
Abrashoff, Michael, 134

action, 259–60

advancement, 261–64

“all-hands” meetings, 233

apologizing, 172

assets, 189

attitude, 68–70

Attribution Theory, 99–100

balance sheet statement, 189

behavior. See also Comfort Zones changing, 26–29, 68–70

for listening, 257

mastering leadership, 72–76

“best boss/worst boss” exercise, 3–4

best practices, 138–41, 153–56

board of directors, 35–38

books. See business books


“best boss/worst boss” exercise, 3–4

Comfort Zones and, 167–68

feedback for, 228–29

gaining trust of, 226–29

new assignments and, 184–87

reputation and, 225–26

showcasing employees to, 217–19

business books, 89–92


internal speaker’s bureau in, 179–82

understanding, 118–22

visiting other, 152–56

volunteering in, 251–55

business partners, 138–41

cash flow statements, 189, 190

CEO, 35–38

change, 67–70

charities, 220–23

coaching, 82–87

mentoring and, 30

colleagues, past, 45–48

Comfort Zones, 163–69, 276

commitment, to teaching, 244

committees, 253–54

communication, 184–87, 248–49, 256–60

community, 251–52


internal speaker’s bureau in, 179–82

understanding, 118–22

visiting other, 152–56

volunteering in, 251–55

competency list, 64–65

competition, 1–2, 141–46

conferences, 147–51

confidence, 170–71

consultants, 140–41

corporate road trip, 152–56

cultures, 113–17

curiosity, 111–12, 138, 153–56

customer service, 120–21


Comfort Zones and, 166

energy levels and, 200

implementing, 78–81

introduction to, 77

time management and, 238

development. See also Leadership Development Plan

for employees, 215–19, 249

feedback for, 11–12

new assignments and, 184–87

personal, 157–60

planning, 13

tracking, 26–29

direct reports. See employees

direct reports journal, 96

Disney, vision of, 56

diversity, 113–17

dream job, 202–6

Drucker, Peter, 40–41

Eichinger, Bob, 64

empathy, 84


communicating with, 248–49

cultures of, 113–17

daily service for, 247–48

development for, 249

direct reports journal and, 96

front-line, 120–21

getting to know, 133–37, 230–35

listening to, 256–60

prioritizing and, 213–14

showcasing, 215–19

understanding, 98–101

energy levels, 199–200

environments, 203–4

excuses, 175

executive coaching, 30

external business relationships, 18, 19

Fairbank, Richard, 213


from board of directors, 37–38

for bosses, 226–30

on development challenges, 26–29

from former colleagues, 45–49

humility and, 171

self-reflection and, 50–54

for strategy, 59–60

on strengths, 43

360° feedback, 11–12, 21–25, 272

financial statements, 188–91

flexibility, 51–54

focus, 84

former colleagues, 45–48

front-line employees, 120–21

Gates, Bill, 89

Gerstner, Lou, 89


communicating, 24

introduction to, 55–56

Leadership Development Plan and, 67–70

yearly, 72–76

Google, mission of, 57

gratitude, expressing, 261

Greene, Bob, 104

Grove, Andy, 89

health, 197–201

Heider, Fritz, 99–100

Herzberg, Frederick, 99, 100

Hierarchy of Needs, 99

hobbies, 157–61

humility, 170–73

income statement, 189

industries, 204

influence, 192–95

innovation, 138–41, 153–56

“insight sessions,” 232–33

internal speaker’s bureau, 179–82

Internet, 128–31

journaling, 93–97

journey, 13–16, 45–49, 107–10, 271

“leader as teacher,” 241


defining, 63–66

importance of, 1–4

Leadership Development Plan, 67–71, 274

leadership journey, 13–16, 45–49, 107–10, 271

leadership values, 275

lessons learned through, 13–16

self-assessment for, 5–9

theories on, 98–101

The Leadership Machine (Eichinger and Lombardo), 64

learning outline, 243

legacy, 2–4

The Lessons of Experience, 186

letter, for successor, 261–64

Levi’s, vision of, 56

liabilities, 189

listening, 84, 256–60

Loehr, Jim, 199

Lombardo, Michael, 64

longhand journals, 94–95

market segments, 204

Maslow, Abraham, 99

McClelland, David, 99, 100


“all-hands” meetings, 233

“skip level” meetings, 230–35

staff meetings, 167, 234

mentoring, 30–34, 83, 217

mission statement, 55–58, 273


admitting, 171–72

learning from, 13–16

modesty, 170–73

motivation, for employees, 98–101

needs, of employees, 98–101


approaches to, 124–27

assessing quality of, 18–20

importance of, 17–18, 123–24

professional, 174–78

seminars and, 150

social networks and, 131

new assignments, 184–87

nonprofit organizations, 220–23

norms, cultural, 114–15

notebook journals, 95–96

Once Upon a Town (Greene), 104

open-mindedness, 51–54

operational relationships, 18, 19

opinions, 51–54

organization, 13

outline, learning, 243

passions, 157–61

peers, showcasing employees to, 217–19

Personal Board of Directors, 35–38

personal connections, 3–4, 133–37

personal experiences, 107–10

perspective, 111–12

physical health, 197–201

planning, 13, 56–60. See also Leadership Development Plan

points of view, 51–54, 111–12

The Power of Full Engagement (Loehr and Schwartz), 199

PowerPoint presentations, 194–95

presentations, 192–95

prioritizing, 213–14, 236–40

professional networks, 174–78


coaching and, 85–86

on leadership impact, 246–50

relationships, 17–20. See also networking/networks

religion, 115

respect, for employees, 113–17

road trip, 152–56


expanding, 184–87

imagining ideal, 202–6

running, 160

Schwartz, Tony, 199

self-assessment exercise, 5–9, 53–54


daily, 4

feedback for, 11–12

plan for, 72–76

questions for, 246–50

tracking, 26–29

self-reflection, 50–54. See also journaling

seminars, 147–51

senior leaders, 59–60

shareholder equity statements, 189

Simon, Linda, 263


for coaching, 84

developing, 2, 61–62, 72–76

identifying, 41–43

“skip level” meetings, 230–35

sleep, 199

Smith, Huston, 115

social networks, 131

staff meetings, 167, 234

storytelling, 89–90, 102–6, 135–36


establishing, 58–59

figure for, 273

introduction to, 55–56, 207–8

reviewing, 208–11

strategic relationships, 18, 19

Strategy Review Model, 209–10, 277

strengths, 40–43, 50–51

stubbornness, 51–54

study, of leadership skills, 73–74

succession planning, 218

successor, letter for, 261–64

talent reviews, 218

task forces, 253–54

“teachable point of view,” 242–43

teaching, 74–75, 241–45

team members

communicating with, 248–49

cultures of, 113–17

daily service for, 247–48

development for, 249

direct reports journal and, 96

front-line, 120–21

getting to know, 133–37, 230–35

listening to, 256–60

prioritizing and, 213–14

showcasing, 215–19

understanding, 98–101

technology, 128–29

thank you notes, 261

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 100


of leadership, 98–101

Theory of Needs, 100

“this is me” document, 107–10

360° feedback, 21–24, 272

Tichy, Noel, 242

time management, 236–40

Two Factor Theory, 100

Unilever, mission of, 57

values, 275

vendors, 138–41

vision statement, 55–57, 273

volunteering, 220–24, 251–55

Welch, Jack, 89

Werwath, Karl, 108–9

work environments, 203–4

The World’s Religions (Smith), 115

writing, 93–97

yearly development, 72–76

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