Cartoonizing an image

Now that we know how to handle the webcam and keyboard/mouse inputs, let's go ahead and see how to convert a picture into a cartoon-like image. We can either convert an image into a sketch or a colored cartoon image.

Following is an example of what a sketch will look like:

Cartoonizing an image

If you apply the cartoonizing effect to the color image, it will look something like this next image:

Cartoonizing an image

Let's see how to achieve this:

import cv2
import numpy as np

def cartoonize_image(img, ds_factor=4, sketch_mode=False):
    # Convert image to grayscale
    img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # Apply median filter to the grayscale image
    img_gray = cv2.medianBlur(img_gray, 7)

    # Detect edges in the image and threshold it
    edges = cv2.Laplacian(img_gray, cv2.CV_8U, ksize=5)
    ret, mask = cv2.threshold(edges, 100, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)

    # 'mask' is the sketch of the image
    if sketch_mode:
        return cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    # Resize the image to a smaller size for faster computation
    img_small = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=1.0/ds_factor, fy=1.0/ds_factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
    num_repetitions = 10
    sigma_color = 5
    sigma_space = 7
    size = 5

    # Apply bilateral filter the image multiple times
    for i in range(num_repetitions):
        img_small = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_small, size, sigma_color, sigma_space)

    img_output = cv2.resize(img_small, None, fx=ds_factor, fy=ds_factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

    dst = np.zeros(img_gray.shape)

    # Add the thick boundary lines to the image using 'AND' operator
    dst = cv2.bitwise_and(img_output, img_output, mask=mask)
    return dst

if __name__=='__main__':
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    cur_char = -1
    prev_char = -1

    while True:
        ret, frame =
        frame = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

        c = cv2.waitKey(1)
        if c == 27:

        if c > -1 and c != prev_char:
            cur_char = c
        prev_char = c

        if cur_char == ord('s'):
            cv2.imshow('Cartoonize', cartoonize_image(frame, sketch_mode=True))
        elif cur_char == ord('c'):
            cv2.imshow('Cartoonize', cartoonize_image(frame, sketch_mode=False))
            cv2.imshow('Cartoonize', frame)


Deconstructing the code

When you run the preceding program, you will see a window with a video stream from the webcam. If you press S, the video stream will change to sketch mode and you will see its pencil-like outline. If you press C, you will see the color-cartoonized version of the input stream. If you press any other key, it will return to the normal mode.

Let's look at the function cartoonize_image and see how we did it. We first convert the image to a grayscale image and run it through a median filter. Median filters are very good at removing salt and pepper noise. This is the kind of noise where you see isolated black or white pixels in the image. It is common in webcams and mobile cameras, so we need to filter it out before we proceed further. To give an example, look at the following images:

Deconstructing the code

As we see in the input image, there are a lot of isolated green pixels. They are lowering the quality of the image and we need to get rid of them. This is where the median filter comes in handy. We just look at the NxN neighborhood around each pixel and pick the median value of those numbers. Since the isolated pixels in this case have high values, taking the median value will get rid of these values and also smoothen the image. As you can see in the output image, the median filter got rid of all those isolated pixels and the image looks clean. Following is the code to do it:

import cv2
import numpy as np

img = cv2.imread('input.png')
output = cv2.medianBlur(img, 7)
cv2.imshow('Input', img)
cv2.imshow('Median filter', output)

The code is pretty straightforward. We just use the function medianBlur to apply the median filter to the input image. The second argument in this function specifies the size of the kernel we are using. The size of the kernel is related to the neighborhood size that we need to consider. You can play around with this parameter and see how it affects the output.

Coming back to cartoonize_image, we proceed to detect the edges on the grayscale image. We need to know where the edges are so that we can create the pencil-line effect. Once we detect the edges, we threshold them so that things become black and white, both literally and metaphorically!

In the next step, we check if the sketch mode is enabled. If it is, then we just convert it into a color image and return it. What if we want the lines to be thicker? Let's say we want to see something like the following image:

Deconstructing the code

As you can see, the lines are thicker than before. To achieve this, replace the if code block with the following piece of code:

if sketch_mode:
    img_sketch = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    kernel = np.ones((3,3), np.uint8)
    img_eroded = cv2.erode(img_sketch, kernel, iterations=1)
    return cv2.medianBlur(img_eroded, 5)

We are using the erode function with a 3x3 kernel here. The reason we have this in place is because it gives us a chance to play with the thickness of the line drawing. Now you might ask that if we want to increase the thickness of something, shouldn't we be using dilation? Well, the reasoning is right, but there is a small twist here. Note that the foreground is black and the background is white. Erosion and dilation treat white pixels as foreground and black pixels as background. So if we want to increase the thickness of the black foreground, we need to use erosion. After we apply erosion, we just use the median filter to clear out the noise and get the final output.

In the next step, we use bilateral filtering to smoothen the image. Bilateral filtering is an interesting concept and its performance is much better than a Gaussian filter. The good thing about bilateral filtering is that it preserves the edges, whereas the Gaussian filter smoothens everything out equally. To compare and contrast, let's look at the following input image:

Deconstructing the code

Let's apply the Gaussian filter to the previous image:

Deconstructing the code

Now, let's apply the bilateral filter to the input image:

Deconstructing the code

As you can see, the quality is better if we use the bilateral filter. The image looks smooth and the edges look nice and sharp! The code to achieve this is given next:

import cv2
import numpy as np

img = cv2.imread('input.jpg')

img_gaussian = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (13,13), 0)
img_bilateral = cv2.bilateralFilter(img, 13, 70, 50)

cv2.imshow('Input', img)
cv2.imshow('Gaussian filter', img_gaussian)
cv2.imshow('Bilateral filter', img_bilateral)

If you closely observe the two outputs, you can see that the edges in the Gaussian filtered image look blurred. Usually, we just want to smoothen the rough areas in the image and keep the edges intact. This is where the bilateral filter comes in handy. The Gaussian filter just looks at the immediate neighborhood and averages the pixel values using a Gaussian kernel. The bilateral filter takes this concept to the next level by averaging only those pixels that are similar to each other in intensity. It also takes a color neighborhood metric to see if it can replace the current pixel that is similar in intensity as well. If you look the function call:

img_small = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_small, size, sigma_color, sigma_space)

The last two arguments here specify the color and space neighborhood. This is the reason the edges look crisp in the output of the bilateral filter. We run this filter multiple times on the image to smoothen it out, to make it look like a cartoon. We then superimpose the pencil-like mask on top of this color image to create a cartoon-like effect.

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