

The first Monday of every month I used to get into work even earlier than usual and spend that time thinking up ways we could have more fun at the office.

Over the years, we had scores of events — contests, outings, arts and crafts fairs, sales, displays, meals, shows, relay races in the halls, parties, concerts, cook-offs, games, family days, children days, picnics, you name it, we probably had it.

And after every one, you could sense the heightened energy, the improved morale, the increased creativity.

So get in even earlier than usual next Monday and spend the time thinking up ways you can have more fun in your workplace.

If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, just go to the bookstore. Nearly every management book you’ll find there talks in some way about the importance of having fun. Many books are devoted entirely or almost entirely to the subject, books like 1001 Ways to Energize Your Employees; 301 Ways to Have Fun at Work; Care Packages for the Workplace; Don’t Go to Work—Unless It’s Fun; Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results; Fun Works—Creating Places Where People Love to Work; Getting Employees to Fall in Love with Your Company; Making Humor Work; Managing to Have Fun; and Now, Discover Your Strengths. Buy one. And try out some of the things they suggest.

The results will bring a smile to your face.

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