Randomized algorithms

In scenarios where computations are very expensive, introduction of randomness can help reduce computational effort at the expense of accuracy. The algorithms can be classified into the following and are depicted in Figure 9.7:

  • Deterministic algorithms
  • Randomized algorithm

    Randomized algorithms

    Figure 9.7: Different types of algorithm structures

Deterministic algorithms solve the problem correctly where computational effort required is a polynomial of the size of the input, whereas random algorithms take random sources as input and make their own choices while executing.

Randomized algorithms for finding large values

The computational cost of finding the largest value in an unsorted list is O(n). Any deterministic algorithm will require O(n) effort to determine the maximum value. However, in scenarios where time is essence, and n is very large, approximation algorithms are used, which, instead of finding the actual solution, determine the solution that is closer to the actual solution. Randomized algorithms can be classified into the following based on their goals:

  • Las Vegas algorithm: The Las Vegas algorithm fails with some probability, so we could continue the algorithm until we get legitimate results, but it has an impact on time, which becomes unbounded. Thus, the Las Vegas algorithm usually uses legitimate results in defined time (it raises an error if the algorithm fails). Quicksort, covered in Chapter 5, Sorting Algorithms, is an example of the Las Vegas algorithm.
  • Monte Carlo algorithm: With the Monte Carlo algorithm, we cannot test when the algorithm could fail; however, the failure probability can be reduced by increasing the number of iterations, and taking expected results.


Generally, Las Vegas algorithms are preferred. However, there could be scenarios where Monte Carlo algorithms are useful, especially if we could bring down the failure probability and uncertainty is involved with the data itself. For example, say we want to determine the average height of a city using sample data. We have to run the Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate the average, using the sample, to get an expected value and the volatility factor involved. There is always some possibility of getting the wrong answer if the sample is a bad representation of the population, but we will not be able to detect it unless we have the population dataset.

The cost of randomized algorithms is based on expected bounds and high probability bounds. Expected bounds consists of the average outcomes captured using all random choices, whereas high probability bounds provide information on the upper bound of correctness, usually represented in terms of sampling size. Let's consider an example of finding the largest values from an n size array. The probabilistic algorithms could be very effective in a scenario where n is very large. The approach involves randomly picking an m element from the n size array, and deciding the max value, as demonstrated in Figure 9.8:

Randomized algorithms for finding large values

Figure 9.8: Randomized algorithm for max value evaluation

As we keep increasing m, the probability that we will get the max value keeps increasing. For large n, if we use m ≈ log2(n), then the results are pretty good. Let's evaluate the performance of m ≈ log2(n) using simulation. For example, with n=1,000,000, the number of random sampling done is 20. Splitting the whole data into ventiles (20 blocks), the probability of having a 5% error is Randomized algorithms for finding large values, which is equal to is 0.64, and the solution will be in the first two quantiles representing a 10% error, that is 0.87. Let's conduct a simulation to get an error distribution using Monte Carlo simulation for n=10,000,000 and m selected as 24 with 10,000 iterations. The error distribution is shown in Figure 9.9:

Randomized algorithms for finding large values

Figure 9.9: Error distribution with log m randomized sampling

A similar approach can be applied to other problem statements, such as picking a number from the upper half of n numbers. The probability of a number being in the upper half, when the greater of two number (n1 and n2) is picked, will be 3/4 as there are four situations:

  • n1 and n2 both are from upper half
  • n1 and n2 both are from lower half
  • n1 from upper half and n2 from lower half
  • n1 from lower half and n2 from upper half

The accuracy can be further improved by increasing sampling, with the probability of getting the right solution being represented as Randomized algorithms for finding large values, where k is the sample picked from n.

Skip lists

Skip lists are probabilistic data structures developed in 1990 by Bill Pugh. It was developed to address search limitations in link lists and arrays. Skip lists provide an alternative to binary search trees (BST) and similar tree-based data structures, which tend to get unbalanced. The 2-3 tree discussed in Chapter 8, Graphs, guarantees balancing with insertion and deletion; however, it is complicated to implement. Skip lists are easier to implement than a tree-based data structure. However, they do not guarantee optimal performance, as they use randomization in arranging entries so that the search and update time is O(log n) on average, where n is the number of entries in the dictionary. The average time in a skip list is independent of the distribution of keys and input. Instead, it only depends on the randomization seed selected during operations such as insertion. It is a good example of a compromise between implementation complexity and algorithm performance.

A skip list can be considered as an extension of the sorted link list. A sorted link list can be defined as a linked list in which nodes are arranged in sorted order. An example of a sorted linked list is shown in Figure 9.10:

Skip lists

Figure 9.10: An example of a sorted link list

Any insertion or search operation in a sorted link list will require scanning the list with O(n) computational effort in an average case. The skip list is an extension that allows skipping nodes of a sorted link list. An example of a skip list is shown in Figure 9.11:

Skip lists

Figure 9.11: An example of a first order skip list

Figure 9.10 shows an example of a first order skip list, where there are two links: S0, which connects each node, and S1, connecting each alternate node of the sorted link list. The node of the skip list can be represented as shown in the following R script:

skListNode<-function(val, height=1){ 
  # function to create empty environment 
  create_emptyenv = function() { 
  # Create skiplist node 
  skiplist <- new.env(parent=create_emptyenv()) 
  skiplist$element <- val 
  skiplist$nextnode<-rep(list(NULL), height) 
  class(skiplist) <- "skiplist" 

The nextnode in the skipListNode node function can be of variable length depending on the order of the skip list. A skip list can be of nth order; an example of a second order skip list is shown in Figure 9.11:

Skip lists

Figure 9.11: An example of a second order skip list

The higher order allows a larger jump in the skip list, which, in turn, helps to reduce the execution time of operations such as searching, insertion, and deletion. An example of a search operation for value 101 within a skip list is shown in Figure 9.12:

Skip lists

Figure 9.12: An example of search in a skip list

The dotted line in the graph shows the path that will be followed while searching for the value 101 in the skip list.

The script for searching a value in a skip list is shown next:

# Function to find a value in skip list 
findvalue<-function(skiplist, searchkey){ 
  for (i in level:1){ 
    skiplist<-skiplist$nextnode[[i]] # head values 
    while(!is.null(node) && node$element>searchkey){ 
    skiplist = skiplist$nextnode[0] 
    if(!is.null(skiplist) && searchkey==skiplist$element){ 
      return(skiplist$element) # Return element 
    } else 
      return(NULL) # Element not found 

The skip list is stored as an array of environment in nextnode. The search operation starts with the highest level s2 in case of example shown in Figure 9.12. The while loop keeps moving from the head to 31 and then to 117 before exiting the while loop. The search operation then switches to the s1 level, and the search moves from 31 -> 99 -> 117. At 117, the nodes again exit the while loop, the pointer is set at node 99, and height is adjusted to s0. The node goes to 117 before exiting and comparing with searchkey to stop at 101.

The preceding examples of skip lists fall into ideal skip lists where the s0 layer connects n nodes, s1 connects 1/2 nodes, and the layer sk connects Skip lists nodes. The distances are equally spaced and they are called a perfectly balanced skip list. However, maintaining this balance is an expensive process, especially during insertion and deletion operations, as all connections need to be updated accordingly to ensure a balanced skip list. To address the issue, a randomized skip list is created, which assigns a random level to the node.

Let S represent a randomized skip list with height h for a dataset D consisting of the series {s0, s1, ..., sh}. List si maps to the subset of entries of D in a sorted order, starting at the head and ending at the tail of D. Also, S should satisfy following properties:

  • List s0 should connect each node of the dataset in a sorted order.
  • For i = 1, ..., h - 1, list si consists of randomly selected nodes from D. The selection is conducted using geometric distribution, such as level s1 assigned 50% probability of selection, s2 with 25% selection probability, and so on. Geometric distribution can be simulated using the rgeom(n, prob) function from the stat R library.

An example of a randomized skip list is shown in Figure 9.13:

Skip lists

Figure 9.13: An example of a randomized skip list

The search algorithm holds for randomized skip lists. The operation for the Insertion of a node also uses randomization to decide the height of the new node. The search operation can be used to determine the place where the node is to be inserted. The search strategy is similar to the findvalue function to determine the insertion position. The connections are updated based on backward and forward scanning for randomized height. An example of the insertion operation is shown in Figure 9.14:

Skip lists

Figure 9.14: An insertion example of a node with value 30 in a randomized skip list with height 2. The dashed lines shows a new connection inserted into an already existing skip list

The randomized height is adjusted to a maximum value to ensure that any random value is not picked. The approach of having a fixed height to make it as a function of n such as h = max(l0, 2logn) or any other distribution constrained at maximum value. The deletion algorithm follows a structure similar to insertion, and is quite simple to implement, as the value will be removed and the incoming input is linked to the outgoing node.

An example of deletion is shown in Figure 9.15:

Skip lists

Figure 9.15: An example of the deletion of node 19 in a randomized skip list. The dashed line in the figure shows the connection removed and curved lines are extended to the closest node

Probabilistic analysis of skip lists

Skip lists are very simple to implement. However, skip lists may not be the best data structure in a scenario where insertion is not prevented from going above the specified maximum height, as it will lead to an infinite loop. Let's consider a scenario of a skip list with height h, and n entries. Then, the worst case scenario for insertion, deletion, and search operations is O(n+h). The worst case scenario for a skip list is quite inferior to other implementations discussed in this book. However, this is highly overestimated, because operations are randomized. Thus, the analysis requires probability to get a better estimate for the computational effort required for insertion, deletion, and search operations.

The probability that an entry can be reached at height k is Probabilistic analysis of skip lists where k>1. In case of n entries probability Pof an entry reaching k height is  Probabilistic analysis of skip lists . The probability that the height h of the skip list is greater than k is equal to the probability that the kth level has at least one position that is no greater than Pk, that is, h is larger than 3logn with the probability given as follows:

Probabilistic analysis of skip lists

The preceding equation can be generalized for any constant c as follows:

Probabilistic analysis of skip lists

For a skip list with 10,000 entries, the probability would be one in 100 million. Thus, with very high probability, the height of skiplist is O(log n). Similarly, as time spent in scanning any height in a skip list is O(1), and a skip list would have O(log n) levels, which is high probability, the search is expected to take O(log n) computational effort.

As we have shown, the expected number of entries at position k is Probabilistic analysis of skip lists , which can be used to evaluate the space required for a skip list with n entries:

Probabilistic analysis of skip lists

The preceding equation can be reduced using geometric summation as follows:

Probabilistic analysis of skip lists

Thus, the expected space requirement is O(n).

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