
If you have any experience with looping in other programming languages, you will find Python's way of looping a bit different. First of all, what is looping? Looping means being able to repeat the execution of a code block more than once, according to the loop parameters we're given. There are different looping constructs, which serve different purposes, and Python has distilled all of them down to just two, which you can use to achieve everything you need. These are the for and while statements.

While it's definitely possible to do everything you need using either of them, they serve different purposes and therefore they're usually used in different contexts. We'll explore this difference thoroughly through this chapter.

The for loop

The for loop is used when looping over a sequence, like a list, tuple, or a collection of objects. Let's start with a simple example that is more like C++ style, and then let's gradually see how to achieve the same results in Python (you'll love Python's syntax).


for number in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:

This simple snippet of code, when executed, prints all numbers from 0 to 4. The for loop is fed the list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and at each iteration, number is given a value from the sequence (which is iterated sequentially, in order), then the body of the loop is executed (the print line). number changes at every iteration, according to which value is coming next from the sequence. When the sequence is exhausted, the for loop terminates, and the execution of the code resumes normally with the code after the loop.

Iterating over a range

Sometimes we need to iterate over a range of numbers, and it would be quite unpleasant to have to do so by hardcoding the list somewhere. In such cases, the range function comes to the rescue. Let's see the equivalent of the previous snippet of code:


for number in range(5):

The range function is used extensively in Python programs when it comes to creating sequences: you can call it by passing one value, which acts as stop (counting from 0), or you can pass two values (start and stop), or even three (start, stop, and step). Check out the following example:

>>> list(range(10))  # one value: from 0 to value (excluded)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> list(range(3, 8))  # two values: from start to stop (excluded)
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
>>> list(range(-10, 10, 4))  # three values: step is added
[-10, -6, -2, 2, 6]

For the moment, ignore that we need to wrap range(...) within a list. The range object is a little bit special, but in this case we're just interested in understanding what are the values it will return to us. You see that the deal is the same with slicing: start is included, stop excluded, and optionally you can add a step parameter, which by default is 1.

Try modifying the parameters of the range() call in our simple.for.py code and see what it prints, get comfortable with it.

Iterating over a sequence

Now we have all the tools to iterate over a sequence, so let's build on that example:


surnames = ['Rivest', 'Shamir', 'Adleman']
for position in range(len(surnames)):
    print(position, surnames[position])

The preceding code adds a little bit of complexity to the game. Execution will show this result:

$ python simple.for.2.py
0 Rivest
1 Shamir
2 Adleman

Let's use the inside-out technique to break it down, ok? We start from the innermost part of what we're trying to understand, and we expand outwards. So, len(surnames) is the length of the surnames list: 3. Therefore, range(len(surnames)) is actually transformed into range(3). This gives us the range [0, 3), which is basically a sequence (0, 1, 2). This means that the for loop will run three iterations. In the first one, position will take value 0, while in the second one, it will take value 1, and finally value 2 in the third and last iteration. What is (0, 1, 2), if not the possible indexing positions for the surnames list? At position 0 we find 'Rivest', at position 1, 'Shamir', and at position 2, 'Adleman'. If you are curious about what these three men created together, change print(position, surnames[position]) to print(surnames[position][0], end='') add a final print() outside of the loop, and run the code again.

Now, this style of looping is actually much closer to languages like Java or C++. In Python it's quite rare to see code like this. You can just iterate over any sequence or collection, so there is no need to get the list of positions and retrieve elements out of a sequence at each iteration. It's expensive, needlessly expensive. Let's change the example into a more Pythonic form:


surnames = ['Rivest', 'Shamir', 'Adleman']
for surname in surnames:

Now that's something! It's practically English. The for loop can iterate over the surnames list, and it gives back each element in order at each interaction. Running this code will print the three surnames, one at a time. It's much easier to read, right?

What if you wanted to print the position as well though? Or what if you actually needed it for any reason? Should you go back to the range(len(...)) form? No. You can use the enumerate built-in function, like this:


surnames = ['Rivest', 'Shamir', 'Adleman']
for position, surname in enumerate(surnames):
    print(position, surname)

This code is very interesting as well. Notice that enumerate gives back a 2-tuple (position, surname) at each iteration, but still, it's much more readable (and more efficient) than the range(len(...)) example. You can call enumerate with a start parameter, like enumerate(iterable, start), and it will start from start, rather than 0. Just another little thing that shows you how much thought has been given in designing Python so that it makes your life easy.

Using a for loop it is possible to iterate over lists, tuples, and in general anything that in Python is called iterable. This is a very important concept, so let's talk about it a bit more.

Iterators and iterables

According to the Python documentation, an iterable is:

"An object capable of returning its members one at a time. Examples of iterables include all sequence types (such as list, str, and tuple) and some non-sequence types like dict, file objects, and objects of any classes you define with an __iter__() or __getitem__() method. Iterables can be used in a for loop and in many other places where a sequence is needed (zip(), map(), ...). When an iterable object is passed as an argument to the built-in function iter(), it returns an iterator for the object. This iterator is good for one pass over the set of values. When using iterables, it is usually not necessary to call iter() or deal with iterator objects yourself. The for statement does that automatically for you, creating a temporary unnamed variable to hold the iterator for the duration of the loop."

Simply put, what happens when you write for k in sequence: ... body ..., is that the for loop asks sequence for the next element, it gets something back, it calls that something k, and then executes its body. Then, once again, the for loop asks sequence again for the next element, it calls it k again, and executes the body again, and so on and so forth, until the sequence is exhausted. Empty sequences will result in zero executions of the body.

Some data structures, when iterated over, produce their elements in order, like lists, tuples, and strings, while some others don't, like sets and dictionaries.

Python gives us the ability to iterate over iterables, using a type of object called iterator. According to the official documentation, an iterator is:

"An object representing a stream of data. Repeated calls to the iterator's __next__() method (or passing it to the built-in function next()) return successive items in the stream. When no more data are available a StopIteration exception is raised instead. At this point, the iterator object is exhausted and any further calls to its __next__() method just raise StopIteration again. Iterators are required to have an __iter__() method that returns the iterator object itself so every iterator is also iterable and may be used in most places where other iterables are accepted. One notable exception is code which attempts multiple iteration passes. A container object (such as a list) produces a fresh new iterator each time you pass it to the iter() function or use it in a for loop. Attempting this with an iterator will just return the same exhausted iterator object used in the previous iteration pass, making it appear like an empty container."

Don't worry if you don't fully understand all the preceding legalese, you will in due time. I put it here as a handy reference for the future.

In practice, the whole iterable/iterator mechanism is somewhat hidden behind the code. Unless you need to code your own iterable or iterator for some reason, you won't have to worry about this too much. But it's very important to understand how Python handles this key aspect of control flow because it will shape the way you will write your code.

Iterating over multiple sequences

Let's see another example of how to iterate over two sequences of the same length, in order to work on their respective elements in pairs. Say we have a list of people and a list of numbers representing the age of the people in the first list. We want to print a pair person/age on one line for all of them. Let's start with an example and let's refine it gradually.


people = ['Jonas', 'Julio', 'Mike', 'Mez']
ages = [25, 30, 31, 39]
for position in range(len(people)):
    person = people[position]
    age = ages[position]
    print(person, age)

By now, this code should be pretty straightforward for you to understand. We need to iterate over the list of positions (0, 1, 2, 3) because we want to retrieve elements from two different lists. Executing it we get the following:

$ python multiple.sequences.py
Jonas 25
Julio 30
Mike 31
Mez 39

This code is both inefficient and not Pythonic. Inefficient because retrieving an element given the position can be an expensive operation, and we're doing it from scratch at each iteration. The mail man doesn't go back to the beginning of the road each time he delivers a letter, right? He moves from house to house. From one to the next one. Let's try to make it better using enumerate:


people = ['Jonas', 'Julio', 'Mike', 'Mez']
ages = [25, 30, 31, 39]
for position, person in enumerate(people):
    age = ages[position]
    print(person, age)

Better, but still not perfect. And still a bit ugly. We're iterating properly on people, but we're still fetching age using positional indexing, which we want to lose as well. Well, no worries, Python gives you the zip function, remember? Let's use it!


people = ['Jonas', 'Julio', 'Mike', 'Mez']
ages = [25, 30, 31, 39]
for person, age in zip(people, ages):
    print(person, age)

Ah! So much better! Once again, compare the preceding code with the first example and admire Python's elegance. The reason I wanted to show this example is twofold. On the one hand, I wanted to give you an idea of how shorter the code in Python can be compared to other languages where the syntax doesn't allow you to iterate over sequences or collections as easily. And on the other hand, and much more importantly, notice that when the for loop asks zip(sequenceA, sequenceB) for the next element, it gets back a tuple, not just a single object. It gets back a tuple with as many elements as the number of sequences we feed to the zip function. Let's expand a little on the previous example in two ways: using explicit and implicit assignment:


people = ['Jonas', 'Julio', 'Mike', 'Mez']
ages = [25, 30, 31, 39]
nationalities = ['Belgium', 'Spain', 'England', 'Bangladesh']
for person, age, nationality in zip(people, ages, nationalities):
    print(person, age, nationality)

In the preceding code, we added the nationalities list. Now that we feed three sequences to the zip function, the for loop gets back a 3-tuple at each iteration. Notice that the position of the elements in the tuple respects the position of the sequences in the zip call. Executing the code will yield the following result:

$ python multiple.sequences.explicit.py
Jonas 25 Belgium
Julio 30 Spain
Mike 31 England
Mez 39 Bangladesh

Sometimes, for reasons that may not be clear in a simple example like the preceding one, you may want to explode the tuple within the body of the for loop. If that is your desire, it's perfectly possible to do so.


people = ['Jonas', 'Julio', 'Mike', 'Mez']
ages = [25, 30, 31, 39]
nationalities = ['Belgium', 'Spain', 'England', 'Bangladesh']
for data in zip(people, ages, nationalities):
    person, age, nationality = data
    print(person, age, nationality)

It's basically doing what the for loop does automatically for you, but in some cases you may want to do it yourself. Here, the 3-tuple data that comes from zip(...), is exploded within the body of the for loop into three variables: person, age, and nationality.

The while loop

In the preceding pages, we saw the for loop in action. It's incredibly useful when you need to loop over a sequence or a collection. The key point to keep in mind, when you need to be able to discriminate which looping construct to use, is that the for loop rocks when you have to iterate over a finite amount of elements. It can be a huge amount, but still, something that at some point ends.

There are other cases though, when you just need to loop until some condition is satisfied, or even loop indefinitely until the application is stopped. Cases where we don't really have something to iterate on, and therefore the for loop would be a poor choice. But fear not, for these cases Python provides us with the while loop.

The while loop is similar to the for loop, in that they both loop and at each iteration they execute a body of instructions. What is different between them is that the while loop doesn't loop over a sequence (it can, but you have to manually write the logic and it wouldn't make any sense, you would just want to use a for loop), rather, it loops as long as a certain condition is satisfied. When the condition is no longer satisfied, the loop ends.

As usual, let's see an example which will clarify everything for us. We want to print the binary representation of a positive number. In order to do so, we repeatedly divide the number by two, collecting the remainder, and then produce the inverse of the list of remainders. Let me give you a small example using number 6, which is 110 in binary.

6 / 2 = 3 (remainder: 0)
3 / 2 = 1 (remainder: 1)
1 / 2 = 0 (remainder: 1)
List of remainders: 0, 1, 1.
Inverse is 1, 1, 0, which is also the binary representation of 6: 110

Let's write some code to calculate the binary representation for number 39: 1001112.


n = 39
remainders = []
while n > 0:
    remainder = n % 2  # remainder of division by 2
    remainders.append(remainder)  # we keep track of remainders
    n //= 2  # we divide n by 2

# reassign the list to its reversed copy and print it
remainders = remainders[::-1]

In the preceding code, I highlighted two things: n > 0, which is the condition to keep looping, and remainders[::-1] which is a nice and easy way to get the reversed version of a list (missing start and end parameters, step = -1, produces the same list, from end to start, in reverse order). We can make the code a little shorter (and more Pythonic), by using the divmod function, which is called with a number and a divisor, and returns a tuple with the result of the integer division and its remainder. For example, divmod(13, 5) would return (2, 3), and indeed 5 * 2 + 3 = 13.


n = 39
remainders = []
while n > 0:
    n, remainder = divmod(n, 2)

# reassign the list to its reversed copy and print it
remainders = remainders[::-1]

In the preceding code, we have reassigned n to the result of the division by 2, and the remainder, in one single line.

Notice that the condition in a while loop is a condition to continue looping. If it evaluates to True, then the body is executed and then another evaluation follows, and so on, until the condition evaluates to False. When that happens, the loop is exited immediately without executing its body.


If the condition never evaluates to False, the loop becomes a so called infinite loop. Infinite loops are used for example when polling from network devices: you ask the socket if there is any data, you do something with it if there is any, then you sleep for a small amount of time, and then you ask the socket again, over and over again, without ever stopping.

Having the ability to loop over a condition, or to loop indefinitely, is the reason why the for loop alone is not enough, and therefore Python provides the while loop.


By the way, if you need the binary representation of a number, checkout the bin function.

Just for fun, let's adapt one of the examples (multiple.sequences.py) using the while logic.


people = ['Jonas', 'Julio', 'Mike', 'Mez']
ages = [25, 30, 31, 39]
position = 0
while position < len(people):
    person = people[position]
    age = ages[position]
    print(person, age)
    position += 1

In the preceding code, I have highlighted the initialization, condition, and update of the variable position, which makes it possible to simulate the equivalent for loop code by handling the iteration variable manually. Everything that can be done with a for loop can also be done with a while loop, even though you can see there's a bit of boilerplate you have to go through in order to achieve the same result. The opposite is also true, but simulating a never ending while loop using a for loop requires some real trickery, so why would you do that? Use the right tool for the job, and 99.9% of the times you'll be fine.

So, to recap, use a for loop when you need to iterate over one (or a combination of) iterable, and a while loop when you need to loop according to a condition being satisfied or not. If you keep in mind the difference between the two purposes, you will never choose the wrong looping construct.

Let's now see how to alter the normal flow of a loop.

The break and continue statements

According to the task at hand, sometimes you will need to alter the regular flow of a loop. You can either skip a single iteration (as many times you want), or you can break out of the loop entirely. A common use case for skipping iterations is for example when you're iterating over a list of items and you need to work on each of them only if some condition is verified. On the other hand, if you're iterating over a collection of items, and you have found one of them that satisfies some need you have, you may decide not to continue the loop entirely and therefore break out of it. There are countless possible scenarios, so it's better to see a couple of examples.

Let's say you want to apply a 20% discount to all products in a basket list for those which have an expiration date of today. The way you achieve this is to use the continue statement, which tells the looping construct (for or while) to immediately stop execution of the body and go to the next iteration, if any. This example will take us a little deeper down the rabbit whole, so be ready to jump.


from datetime import date, timedelta

today = date.today()
tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1)  # today + 1 day is tomorrow
products = [
    {'sku': '1', 'expiration_date': today, 'price': 100.0},
    {'sku': '2', 'expiration_date': tomorrow, 'price': 50},
    {'sku': '3', 'expiration_date': today, 'price': 20},
for product in products:
    if product['expiration_date'] != today:
    product['price'] *= 0.8  # equivalent to applying 20% discount
        'Price for sku', product['sku'],
        'is now', product['price'])

You see we start by importing the date and timedelta objects, then we set up our products. Those with sku 1 and 3 have an expiration date of today, which means we want to apply 20% discount on them. We loop over each product and we inspect the expiration date. If it is not (inequality operator, !=) today, we don't want to execute the rest of the body suite, so we continue.

Notice that is not important where in the body suite you place the continue statement (you can even use it more than once). When you reach it, execution stops and goes back to the next iteration. If we run the discount.py module, this is the output:

$ python discount.py
Price for sku 1 is now 80.0
Price for sku 3 is now 16.0

Which shows you that the last two lines of the body haven't been executed for sku number 2.

Let's now see an example of breaking out of a loop. Say we want to tell if at least any of the elements in a list evaluates to True when fed to the bool function. Given that we need to know if there is at least one, when we find it we don't need to keep scanning the list any further. In Python code, this translates to using the break statement. Let's write this down into code:


items = [0, None, 0.0, True, 0, 7]  # True and 7 evaluate to True
found = False  # this is called "flag"
for item in items:
    print('scanning item', item)
    if item:
        found = True  # we update the flag

if found:  # we inspect the flag
    print('At least one item evaluates to True')
    print('All items evaluate to False')

The preceding code is such a common pattern in programming, you will see it a lot. When you inspect items this way, basically what you do is to set up a flag variable, then start the inspection. If you find one element that matches your criteria (in this example, that evaluates to True), then you update the flag and stop iterating. After iteration, you inspect the flag and take action accordingly. Execution yields:

$ python any.py
scanning item 0
scanning item None
scanning item 0.0
scanning item True
At least one item evaluates to True

See how execution stopped after True was found?

The break statement acts exactly like the continue one, in that it stops executing the body of the loop immediately, but also, prevents any other iteration to run, effectively breaking out of the loop.

The continue and break statements can be used together with no limitation in their number, both in the for and while looping constructs.


By the way, there is no need to write code to detect if there is at least one element in a sequence that evaluates to True. Just check out the any built-in function.

A special else clause

One of the features I've seen only in the Python language is the ability to have else clauses after while and for loops. It's very rarely used, but it's definitely nice to have. In short, you can have an else suite after a for or while loop. If the loop ends normally, because of exhaustion of the iterator (for loop) or because the condition is finally not met (while loop), then the else suite (if present) is executed. In case execution is interrupted by a break statement, the else clause is not executed. Let's take an example of a for loop that iterates over a group of items, looking for one that would match some condition. In case we don't find at least one that satisfies the condition, we want to raise an exception. This means we want to arrest the regular execution of the program and signal that there was an error, or exception, that we cannot deal with. Exceptions will be the subject of Chapter 7, Testing, Profiling, and Dealing with Exceptions, so don't worry if you don't fully understand them now. Just bear in mind that they will alter the regular flow of the code. Let me now show you two examples that do exactly the same thing, but one of them is using the special for ... else syntax. Say that we want to find among a collection of people one that could drive a car.


class DriverException(Exception):

people = [('James', 17), ('Kirk', 9), ('Lars', 13), ('Robert', 8)]
driver = None
for person, age in people:
    if age >= 18:
        driver = (person, age)

if driver is None:
    raise DriverException('Driver not found.')

Notice the flag pattern again. We set driver to be None, then if we find one we update the driver flag, and then, at the end of the loop, we inspect it to see if one was found. I kind of have the feeling that those kids would drive a very metallic car, but anyway, notice that if a driver is not found, a DriverException is raised, signaling the program that execution cannot continue (we're lacking the driver).

The same functionality can be rewritten a bit more elegantly using the following code:


class DriverException(Exception):

people = [('James', 17), ('Kirk', 9), ('Lars', 13), ('Robert', 8)]
for person, age in people:
    if age >= 18:
        driver = (person, age)
    raise DriverException('Driver not found.')

Notice that we aren't forced to use the flag pattern any more. The exception is raised as part of the for loop logic, which makes good sense because the for loop is checking on some condition. All we need is to set up a driver object in case we find one, because the rest of the code is going to use that information somewhere. Notice the code is shorter and more elegant, because the logic is now correctly grouped together where it belongs.

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