Cartoonizing an image

Over the past few years, professional cartoonizer software has popped up all over the place. In order to achieve the basic cartoon effect, all that we need is a bilateral filter and some edge detection. The bilateral filter will reduce the color palette, or the numbers of colors that are used in the image. This mimics a cartoon drawing, wherein a cartoonist typically has few colors to work with. Then we can apply edge detection to the resulting image to generate bold silhouettes. The real challenge, however, lies in the computational cost of bilateral filters. We will thus use some tricks to produce an acceptable cartoon effect in real time.

We will adhere to the following procedure to transform an RGB color image into a cartoon:

  1. Apply a bilateral filter to reduce the color palette of the image.
  2. Convert the original color image into grayscale.
  3. Apply a median blur to reduce image noise.
  4. Use adaptive thresholding to detect and emphasize the edges in an edge mask.
  5. Combine the color image from step 1 with the edge mask from step 4.

Using a bilateral filter for edge-aware smoothing

A strong bilateral filter is ideally suitable for converting an RGB image into a color painting or a cartoon, because it smoothens flat regions while keeping edges sharp. It seems that the only drawback of this filter is its computational cost, as it is orders of magnitude slower than other smoothing operations, such as a Gaussian blur.

The first measure to take when we need to reduce the computational cost is to perform an operation on an image of low resolution. In order to downscale an RGB image (imgRGB) to a quarter of its size (reduce the width and height to half), we could use cv2.resize:

import cv2

img_small = cv2.resize(img_rgb, (0,0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5)

A pixel value in the resized image will correspond to the pixel average of a small neighborhood in the original image. However, this process may produce image artifacts, which is also known as aliasing. While this is bad enough on its own, the effect might be enhanced by subsequent processing, for example, edge detection.

A better alternative might be to use the Gaussian pyramid for downscaling (again to a quarter of the original size). The Gaussian pyramid consists of a blur operation that is performed before the image is resampled, which reduces aliasing effects:

img_small = cv2.pyrDown(img_rgb)

However, even at this scale, the bilateral filter might still be too slow to run in real time. Another trick is to repeatedly (say, five times) apply a small bilateral filter to the image instead of applying a large bilateral filter once:

num_iter = 5
for _ in xrange(num_iter):
    img_small = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_small, d=9, sigmaColor=9, sigmaSpace=7)

The three parameters in cv2.bilateralFilter control the diameter of the pixel neighborhood (d) and the standard deviation of the filter in the color space (sigmaColor) and coordinate space (sigmaSpace).

Don't forget to restore the image to its original size:

img_rgb = cv2.pyrUp(img_small)

The result looks like a blurred color painting of a creepy programmer, as follows:

Using a bilateral filter for edge-aware smoothing

Detecting and emphasizing prominent edges

Again, when it comes to edge detection, the challenge often does not lie in how the underlying algorithm works, but instead which particular algorithm to choose for the task at hand. You might already be familiar with a variety of edge detectors. For example, Canny edge detection (cv2.Canny) provides a relatively simple and effective method to detect edges in an image, but it is susceptible to noise.

The Sobel operator (cv2.Sobel) can reduce such artifacts, but it is not rotationally symmetric. The Scharr operator (cv2.Scharr) was targeted at correcting this, but only looks at the first image derivative. If you are interested, there are even more operators for you, such as the Laplacian or ridge operator (which includes the second derivative), but they are far more complex. And in the end, for our specific purposes, they might not look better, maybe because they are as susceptible to lighting conditions as any other algorithm.

For the purpose of this project, we will choose a function that might not even be associated with conventional edge detection—cv2.adaptiveThreshold. Like cv2.threshold, this function uses a threshold pixel value to convert a grayscale image into a binary image. That is, if a pixel value in the original image is above the threshold, then the pixel value in the final image will be 255. Otherwise, it will be 0. However, the beauty of adaptive thresholding is that it does not look at the overall properties of the image. Instead, it detects the most salient features in each small neighborhood independently, without regard to the global image optima. This makes the algorithm extremely robust to lighting conditions, which is exactly what we want when we seek to draw bold, black outlines around objects and people in a cartoon.

However, it also makes the algorithm susceptible to noise. To counteract this, we will preprocess the image with a median filter. A median filter does what its name suggests; it replaces each pixel value with the median value of all the pixels in a small pixel neighborhood. We first convert the RGB image (img_rgb) to grayscale (img_gray) and then apply a median blur with a seven-pixel local neighborhood:

# convert to grayscale and apply median blur
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7)

After reducing the noise, it is now safe to detect and enhance the edges using adaptive thresholding. Even if there is some image noise left, the cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C algorithm with blockSize=9 will ensure that the threshold is applied to the mean of a 9 x 9 neighborhood minus C=2:

img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blur, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 9, 2)


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The result of the adaptive thresholding looks like this:

Detecting and emphasizing prominent edges

Combining colors and outlines to produce a cartoon

The last step is to combine the two. Simply fuse the two effects together into a single image using cv2.bitwise_and. The complete function is as follows:

def render(self, img_rgb):
    numDownSamples = 2 # number of downscaling steps
    numBilateralFilters = 7  # number of bilateral filtering steps

    # -- STEP 1 --
    # downsample image using Gaussian pyramid
    img_color = img_rgb
    for _ in xrange(numDownSamples):
        img_color = cv2.pyrDown(img_color)

    # repeatedly apply small bilateral filter instead of applying
    # one large filter
    for _ in xrange(numBilateralFilters):
        img_color = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_color, 9, 9, 7)

    # upsample image to original size
    for _ in xrange(numDownSamples):
        img_color = cv2.pyrUp(img_color)

    # -- STEPS 2 and 3 --
    # convert to grayscale and apply median blur
    img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    img_blur = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7)

    # -- STEP 4 --
    # detect and enhance edges
    img_edge = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_blur, 255,

    # -- STEP 5 --
    # convert back to color so that it can be bit-ANDed
    # with color image
    img_edge = cv2.cvtColor(img_edge, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
    return cv2.bitwise_and(img_color, img_edge)

The result looks like what is shown here:

Combining colors and outlines to produce a cartoon
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