Dealing with data

Typically, when you deal with data, this is the path you go through: you fetch it, you clean and manipulate it, then you inspect it and present results as values, spreadsheets, graphs, and so on. I want you to be in charge of all three steps of the process without having any external dependency on a data provider, so we're going to do the following:

  1. We're going to create the data, simulating the fact that it comes in a format which is not perfect or ready to be worked on.
  2. We're going to clean it and feed it to the main tool we'll use in the project: DataFrame of pandas.
  3. We're going to manipulate the data in the DataFrame.
  4. We're going to save the DataFrame to a file in different formats.
  5. Finally, we're going to inspect the data and get some results out of it.

Setting up the notebook

First things first, we need to set up the notebook. This means imports and a bit of configuration.


import json
import calendar
import random
from datetime import date, timedelta

import faker
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from delorean import parse
import pandas as pd

# make the graphs nicer
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')

Cell #1 takes care of the imports. There are quite a few new things here: the calendar, random and datetime modules are part of the standard library. Their names are self-explanatory, so let's look at faker. The fake-factory library gives you this module, which you can use to prepare fake data. It's very useful in tests, when you prepare your fixtures, to get all sorts of things such as names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, credit card details, and much more. It is all fake, of course.

numpy is the NumPy library, the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. I'll spend a few words on it later on in the chapter.

pandas is the very core upon which the whole project is based. It stands for Python Data Analysis Library. Among many others, it provides the DataFrame, a matrix-like data structure with advanced processing capabilities. It's customary to import the DataFrame separately and then do import pandas as pd.

delorean is a nice third-party library that speeds up dealing with dates dramatically. Technically, we could do it with the standard library, but I see no reason not to expand a bit the range of the example and show you something different.

Finally, we have an instruction on the last line that will make our graphs at the end a little bit nicer, which doesn't hurt.

Preparing the data

We want to achieve the following data structure: we're going to have a list of user objects. Each user object will be linked to a number of campaign objects.

In Python, everything is an object, so I'm using this term in a generic way. The user object may be a string, a dict, or something else.

A campaign in the social media world is a promotional campaign that a media agency runs on social media networks on behalf of a client.

Remember that we're going to prepare this data so that it's not in perfect shape (but it won't be so bad either...).


fake = faker.Faker()

Firstly, we instantiate the Faker that we'll use to create the data.


usernames = set()
usernames_no = 1000
# populate the set with 1000 unique usernames
while len(usernames) < usernames_no:

Then we need usernames. I want 1,000 unique usernames, so I loop over the length of the usernames set until it has 1,000 elements. A set doesn't allow duplicated elements, therefore uniqueness is guaranteed.


def get_random_name_and_gender():
    skew = .6  # 60% of users will be female
    male = random.random() > skew
    if male:
        return fake.name_male(), 'M'
        return fake.name_female(), 'F'

def get_users(usernames):
    users = []
    for username in usernames:
        name, gender = get_random_name_and_gender()
        user = {
            'username': username,
            'name': name,
            'gender': gender,
            'age': fake.random_int(min=18, max=90),
            'address': fake.address(),
    return users

users = get_users(usernames)

Here, we create a list of users. Each username has now been augmented to a full-blown user dict, with other details such as name, gender, e-mail, and so on. Each user dict is then dumped to JSON and added to the list. This data structure is not optimal, of course, but we're simulating a scenario where users come to us like that.

Note the skewed use of random.random() to make 60% of users female. The rest of the logic should be very easy for you to understand.

Note also the last line. Each cell automatically prints what's on the last line; therefore, the output of this is a list with the first three users:

Out #4

['{"gender": "F", "age": 48, "email": "[email protected]", "address": "2006 Sawayn Trail Apt. 207\nHyattview, MO 27278", "username": "darcy00", "name": "Virgia Hilpert"}',
 '{"gender": "F", "age": 58, "email": "[email protected]", "address": "5176 Andres Plains Apt. 040\nLakinside, GA 92446", "username": "renner.virgie", "name": "Miss Clarabelle Kertzmann MD"}',
 '{"gender": "M", "age": 33, "email": "[email protected]", "address": "1218 Jacobson Fort\nNorth Doctor, OK 04469", "username": "hettinger.alphonsus", "name": "Ludwig Prosacco"}']


I hope you're following along with your own notebook. If you do, please note that all data is generated using random functions and values; therefore, you will see different results. They will change every time you execute the notebook.


# campaign name format:
# InternalType_StartDate_EndDate_TargetAge_TargetGender_Currency
def get_type():
    # just some gibberish internal codes
    types = ['AKX', 'BYU', 'GRZ', 'KTR']
    return random.choice(types)

def get_start_end_dates():
    duration = random.randint(1, 2 * 365)
    offset = random.randint(-365, 365)
    start = - timedelta(days=offset)
    end = start + timedelta(days=duration)
    def _format_date(date_):
        return date_.strftime("%Y%m%d")
    return _format_date(start), _format_date(end)

def get_age():
    age = random.randint(20, 45)
    age -= age % 5
    diff = random.randint(5, 25)
    diff -= diff % 5
    return '{}-{}'.format(age, age + diff)

def get_gender():
    return random.choice(('M', 'F', 'B'))

def get_currency():
    return random.choice(('GBP', 'EUR', 'USD'))

def get_campaign_name():
    separator = '_'
    type_ = get_type()
    start_end = separator.join(get_start_end_dates())
    age = get_age()
    gender = get_gender()
    currency = get_currency()
    return separator.join(
        (type_, start_end, age, gender, currency))

In #5, we define the logic to generate a campaign name. Analysts use spreadsheets all the time and they come up with all sorts of coding techniques to compress as much information as possible into the campaign names. The format I chose is a simple example of that technique: there is a code that tells the campaign type, then start and end dates, then the target age and gender, and finally the currency. All values are separated by an underscore.

In the get_type function, I use random.choice() to get one value randomly out of a collection. Probably more interesting is get_start_end_dates. First, I get the duration for the campaign, which goes from 1 day to 2 years (randomly), then I get a random offset in time which I subtract from today's date in order to get the start date. Given that the offset is a random number between -365 and 365, would anything be different if I added it to today's date instead of subtracting it?

When I have both the start and end dates, I return a stringified version of them, joined by an underscore.

Then, we have a bit of modular trickery going on with the age calculation. I hope you remember the modulo operator (%) from Chapter 2, Built-in Data Types.

What happens here is that I want a date range that has multiples of 5 as extremes. So, there are many ways to do it, but what I do is to get a random number between 20 and 45 for the left extreme, and remove the remainder of the division by 5. So, if, for example, I get 28, I will remove 28 % 5 = 3 to it, getting 25. I could have just used random.randrange(), but it's hard to resist modular division.

The rest of the functions are just some other applications of random.choice() and the last one, get_campaign_name, is nothing more than a collector for all these puzzle pieces that returns the final campaign name.


def get_campaign_data():
    name = get_campaign_name()
    budget = random.randint(10**3, 10**6)
    spent = random.randint(10**2, budget)    
    clicks = int(random.triangular(10**2, 10**5, 0.2 * 10**5))    
    impressions = int(random.gauss(0.5 * 10**6, 2))
    return {
        'cmp_name': name,
        'cmp_bgt': budget,
        'cmp_spent': spent,
        'cmp_clicks': clicks,
        'cmp_impr': impressions

In #6, we write a function that creates a complete campaign object. I used a few different functions from the random module. random.randint() gives you an integer between two extremes. The problem with it is that it follows a uniform probability distribution, which means that any number in the interval has the same probability of coming up.

Therefore, when dealing with a lot of data, if you distribute your fixtures using a uniform distribution, the results you will get will all look similar. For this reason, I chose to use triangular and gauss, for clicks and impressions. They use different probability distributions so that we'll have something more interesting to see in the end.

Just to make sure we're on the same page with the terminology: clicks represents the number of clicks on a campaign advertisement, budget is the total amount of money allocated for the campaign, spent is how much of that money has already been spent, and impressions is the number of times the campaign has been fetched, as a resource, from its source, regardless of the amount of clicks that were performed on the campaign. Normally, the amount of impressions is greater than the amount of clicks.

Now that we have the data, it's time to put it all together:


def get_data(users):
    data = []
    for user in users:
        campaigns = [get_campaign_data()
                     for _ in range(random.randint(2, 8))]
        data.append({'user': user, 'campaigns': campaigns})
    return data

As you can see, each item in data is a dict with a user and a list of campaigns that are associated with that user.

Cleaning the data

Let's start cleaning the data:


rough_data = get_data(users)
rough_data[:2]  # let's take a peek

We simulate fetching the data from a source and then inspect it. The notebook is the perfect tool to inspect your steps. You can vary the granularity to your needs. The first item in rough_data looks like this:

[{'campaigns': [{'cmp_bgt': 130532,
    'cmp_clicks': 25576,
    'cmp_impr': 500001,
    'cmp_name': 'AKX_20150826_20170305_35-50_B_EUR',
    'cmp_spent': 57574},
   ... omit ...
   {'cmp_bgt': 884396,
    'cmp_clicks': 10955,
    'cmp_impr': 499999,
    'cmp_name': 'KTR_20151227_20151231_45-55_B_GBP',
    'cmp_spent': 318887}],
  'user': '{"age": 44, "username": "jacob43",
            "name": "Holland Strosin",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "address": "1038 Runolfsdottir Parks\nElmapo...",
            "gender": "M"}'}]

So, we now start working with it.


data = []
for datum in rough_data:
    for campaign in datum['campaigns']:
        campaign.update({'user': datum['user']})
data[:2]  # let's take another peek

The first thing we need to do in order to be able to feed a DataFrame with this data is to denormalize it. This means transforming the data into a list whose items are campaign dicts, augmented with their relative user dict. Users will be duplicated in each campaign they belong to. The first item in data looks like this:

[{'cmp_bgt': 130532,
  'cmp_clicks': 25576,
  'cmp_impr': 500001,
  'cmp_name': 'AKX_20150826_20170305_35-50_B_EUR',
  'cmp_spent': 57574,
  'user': '{"age": 44, "username": "jacob43",
            "name": "Holland Strosin",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "address": "1038 Runolfsdottir Parks\nElmaport...",
            "gender": "M"}'}]

You can see that the user object has been brought into the campaign dict which was repeated for each campaign.

Creating the DataFrame

Now it's time to create the DataFrame:


df = DataFrame(data)

Finally, we will create the DataFrame and inspect the first five rows using the head method. You should see something like this:

Creating the DataFrame

Jupyter renders the output of the df.head() call as HTML automatically. In order to have a text-based output, simply wrap df.head() in a print call.

The DataFrame structure is very powerful. It allows us to do a great deal of manipulation on its contents. You can filter by rows, columns, aggregate on data, and many other operations. You can operate with rows or columns without suffering the time penalty you would have to pay if you were working on data with pure Python. This happens because, under the covers, pandas is harnessing the power of the NumPy library, which itself draws its incredible speed from the low-level implementation of its core. NumPy stands for Numeric Python, and it is one of the most widely used libraries in the data science environment.

Using a DataFrame allows us to couple the power of NumPy with spreadsheet-like capabilities so that we'll be able to work on our data in a fashion that is similar to what an analyst could do. Only, we do it with code.

But let's go back to our project. Let's see two ways to quickly get a bird's eye view of the data:



count yields a count of all the non-empty cells in each column. This is good to help you understand how sparse your data can be. In our case, we have no missing values, so the output is:

cmp_bgt       4974
cmp_clicks    4974
cmp_impr      4974
cmp_name      4974
cmp_spent     4974
user          4974
dtype: int64

Nice! We have 4,974 rows, and the data type is integers (dtype: int64 means long integers because they take 64 bits each). Given that we have 1,000 users and the amount of campaigns per user is a random number between 2 and 8, we're exactly in line with what I was expecting.



describe is a nice and quick way to introspect a bit further:

             cmp_bgt    cmp_clicks       cmp_impr      cmp_spent
count    4974.000000   4974.000000    4974.000000    4974.000000
mean   503272.706876  40225.764978  499999.495979  251150.604343
std    289393.747465  21910.631950       2.035355  220347.594377
min      1250.000000    609.000000  499992.000000     142.000000
25%    253647.500000  22720.750000  499998.000000   67526.750000
50%    508341.000000  36561.500000  500000.000000  187833.000000
75%    757078.250000  55962.750000  500001.000000  385803.750000
max    999631.000000  98767.000000  500006.000000  982716.000000

As you can see, it gives us several measures such as count, mean, std (standard deviation), min, max, and shows how data is distributed in the various quadrants. Thanks to this method, we could already have a rough idea of how our data is structured.

Let's see which are the three campaigns with the highest and lowest budgets:


df.sort_index(by=['cmp_bgt'], ascending=False).head(3)

This gives the following output (truncated):

      cmp_bgt  cmp_clicks  cmp_impr                  cmp_name
4655   999631       15343    499997  AKX_20160814_20180226_40
3708   999606       45367    499997  KTR_20150523_20150527_35
1995   999445       12580    499998  AKX_20141102_20151009_30

And (#14) a call to .tail(3), shows us the ones with the lowest budget.

Unpacking the campaign name

Now it's time to increase the complexity up a bit. First of all, we want to get rid of that horrible campaign name (cmp_name). We need to explode it into parts and put each part in one dedicated column. In order to do this, we'll use the apply method of the Series object.

The pandas.core.series.Series class is basically a powerful wrapper around an array (think of it as a list with augmented capabilities). We can extrapolate a Series object from a DataFrame by accessing it in the same way we do with a key in a dict, and we can call apply on that Series object, which will run a function feeding each item in the Series to it. We compose the result into a new DataFrame, and then join that DataFrame with our beloved df.


def unpack_campaign_name(name):
    # very optimistic method, assumes data in campaign name
    # is always in good state
    type_, start, end, age, gender, currency = name.split('_')
    start = parse(start).date
    end = parse(end).date
    return type_, start, end, age, gender, currency

campaign_data = df['cmp_name'].apply(unpack_campaign_name)
campaign_cols = [
    'Type', 'Start', 'End', 'Age', 'Gender', 'Currency']
campaign_df = DataFrame(
    campaign_data.tolist(), columns=campaign_cols, index=df.index)

Within unpack_campaign_name, we split the campaign name in parts. We use delorean.parse() to get a proper date object out of those strings (delorean makes it really easy to do it, doesn't it?), and then we return the objects. A quick peek at the last line reveals:

  Type       Start         End    Age Gender Currency
0  KTR  2016-06-16  2017-01-24  20-30      M      EUR
1  BYU  2014-10-25  2015-07-31  35-50      B      USD
2  BYU  2015-10-26  2016-03-17  35-50      M      EUR

Nice! One important thing: even if the dates appear as strings, they are just the representation of the real date objects that are hosted in the DataFrame.

Another very important thing: when joining two DataFrame instances, it's imperative that they have the same index, otherwise pandas won't be able to know which rows go with which. Therefore, when we create campaign_df, we set its index to the one from df. This enables us to join them. When creating this DataFrame, we also pass the columns names.


df = df.join(campaign_df)

And after the join, we take a peek, hoping to see matching data (output truncated):


df[['cmp_name'] + campaign_cols].head(3)


                            cmp_name Type       Start         End
0  KTR_20160616_20170124_20-30_M_EUR  KTR  2016-06-16  2017-01-24
1  BYU_20141025_20150731_35-50_B_USD  BYU  2014-10-25  2015-07-31
2  BYU_20151026_20160317_35-50_M_EUR  BYU  2015-10-26  2016-03-17

As you can see, the join was successful; the campaign name and the separate columns expose the same data. Did you see what we did there? We're accessing the DataFrame using the square brackets syntax, and we pass a list of column names. This will produce a brand new DataFrame, with those columns (in the same order), on which we then call head().

Unpacking the user data

We now do the exact same thing for each piece of user JSON data. We call apply on the user Series, running the unpack_user_json function, which takes a JSON user object and transforms it into a list of its fields, which we can then inject into a brand new DataFrame user_df. After that, we'll join user_df back with df, like we did with campaign_df.


def unpack_user_json(user):
    # very optimistic as well, expects user objects
    # to have all attributes
    user = json.loads(user.strip())
    return [

user_data = df['user'].apply(unpack_user_json)
user_cols = [
    'username', 'email', 'name', 'gender', 'age', 'address']
user_df = DataFrame(
    user_data.tolist(), columns=user_cols, index=df.index)

Very similar to the previous operation, isn't it? We should also note here that, when creating user_df, we need to instruct DataFrame about the column names and, very important, the index. Let's join (#19) and take a quick peek (#20):

df = df.join(user_df)
df[['user'] + user_cols].head(2)

The output shows us that everything went well. We're good, but we're not done yet.

If you call df.columns in a cell, you'll see that we still have ugly names for our columns. Let's change that:


better_columns = [
    'Budget', 'Clicks', 'Impressions',
    'cmp_name', 'Spent', 'user',
    'Type', 'Start', 'End',
    'Target Age', 'Target Gender', 'Currency',
    'Username', 'Email', 'Name',
    'Gender', 'Age', 'Address',
df.columns = better_columns

Good! Now, with the exception of 'cmp_name' and 'user', we only have nice names.

Completing the datasetNext step will be to add some extra columns. For each campaign, we have the amount of clicks and impressions, and we have the spent. This allows us to introduce three measurement ratios: CTR, CPC, and CPI. They stand for Click Through Rate, Cost Per Click, and Cost Per Impression, respectively.

The last two are easy to understand, but CTR is not. Suffice it to say that it is the ratio between clicks and impressions. It gives you a measure of how many clicks were performed on a campaign advertisement per impression: the higher this number, the more successful the advertisement is in attracting users to click on it.


def calculate_extra_columns(df):
    # Click Through Rate
    df['CTR'] = df['Clicks'] / df['Impressions']
    # Cost Per Click
    df['CPC'] = df['Spent'] / df['Clicks']
    # Cost Per Impression
    df['CPI'] = df['Spent'] / df['Impressions']

I wrote this as a function, but I could have just written the code in the cell. It's not important. What I want you to notice here is that we're adding those three columns with one line of code each, but the DataFrame applies the operation automatically (the division, in this case) to each pair of cells from the appropriate columns. So, even if they are masked as three divisions, these are actually 4974 * 3 divisions, because they are performed for each row. Pandas does a lot of work for us, and also does a very good job in hiding the complexity of it.

The function, calculate_extra_columns, takes a DataFrame, and works directly on it. This mode of operation is called in-place. Do you remember how list.sort() was sorting the list? It is the same deal.

We can take a look at the results by filtering on the relevant columns and calling head.


df[['Spent', 'Clicks', 'Impressions',
    'CTR', 'CPC', 'CPI']].head(3)

This shows us that the calculations were performed correctly on each row:

    Spent  Clicks  Impressions       CTR       CPC       CPI
0   57574   25576       500001  0.051152  2.251095  0.115148
1  226319   61247       499999  0.122494  3.695185  0.452639
2    4354   15582       500004  0.031164  0.279425  0.008708

Now, I want to verify the accuracy of the results manually for the first row:


clicks = df['Clicks'][0]
impressions = df['Impressions'][0]
spent = df['Spent'][0]
CTR = df['CTR'][0]
CPC = df['CPC'][0]
CPI = df['CPI'][0]
print('CTR:', CTR, clicks / impressions)
print('CPC:', CPC, spent / clicks)
print('CPI:', CPI, spent / impressions)

It yields the following output:

CTR: 0.0511518976962 0.0511518976962
CPC: 2.25109477635 2.25109477635
CPI: 0.115147769704 0.115147769704

This is exactly what we saw in the previous output. Of course, I wouldn't normally need to do this, but I wanted to show you how can you perform calculations this way. You can access a Series (a column) by passing its name to the DataFrame, in square brackets, and then you access each row by its position, exactly as you would with a regular list or tuple.

We're almost done with our DataFrame. All we are missing now is a column that tells us the duration of the campaign and a column that tells us which day of the week corresponds to the start date of each campaign. This allows me to expand on how to play with date objects.


def get_day_of_the_week(day):
    number_to_day = dict(enumerate(calendar.day_name, 1))
    return number_to_day[day.isoweekday()]

def get_duration(row):
    return (row['End'] - row['Start']).days

df['Day of Week'] = df['Start'].apply(get_day_of_the_week)
df['Duration'] = df.apply(get_duration, axis=1)

We used two different techniques here but first, the code.

get_day_of_the_week takes a date object. If you cannot understand what it does, please take a few moments to try and understand for yourself before reading the explanation. Use the inside-out technique like we've done a few times before.

So, as I'm sure you know by now, if you put calendar.day_name in a list call, you get ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']. This means that, if we enumerate calendar.day_name starting from 1, we get pairs such as (1, 'Monday'), (2, 'Tuesday'), and so on. If we feed these pairs to a dict, we get a mapping between the days of the week as numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) and their names. When the mapping is created, in order to get the name of a day, we just need to know its number. To get it, we call date.isoweekday(), which tells us which day of the week that date is (as a number). You feed that into the mapping and, boom! You have the name of the day.

get_duration is interesting as well. First, notice it takes an entire row, not just a single value. What happens in its body is that we perform a subtraction between a campaign end and start dates. When you subtract date objects the result is a timedelta object, which represents a given amount of time. We take the value of its .days property. It is as simple as that.

Now, we can introduce the fun part, the application of those two functions.

The first application is performed on a Series object, like we did before for 'user' and 'cmp_name', there is nothing new here.

The second one is applied to the whole DataFrame and, in order to instruct Pandas to perform that operation on the rows, we pass axis=1.

We can verify the results very easily, as shown here:


df[['Start', 'End', 'Duration', 'Day of Week']].head(3)


        Start         End  Duration Day of Week
0  2015-08-26  2017-03-05       557   Wednesday
1  2014-10-15  2014-12-19        65   Wednesday
2  2015-02-22  2016-01-14       326      Sunday

So, we now know that between the 26th of August 2015 and the 5th of March 2017 there are 557 days, and that the 26th of August 2015 was a Wednesday.

If you're wondering what the purpose of this is, I'll provide an example. Imagine that you have a campaign that is tied to a sports event that usually takes place on a Sunday. You may want to inspect your data according to the days so that you can correlate them to the various measurements you have. We're not going to do it in this project, but it was useful to see, if only for the different way of calling apply() on a DataFrame.

Cleaning everything up

Now that we have everything we want, it's time to do the final cleaning: remember we still have the 'cmp_name' and 'user' columns. Those are useless now, so they have to go. Also, I want to reorder the columns in the DataFrame so that it is more relevant to the data it now contains. In order to do this, we just need to filter df on the column list we want. We'll get back a brand new DataFrame that we can reassign to df itself.


final_columns = [
    'Type', 'Start', 'End', 'Duration', 'Day of Week', 'Budget',
    'Currency', 'Clicks', 'Impressions', 'Spent', 'CTR', 'CPC',
    'CPI', 'Target Age', 'Target Gender', 'Username', 'Email',
    'Name', 'Gender', 'Age'
df = df[final_columns]

I have grouped the campaign information at the beginning, then the measurements, and finally the user data at the end. Now our DataFrame is clean and ready for us to inspect.

Before we start going crazy with graphs, what about taking a snapshot of our DataFrame so that we can easily reconstruct it from a file, rather than having to redo all the steps we did to get here. Some analysts may want to have it in spreadsheet form, to do a different kind of analysis than the one we want to do, so let's see how to save a DataFrame to a file. It's easier done than said.

Saving the DataFrame to a file

We can save a DataFrame in many different ways. You can type df.to_ and then press Tab to make auto-completion pop up, to see all the possible options.

We're going to save our DataFrame in three different formats, just for fun: comma-separated values (CSV), JSON, and Excel spreadsheet.







The CSV file looks like this (output truncated):

Type,Start,End,Duration,Day of Week,Budget,Currency,Clicks,Impres

And the JSON one like this (again, output truncated):

  "Type": {
    "0": "GRZ",
    "1": "AKX",
    "2": "BYU",

So, it's extremely easy to save a DataFrame in many different formats, and the good news is that the opposite is also true: it's very easy to load a spreadsheet into a DataFrame. The programmers behind Pandas went a long way to ease our tasks, something to be grateful for.

Visualizing the results

Finally, the juicy bits. In this section, we're going to visualize some results. From a data science perspective, I'm not very interested in going deep into analysis, especially because the data is completely random, but nonetheless, this code will get you started with graphs and other features.

Something I learned in my life—and this may come as a surprise to you—is that looks also counts so it's very important that when you present your results, you do your best to make them pretty.

I won't try to prove to you how truthful that last statement is, but I really do believe in it. If you recall the last line of cell #1:

# make the graphs nicer
pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default')

Its purpose is to make the graphs we will look at in this section a little bit prettier.

Okay, so, first of all we have to instruct the notebook that we want to use matplotlib inline. This means that when we ask Pandas to plot something, we will have the result rendered in the cell output frame. In order to do this, we just need one simple instruction:


%matplotlib inline

You can also instruct the notebook to do this when you start it from the console by passing a parameter, but I wanted to show you this way too, since it can be annoying to have to restart the notebook just because you want to plot something. In this way, you can do it on the fly and then keep working.

Next, we're going to set some parameters on pylab. This is for plotting purposes and it will remove a warning that a font hasn't been found. I suggest that you do not execute this line and keep going. If you get a warning that a font is missing, come back to this cell and run it.


import pylab
pylab.rcParams.update({'' : 'serif'})

This basically tells Pylab to use the first available serif font. It is simple but effective, and you can experiment with other fonts too.

Now that the DataFrame is complete, let's run df.describe() (#33) again. The results should look something like this:

Visualizing the results

This kind of quick result is perfect to satisfy those managers who have 20 seconds to dedicate to you and just want rough numbers.


Once again, please keep in mind that our campaigns have different currencies, so these numbers are actually meaningless. The point here is to demonstrate the DataFrame capabilities, not to get to a correct or detailed analysis of real data.

Alternatively, a graph is usually much better than a table with numbers because it's much easier to read it and it gives you immediate feedback. So, let's graph out the four pieces of information we have on each campaign: budget, spent, clicks, and impressions.


df[['Budget', 'Spent', 'Clicks', 'Impressions']].hist(
    bins=16, figsize=(16, 6));

We extrapolate those four columns (this will give us another DataFrame made with only those columns) and call the histogram hist() method on it. We give some measurements on the bins and figure sizes, but basically everything is done automatically.

One important thing: since this instruction is the only one in this cell (which also means, it's the last one), the notebook will print its result before drawing the graph. To suppress this behavior and have only the graph drawn with no printing, just add a semicolon at the end (you thought I was reminiscing about Java, didn't you?). Here are the graphs:

Visualizing the results

They are beautiful, aren't they? Did you notice the serif font? How about the meaning of those figures? If you go back to #6 and take a look at the way we generate the data, you will see that all these graphs make perfect sense.

Budget is simply a random integer in an interval, therefore we were expecting a uniform distribution, and there we have it; it's practically a constant line.

Spent is a uniform distribution as well, but the high end of its interval is the budget, which is moving, this means we should expect something like a quadratic hyperbole that decreases to the right. And there it is as well.

Clicks was generated with a triangular distribution with mean roughly 20% of the interval size, and you can see that the peak is right there, at about 20% to the left.

Finally, Impressions was a Gaussian distribution, which is the one that assumes the famous bell shape. The mean was exactly in the middle and we had standard deviation of 2. You can see that the graph matches those parameters.

Good! Let's plot out the measures we calculated:


df[['CTR', 'CPC', 'CPI']].hist(
    bins=20, figsize=(16, 6));
Visualizing the results

We can see that the cost per click is highly skewed to the left, meaning that most of the CPC values are very low. The cost per impression has a similar shape, but less extreme.

Now, all this is nice, but if you wanted to analyze only a particular segment of the data, how would you do it? We can apply a mask to a DataFrame, so that we get another one with only the rows that satisfy the mask condition. It's like applying a global row-wise if clause.


mask = (df.Spent > 0.75 * df.Budget)
df[mask][['Budget', 'Spent', 'Clicks', 'Impressions']].hist(
    bins=15, figsize=(16, 6), color='g');

In this case, I prepared a mask to filter out all the rows for which the spent is less than or equal to 75% of the budget. In other words, we'll include only those campaigns for which we have spent at least three quarters of the budget. Notice that in the mask I am showing you an alternative way of asking for a DataFrame column, by using direct property access (object.property_name), instead of dict-like access (object['property_name']). If property_name is a valid Python name, you can use both ways interchangeably (JavaScript works like this as well).

The mask is applied in the same way that we access a dict with a key. When you apply a mask to a DataFrame, you get back another one and we select only the relevant columns on this, and call hist() again. This time, just for fun, we want the results to be painted green:

Visualizing the results

Note that the shapes of the graphs haven't changed much, apart from the spent, which is quite different. The reason for this is that we've asked only for the rows where spent is at least 75% of the budget. This means that we're including only the rows where spent is close to the budget. The budget numbers come from a uniform distribution. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the spent is now assuming that kind of shape. If you make the boundary even tighter, and ask for 85% or more, you'll see spent become more and more like budget.

Let's now ask for something different. How about the measure of spent, click, and impressions grouped by day of the week?


df_weekday = df.groupby(['Day of Week']).sum()
df_weekday[['Impressions', 'Spent', 'Clicks']].plot(
    figsize=(16, 6), subplots=True);

The first line creates a new DataFrame, df_weekday, by asking for a grouping by 'Day of Week' on df. The function used to aggregate the data is addition.

The second line gets a slice of df_weekday using a list of column names, something we're accustomed to by now. On the result we call plot(), which is a bit different to hist(). The option subplots=True makes plot draw three independent graphs:

Visualizing the results

Interestingly enough, we can see that most of the action happens on Thursdays. If this were meaningful data, this would potentially be important information to give to our clients, and this is the reason I'm showing you this example.

Note that the days are sorted alphabetically, which scrambles them up a bit. Can you think of a quick solution that would fix the issue? I'll leave it to you as an exercise to come up with something.

Let's finish this presentation section with a couple more things. First, a simple aggregation. We want to aggregate on 'Target Gender' and 'Target Age', and show 'Impressions' and 'Spent'. For both, we want to see the mean and the standard deviation.


agg_config = {
    'Impressions': {
        'Mean Impr': 'mean',
        'Std Impr': 'std',
    'Spent': ['mean', 'std'],

df.groupby(['Target Gender', 'Target Age']).agg(agg_config)

It's very easy to do it. We will prepare a dictionary that we'll use as a configuration. I'm showing you two options to do it. We use a nicer format for 'Impressions', where we pass a nested dict with description/function as key/value pairs. On the other hand, for 'Spent', we just use a simpler list with just the function names.

Then, we perform a grouping on the 'Target Gender' and 'Target Age' columns, and we pass our configuration dict to the agg() method. The result is truncated and rearranged a little bit to make it fit, and shown here:

                       Impressions              Spent
                    Mean Impr  Std Impr    mean            std
Target Target                                             
Gender Age                                            
B      20-25           500000  2.189102  239882  209442.168488
       20-30           500000  2.245317  271285  236854.155720
       20-35           500000  1.886396  243725  174268.898935
       20-40           499999  2.100786  247740  211540.133771
       20-45           500000  1.772811  148712  118603.932051
...                    ...       ...     ...            ...
M      20-25           500000  2.022023  212520  215857.323228
       20-30           500000  2.111882  292577  231663.713956
       20-35           499999  1.965177  255651  222790.960907
       20-40           499999  1.932473  282515  250023.393334
       20-45           499999  1.905746  271077  219901.462405

This is the textual representation, of course, but you can also have the HTML one. You can see that Spent has the mean and std columns whose labels are simply the function names, while Impressions features the nice titles we added to the configuration dict.

Let's do one more thing before we wrap this chapter up. I want to show you something called a pivot table. It's kind of a buzzword in the data environment, so an example such as this one, albeit very simple, is a must.


pivot = df.pivot_table(
    values=['Impressions', 'Clicks', 'Spent'],
    index=['Target Age'],
    columns=['Target Gender'],

We create a pivot table that shows us the correlation between the target age and impressions, clicks, and spent. These last three will be subdivided according to the target gender. The aggregation function used to calculate the results is the numpy.sum function (numpy.mean would be the default, had I not specified anything).

After creating the pivot table, we simply print it with the last line in the cell, and here's a crop of the result:

Visualizing the results

It's pretty clear and provides very useful information when the data is meaningful.

That's it! I'll leave you to discover more about the wonderful world of IPython, Jupyter, and data science. I strongly encourage you to get comfortable with the notebook environment. It's much better than a console, it's extremely practical and fun to use, and you can even do slides and documents with it.

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