Scenario 1

Code Solution

The solution listed below is one example of a program that could be used to accomplish each task within each scenario. Your code can be different, so long as it results in the same answers.
proc sort data=cert.patients out=work.patients;   /*#1*/
  by id;
proc sort data=cert.measure out=work.measure;
  by id;
data work.merge;                                  /*#2*/
  merge work.patients work.measure;               /*#3*/
  by id;                                          /*#4*/
  if age<50;                                      /*#5*/
proc sort data=work.merge out=work.sortpatients;  /*#6*/
  by descending Age;                              
proc print data=work.sortpatients;                /*#7*/
1 Sort Cert.Patients and Cert.Measure by ID. You specify the DATA= option to specify the data set to sort. The OUT= option specifies an output data set. The required BY statement specifies the variable or variables to use in sorting the data.
2 The DATA step creates a new temporary data set named Work.Merge.
3 The MERGE statement combines observations from Work.Patients and Work.Measure into a single observation in a new data set, Work.Merge, according to the values of a common variable.
4 The BY statement identifies the variable that the MERGE statement uses to combine observations. During match-merging, SAS sequentially checks each observation of each data set to see whether the BY values match and then writes the combined observation to the new data set.
5 The IF statement specifies that only patients under the age of 50 are read into Work.Merge.
6 Sort Work.Merge by Age in descending order. You specify the DATA= option to specify the data set to sort. The OUT= option specifies an output data set. The required BY statement specifies the variable or variables to use in sorting the data. The DESCENDING option precedes the variable name.
7 The PROC PRINT step enables you to view the contents of the sorted data set, Work.Sortpatients.
Output A2.1 PROC PRINT Output of Work.Sortpatients
Here is the PROC PRINT output of the data set, Work.Sortpatients.

Test Your Code Solution

  1. Correct Answer: 16
  2. Correct Answer: 200
If your answers are not correct, verify that you have sorted your data in descending order and that you used the PRINT procedure to print Work.Sortpatients.
Last updated: February 14, 2019
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