The future of web development

Computer science is a very young subject, compared to other branches of science that have existed alongside humankind for centuries or more. One of its main characteristics is that it moves extremely fast. It leaps forward with such speed that, in just a few years, you can see changes that are comparable to real world changes that took a century to happen. Therefore, as a coder, you must pay attention to what happens in this world, all the time.

Something that is happening now is that because powerful computers are now quite cheap and almost everyone has access to them, the trend is to try and avoid putting too much workload on the backend, and let the frontend handle part of it. Therefore, in the last few years, JavaScript frameworks and libraries like jQuery and Backbone have become very popular and web development has shifted from a paradigm where the backend takes care of handling data, preparing it, and serving it to the frontend to display it, to a paradigm where the backend is sometimes just used as an API, a sheer data provider. The frontend fetches the data from the backend with an API call, and then it takes care of the rest. This shift facilitates the existence of paradigms like Single-Page Application (SPA), where, ideally, the whole page is loaded once and then evolves, based on the content that usually comes from the backend. E-commerce websites that load the results of a search in a page that doesn't refresh the surrounding structure, are made with similar techniques. Browsers can perform asynchronous calls (AJAX) that can return data which can be read, manipulated and injected back into the page with JavaScript code.

So, if you're planning to work on web development, I strongly suggest you to get acquainted with JavaScript (if you're not already), and also with APIs. In the last few pages of this chapter, I'll give you an example of how to make a simple API using two different Python microframeworks: Flask and Falcon.

Writing a Flask view

Flask ( is a Python microframework. It provides fewer features than Django, but it's supposedly faster and quicker to get up and running. To be honest, getting Django up and running nowadays is also very quickly done, but Flask is so popular that it's good to see an example of it, nonetheless.

In your ch10 folder, create a flask folder with the following structure:

$ tree -A flask  # from the ch10 folder
└── templates
    └── main.html

Basically, we're going to code two simple files: a Flask application and an HTML template. Flask uses Jinja2 as template engine. It's extremely popular and very fast, and just recently even Django has started to offer native support for it, which is something that Python coders have longed for, for a long time.


<!doctype html>
<title>Hello from Flask</title>
  {% if name %}
    Hello {{ name }}!
  {% else %}
    Hello shy person!
  {% endif %}

The template is almost offensively simple; all it does is to change the greeting according to the presence of the name variable. A bit more interesting is the Flask application that renders it:


from flask import Flask, render_template

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello(name=None):
    return render_template('main.html', name=name)

if __name__ == '__main__':

We create an app object, which is a Flask application. We only feed the fully-qualified name of the module, which is stored in __name__.

Then, we write a simple hello view, which takes an optional name argument. In the body of the view, we simply render the main.html template, passing to it the name argument, regardless of its value.

What's interesting is the routing. Differently from Django's way of tying up views and URLs (the module), in Flask you decorate your view with one or more @app.route decorators. In this case, we accept both the root URL without anything else, or with name information.

Change into the flask folder and type (make sure you have Flask installed with $ pip install flask):

$ python

You can open a browser and go to This URL has no name information; therefore, you will see Hello shy person! It is written all nice and big. Try to add something to that URL like Hit Enter and the page will change to Hello Adriano!.

Of course, Flask offers you much more than this but we don't have the room to see a more complex example. It's definitely worth exploring, though. Several projects use it successfully and it's fun and it is nice to create websites or APIs with it. Flask's author, Armin Ronacher, is a successful and very prolific coder. He also created or collaborated on several other interesting projects like Werkzeug, Jinja2, Click, and Sphinx.

Building a JSON quote server in Falcon

Falcon ( is another microframework written in Python, which was designed to be light, fast and flexible. I think this relatively young project will evolve to become something really popular due to its speed, which is impressive, so I'm happy to show you a tiny example using it.

We're going to build a view that returns a randomly chosen quote from the Buddha.

In your ch10 folder, create a new one called falcon. We'll have two files: and To run this example, install Falcon and Gunicorn ($ pip install falcon gunicorn). Falcon is the framework, and Gunicorn (Green Unicorn) is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for Unix (which, in layman terms, means the technology that is used to run the server). When you're all set up, start by creating the file.


quotes = [
    "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, "
    "and the life of the candle will not be shortened. "
    "Happiness never decreases by being shared.",
    "Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.",

You will find the complete list of quotes in the source code for this book. If you don't have it, you can also fill in your favorite quotes. Note that not every line has a comma at the end. In Python, it's possible to concatenate strings like that, as long as they are in brackets (or braces). It's called implicit concatenation.

The code for the main app is not long, but it is interesting:


import json
import random
import falcon
from quotes import quotes

class QuoteResource:
    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        quote = {
            'quote': random.choice(quotes),
            'author': 'The Buddha'
        resp.body = json.dumps(quote)

api = falcon.API()
api.add_route('/quote', QuoteResource())

Let's start with the class. In Django we had a get method, in Flask we defined a function, and here we write an on_get method, a naming style that reminds me of C# event handlers. It takes a request and a response argument, both automatically fed by the framework. In its body, we define a dict with a randomly chosen quote, and the author information. Then we dump that dict to a JSON string and set the response body to its value. We don't need to return anything, Falcon will take care of it for us.

At the end of the file, we create the Falcon application, and we call add_route on it to tie the handler we have just written to the URL we want.

When you're all set up, change to the falcon folder and type:

$ gunicorn main:api

Then, make a request (or simply open the page with your browser) to When I did it, I got this JSON in response:

    quote: "The mind is everything. What you think you become.",
    author: "The Buddha"

Whatever the framework you end up using for your web development, try and keep yourself informed about other choices too. Sometimes you may be in situations where a different framework is the right way to go, and having a working knowledge of different tools will give you an advantage.

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