The MEANS Procedure

What Does the MEANS Procedure Do?

The MEANS procedure provides data summarization tools to compute descriptive statistics for variables across all observations and within groups of observations. For example, PROC MEANS does the following:
  • calculates descriptive statistics based on moments
  • estimates quantiles, which includes the median
  • calculates confidence limits for the mean
  • identifies extreme values
  • performs a t test
By default, PROC MEANS displays output.

MEANS Procedure Syntax

The MEANS procedure can include many statements and options for specifying statistics.
Syntax, MEANS procedure:
<statistic-keyword(s)> <option(s)>;
  • SAS-data-set is the name of the data set to be analyzed.
  • statistic-keyword(s) specify the statistics to compute.
  • option(s) control the content, analysis, and appearance of output.

Example: Default PROC MEANS Output

In its simplest form, PROC MEANS prints the n-count (number of non missing values), the mean, the standard deviation, and the minimum and maximum values of every numeric variable in a data set.
proc means data=cert.survey; 
Output 15.1 PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Survey
When you use the MEANS procedure, the default output prints the n-count, the mean, the standard deviation, the minimum and maximum values for every numeric variable in the data set.

Specifying Descriptive Statistics Keywords

The default statistics in the MEANS procedure are n-count (number of nonmissing values), the mean, the standard deviation, and the minimum and maximum values of every numeric variable in a data set. However, you might need to compute a different statistic such as median or range of the values. Use the statistic keyword option in the PROC MEANS statement to specify one or more statistics to display in the output.
Here are the available keywords in the PROC statement:
Table 15.1 Descriptive Statistics Keywords
The two-sided confidence limit for the mean.
The sum of squares corrected for the mean.
The percent coefficient of variation.
Measures the heaviness of tails.
The one-sided confidence limit below the mean.
The maximum value.
The arithmetic mean or average of all the values.
The minimum value.
The value that occurs most frequently.
The number of observations with nonmissing values.
The number of observations with missing values.
Calculated as the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value.
Measures the tendency of the deviations to be larger in one direction than in the other.
Is the standard deviation s and is computed as the square root of the variance.
The standard error of the mean.
The sum of the weights.
The one-sided confidence limit above the mean
The value of the uncorrected sum of squares.
Table 15.2 Quantile Statistic Keywords
The middle value or the 50th percentile.
1st percentile.
5th percentile.
10th percentile.
Q1 | P25
The lower quartile or 25th percentile.
Q3 | P75
The upper quartile or 75th percentile.
90th percentile.
95th percentile.
99th percentile.
The interquartile range and is calculated as the difference between the upper and lower quartile, Q3 — Q1.
Table 15.3 Hypothesis Testing Keywords
The two-tailed p-value for Student's t statistic, T, with n minus 1 degrees of freedom. This value is the probability under the null hypothesis of obtaining a more extreme value of T than is observed in this sample.
The Student’s t statistic to test the null hypothesis that the population mean is equal to mean and is calculated as hypothesis t statistic

Example: Specifying Statistic Keywords

To determine the median and range of Cert.Survey numeric values, add the MEDIAN and RANGE keywords as options.
proc means data=cert.survey median range; 
Output 15.2 PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Survey Displays Only Median and Range
MEANS Procedure Output Displays Median and Range

Limiting Decimal Places with MAXDEC= Option

By default, PROC MEANS uses the BESTw. format to display numeric values in the report.
When there is no format specification, SAS chooses the format that provides the most information about the value according to the available field width. At times, this can result in unnecessary decimal places, making your output hard to read. To limit decimal places, use the MAXDEC= option in the PROC MEANS statement, and set it equal to the length that you prefer.
Syntax, PROC MEANS statement with MAXDEC= option:
<statistic-keyword(s)> MAXDEC=n;
n specifies the maximum number of decimal places.
proc means data=cert.diabetes min max maxdec=0; 
Output 15.3 PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Diabetes with the MAXDEC= Option
Variables Formatted Using the MAXDEC= Option

Specifying Variables Using the VAR Statement

By default, the MEANS procedure generates statistics for every numeric variable in a data set. But the typical focus is on just a few variables, particularly if the data set is large. It also makes sense to exclude certain types of variables. The values of a numeric identifier variable ID, for example, are unlikely to yield useful statistics.
To specify the variables that PROC MEANS analyzes, add a VAR statement and list the variable names.
Syntax, VAR statement:
VAR variable(s);
variable(s) lists numeric variables for which to calculate statistics.
proc means data=cert.diabetes min max maxdec=0;
  var age height weight;
Output 15.4 Specifying Variables in the PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Diabetes
Output with Selected Variables Age, Height, and Weight
In addition to listing variables separately, you can use a numbered range of variables.
proc means data=cert.survey mean stderr maxdec=2;
  var item1-item5;
Output 15.5 PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Survey with Variable Range
PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Survey with Variable Range

Group Processing Using the CLASS Statement

You often want statistics for groups of observations, rather than for the entire data set. For example, census numbers are more useful when grouped by region than when viewed as a national total. To produce separate analyses of grouped observations, add a CLASS statement to the MEANS procedure.
Syntax, CLASS statement:
CLASS variable(s);
variable(s) specifies category variables for group processing.
CLASS variables are used to categorize data. CLASS variables can be either character or numeric, but they should contain a limited number of discrete values that represent meaningful groupings. If a CLASS statement is used, then the N Obs statistic is calculated. The N Obs statistic is based on the CLASS variables, as shown in the output below.
The output of the program shown below is grouped by values of the variables Survive and Sex. The order of the variables in the CLASS statement determines their order in the output table.
proc means data=cert.heart maxdec=1;
  var arterial heart cardiac urinary;
  class survive sex;
Output 15.6 PROC MEANS Output Grouped by Values of Variables
Output Categorized by Values of the Variables Survive and Sex

Group Processing Using the BY Statement

Like the CLASS statement, the BY statement specifies variables to use for categorizing observations.
Syntax, BY statement:
BY variable(s);
variable(s) specifies category variables for group processing.
But BY and CLASS differ in two key ways:
  • Unlike CLASS processing, BY-group processing requires that your data already be sorted or indexed in the order of the BY variables. Unless data set observations are already sorted, you must run the SORT procedure before using PROC MEANS with any BY group.
    If you do not specify an output data set by using the OUT= option, PROC SORT overwrites the initial data set with newly sorted observations.
  • The layout of BY-group results differs from the layout of CLASS group results. Note that the BY statement in the program below creates four small tables; a CLASS statement would produce a single large table.
    proc sort data=cert.heart out=work.heartsort;
      by survive sex;
    proc means data=work.heartsort maxdec=1;
      var arterial heart cardiac urinary;
      by survive sex;
    Figure 15.1 BY Groups Created by PROC MEANS
    BY Groups Created by PROC MEANS
    The CLASS statement is easier to use than the BY statement because it does not require a sorting step. However, BY-group processing can be more efficient when your categories might contain many levels.

Creating a Summarized Data Set Using the OUTPUT Statement

To write summary statistics to a new data set, use the OUTPUT statement in the MEANS procedure.
Syntax, OUTPUT statement:
OUTPUT OUT=SAS-data-set statistic=variable(s);
  • OUT= specifies the name of the output data set.
  • statistic= specifies which statistic to store in the output data set.
  • variable(s) specifies the names of the variables to create. These variables represent the statistics for the analysis variables that are listed in the VAR statement.
Tip:You can use multiple OUTPUT statements to create several OUT= data sets.
The OUTPUT statement writes statistics to a new SAS data set. By default, the default summary statistics are produced for all numeric variables or for the variables specified in the VAR statement. To specify specific statistics to be produced in the new SAS data set, specify output-statistic-specification= variable-name in the OUTPUT statement.
The following example creates a PROC MEANS report.
proc means data=cert.diabetes;
  var age height weight;                                /*#1*/
  class sex;                                            /*#2*/
  output out=work.diabetes_by_gender                    /*#3*/
    mean=AvgAge AvgHeight AvgWeight
    min=MinAge MinHeight MinWeight;
proc print data=work.diabetes_by_gender noobs;          /*#4*/
  title1 'Diabetes Results by Gender';
1 Specify the analysis variables. The VAR statement specifies that PROC MEANS calculate the default statistics on the Age, Height, and Weight variables.
2 Specify subgroups for the analysis. The CLASS statement separates the analysis by the values of Sex.
3 Specify the output data set options. The OUTPUT statement creates the Work.Diabetes_By_Gender data set and writes the mean value to the new variables AvgAge, AvgHeight, and AvgWeight. The statement also writes the min value to the new variables, MinAge, MinHeight, and MinWeight.
4 Print the output data set Work.Diabetes_By_Gender. The NOOBS option suppresses the observation numbers.
The following output is of Cert.Diabetes from the MEANS procedure.
Output 15.7 PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Diabetes
PROC MEANS Output of Cert.Diabetes
In addition to the variables that you specify, PROC MEANS adds the following variables to the output set.
contains the number of observations that a given output level represents.
contains the names of the default statistics if you omit statistic keywords.
contains information about the class variables. By default _TYPE_ is a numeric variable. If you specify CHARTYPE in the PROC statement, then _TYPE_ is a character variable. When you use more than 32 class variables, _TYPE_ is automatically a character variable.
The following output is of Work.Diabetes_By_Gender from the PRINT procedure.
Output 15.8 PROC PRINT Output of Work.Diabetes_By_Gender
PROC PRINT Output of Work.Diabetes_By_Gender
You can use the NOPRINT option in the PROC MEANS statement to suppress the default report.
Last updated: February 14, 2019
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