Second approach – a GUI application

There are several libraries to write GUI applications in Python. The most famous ones are tkinter, wxPython, PyGTK, and PyQt. They all offer a wide range of tools and widgets that you can use to compose a GUI application.

The one I'm going to use for the rest of this chapter is tkinter. tkinter stands for Tk interface and it is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit. Both Tk and tkinter are available on most Unix platforms, Mac OS X, as well as on Windows systems.

Let's make sure that tkinter is installed properly on your system by running this command:

$ python -m tkinter

It should open a dialog window demonstrating a simple Tk interface. If you can see that, then we're good to go. However, if it doesn't work, please search for tkinter in the Python official documentation. You will find several links to resources that will help you get up and running with it.

We're going to make a very simple GUI application that basically mimics the behavior of the script we saw in the first part of this chapter. We won't add the ability to save JPGs or PNGs singularly, but after you've gone through this chapter, you should be able to play with the code and put that feature back in by yourself.

So, this is what we're aiming for:

Second approach – a GUI application

Gorgeous, isn't it? As you can see, it's a very simple interface (this is how it should look on Ubuntu). There is a frame (that is, a container) for the URL field and the Fetch info button, another frame for the Listbox to hold the image names and the radio button to control the way we save them, and finally there is a Scrape! button at the bottom. We also have a status bar, which shows us some information.

In order to get this layout, we could just place all the widgets on a root window, but that would make the layout logic quite messy and unnecessarily complicated. So, instead, we will divide the space using frames and place the widgets in those frames. This way we will achieve a much nicer result. So, this is the draft for the layout:

Second approach – a GUI application

We have a Root Window, which is the main window of the application. We divide it into two rows, the first one in which we place the Main Frame, and the second one in which we place the Status Frame (which will hold the status bar). The Main Frame is subsequently divided into three rows itself. In the first one we place the URL Frame, which holds the URL widgets. In the second one we place the Img Frame, which will hold the Listbox and the Radio Frame, which will host a label and the radio button widgets. And finally a third one, which will just hold the Scrape button.

In order to lay out frames and widgets, we will use a layout manager called grid, that simply divides up the space into rows and columns, as in a matrix.

Now, all the code I'm going to write comes from the module, so I won't repeat its name for each snippet, to save space. The module is logically divided into three sections, not unlike the script version: imports, layout logic, and business logic. We're going to analyze them line by line, in three chunks.

The imports

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk, filedialog, messagebox
import base64
import json
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

We're already familiar with most of these. The interesting bit here is those first two lines. The first one is quite common practice, although it is bad practice in Python to import using the star syntax. You can incur in name collisions and, if the module is too big, importing everything would be expensive.

After that, we import ttk, filedialog, and messagebox explicitly, following the conventional approach used with this library. ttk is the new set of styled widgets. They behave basically like the old ones, but are capable of drawing themselves correctly according to the style your OS is set on, which is nice.

The rest of the imports is what we need in order to carry out the task you know well by now. Note that there is nothing we need to install with pip in this second part, we already have everything we need.

The layout logic

I'm going to paste it chunk by chunk so that I can explain it easily to you. You'll see how all those pieces we talked about in the layout draft are arranged and glued together. What I'm about to paste, as we did in the script before, is the final part of the module. We'll leave the middle part, the business logic, for last.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _root = Tk()
    _root.title('Scrape app')

As you know by now, we only want to execute the logic when the module is run directly, so that first line shouldn't surprise you.

In the last two lines. we set up the main window, which is an instance of the Tk class. We instantiate it and give it a title. Note that I use the prepending underscore technique for all the names of the tkinter objects, in order to avoid potential collisions with names in the business logic. I just find it cleaner like this, but you're allowed to disagree.

    _mainframe = ttk.Frame(_root, padding='5 5 5 5')
    _mainframe.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W, N, S))

Here, we set up the Main Frame. It's a ttk.Frame instance. We set _root as its parent, and give it some padding. The padding is a measure in pixels of how much space should be inserted between the inner content and the borders in order to let our layout breathe a little, otherwise we have the sardine effect, where widgets are packed too tightly.

The second line is much more interesting. We place this _mainframe on the first row (0) and first column (0) of the parent object (_root). We also say that this frame needs to extend itself in each direction by using the sticky argument with all four cardinal directions. If you're wondering where they came from, it's the from tkinter import * magic that brought them to us.

    _url_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(
        _mainframe, text='URL', padding='5 5 5 5')
    _url_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W))
    _url_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
    _url_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)

Next, we start by placing the URL Frame down. This time, the parent object is _mainframe, as you will recall from our draft. This is not just a simple Frame, but it's actually a LabelFrame, which means we can set the text argument and expect a rectangle to be drawn around it, with the content of the text argument written in the top-left part of it (check out the previous picture if it helps). We position this frame at (0, 0), and say that it should expand to the left and to the right. We don't need the other two directions.

Finally, we use rowconfigure and columnconfigure to make sure it behaves correctly, should it need to resize. This is just a formality in our present layout.

    _url = StringVar()
    _url_entry = ttk.Entry(
        _url_frame, width=40, textvariable=_url)
    _url_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W, S, N), padx=5)
    _fetch_btn = ttk.Button(
        _url_frame, text='Fetch info', command=fetch_url)
    _fetch_btn.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W, padx=5)

Here, we have the code to lay out the URL textbox and the _fetch button. A textbox in this environment is called Entry. We instantiate it as usual, setting _url_frame as its parent and giving it a width. Also, and this is the most interesting part, we set the textvariable argument to be _url. _url is a StringVar, which is an object that is now connected to Entry and will be used to manipulate its content. Therefore, we don't modify the text in the _url_entry instance directly, but by accessing _url. In this case, we call the set method on it to set the initial value to the URL of our local web page.

We position _url_entry at (0, 0), setting all four cardinal directions for it to stick to, and we also set a bit of extra padding on the left and right edges by using padx, which adds padding on the x-axis (horizontal). On the other hand, pady takes care of the vertical direction.

By now, you should get that every time you call the .grid method on an object, we're basically telling the grid layout manager to place that object somewhere, according to rules that we specify as arguments in the grid() call.

Similarly, we set up and place the _fetch button. The only interesting parameter is command=fetch_url. This means that when we click this button, we actually call the fetch_url function. This technique is called callback.

    _img_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(
        _mainframe, text='Content', padding='9 0 0 0')
    _img_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W))

This is what we called Img Frame in the layout draft. It is placed on the second row of its parent _mainframe. It will hold the Listbox and the Radio Frame.

    _images = StringVar()
    _img_listbox = Listbox(
        _img_frame, listvariable=_images, height=6, width=25)
    _img_listbox.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W), pady=5)
    _scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(
        _img_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=_img_listbox.yview)
    _scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=(S, N), pady=6)

This is probably the most interesting bit of the whole layout logic. As we did with the _url_entry, we need to drive the contents of Listbox by tying it to a variable _images. We set up Listbox so that _img_frame is its parent, and _images is the variable it's tied to. We also pass some dimensions.

The interesting bit comes from the _scrollbar instance. Note that, when we instantiate it, we set its command to _img_listbox.yview. This is the first half of the contract between a Listbox and a Scrollbar. The other half is provided by the _img_listbox.configure method, which sets the yscrollcommand=_scrollbar.set.

By providing this reciprocal bond, when we scroll on Listbox, the Scrollbar will move accordingly and vice-versa, when we operate the Scrollbar, the Listbox will scroll accordingly.

    _radio_frame = ttk.Frame(_img_frame)
    _radio_frame.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=(N, S, W, E))

We place the Radio Frame, ready to be populated. Note that the Listbox is occupying (0, 0) on _img_frame, the Scrollbar (0, 1) and therefore _radio_frame will go in (0, 2).

    _choice_lbl = ttk.Label(
        _radio_frame, text="Choose how to save images")
    _choice_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
    _save_method = StringVar()
    _img_only_radio = ttk.Radiobutton(
        _radio_frame, text='As Images', variable=_save_method,
        row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=2, sticky=W)
    _json_radio = ttk.Radiobutton(
        _radio_frame, text='As JSON', variable=_save_method,
    _json_radio.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=5, pady=2, sticky=W)

Firstly, we place the label, and we give it some padding. Note that the label and radio buttons are children of _radio_frame.

As for the Entry and Listbox objects, the Radiobutton is also driven by a bond to an external variable, which I called _save_method. Each Radiobutton instance sets a value argument, and by checking the value on _save_method, we know which button is selected.

    _scrape_btn = ttk.Button(
        _mainframe, text='Scrape!', command=save)
    _scrape_btn.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=E, pady=5)

On the third row of _mainframe we place the Scrape button. Its command is save, which saves the images to be listed in Listbox, after we have successfully parsed a web page.

    _status_frame = ttk.Frame(
        _root, relief='sunken', padding='2 2 2 2')
    _status_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(E, W, S))
    _status_msg = StringVar()
    _status_msg.set('Type a URL to start scraping...')
    _status = ttk.Label(
        _status_frame, textvariable=_status_msg, anchor=W)
    _status.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(E, W))

We end the layout section by placing down the status frame, which is a simple ttk.Frame. To give it a little status bar effect, we set its relief property to 'sunken' and give it a uniform padding of 2 pixels. It needs to stick to the _root window left, right and bottom parts, so we set its sticky attribute to (E, W, S).

We then place a label in it and, this time, we tie it to a StringVar object, because we will have to modify it every time we want to update the status bar text. You should be acquainted to this technique by now.

Finally, on the last line, we run the application by calling the mainloop method on the Tk instance.


Please remember that all these instructions are placed under the if __name__ == "__main__": clause in the original script.

As you can see, the code to design our GUI application is not hard. Granted, at the beginning you have to play around a little bit. Not everything will work out perfectly at the first attempt, but I promise you it's very easy and you can find plenty of tutorials on the web. Let's now get to the interesting bit, the business logic.

The business logic

We'll analyze the business logic of the GUI application in three chunks. There is the fetching logic, the saving logic, and the alerting logic.

Fetching the web page

config = {}

def fetch_url():
    url = _url.get()
    config['images'] = []
    _images.set(())   # initialized as an empty tuple
        page = requests.get(url)
    except requests.RequestException as rex:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
        images = fetch_images(soup, url)
        if images:
            _images.set(tuple(img['name'] for img in images))
            _sb('Images found: {}'.format(len(images)))
            _sb('No images found')
        config['images'] = images

def fetch_images(soup, base_url):
    images = []
    for img in soup.findAll('img'):
        src = img.get('src')
        img_url = (
            '{base_url}/{src}'.format(base_url=base_url, src=src))
        name = img_url.split('/')[-1]
        images.append(dict(name=name, url=img_url))
    return images

First of all, let me explain that config dictionary. We need some way of passing data between the GUI application and the business logic. Now, instead of polluting the global namespace with many different variables, my personal preference is to have a single dictionary that holds all the objects we need to pass back and forth, so that the global namespace isn't be clogged up with all those names, and we have one single, clean, easy way of knowing where all the objects that are needed by our application are.

In this simple example, we'll just populate the config dictionary with the images we fetch from the page, but I wanted to show you the technique so that you have at least an example. This technique comes from my experience with JavaScript. When you code a web page, you very often import several different libraries. If each of these cluttered the global namespace with all sorts of variables, there would be severe issues in making everything work, because of name clashes and variable overriding. They make the coder's life a living hell.

So, it's much better to try and leave the global namespace as clean as we can. In this case, I find that using one config variable is more than acceptable.

The fetch_url function is quite similar to what we did in the script. Firstly, we get the url value by calling _url.get(). Remember that the _url object is a StringVar instance that is tied to the _url_entry object, which is an Entry. The text field you see on the GUI is the Entry, but the text behind the scenes is the value of the StringVar object.

By calling get() on _url, we get the value of the text which is displayed in _url_entry.

The next step is to prepare config['images'] to be an empty list, and to empty the _images variable, which is tied to _img_listbox. This, of course, has the effect of cleaning up all the items in _img_listbox.

After this preparation step, we can try to fetch the page, using the same try/except logic we adopted in the script at the beginning of the chapter.

The one difference is in the action we take if things go wrong. We call _sb(str(rex)). _sb is a helper function whose code we'll see shortly. Basically, it sets the text in the status bar for us. Not a good name, right? I had to explain its behavior to you: food for thought.

If we can fetch the page, then we create the soup instance, and fetch the images from it. The logic of fetch_images is exactly the same as the one explained before, so I won't repeat myself here.

If we have images, using a quick tuple comprehension (which is actually a generator expression fed to a tuple constructor) we feed the _images StringVar and this has the effect of populating our _img_listbox with all the image names. Finally, we update the status bar.

If there were no images, we still update the status bar, and at the end of the function, regardless of how many images were found, we update config['images'] to hold the images list. In this way, we'll be able to access the images from other functions by inspecting config['images'] without having to pass that list around.

Saving the images

The logic to save the images is pretty straightforward. Here it is:

def save():
    if not config.get('images'):
        _alert('No images to save')

    if _save_method.get() == 'img':
        dirname = filedialog.askdirectory(mustexist=True)
        filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(
            filetypes=[('JSON', '.json')])

def _save_images(dirname):
    if dirname and config.get('images'):
        for img in config['images']:
            img_data = requests.get(img['url']).content
            filename = os.path.join(dirname, img['name'])
            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

def _save_json(filename):
    if filename and config.get('images'):
        data = {}
        for img in config['images']:
            img_data = requests.get(img['url']).content
            b64_img_data = base64.b64encode(img_data)
            str_img_data = b64_img_data.decode('utf-8')
            data[img['name']] = str_img_data

        with open(filename, 'w') as ijson:

When the user clicks the Scrape button, the save function is called using the callback mechanism.

The first thing that this function does is check whether there are actually any images to be saved. If not, it alerts the user about it, using another helper function, _alert, whose code we'll see shortly. No further action is performed if there are no images.

On the other hand, if the config['images'] list is not empty, save acts as a dispatcher, and it calls _save_images or _save_json, according to which value is held by _same_method. Remember, this variable is tied to the radio buttons, therefore we expect its value to be either 'img' or 'json'.

This dispatcher is a bit different from the one in the script. According to which method we have selected, a different action must be taken.

If we want to save the images as images, we need to ask the user to choose a directory. We do this by calling filedialog.askdirectory and assigning the result of the call to the variable dirname. This opens up a nice dialog window that asks us to choose a directory. The directory we choose must exist, as specified by the way we call the method. This is done so that we don't have to write code to deal with a potentially missing directory when saving the files.

Here's how this dialog should look on Ubuntu:

Saving the images

If we cancel the operation, dirname will be set to None.

Before finishing analyzing the logic in save, let's quickly go through _save_images.

It's very similar to the version we had in the script so just note that, at the beginning, in order to be sure that we actually have something to do, we check on both dirname and the presence of at least one image in config['images'].

If that's the case, it means we have at least one image to save and the path for it, so we can proceed. The logic to save the images has already been explained. The one thing we do differently this time is to join the directory (which means the complete path) to the image name, by means of os.path.join. In the os.path module there's plenty of useful methods to work with paths and filenames.

At the end of _save_images, if we saved at least one image, we alert the user that we're done.

Let's go back now to the other branch in save. This branch is executed when the user selects the As JSON radio button before pressing the Scrape button. In this case, we want to save a file; therefore, we cannot just ask for a directory. We want to give the user the ability to choose a filename as well. Hence, we fire up a different dialog: filedialog.asksaveasfilename.

We pass an initial filename, which is proposed to the user with the ability to change it if they don't like it. Moreover, because we're saving a JSON file, we're forcing the user to use the correct extension by passing the filetypes argument. It is a list with any number of 2-tuples (description, extension) that runs the logic of the dialog.

Here's how this dialog should look on Ubuntu:

Saving the images

Once we have chosen a place and a filename, we can proceed with the saving logic, which is the same as it was in the previous script. We create a JSON object from a Python dictionary (data) that we populate with key/value pairs made by the images name and Base64 encoded content.

In _save_json as well, we have a little check at the beginning that makes sure that we don't proceed unless we have a file name and at least one image to save.

This ensures that if the user presses the Cancel button, nothing bad happens.

Alerting the user

Finally, let's see the alerting logic. It's extremely simple.

def _sb(msg):

def _alert(msg):

That's it! To change the status bar message all we need to do is to access _status_msg StringVar, as it's tied to the _status label.

On the other hand, if we want to show the user a more visible message, we can fire up a message box. Here's how it should look on Ubuntu:

Alerting the user

The messagebox object can also be used to warn the user (messagebox.showwarning) or to signal an error (messagebox.showerror). But it can also be used to provide dialogs that ask us if we're sure that we want to proceed or if we really want to delete that file, and so on.

If you inspect messagebox by simply printing out what dir(messagebox) returns, you'll find methods like askokcancel, askquestion, askretrycancel, askyesno, and askyesnocancel, as well as a set of constants to verify the response of the user, such as CANCEL, NO, OK, OKCANCEL, YES, YESNOCANCEL, and so on. You can compare these to the user's choice so that you know what the next action to execute when the dialog closes.

How to improve the application?

Now that you're accustomed to the fundamentals of designing a GUI application, I'd like to give you some suggestions on how to make ours better.

We can start from the code quality. Do you think this code is good enough, or would you improve it? If so, how? I would test it, and make sure it's robust and caters for all the various scenarios that a user might create by clicking around on the application. I would also make sure the behavior is what I would expect when the website we're scraping is down for any reason.

Another thing that we could improve is the naming. I have prudently named all the components with a leading underscore, both to highlight their somewhat "private" nature, and to avoid having name clashes with the underlying objects they are linked to. But in retrospect, many of those components could use a better name, so it's really up to you to refactor until you find the form that suits you best. You could start by giving a better name to the _sb function!

For what concerns the user interface, you could try and resize the main application. See what happens? The whole content stays exactly where it is. Empty space is added if you expand, or the whole widgets set disappears gradually if you shrink. This behavior isn't exactly nice, therefore one quick solution could be to make the root window fixed (that is, unable to resize).

Another thing that you could do to improve the application is to add the same functionality we had in the script, to save only PNGs or JPGs. In order to do this, you could place a combo box somewhere, with three values: All, PNGs, JPGs, or something similar. The user should be able to select one of those options before saving the files.

Even better, you could change the declaration of Listbox so that it's possible to select multiple images at the same time, and only the selected ones will be saved. If you manage to do this (it's not as hard as it seems, believe me), then you should consider presenting the Listbox a bit better, maybe providing alternating background colors for the rows.

Another nice thing you could add is a button that opens up a dialog to select a file. The file must be one of the JSON files the application can produce. Once selected, you could run some logic to reconstruct the images from their Base64-encoded version. The logic to do this is very simple, so here's an example:

with open('images.json', 'r') as f:
    data = json.loads(

for (name, b64val) in data.items():
    with open(name, 'wb') as f:

As you can see, we need to open images.json in read mode, and grab the data dictionary. Once we have it, we can loop through its items, and save each image with the Base64 decoded content. I'll leave it up to you to tie this logic to a button in the application.

Another cool feature that you could add is the ability to open up a preview pane that shows any image you select from the Listbox, so that the user can take a peek at the images before deciding to save them.

Finally, one last suggestion for this application is to add a menu. Maybe even a simple menu with File and ? to provide the usual Help or About. Just for fun. Adding menus is not that complicated; you can add text, keyboard shortcuts, images, and so on.

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