Chapter 9. Data Science


"If we have data, let's look at data. If all we have are opinions, let's go with mine."

 --Jim Barksdale, former Netscape CEO

Data science is a very broad term, and can assume several different meanings according to context, understanding, tools, and so on. There are countless books about this subject, which is not suitable for the faint-hearted.

In order to do proper data science, you need to know mathematics and statistics at the very least. Then, you may want to dig into other subjects such as pattern recognition and machine learning and, of course, there is a plethora of languages and tools you can choose from.

Unless I transform into The Amazing Fabrizio in the next few minutes, I won't be able to talk about everything; I won't even get close to it. Therefore, in order to render this chapter meaningful, we're going to work on a cool project together.

About 3 years ago, I was working for a top-tier social media company in London. I stayed there for 2 years, and I was privileged to work with several people whose brilliance I can only start to describe. We were the first in the world to have access to the Twitter Ads API, and we were partners with Facebook as well. That means a lot of data.

Our analysts were dealing with a huge number of campaigns and they were struggling with the amount of work they had to do, so the development team I was a part of tried to help by introducing them to Python and to the tools Python gives you to deal with data. It was a very interesting journey that led me to mentor several people in the company and eventually to Manila where, for 2 weeks, I gave intensive training in Python and data science to our analysts there.

The project we're going to do together in this chapter is a lightweight version of the final example I presented to my Manila students. I have rewritten it to a size that will fit this chapter, and made a few adjustments here and there for teaching purposes, but all the main concepts are there, so it should be fun and instructional for you to code along.

On our journey, we're going to meet a few of the tools you can find in the Python ecosystem when it comes to dealing with data, so let's start by talking about Roman gods.

IPython and Jupyter notebook

In 2001, Fernando Perez was a graduate student in physics at CU Boulder, and was trying to improve the Python shell so that he could have some niceties like those he was used to when he was working with tools such as Mathematica and Maple. The result of that effort took the name IPython.

In a nutshell, that small script began as an enhanced version of the Python shell and, through the effort of other coders and eventually proper funding from several different companies, it became the wonderful and successful project it is today. Some 10 years after its birth, a notebook environment was created, powered by technologies like WebSockets, the Tornado web server, jQuery, CodeMirror, and MathJax. The ZeroMQ library was also used to handle the messages between the notebook interface and the Python core that lies behind it.

The IPython notebook has become so popular and widely used that eventually, all sorts of goodies have been added to it. It can handle widgets, parallel computing, all sorts of media formats, and much, much more. Moreover, at some point, it became possible to code in languages other than Python from within the notebook.

This has led to a huge project that only recently has been split into two: IPython has been stripped down to focus more on the kernel part and the shell, while the notebook has become a brand new project called Jupyter. Jupyter allows interactive scientific computations to be done in more than 40 languages.

This chapter's project will all be coded and run in a Jupyter notebook, so let me explain in a few words what a notebook is.

A notebook environment is a web page that exposes a simple menu and the cells in which you can run Python code. Even though the cells are separate entities that you can run individually, they all share the same Python kernel. This means that all the names that you define in a cell (the variables, functions, and so on) will be available in any other cell.


Simply put, a Python kernel is a process in which Python is running. The notebook web page is therefore an interface exposed to the user for driving this kernel. The web page communicates to it using a very fast messaging system.

Apart from all the graphical advantages, the beauty to have such an environment consists in the ability of running a Python script in chunks, and this can be a tremendous advantage. Take a script that is connecting to a database to fetch data and then manipulate that data. If you do it in the conventional way, with a Python script, you have to fetch the data every time you want to experiment with it. Within a notebook environment, you can fetch the data in a cell and then manipulate and experiment with it in other cells, so fetching it every time is not necessary.

The notebook environment is also extremely helpful for data science because it allows for step-by-step introspection. You do one chunk of work and then verify it. You then do another chunk and verify again, and so on.

It's also invaluable for prototyping because the results are there, right in front of your eyes, immediately available.

If you want to know more about these tools, please check out and

I have created a very simple example notebook with a fibonacci function that gives you the list of all Fibonacci numbers smaller than a given N. In my browser, it looks like this:

IPython and Jupyter notebook

Every cell has an In [] label. If there's nothing between the braces, it means that cell has never been executed. If there is a number, it means that the cell has been executed, and the number represents the order in which the cell was executed. Finally, a * means that the cell is currently being executed.

You can see in the picture that in the first cell I have defined the fibonacci function, and I have executed it. This has the effect of placing the fibonacci name in the global frame associated with the notebook, therefore the fibonacci function is now available to the other cells as well. In fact, in the second cell, I can run fibonacci(100) and see the results in Out [2]. In the third cell, I have shown you one of the several magic functions you can find in a notebook in the second cell. %timeit runs the code several times and provides you with a nice benchmark for it. All the measurements for the list comprehensions and generators I did in Chapter 5, Saving Time and Memory were carried out with this nice feature.

You can execute a cell as many times as you want, and change the order in which you run them. Cells are very malleable, you can also put in markdown text or render them as headers.


Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats.

Also, whatever you place in the last row of a cell will be automatically printed for you. This is very handy because you're not forced to write print(...) explicitly.

Feel free to explore the notebook environment; once you're friends with it, it's a long-lasting relationship, I promise.

In order to run the notebook, you have to install a handful of libraries, each of which collaborates with the others to make the whole thing work. Alternatively, you can just install Jupyter and it will take care of everything for you. For this chapter, there are a few other dependencies that we need to install, so please run the following command:

$ pip install jupyter pandas matplotlib fake-factory delorean xlwt

Don't worry, I'll introduce you to each of these gradually. Now, when you're done installing these libraries (it may take a few minutes), you can start the notebook:

$ jupyter notebook

This will open a page in your browser at this address: http://localhost:8888/.

Go to that page and create a new notebook using the menu. When you have it and you're comfortable with it, we're ready to go.


If you experience any issues setting up the notebook environment, please don't get discouraged. If you get an error, it's usually just a matter of searching a little bit on the web and you'll end up on a page where someone else has had the same issue, and they have explained how to fix it. Try your best to have the notebook environment up and running before continuing with the chapter.

Our project will take place in a notebook, therefore I will tag each code snippet with the cell number it belongs to, so that you can easily reproduce the code and follow along.


If you familiarize yourself with the keyboard shortcuts (look in the notebook's help section), you will be able to move between cells and handle their content without having to reach for the mouse. This will make you more proficient and way faster when you work in a notebook.

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