score)

We can then compute the accuracy using the same computation as before:

train_scores = model.evaluate(train_dataset, [metric])
test_scores = model.evaluate(test_dataset, [metric])

This produces excellent performance: the accuracy is 0.999 on the training set, and 0.991 on the test set. Our model identifies more than 99% of the test set samples correctly.

Try to Get Access to a GPU

As you saw in this chapter, deep learning code can run pretty slowly! Training a convolutional neural network on a good laptop can take more than an hour to complete. This is because this code depends on a large number of linear algebraic operations on image data. Most CPUs are not well equipped to perform these types of computations.

If possible, try to get access to a modern graphics processing unit. These cards were originally developed for gaming, but are now used for many types of numeric computations. Most modern deep learning workloads will run much faster on GPUs. The examples you’ll see in this book will be easier to complete with GPUs as well.

If it’s not feasible to get access to a GPU, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to complete the exercises in this book—they might just take a little longer (you might have to grab a coffee or read a book while you wait for the code to finish running).


In this chapter, you’ve learned how to use the DeepChem library to implement some simple machine learning systems. In the remainder of this book, we will continue to use DeepChem as our library of choice, so don’t worry if you don’t have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of the library yet. There will be plenty more examples coming.

In subsequent chapters, we will begin to introduce the basic concepts needed to do effective machine learning on life science datasets. In the next chapter, we will introduce you to machine learning on molecules. 

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