

If you make the assignment you give people sound difficult, they will consider it difficult. And if they consider it difficult, it will be difficult.

If they consider it easy, it will be easy.

“Always think of what you have to do as easy, and it will become so,” said Emile Coué.

One way to do this is to make them know, with certainty and conviction, that for every problem there are many answers, many solutions, and many ideas and that a great answer, a great solution, a great idea is already out there just waiting for somebody to grab.

Many of the experienced and good people in creative departments know this in their bones. That’s why they can hardly wait for a new assignment.

But some of the younger and less-sure-of-themselves people you work with may not know it.

So instead of saying:

“I don’t know if this problem’s solvable, but give it a shot anyway, will you?”

Say this:

“I think there are a lot of solutions to this one. I’m sure you’ll find some good ones.”

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