
Hashing is a different type of search technique, wherein the key values of the vector are directly accessed. It is a process of searching the element using some computation to map its key value to a position in the vector. The values of the vector can be placed in any order satisfying certain calculations rather than being based on any key value or their frequency of access. The function which performs the computation to map the key values to positions in a vector is termed a hash function, also denoted by h. The vector which holds the elements after the necessary calculations is termed a hash table (also denoted by HT), and its positions (or keys) are termed slots. The number of slots in a hash table is denoted by m, and each slot is numbered between 1 and m. The key objective of hashing is to arrange the elements in a hash table HT such that for any key value K and some hash function h, the slot in the hash table is defined as i = h(K), where i lies between 1 to m and the element in HT[i] is K. The concept of hashing can be explained using ISBN book codes. In a library, each book is assigned a unique ISBN code, which is used for searching for books. The books form the raw elements (key values) of the vector, and the library is its hash table. The hash function is used to allocate the ISBN code for each book, and the codes serve as slots of the hash table.

The key purpose of hashing is to determine whether an element belongs to a particular vector or not. It is not suitable for situations where multiple elements have the same key value. It does not support searching elements falling in a certain range, or searching for an element with a maximum or minimum key value. It does not even allow access to the elements in the order of the keys. Hashing supports both in-memory and disk-based searching, and it is one of the widely used approaches for organizing large databases stored on disks.

Let's begin with a simple scenario, with each record being assigned to each unique key value upon hashing. Although it is very rare, here, the hash table HT can be generated directly using the key values as its slots. In other words, the element k is assigned to HT[k] using a simple hash function h(k) = k.

Now, let's consider scenarios that occur more often. The scenario in which two elements k1 and k2 are assigned to the same slot α using the hash function h, that is-h(k1) = h(k2) = α, is termed collision. This is generally avoided by using different forms of hash functions and increasing the slots in the hash table. Suppose the number of slots is increased much higher compared to the number of elements that need to assigned. In this case, there is a risk of skewed distribution. Also, the hash table will be left with many empty slots, thus requiring a lower number of slots in the hash table sufficient to handle all the elements without any skewed distribution.

Following is a two-step procedure devised to find the element K in a hash table HT generated using a hash function h:

  1. Compute the slot in the hash table using the hash function h(K)
  2. Search for the element with value K starting from the slot h(K) such that the likelihood of collision is minimized

Hash functions

Technically, any function which is used for distributing the elements (key values) of a vector (or a list) into a hash table is termed a hash function. These functions perform direct mathematical operations on the elements, and the corresponding output is then used for assigning the elements to the respective slots in the hash table. Quite often, the elements belong to a much larger numeric range compared to the range of slots in the table. Due to this kind of reduction, the possibility of the elements being assigned to a single slot increases, leading toward collision. Consider a group of 50 employees in an organization. Now, what is the probability that two employees will have the same birthday?

One of the key objectives of hash functions is to minimize the number of collisions. Hashing with zero collisions is termed perfect hashing. In perfect hashing, no two elements are assigned to a single slot of the hash table. This can be made possible if we have all the elements of the input vector prior to selecting the hash function. Once the hash table is generated using this hash function, the elements can be accessed directly without any further search required within each slot. Selecting this kind of perfect hash function can be very expensive, but it can be a trade-off toward achieving extremely efficient search performances.

Along with minimizing collisions, hash functions should also account for minimizing the number of slots in the hash table. It is advisable not to have many empty slots in the hash table, as it occupies unnecessary memory. However, it is highly unlikely to achieve zero collisions with all elements (key values) assigned to all the slots of the generated hash table.

In a nutshell, a hash function can assign all elements to a single slot of the hash table, or generate a unique number of slots for each corresponding element. It is always desirable to select the hash function in such a way that each slot of the hash table has equal probability of getting filled with any key value of the input vector. But it is implausible to have control over the key values of the input vector. The efficiency of the hash function depends on how it distributes the key values within the allowable range of slots (or keys) of the hash table. If the key values of the input vector are a random selection of numbers uniformly distributed within a key range, then any hash function that generates slots within this key range with equal probability of elements being assigned to it will also uniformly distribute the input key values in the hash table. In such scenarios, the input key values are well distributed across the hash table. However, in most scenarios, the input key values are highly skewed toward a smaller range or poorly distributed across the key range. This makes it more difficult to devise the hash function which can uniformly distribute these skewed key values into a hash table. This can sometimes be minimized if the distribution of input key values is known in advance.

The following are some reasons for non-uniformity observed among the input key values:

  • If the input key values are a natural frequency of occurrences, then they are highly likely to follow a Poisson distribution. In other words, only a few key values occur more often, and many others occur relatively rarely. For example, consider the number of Internet connections across the country. The number of connections in urban areas is quite high compared to the number of connections in rural areas. Also, the number of rural areas is quite high compared to the number of urban areas. Therefore, the distribution of Internet connections is highly skewed toward a lesser number of areas (urban) across the country.
  • Sometimes, data collection can be skewed due to improper adoption of sampling techniques.

Thus, the distribution of input key values plays a vital role in designing the hash functions. If the distribution of input key values is unknown, then select the hash function appropriately such that the key values are distributed across the hash table, avoiding any undue skewedness. If the distribution of input key values is known, then select the hash functions based on its distribution, thereby avoiding any undue skewedness.

The following hash function performs hashing of integers into a hash table of size 18:

hash_int <- function(K) 
  return (K %% 18) 

The following hash function performs hashing on strings of characters using the folding approach:

hash_string <- function(K,n,M) 
  hashValue <- 0 
  for(i in 1:n){ 
    hashValue <- hashValue+as.numeric(charToRaw(substr(K,i,i))) 
  return(hashValue %% M) 

In this preceding function, the ASCII values of each character in a string are added, which is then used to derive a slot key of hash table. Thereby, the order of characters in a string plays no role in deciding the value of slot keys. Generally, a hash table of smaller size tends to perform better as all the characters within a string are given equal weights (irrespective of their order), and this, in turn, helps ensure a uniform distribution of strings across the slots in the hash table. Similarly, this can also be adopted for the hashing of integers (by adding the digits of integers). However, an underlying assumption is that there are no integers that can skew the results considerably (such as 14, 41, 50, 5, 23, 32; and they each will be assigned to the slot key of value 5), and generate hash keys much larger than the size of the hash table (M). As a final step, the modulus operation is performed on the summed up values to obtain values of the slot keys in the range of 0 to M-1. A good distribution of slots primarily depends on the range of expected summations of each string. For example, the summation range of strings of length 5 (all uppercase) will be in the range of 325 to 450, as the ASCII value of A is 65 and Z is 90. As the range is not very spread out, larger hash tables tend to show more skewed distributions, and the key values are not evenly distributed across slots.

In most practical scenarios, collision remains to haunt the implementation of hashing. These collisions can be minimized using certain resolution techniques, such as the following:

  • Open hashing or separate chaining: The collisions are stored outside the hash table
  • Closed hashing or open addressing: The collisions are stored within the hash table such that one of the colliding key values is stored in another slot of the hash table

Open hashing

In open hashing, slots in the hash table are defined as heads of a linked list, and colliding values are assigned to each slot of the hash table. Figure 6.11 illustrates the working of open hashing. Consider a vector of values 484, 253, 697, 467, 865, 823, 963, and 651, which are hashed into a table with keys 0 to 9 using the hash function: h(K) = K mod 10. The numbers are inserted into the hash table in the aforementioned order. Collisions are observed at two slots: key 3 and key 7, and the key values within these slots are linked with each other using pointers. Other slots have only single key values.

Once the slot is identified using the hash function, the search operation begins within that corresponding slot. The key values within each slot can be ordered using multiple techniques such as insertion order, key-value order, frequency-of-access order, move-to-front order, or transpose order. In the case of key-value order, the search operation can be efficient, as it culminates once it encounters a key value greater than the search element. Whereas, if the elements within the slot are unordered or ordered using self-organizing techniques, then all the elements within each slot need to be accessed before culminating the search operation for the worst-case scenario (that is, the search element is not present in the slot):

Open hashing

Figure 6.11: Open hashing

Suppose the number of input key values is higher than the number of available slots in the hash table, then an ideal hash function is one which distributes all the input key values uniformly among all the available slots. On the other hand, if the number of input key values is less than the number of available slots in the hash table, then an ideal function will distribute in such a way that only one key value is assigned to each slot, avoiding any collision. In the former scenario, the search operation continues post evaluating the slot in the hash table, whereas, in the latter, the search operation culminates once the slot is identified. Thus, the average cost of system runtime for the latter scenario is θ(1), which is lower than the average cost of the former.

The hash tables can be generated both in-memory (single-node cluster) or on disks (multiple-node cluster), where different slots of the hash table (or linked lists) can be assigned to different node clusters. In the single-node cluster format, all the elements are accessed seamlessly within the same node, whereas in the multiple-node cluster format, different disks need to be accessed before completing the search operation. Open hashing is more suitable for in-memory-based hash tables than disk-based hash tables, as a multi-node cluster defeats the very purpose of hashing, which is to provide seamless access to search particular key values.

One can observe similarities between open hashing and the binsort algorithm. Some of them are listed next:

  • In a binsort algorithm, the elements of the input vector are initially assigned to multiple bins, and each bin can have multiple elements. Similarly, in open hashing, the input elements are initially assigned to multiple slots of the hash table, and each slot can have multiple elements.
  • In binsort, the number of elements in each bin is a smaller number and sorting is performed individually on each bin. Similarly, in open hashing, the number of elements assigned to each slot is a smaller number; thereby, fewer accesses are required to complete the search operation.

Closed hashing

In closed hashing, all the input key values are stored within the hash table itself. If any collision arises, a collision resolution policy is adopted. Initially, hashing is performed on each element based on its key value, and its corresponding home slots are identified. While assigning each element to its corresponding home slot, if a new element collides with an already assigned element for a given home slot, then the new element is assigned to another empty surrogate slot based on a collision resolution policy.

This resolution policy is also adopted during search operations, because not all elements are assigned to their respective home slots, and other elements which are assigned to empty surrogate slots can also be recovered to complete the search.

Bucket hashing

Bucket hashing is one of the variants of closed hashing. In bucket hashing, the slots of the hash table are initially grouped into a relatively smaller number of buckets. Suppose there are M slots in a hash table, and there are B buckets, then M/B number of slots are assigned to each bucket. The hash functions are now directly linked to the bucket keys. Initially, the hash function starts assigning key values to the first empty slot in the bucket. In case of a collision, the slots in the bucket are sequentially searched till an empty slot is found. In the worst case, where the bucket gets filled, the elements are assigned to empty slots in an overflow bucket of infinite capacity. The overflow bucket is shared by all the buckets. A good implementation is one where most of the key values are filled in the respective buckets, and very few (kind of outliers) are assigned to the overflow bucket. Figure. 6.12 illustrates the implementation of bucket hashing. Consider a vector of values 484, 253, 697, 467, 865, 823, 963, and 651, which are hashed into a table with buckets 0 to 4 using the hash function h(K) = K mod 5. Each bucket has two slots along with an overflow bucket, in case the existing bucket gets filled. Upon sequential hashing of the given vector, zero elements are assigned to bucket 1, one element is assigned to bucket 5, two elements are assigned to buckets 1 and 2, and three elements are assigned to bucket 3.

As bucket 3 has only two slots, the third element is assigned to the common overflow bucket:

Bucket hashing

Figure 6.12: Bucket hashing

In case of a search operation, the first step is to determine which bucket the search element can be attributed to, using the hash function h. Then, the elements within this bucket are searched. If the search element is not found inside the bucket and the bucket is not full, then the search operation culminates. In case the bucket is full, the overflow bucket is then searched until the search element is found or all the elements within the overflow bucket have been searched. The search operation can sometimes be time consuming if the overflow bucket is too large.

So far, the key values are hashed to a given bucket with some number of slots. Consider a scenario wherein the key values are hashed to a slot which, in turn, belongs to a bucket. In short, the buckets are indirectly related to the hash function, and the slots in each bucket play a pivotal role. Here, the key values are initially assigned to their respective home slots, which belong to a certain bucket. In case the home slot gets filled up, the slots in the respective bucket are scanned sequentially, and then filled accordingly. Consider a bucket of six slots marked from 0 to 5, with the third slot already filled. Suppose a new element is again assigned to the third slot of the given bucket, then the collision resolution process will begin. In this process, initially the fourth and fifth slots are scanned for any vacancy, followed by the first and second slots. In case all the slots are full, the new element is assigned to an empty slot in the overflow bucket (which has the capacity to hold infinite slots). This approach is advantageous over the former approach, as here, any slot in a bucket can act as a home slot, whereas in the former approach, only the first element of the bucket can act as a home slot. Thereby, the number of collisions is also reduced.

Figure 6.13 illustrates the working of modified bucket hashing:

Bucket hashing

Figure 6.13: Modified bucket hashing

Unlike open hashing, bucket hashing is good to implement on multiple disks or nodes. The size of the buckets can be used to determine the size of each node cluster. Whenever a new search or insertion happens, the corresponding bucket is called into memory and all the search/insertion operations occur seamlessly as there is only one node to access. In case the bucket is full, the overflow bucket is pulled into the given node. It is highly recommended to keep the overflow bucket small enough to prevent any unnecessary node accesses.

Linear probing

Linear probing is one of the widely used closed hashing techniques which is devoid of bucketing, and has the potential to access any slot of the hash table using the updated collision resolution policy.

The primary objective of the collision resolution policy is to obtain the free slot in the hash table when any collision occurs, that is, when the home slot of any key value is already filled. The collision resolution approach can be updated such that it generates a sequence of slots which can be orderly filled upon collisions. The first slot of the sequence acts as a home slot, and subsequent slots act as surrogates. In case of a collision, the slots are sequentially scanned till an empty slot is obtained. This sequence of slots is termed a probe sequence, which is generated using a probe function represented p.

Similarly, also during the search operation, the same probe function is used to retrieve all the relevant key values which were earlier inserted for a given home slot. One of the key assumptions of the probe sequence generated using the probe function is that at least one of its slots for every key is kept empty.

This is to prevent infinite looping of unsuccessful search operations. Thus, the count of filled slots for every key's probe sequence needs to be tracked such that no further insertion takes place once the respective probe sequence is left with only one empty slot.

So far, we have covered a simple form of collision-resolution policy, wherein once the home slot is filled with a key value, the subsequent key values occupy the empty slots, which are found while traversing toward the bottom of the bucket. This kind of probing for empty slots in a linear sequence is termed linear probing, which is defined as follows: p(K,i) = i.

In the preceding statement, i represents the slot, which is offset by i steps down the hash table. Once the probe sequence reaches the bottom of the hash table, linear probing wraps around to start tracing from the beginning of the hash table. Thus, all the slots in the hash table are available for filling with key values before the probe sequence reaches the home slot.

Linear probing is one of the most primitive options for the resolution of collisions. However, it is one of the worst collision-resolution approaches. The main problem with linear probing is that the slot's probability of getting filled with a key value changes drastically upon insertion of every new key value into the hash table. This can be explained in detail using an illustration, as depicted in Figure 6.15. Consider a hash table with 0 to 9 slots (or keys), whose hash function is K mod 10. Consider five elements, which need to be inserted into the hash table in the given order: 453, 362, 396, 156, and 957. Initially, assume that each slot has an equal chance (1/10) of being a home slot, and the slot next to it has an equal chance of getting filled (due to linear probing) once its previous slot (home) gets filled. As a first step, the third slot is filled with 453, as its hash key (slot) is 3. Now, the chances of slot 4 getting filled increases to 2/10, as it can be filled either with a key value whose hash key is 3 (linear probing) or 4 (home slot). Upon second insertion, which is at slot 2, the chances of slot 4 getting filled further increases to 3/10, as now it can be filled with key values ending with 2 (linear probing), 3 (linear probing), and 4 (home slot). The chance of the remaining slots (that is, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) is still 1/10. Upon insertion of the third element, (396), at slot 6 (as home slot), the chance of slot 7 getting filled increases to 2/10, leaving other probabilities unaffected. Now, upon insertion of the fourth element (156) at slot 7 (due to linear probing), the chance of slot 8 getting filled increases to 3/10, leaving other slots' probabilities unaffected. Finally, upon insertion of the fifth element (957) at slot 8 (due to linear probing), the chance of slot 9 getting filled increases to 4/10.

Thus, the following are the resultant probabilities upon completion of all five insertions:

Linear probing

Figure 6.14: Probabilities obtained after insertion

Such kind of linear probing, where the slots are clustered based on their tendency to get filled up, is called primary clustering. These small clusters (at slots 4 and 9) tend to increase into a big cluster, which can further increase the discrepancy of probing:

Linear probing

Figure 6.15: Linear probing

One quick way of preventing primary clustering is to skip slots by a constant c instead of linearly probing by a single slot. This would modify the earlier probe function into the following: P(K,i) = ci. In the preceding function, c is a constant with a value less than the number of slots in the hash table.

The prime advantage of the former probe function is that the probe sequence traverses through all the slots of the hash table before reaching the home slot, which is not the case with the latter. Here, the traversing across slots is governed by the constant c. If c=2, then the probe function would divide the sequence into two mutually exclusive sequences; one being an even sequence and the other odd. If the hash function returns an even home slot, and is already filled, then the traversing occurs only across all even-numbered slots before the probe sequence returns to the home slot.

The case when the hash function returns an odd home slot is similar. In an ideal scenario, if both the sections have a similar number of input key values, then this kind of probing has little significance.

However, if the number of input key values is different in both the sections, then the section with the higher number of key values will have more collisions and show poorer performance, whereas the other section, with fewer key values, will have a good distribution and show better performance. Overall, the performance of the probe function decreases as the section with the higher number of collisions might dominate the declining performance.

If the constant c is relatively prime to the number of slots of the hash table, then the probe sequence will cover all the slots before it culminates at the home slot. As an example, for a table of size 10, the constant c can take the values 1, 3, 7, or 9. Similarly, for a table of size seven, any constant c lying between 1 and 6 would generate a probe sequence covering all the slots in the hash table.

Though the constant c should be able to address the issue of primary clustering, it is not in a position to completely control it. For example, when constant c assumes the value 2, the probabilities of the slots in the even and odd sequences tend to change drastically. If h(K)=4, then the probe sequence would continue along slots 6, 8, 10, and so on. Similarly, when h(K)=6, the probe sequence would continue along slots 8, 10, and so on. thereby directly affecting the likelihood of the next slot getting filled. This kind of high fluctuation observed in the probabilities because of interlinking between slots makes it more complex to address the issue of primary clustering.

This leads to a new form of probe sequence in which the untraced slots are randomly checked for availability. This would ensure no interlinking among slots, which is the main reason for primary clustering. Here the probe sequence should randomly select the slots for traversing. However, it is recommended to implement random slot selection, as duplication of the same probe sequence is not possible, which is inevitable for search operations. Nevertheless, pseudo-random probing can be implemented which has both the options: pseudo random selection and traceability for search. Here, the jth slot of the probe sequence is defined as (h(K) + rj) mod M, where M is the size of the hash table, and rj is the jth slot of the random permutation of numbers between 1 and M-1. These random permutations of numbers are stored in a vector and used for both insertion and search purposes. The probe function is written as p(K,i) = Perm[i-1], where Perm is a vector of random numbers between 1 and M-1.

Another form of probe function is quadratic probing, which also controls primary clustering. The probe function defining quadratic probing is as follows: P(K,i) = c1.i2 + c2.i + c3 .

In the preceding function, c1, c2, and care constants.

Quadratic probing comes with a serious disadvantage which is not applicable for many probing functions: not all the slots become a part of the probing sequence. For example, if the size of the hash table is 10, then only slots 0, 1, 4, and 9 are accessible for the quadratic function p(K,i) = i2. Even if the other slots are empty, they cannot be filled up as they do not become a part of probing sequence. This becomes a grave issue when some key values are left out (not inserted) of the hash table, even though some slots are empty, as those slots do not fall under the probe sequence.

In a nutshell, the right combination of hash table size and probe function will enhance the performance of insertion and search operations. If the size of the hash table is a prime number and the probe function is i2, then at least half of the slots in the hash table become a part of the probe sequence. Alternatively, if the size of the hash table is a power of two and the probe function is (i2+1)/2, then all the slots become a part of the probe sequence.

Although pseudo-random probing and quadratic probing can control primary clustering, they induce a new form of clustering known as secondary clustering. As the probe function of these methods depends only on the home slot key (i) instead of the key value (K), the probability of the slots getting filled in a probe sequence depends solely on the home slot key. If two key values are directed toward the same home slot, then the probability of only those slots which are part of the home slot's probing sequence is affected. This kind of clustering confined to a particular home slot's probing sequence, defined using a pseudo-random probe function or a quadratic probe function, is termed secondary clustering. This can be controlled if the probe function factors in the original key value (K) along with the home slot's key (i). This can be achieved using the linear probe function in which the probe sequence consists of slots separated by a constant c, and the value c is determined using a different hash function, h2. As a result, the modified linear probe function becomes P(K,i) = i*h2(K). This kind of two-step hashing is called double hashing. Double hashing tends to perform well when all the constants of the probe function are relatively prime to the size of the hash table (M). This can be achieved in two cases.

These are, when the size of the hash table (M) is a prime number, and the hash function h2 returns a constant value between 1 and M-1:

  • When the size of the hash table (M) is a power of two (2m), and the hash function h2 returns an odd number which lies between 1 and 2m, where m is any real number.

Analysis of closed hashing

This section primarily deals with the analysis of hashing. The performance of hashing mainly depends on the number of accesses made before completing an operation. The operation can be an insertion, search, or deletion. Deletion can only be implemented once the element is found in the hash table. As finding an element is a part of the search operation, the number of accesses made for a search operation is equal to the number of accesses made for a deletion operation. Similarly, to perform an insertion, the slots within a probe sequence are traversed till an empty slot is found. Also, if the key value is already present in the hash table, then it is not inserted, as it causes redundancy in the hash table. Thus, a successful search (element found in the hash table) is required for a deletion, and an unsuccessful search (element not found in the hash table) is required for an insertion.

To begin with, consider an empty hash table. Then, with only one single access, insertion of the first element in its respective home slot occurs. Also, the search operation and delete operation would require only a single element access if all the elements are inserted in their respective home slots of the hash table. As the hash table starts getting filled, the probability of a new key value occupying its home slot decreases. If the new key value is hashed to an already filled home slot, then the collision resolution policy begins to search for another empty slot confined to the home slot's probe sequence. This increases the number of element accesses for performing any insertion, search, or deletion. Thus, the cost of any operation depends on the number of slots occupied within the hash table.

Let's define load factor (α) as the ratio of the number of slots currently filled (N) and the total number of slots in the hash table (size of hash table denoted as M):

Analysis of closed hashing

This load factor can be used analytically to obtain the cost function for an insertion operation, assuming that the probe sequence is generated using random permutation of slots. Thereby, we can safely assume that each empty slot has an equal probability of being assigned to a new key value as its home slot, and the load factor can be considered analogous to the probability of an empty slot being occupied by a new key value as its home slot. Thus, the probability of finding a home slot occupied with subsequent i probing slots, also occupied, can be defined as follows:

Analysis of closed hashing

For larger values of N and M, the probability approximates to (N/M)i. The expected number of slots in the probing sequence can be approximated as follows:

Analysis of closed hashing

Thereby, the average cost of insertion is calculated as follows:

Analysis of closed hashing

So far, the average cost of insertion is based on an assumption that the probe sequence is generated using random permutation of slots in the hash table. But this assumption is not always valid. Hence, the aforementioned cost represents the lower bound of the average insertion cost. Following are the true cost estimates of insertion and deletion operations using linear probing:

  • Insertion or unsuccessful search: Analysis of closed hashing
  • Deletion or successful search: Analysis of closed hashing

Thus, the growth of cost in case of insertion or unsuccessful search is faster than the growth of cost in case of deletion of a successful search. The cost defines the expected number of accesses to perform a particular operation using a hash table. On similar lines, the growth of cost in the case of linear probing is faster than the growth of cost in the case of random probing.


An element from the hash table can only be deleted if it is successfully found during the search operation. These deletions satisfy some considerations, such as the following:

  • The deleted element's slot is again reusable for insertion purposes.
  • The deleted element's slot does not hamper any sequential search operation. In other words, consider a probe sequence of four filled slots in which the element positioned in the second slot is deleted. The empty second slot does not intermittently culminate any search operation, and all the subsequent slots (third and fourth) of the probe sequence will be searched.
  • No duplicate key values will be inserted into the deleted element's slot.

To satisfy these considerations, the deleted element's slot is specially marked, and is termed tombstone. The key features of tombstone are as follows:

  • It behaves as an indication of an element's deletion.
  • It allows search to continue as per slots in the probe sequence without any interference, if it is encountered prior to the completion of the search.
  • It allows for insertion of new elements if it is encountered during the insertion operation. However, prior to an insertion of a new element, the search operation is performed on the entire probe sequence (devoid of the tombstone slot) to ensure that no duplicate record is inserted. In case of multiple tombstones, the new element is inserted in the first encountered tombstone. Thus, tombstone ensures reusability.

Generally, a hash table is initially created using a set of key values, and later deletions and insertions take place, which gives rise to a set of tombstones. During the initial phase of deletions, the average length of the probe sequence increases due to tombstones, which inherently increases the distance among the elements. Upon new insertions, the count of the tombstones decreases, thereby decreasing the average distance among elements within the probe sequence. However, the decrease may not be relatively substantial. This can be explained using an example. Let us assume that the initial average path distance without any tombstones is 1.3. In other words, an average of 0.3 slots is accessed for every search operation beyond the home slot. After some deletions and insertions, the average path distances increase to 1.6 due to some tombstones. The value 1.6 may seem to be reasonable, but the relative increment of two times might seem to be a problem. This can be resolved using the following solutions:

  • Upon deletion, reorganization of slots within the probe sequence might help in reducing the average path distance. One crude way of performing this is to move the intermediate tombstone toward the end of the probe sequence. This can be done by simply swapping the elements (beyond the tombstone) with their previous slot such that the tombstone moves toward the end. However, this may not work for all kinds of collision resolution policies or certain probe functions.
  • A periodic rehashing of elements into a new hash table after a set of deletions and insertions will ensure a lower average path distance. Due to rehashing, the tombstones are removed, and the frequently accessed elements are given an opportunity to get placed in their respective home slots.
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