Chapter 8. The Edges – GUIs and Scripts


"A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it's not that good."

 --Martin LeBlanc

In this chapter, we're going to work on a project together. We're going to prepare a very simple HTML page with a few images, and then we're going to scrape it, in order to save those images.

We're going to write a script to do this, which will allow us to talk about a few concepts that I'd like to run by you. We're also going to add a few options to save images based on their format, and to choose the way we save them. And, when we're done with the script, we're going to write a GUI application that does basically the same thing, thus killing two birds with one stone. Having only one project to explain will allow me to show a wider range of topics in this chapter.


A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of interface that allows the user to interact with an electronic device through graphical icons, buttons and widgets, as opposed to text-based or command-line interfaces, which require commands or text to be typed on the keyboard. In a nutshell, any browser, any office suite such as LibreOffice, and, in general, anything that pops up when you click on an icon, is a GUI application.

So, if you haven't already done so, this would be the perfect time to start a console and position yourself in a folder called ch8 in the root of your project for this book. Within that folder, we'll create two Python modules ( and and one standard folder (simple_server). Within simple_server, we'll write our HTML page (index.html) in simple_server. Images will be stored in ch8/simple_server/img. The structure in ch8 should look like this:

$ tree -A
└── simple_server
    ├── img
    │   ├── owl-alcohol.png
    │   ├── owl-book.png
    │   ├── owl-books.png
    │   ├── owl-ebook.jpg
    │   └── owl-rose.jpeg
    ├── index.html

If you're using either Linux or Mac, you can do what I do and put the code to start the HTTP server in a file. On Windows, you'll probably want to use a batch file.

The HTML page we're going to scrape has the following structure:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <head><title>Cool Owls!</title></head>
    <h1>Welcome to my owl gallery</h1>
      <img src="img/owl-alcohol.png" height="128" />
      <img src="img/owl-book.png" height="128" />
      <img src="img/owl-books.png" height="128" />
      <img src="img/owl-ebook.jpg" height="128" />
      <img src="img/owl-rose.jpeg" height="128" />
    <p>Do you like my owls?</p>

It's an extremely simple page, so let's just note that we have five images, three of which are PNGs and two are JPGs (note that even though they are both JPGs, one ends with .jpg and the other with .jpeg, which are both valid extensions for this format).

So, Python gives you a very simple HTTP server for free that you can start with the following command (in the simple_server folder):

$ python -m http.server 8000
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ... - - [31/Aug/2015 16:11:10] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The last line is the log you get when you access http://localhost:8000, where our beautiful page will be served. Alternatively, you can put that command in a file called, and just run that with this command (make sure it's executable):

$ ./

It will have the same effect. If you have the code for this book, your page should look something like this:

The Edges – GUIs and Scripts

Feel free to use any other set of images, as long as you use at least one PNG and one JPG, and that in the src tag you use relative paths, not absolute. I got those lovely owls from

First approach – scripting

Now, let's start writing the script. I'll go through the source in three steps: imports first, then the argument parsing logic, and finally the business logic.

The imports (Imports)

import argparse
import base64
import json
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

Going through them from the top, you can see that we'll need to parse the arguments. which we'll feed to the script itself (argparse). We will need the base64 library to save the images within a JSON file (base64 and json), and we'll need to open files for writing (os). Finally, we'll need BeautifulSoup for scraping the web page easily, and requests to fetch its content. requests is an extremely popular library for performing HTTP requests, built to avoid the difficulties and quirks of using the standard library urllib module. It's based on the fast urllib3 third-party library.


We will explore the HTTP protocol and requests mechanism in Chapter 10, Web Development Done Right so, for now, let's just (simplistically) say that we perform an HTTP request to fetch the content of a web page. We can do it programmatically using a library such as requests, and it's more or less the equivalent of typing a URL in your browser and pressing Enter (the browser then fetches the content of a web page and also displays it to you).

Of all these imports, only the last two don't belong to the Python standard library, but they are so widely used throughout the world that I dare not exclude them in this book. Make sure you have them installed:

$ pip freeze | egrep -i "soup|requests"

Of course, the version numbers might be different for you. If they're not installed, use this command to do so:

$ pip install beautifulsoup4 requests

At this point, the only thing that I reckon might confuse you is the base64/json couple, so allow me to spend a few words on that.

As we saw in the previous chapter, JSON is one of the most popular formats for data exchange between applications. It's also widely used for other purposes too, for example, to save data in a file. In our script, we're going to offer the user the ability to save images as image files, or as a JSON single file. Within the JSON, we'll put a dictionary with keys as the images names and values as their content. The only issue is that saving images in the binary format is tricky, and this is where the base64 library comes to the rescue. Base64 is a very popular binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.


The radix-64 representation uses the letters A-Z, a-z, and the digits 0-9, plus the two symbols + and / for a grand total of 64 symbols altogether. Therefore, not surprisingly, the Base64 alphabet is made up of these 64 symbols.

If you think you have never used it, think again. Every time you send an email with an image attached to it, the image gets encoded with Base64 before the email is sent. On the recipient side, images are automatically decoded into their original binary format so that the email client can display them.

Parsing arguments

Now that the technicalities are out of the way, let's see the second section of our script (it should be at the end of the module). (Argument parsing and scraper triggering)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Scrape a webpage.')
        choices=['all', 'png', 'jpg'],
        help='The image type we want to scrape.')
        choices=['img', 'json'],
        help='The format images are saved to.')
        help='The URL we want to scrape for images.')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    scrape(args.url, args.format, args.type)

Look at that first line; it is a very common idiom when it comes to scripting. According to the official Python documentation, the string '__main__' is the name of the scope in which top-level code executes. A module's __name__ is set equal to '__main__' when read from standard input, a script, or from an interactive prompt.

Therefore, if you put the execution logic under that if, the result is that you will be able to use the module as a library should you need to import any of the functions or objects defined in it, because when importing it from another module, __name__ won't be '__main__'. On the other hand, when you run the script directly, like we're going to, __name__ will be '__main__', so the execution logic will run.

The first thing we do then is define our parser. I would recommend using the standard library module, argparse, which is simple enough and quite powerful. There are other options out there, but in this case, argparse will provide us with all we need.

We want to feed our script three different data: the type of images we want to save, the format in which we want to save them, and the URL for the page to be scraped.

The type can be PNG, JPG or both (default), while the format can be either image or JSON, image being the default. URL is the only mandatory argument.

So, we add the -t option, allowing also the long version --type. The choices are 'all', 'png', and 'jpg'. We set the default to 'all' and we add a help message.

We do a similar procedure for the format argument allowing both the short and long syntax (-f and --format), and finally we add the url argument, which is the only one that is specified differently so that it won't be treated as an option, but rather as a positional argument.

In order to parse all the arguments, all we need is parser.parse_args(). Very simple, isn't it?

The last line is where we trigger the actual logic, by calling the scrape function, passing all the arguments we just parsed. We will see its definition shortly.

The nice thing about argparse is that if you call the script by passing -h, it will print a nice usage text for you automatically. Let's try it out:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-t {all,png,jpg}] [-f {img,json}] url
Scrape a webpage.

positional arguments:
  url                   The URL we want to scrape for images.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {all,png,jpg}, --type {all,png,jpg}
                        The image type we want to scrape.
  -f {img,json}, --format {img,json}
                        The format images are saved to.

If you think about it, the one true advantage of this is that we just need to specify the arguments and we don't have to worry about the usage text, which means we won't have to keep it in sync with the arguments' definition every time we change something. This is precious.

Here's a few different ways to call our script, which demonstrate that type and format are optional, and how you can use the short and long syntax to use them:

$ python http://localhost:8000
$ python -t png http://localhost:8000
$ python --type=jpg -f json http://localhost:8000

The first one is using default values for type and format. The second one will save only PNG images, and the third one will save only JPGs, but in JSON format.

The business logic

Now that we've seen the scaffolding, let's dive deep into the actual logic (if it looks intimidating don't worry; we'll go through it together). Within the script, this logic lies after the imports and before the parsing (before the if __name__ clause): (Business logic)

def scrape(url, format_, type_):
        page = requests.get(url)
    except requests.RequestException as rex:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
        images = _fetch_images(soup, url)
        images = _filter_images(images, type_)
        _save(images, format_)

def _fetch_images(soup, base_url):
    images = []
    for img in soup.findAll('img'):
        src = img.get('src')
        img_url = (
                base_url=base_url, src=src))
        name = img_url.split('/')[-1]
        images.append(dict(name=name, url=img_url))
    return images

def _filter_images(images, type_):
    if type_ == 'all':
        return images
    ext_map = {
        'png': ['.png'],
        'jpg': ['.jpg', '.jpeg'],
    return [
        img for img in images
        if _matches_extension(img['name'], ext_map[type_])

def _matches_extension(filename, extension_list):
    name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename.lower())
    return extension in extension_list

def _save(images, format_):
    if images:
        if format_ == 'img':
        print('No images to save.')

def _save_images(images):
    for img in images:
        img_data = requests.get(img['url']).content
        with open(img['name'], 'wb') as f:

def _save_json(images):
    data = {}
    for img in images:
        img_data = requests.get(img['url']).content
        b64_img_data = base64.b64encode(img_data)
        str_img_data = b64_img_data.decode('utf-8')
        data[img['name']] = str_img_data

    with open('images.json', 'w') as ijson:

Let's start with the scrape function. The first thing it does is fetch the page at the given url argument. Whatever error may happen while doing this, we trap it in the RequestException rex and we print it. The RequestException is the base exception class for all the exceptions in the requests library.

However, if things go well, and we have a page back from the GET request, then we can proceed (else branch) and feed its content to the BeautifulSoup parser. The BeautifulSoup library allows us to parse a web page in no time, without having to write all the logic that would be needed to find all the images in a page, which we really don't want to do. It's not as easy as it seems, and reinventing the wheel is never good. To fetch images, we use the _fetch_images function and we filter them with _filter_images. Finally, we call _save with the result.

Splitting the code into different functions with meaningful names allows us to read it more easily. Even if you haven't seen the logic of the _fetch_images, _filter_images, and _save functions, it's not hard to predict what they do, right?

_fetch_images takes a BeautifulSoup object and a base URL. All it does is looping through all of the images found on the page and filling in the 'name' and 'url' information about them in a dictionary (one per image). All dictionaries are added to the images list, which is returned at the end.

There is some trickery going on when we get the name of an image. What we do is split the img_url (http://localhost:8000/img/my_image_name.png) string using '/' as a separator, and we take the last item as the image name. There is a more robust way of doing this, but for this example it would be overkill. If you want to see the details of each step, try to break this logic down into smaller steps, and print the result of each of them to help yourself understand.

Towards the end of the book, I'll show you another technique to debug in a much more efficient way.

Anyway, by just adding print(images) at the end of the _fetch_images function, we get this:

[{'url': 'http://localhost:8000/img/owl-alcohol.png', 'name': 'owl-alcohol.png'}, {'url': 'http://localhost:8000/img/owl-book.png', 'name': 'owl-book.png'}, ...]

I truncated the result for brevity. You can see each dictionary has a 'url' and 'name' key/value pair, which we can use to fetch, identify and save our images as we like. At this point, I hear you asking what would happen if the images on the page were specified with an absolute path instead of a relative one, right? Good question!

The answer is that the script will fail to download them because this logic expects relative paths. I was about to add a bit of logic to solve this issue when I thought that, at this stage, it would be a nice exercise for you to do it, so I'll leave it up to you to fix it.


Hint: inspect the start of that src variable. If it starts with 'http', then it's probably an absolute path.

I hope the body of the _filter_images function is interesting to you. I wanted to show you how to check on multiple extensions by using a mapping technique.

In this function, if type_ is 'all', then no filtering is required, so we just return all the images. On the other hand, when type_ is not 'all', we get the allowed extensions from the ext_map dictionary, and use it to filter the images in the list comprehension that ends the function body. You can see that by using another helper function, _matches_extension, I have made the list comprehension simpler and more readable.

All _matches_extension does is split the name of the image getting its extension and checking whether it is within the list of allowed ones. Can you find one micro improvement (speed-wise) that could be done to this function?

I'm sure that you're wondering why I have collected all the images in the list and then removed them, instead of checking whether I wanted to save them before adding them to the list. The first reason is that I needed _fetch_images in the GUI app as it is now. A second reason is that combining, fetching, and filtering would produce a longer and a bit more complicated function, and I'm trying to keep the complexity level down. A third reason is that this could be a nice exercise for you to do. Feels like we're pairing here...

Let's keep going through the code and inspect the _save function. You can see that, when images isn't empty, this basically acts as a dispatcher. We either call _save_images or _save_json, depending on which information is stored in the format_ variable.

We are almost done. Let's jump to _save_images. We loop on the images list and for each dictionary we find there we perform a GET request on the image URL and save its content in a file, which we name as the image itself. The one important thing to note here is how we save that file.

We use a context manager, represented by the keyword with, to do that. Python's with statement supports the concept of a runtime context defined by a context manager. This is implemented using a pair of methods (contextmanager.__enter__() and contextmanager.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)) that allow user-defined classes to define a runtime context that is entered before the statement body is executed and exited when the statement ends.

In our case, using a context manager, in conjunction with the open function, gives us the guarantee that if anything bad were to happen while writing that file, the resources involved in the process will be cleaned up and released properly regardless of the error. Have you ever tried to delete a file on Windows, only to be presented with an alert that tells you that you cannot delete the file because there is another process that is holding on to it? We're avoiding that sort of very annoying thing.

When we open a file, we get a handler for it and, no matter what happens, we want to be sure we release it when we're done with the file. A context manager is the tool we need to make sure of that.

Finally, let's now step into the _save_json function. It's very similar to the previous one. We basically fill in the data dictionary. The image name is the key, and the Base64 representation of its binary content is the value. When we're done populating our dictionary, we use the json library to dump it in the images.json file. I'll give you a small preview of that:

images.json (truncated)

  "owl-ebook.jpg": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAMQAxAAD/2wBDAAEBAQ...
  "owl-book.png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAASwAAAEbCAYAAAB...
  "owl-books.png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAASwAAAElCAYAAA...
  "owl-alcohol.png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAASwAAAEICAYA...
  "owl-rose.jpeg": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEANAA0AAD/2wBDAAEBAQ...

And that's it! Now, before proceeding to the next section, make sure you play with this script and understand well how it works. Try and modify something, print out intermediate results, add a new argument or functionality, or scramble the logic. We're going to migrate it into a GUI application now, which will add a layer of complexity simply because we'll have to build the GUI interface, so it's important that you're well acquainted with the business logic: it will allow you to concentrate on the rest of the code.

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