The Django web framework

For our project, we're going to use one of the most popular web frameworks you can find in the Python ecosystem: Django.

A web framework is a set of tools (libraries, functions, classes, and so on) that we can use to code a website. We need to decide what kind of requests we want to allow to be issued against our web server and how we respond to them. A web framework is the perfect tool to do that because it takes care of many things for us so that we can concentrate only on the important bits without having to reinvent the wheel.


There are different types of frameworks. Not all of them are designed for writing code for the web. In general, a framework is a tool that provides functionalities to facilitate the development of software applications, products and solutions.

Django design philosophy

Django is designed according to the following principles:

  • DRY: As in, Don't Repeat Yourself. Don't repeat code, and code in a way that makes the framework deduce as much as possible from as little as possible.
  • Loose coupling: The various layers of the framework shouldn't know about each other (unless absolutely necessary for whatever reason). Loose coupling works best when paralleled with high cohesion. To quote Robert Martin: putting together things which change for the same reason, and spreading apart those which change for different reasons.
  • Less code: Applications should use the least possible amount of code, and be written in a way that favors reuse as much as possible.
  • Consistency: When using the Django framework, regardless of which layer you're coding against, your experience will be very consistent with the design patterns and paradigms that were chosen to lay out the project.

The framework itself is designed around the model-template-view (MTV) pattern, which is a variant of model-view-controller (MVC), which is widely employed by other frameworks. The purpose of such patterns is to separate concerns and promote code reuse and quality.

The model layer

Of the three layers, this is the one that defines the structure of the data that is handled by the application, and deals with data sources. A model is a class that represents a data structure. Through some Django magic, models are mapped to database tables so that you can store your data in a relational database.


A relational database stores data in tables in which each column is a property of the data and each row represents a single item or entry in the collection represented by that table. Through the primary key of each table, which is that part of the data that allows to uniquely identify each item, it is possible to establish relationships between items belonging to different tables, that is, to put them into relation.

The beauty of this system is that you don't have to write database-specific code in order to handle your data. You will just have to configure your models correctly and simply use them. The work on the database is done for you by the Django object-relational mapping (ORM), which takes care of translating operations done on Python objects into a language that a relational database can understand: SQL (Structured Query Language).

One benefit of this approach is that you will be able to change databases without rewriting your code since all the database specific code is produced by Django on the fly, according to which database it's connected to. Relational databases speak SQL, but each of them has its own unique flavor of it; therefore, not having to hardcode any SQL in our application is a tremendous advantage.

Django allows you to modify your models at any time. When you do, you can run a command that creates a migration, which is the set of instructions needed to port the database in a state that represents the current definition of your models.

To summarize, this layer deals with defining the data structures you need to handle in your website and gives you the means to save and load them from and to the database by simply accessing the models, which are Python objects.

The view layer

The function of a view is handling a request, performing whatever action needs to be carried out, and eventually returning a response. For example, if you open your browser and request a page corresponding to a category of products in an e-commerce shop, the view will likely talk to the database, asking for all the categories that are children of the selected category (for example, to display them in a navigation sidebar) and for all the products that belong to the selected category, in order to display them on the page.

Therefore, the view is the mechanism through which we can fulfill a request. Its result, the response object, can assume several different forms: a JSON payload, text, an HTML page, and so on. When you code a website, your responses usually consist of HTML or JSON.


The Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Web browsers run engines that are capable of interpreting HTML code and render it into what we see when we open a page of a website.

The template layer

This is the layer that provides the bridge between backend and frontend development. When a view has to return HTML, it usually does it by preparing a context object (a dict) with some data, and then it feeds this context to a template, which is rendered (that is to say, transformed into HTML) and returned to the caller in the form of a response (more precisely, the body of the response). This mechanism allows for maximum code reuse. If you go back to the category example, it's easy to see that, if you browse a website that sells products, it doesn't really matter which category you click on or what type of search you perform, the layout of the products page doesn't change. What does change is the data with which that page is populated.

Therefore, the layout of the page is defined by a template, which is written in a mixture of HTML and Django template language. The view that serves that page collects all the products to be displayed in the context dict, and feeds it to the template which will be rendered into an HTML page by the Django template engine.

The Django URL dispatcher

The way Django associates a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) with a view is through matching the requested URL with the patterns that are registered in a special file. A URL represents a page in a website so, for example, would probably point to the page for the category with ID 123 on my website, while would probably be the user login page.


The difference between HTTP and HTTPS is that the latter adds encryption to the protocol so that the data that you exchange with the website is secured. When you put your credit card details on a website, or log in anywhere, or do anything around sensitive data, you want to make sure that you're using HTTPS.

Regular expressions

The way Django matches URLs to patterns is through a regular expression. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern with which we can carry out operations such as pattern and string matching, find/replace, and so on.

Regular expressions have a special syntax to indicate things like digits, letters, spaces, and so on, as well as how many times we expect a character to appear, and much more. A complete explanation of this topic is beyond of the scope of the book. However, it is a very important topic, so the project we're going to work on together will evolve around it, in the hope that you will be stimulated to find the time to explore it a bit more on your own.

To give you a quick example, imagine that you wanted to specify a pattern to match a date such as "26-12-1947". This string consists of two digits, one dash, two digits, one dash, and finally four digits. Therefore, we could write it like this: r'[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}'. We created a class by using square brackets, and we defined a range of digits inside, from 0 to 9, hence all the possible digits. Then, between curly braces, we say that we expect two of them. Then a dash, then we repeat this pattern once as it is, and once more, by changing how many digits we expect, and without the final dash. Having a class like [0-9] is such a common pattern that a special notation has been created as a shortcut: 'd'. Therefore, we can rewrite the pattern like this: r'd{2}-d{2}-d{4}' and it will work exactly the same. That r in front of the string stands for raw, and its purpose is to alter the way every backslash '' is interpreted by the regular expression engine.

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