

Make sure that the people who produce get credit for it. And make sure that they know they get credit for it.

“The deepest principle in human nature,” wrote William James, “is the craving to be appreciated.” Indeed, some surveys show that most workers value recognition more than money. People like to work where they know they get personal recognition for their suggestions, their efforts, their work. People like to work with someone who doesn’t hold them back. And when people like to do something, they do it better.

Some leaders fear that if they allow the people they work with to shine too brightly, it will dull their own lights.


“Most people are advanced because they’re pushed up by the people underneath them, rather than pulled up by the top,” said Donald David.

After all, your hired them, didn’t you? And you delegated the work to them, didn’t you? And it’s under your watch that they succeeded, isn’t it?

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