Merge sort

Merge sort follows the principle of divide and conquer, wherein the input vector is first divided into two halves, then each half is independently sorted and later merged into a single sorted vector. Its key features are as follows:

  • Conceptually simple to understand.
  • Asymptotically better performance.
  • Empirically lower system runtime.
  • Concept of merge – as mentioned earlier, merge is performed on two sorted subvectors (halves). The first element of each subvector is compared, and the smallest is picked up and placed in the first position of the output vector. Subsequently, the picked-up element is removed from its corresponding subvector. This process of first element comparison continues till all the elements in both the subvectors become empty, and are orderly filled in the output vector.
  • Requires recursive implementation for effective execution.

The following R code recursively implements merge sort:

Merge_Sort <- function(V) { 
  if(length(V) == 0) stop("Not enough elements to sort") 
  ## Merge function to sort two halves or sub-vectors 
  merge_fn <- function(first_half, second_half) { 
    result <- c() 
    while(length(first_half) > 0 && length(second_half) > 0) { 
      if(first_half[1] <= second_half[1]) { 
        result <- c(result, first_half[1]) 
        first_half <- first_half[-1] 
      } else { 
        result <- c(result, second_half[1]) 
        second_half <- second_half[-1] 
    if(length(first_half) > 0) result <- c(result, first_half) 
    if(length(second_half) > 0) result <- c(result, second_half) 
  ## Recursively split the parent vector into two halves (sub-   
  if(length(V) <= 1) V else { 
    middle <- length(V) / 2 
    first_half <- V[1:floor(middle)] 
    second_half <- V[floor(middle+1):length(V)] 
    first_half <- Merge_Sort(first_half) 
    second_half <- Merge_Sort(second_half) 
    if(first_half[length(first_half)] <= second_half[1]) { 
      c(first_half, second_half) 
    } else { 
      merge_fn(first_half, second_half) 

The R code comprises two subcodes. One explains how to execute the merge operation (merge_fn), and the other how to operate the main function (Merge_Sort) recursively. The former function executes the merge operation on two input vectors (or two halves of a subvector), whereas the latter function recursively splits the main vector (V) to its lowest possible half (log n levels of recursion), and accordingly, performs the merge operation.

Figure 5.6 illustrates the methodology of merge sort in operation:

Merge sort

Figure 5.6: Illustration of merge sort

One of the main drawbacks of merge sort is memory management. It requires almost twice the memory required by most of the sorting algorithms. Initially, the main input vector is recursively split into multiple subarrays. These subarrays are again recursively merged into multiple secondary vectors, until a final sorted vector is obtained. Thus, a complete execution requires two sets of supplementary vectors (one while splitting, and the other while merging); a bypass of either step is extremely difficult to implement.

Despite the fact of its recursive implementation, analyzing merge sort asymptotically is not very difficult. The analysis can be divided into two stages:

  • Stage I: The main input vector (V) with n elements is split recursively into n subvectors, as illustrated in Figure 5.6. The vector V is initially divided into two subvectors each with n/2 elements, which, in turn, is divided into two with n/4 elements each, and so on till all the subvectors have only a single element. Assuming n to be a power of 2, the depth of recursion is log n.
  • Stage II: The n subvectors are merged iteratively into a final sorted vector, as illustrated in Figure 5.6. In the first iteration, each subvector with a single element is merged (along with sort) into n/2 subvectors, each with two elements. In the second iteration, merged subvectors are remerged into n/4 sub vectors, each with four elements and so on, until a single sorted vector is obtained. Thereby, the asymptote for each iteration is θ(n), as n steps are required for its completion.

Thus, the functional form of the system runtime of the merge sort algorithm in terms of the number of execution steps is θ(n log n), because each log n level of recursion requires an n number of total merge operation steps. As the cost function is independent of the order of the initial input vector, the asymptote for the best, average, and worst-cases remain the same.

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