Chapter 5. Saving Time and Memory


"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential."

 --Bruce Lee

I love this quote from Bruce Lee, he was such a wise man! Especially, the second part, hack away at the unessential, is to me what makes a computer program elegant. After all, if there is a better way of doing things so that we don't waste time or memory, why not?

Sometimes, there are valid reasons for not pushing our code up to the maximum limit: for example, sometimes to achieve a negligible improvement, we have to sacrifice on readability or maintainability. Does it make any sense to have a web page served in 1 second with unreadable, complicated code, when we can serve it in 1.05 seconds with readable, clean code? No, it makes no sense.

On the other hand, sometimes it's perfectly licit to try and shave off a millisecond from a function, especially when the function is meant to be called thousands of times. Every millisecond you save there means one second saved per thousand of calls, and this could be meaningful for your application.

In light of these considerations, the focus of this chapter will not be to give you the tools to push your code to the absolute limits of performance and optimization "no matter what", but rather, to give you the tools to write efficient, elegant code that reads well, runs fast, and doesn't waste resources in an obvious way.

In this chapter, I will perform several measurements and comparisons, and cautiously draw some conclusions. Please do keep in mind that on a different box with a different setup or a different operating system, results may vary. Take a look at this code:

def square1(n):
    return n ** 2  # squaring through the power operator

def square2(n):
    return n * n  # squaring through multiplication

Both functions return the square of n, but which is faster? From a simple benchmark I ran on them, it looks like the second is slightly faster. If you think about it, it makes sense: calculating the power of a number involves multiplication and therefore, whatever algorithm you may use to perform the power operation, it's not likely to beat a simple multiplication like the one in square2.

Do we care about this result? In most cases no. If you're coding an e-commerce website, chances are you won't ever even need to raise a number to the second power, and if you do, you probably will have to do it a few times per page. You don't need to concern yourself on saving a few microseconds on a function you call a few times.

So, when does optimization become important? One very common case is when you have to deal with huge collections of data. If you're applying the same function on a million customer objects, then you want your function to be tuned up to its best. Gaining 1/10 of a second on a function called one million times saves you 100,000 seconds, which are about 27.7 hours. That's not the same, right? So, let's focus on collections, and let's see which tools Python gives you to handle them with efficiency and grace.


Many of the concepts we will see in this chapter are based on those of iterator and iterable. Simply put, the ability for an object to return its next element when asked, and to raise a StopIteration exception when exhausted. We'll see how to code a custom iterator and iterable objects in the next chapter.

map, zip, and filter

We'll start by reviewing map, filter, and zip, which are the main built-in functions one can employ when handling collections, and then we'll learn how to achieve the same results using two very important constructs: comprehensions and generators. Fasten your seat belt!


According to the official Python documentation:

map(function, iterable, ...) returns an iterator that applies function to every item of iterable, yielding the results. If additional iterable arguments are passed, function must take that many arguments and is applied to the items from all iterables in parallel. With multiple iterables, the iterator stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted.

We will explain the concept of yielding later on in the chapter. For now, let's translate this into code: we'll use a lambda function that takes a variable number of positional arguments, and just returns them as a tuple. Also, as map returns an iterator, we'll need to wrap each call to it within a list constructor so that we exhaust the iterable by putting all of its elements into a list (you'll see an example of this in the code):

>>> map(lambda *a: a, range(3))  # without wrapping in list...
<map object at 0x7f563513b518>  # we get the iterator object
>>> list(map(lambda *a: a, range(3)))  # wrapping in list...
[(0,), (1,), (2,)]  # we get a list with its elements
>>> list(map(lambda *a: a, range(3), 'abc'))  # 2 iterables
[(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')]
>>> list(map(lambda *a: a, range(3), 'abc', range(4, 7)))  # 3
[(0, 'a', 4), (1, 'b', 5), (2, 'c', 6)]
>>> # map stops at the shortest iterator
>>> list(map(lambda *a: a, (), 'abc'))  # empty tuple is shortest
>>> list(map(lambda *a: a, (1, 2), 'abc'))  # (1, 2) shortest
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')]
>>> list(map(lambda *a: a, (1, 2, 3, 4), 'abc'))  # 'abc' shortest
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]

In the preceding code you can see why, in order to present you with the results, I have to wrap the calls to map within a list constructor, otherwise I get the string representation of a map object, which is not really useful in this context, is it?

You can also notice how the elements of each iterable are applied to the function: at first, the first element of each iterable, then the second one of each iterable, and so on. Notice also that map stops when the shortest of the iterables we called it with is exhausted. This is actually a very nice behavior: it doesn't force us to level off all the iterables to a common length, and it doesn't break if they aren't all the same length.

map is very useful when you have to apply the same function to one or more collections of objects. As a more interesting example, let's see the decorate-sort-undecorate idiom (also known as Schwartzian transform). It's a technique that was extremely popular when Python sorting wasn't providing key-functions, and therefore today is less used, but it's a cool trick that still comes at hand once in a while.

Let's see a variation of it in the next example: we want to sort in descending order by the sum of credits accumulated by students, so to have the best student at position 0. We write a function to produce a decorated object, we sort, and then we undecorate. Each student has credits in three (possibly different) subjects. To decorate an object means to transform it, either adding extra data to it, or putting it into another object, in a way that allows us to be able to sort the original objects the way we want. After the sorting, we revert the decorated objects to get the original ones from them. This is called to undecorate.

students = [
    dict(id=0, credits=dict(math=9, physics=6, history=7)),
    dict(id=1, credits=dict(math=6, physics=7, latin=10)),
    dict(id=2, credits=dict(history=8, physics=9, chemistry=10)),
    dict(id=3, credits=dict(math=5, physics=5, geography=7)),

def decorate(student):
    # create a 2-tuple (sum of credits, student) from student dict
    return (sum(student['credits'].values()), student)

def undecorate(decorated_student):
    # discard sum of credits, return original student dict
    return decorated_student[1]

students = sorted(map(decorate, students), reverse=True)
students = list(map(undecorate, students))

In the preceding code, I highlighted the tricky and important parts. Let's start by understanding what each student object is. In fact, let's print the first one:

{'credits': {'history': 7, 'math': 9, 'physics': 6}, 'id': 0}

You can see that it's a dictionary with two keys: id and credit. The value of credit is also a dictionary in which there are three subject/grade key/value pairs. As I'm sure you recall from our visit in the data structures world, calling dict.values() returns an object similar to an iterable, with only the values. Therefore, sum(student['credits'].values()), for the first student is equivalent to sum(9, 6, 7) (or any permutation of those numbers because dictionaries don't retain order, but luckily for us, addition is commutative).

With that out of the way, it's easy to see what is the result of calling decorate with any of the students. Let's print the result of decorate(students[0]):

(22, {'credits': {'history': 7, 'math': 9, 'physics': 6}, 'id': 0})

That's nice! If we decorate all the students like this, we can sort them on their total amount of credits but just sorting the list of tuples. In order to apply the decoration to each item in students, we call map(decorate, students). Then we sort the result, and then we undecorate in a similar fashion. If you have gone through the previous chapters correctly, understanding this code shouldn't be too hard.

Printing students after running the whole code yields:

$ python
[{'credits': {'chemistry': 10, 'history': 8, 'physics': 9}, 'id': 2},
 {'credits': {'latin': 10, 'math': 6, 'physics': 7}, 'id': 1},
 {'credits': {'history': 7, 'math': 9, 'physics': 6}, 'id': 0},
 {'credits': {'geography': 7, 'math': 5, 'physics': 5}, 'id': 3}]

And you can see, by the order of the student objects, that they have indeed been sorted by the sum of their credits.


For more on the decorate-sort-undecorate idiom, there's a very nice introduction in the sorting how-to section of the official Python documentation (

One thing to notice about the sorting part: what if two or more students share the same total sum? The sorting algorithm would then proceed sorting the tuples by comparing the student objects with each other. This doesn't make any sense, and in more complex cases could lead to unpredictable results, or even errors. If you want to be sure to avoid this issue, one simple solution is to create a 3-tuple instead of a 2-tuple, having the sum of credits in the first position, the position of the student object in the students list in the second one, and the student object itself in the third one. This way, if the sum of credits is the same, the tuples will be sorted against the position, which will always be different and therefore enough to resolve the sorting between any pair of tuples. For more considerations on this topic, please check out the sorting how-to section on the official Python documentation.


We've already covered zip in the previous chapters, so let's just define it properly and then I want to show you how you could combine it with map.

According to the Python documentation:

zip(*iterables) returns an iterator of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each of the argument sequences or iterables. The iterator stops when the shortest input iterable is exhausted. With a single iterable argument, it returns an iterator of 1-tuples. With no arguments, it returns an empty iterator.

Let's see an example:

>>> grades = [18, 23, 30, 27, 15, 9, 22]
>>> avgs = [22, 21, 29, 24, 18, 18, 24]
>>> list(zip(avgs, grades))
[(22, 18), (21, 23), (29, 30), (24, 27), (18, 15), (18, 9), (24, 22)]
>>> list(map(lambda *a: a, avgs, grades))  # equivalent to zip
[(22, 18), (21, 23), (29, 30), (24, 27), (18, 15), (18, 9), (24, 22)]

In the preceding code, we're zipping together the average and the grade for the last exam, per each student. Notice how the code inside the two list calls produces exactly the same result, showing how easy it is to reproduce zip using map. Notice also that, as we do for map, we have to feed the result of the zip call to a list constructor.

A simple example on the combined use of map and zip could be a way of calculating the element-wise maximum amongst sequences, that is, the maximum of the first element of each sequence, then the maximum of the second one, and so on:

>>> a = [5, 9, 2, 4, 7]
>>> b = [3, 7, 1, 9, 2]
>>> c = [6, 8, 0, 5, 3]
>>> maxs = map(lambda n: max(*n), zip(a, b, c))
>>> list(maxs)
[6, 9, 2, 9, 7]

Notice how easy it is to calculate the max values of three sequences. zip is not strictly needed of course, we could just use map, but this would require us to write a much more complicated function to feed map with. Sometimes we may be in a situation where changing the function we feed to map is not even possible. In cases like these, being able to massage the data (like we're doing in this example with zip) is very helpful.


According to the Python documentation:

filter(function, iterable) construct an iterator from those elements of iterable for which function returns True. iterable may be either a sequence, a container which supports iteration, or an iterator. If function is None, the identity function is assumed, that is, all elements of iterable that are false are removed.

Let's see a very quick example:

>>> test = [2, 5, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0]
>>> list(filter(None, test))
[2, 5, 8, 1]
>>> list(filter(lambda x: x, test))  # equivalent to previous one
[2, 5, 8, 1]
>>> list(filter(lambda x: x > 4, test))  # keep only items > 4
[5, 8]

In the preceding code, notice how the second call to filter is equivalent to the first one. If we pass a function that takes one argument and returns the argument itself, only those arguments that are True will make the function return True, therefore this behavior is exactly the same as passing None. It's often a very good exercise to mimic some of the built-in Python behaviors. When you succeed you can say you fully understand how Python behaves in a specific situation.

Armed with map, zip, and filter (and several other functions from the Python standard library) we can massage sequences very effectively. But those functions are not the only way to do it. So let's see one of the nicest features of Python: comprehensions.

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