Other Mind-Centered Emotional Discipline Choices

Use the following ideas to help create additional potential strategies that fit your particular needs.

  • tildeUse the FROMTO mind technique by drawing a line down the middle of a blank page and labeling the left column “FROM” and the right “TO.” When you encounter upsetting situations in which you feel you are reacting poorly, record your current upsetting thoughts or beliefs about the situation in the left column and then replace them with more constructive thoughts/beliefs in the right column (e.g., FROM “this situation is hopeless” → TO “this is a difficult challenge but I can handle it, I always do”).55
  • tildeWrite positive affirmations on note cards that can help you cope with recurring upsetting situations. Read the cards when you encounter these situations and over time commit them to memory (e.g., “I am capable of responding to this situation in a calm and effective way”).
  • tildeUse visualization techniques to rehearse constructive responses to recurring upsetting situations in your life to help you prepare for when they occur (e.g., picture yourself staying calm and responding effectively).119
  • tildeWrite down new mental scripts that you can “act out” in your mind when you encounter difficult situations. For example, prepare a short script for a cool and collected theatrical character who stays calm and effective in emotionally charged situations, and “go into character” with this script when you face challenging situations.
  • tildeWhen you find yourself getting upset, slowly count to 10 furry animals (puppies, kittens, bunnies…), picturing the addition of one more of the playful little animals with each count.
  • tildePractice letting go of all judgment. For example, choose to just observe and appreciate everything that you encounter without any evaluation or judgment. Initially try this for a few minutes, then an hour at a time, and eventually for an entire day or more.
  • tildeTry living as though it is the last day of your life. I know we’ve all heard this idea before, but really try it, one day at a time.
  • tildeHow might you adapt the above ideas to create emotional discipline strategies that you can apply in your life and work? What additional mind-centered Emotional Discipline Choice ideas can you think of?120

Our body is both a dwelling and a vehicle for life. When we treat it well, it will treat us well. When we treat it poorly, it will return the favor. We have great power to influence how we feel physically and thus the quality of our life experience. This power is founded on the amount and kind of care we choose to give our physical bodies each day.

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