Hand shape analysis

Now that we know (roughly) where the hand is located, we aim to learn something about its shape.

Determining the contour of the segmented hand region

The first step involves determining the contour of the segmented hand region. Luckily, OpenCV comes with a pre-canned version of such an algorithm—cv2.findContours. This function acts on a binary image and returns a set of points that are believed to be part of the contour. As there might be multiple contours present in the image, it is possible to retrieve an entire hierarchy of contours:

def _find_hull_defects(self, segment):
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(segment, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

Furthermore, because we do not know which contour we are looking for, we have to make an assumption to clean up the contour result. Since it is possible that some small cavities are left over even after the morphological closing—but we are fairly certain that our mask contains only the segmented area of interest—we will assume that the largest contour found is the one that we are looking for. Thus, we simply traverse the list of contours, calculate the contour area (cv2.contourArea), and store only the largest one (max_contour):

max_contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)

Finding the convex hull of a contour area

Once we have identified the largest contour in our mask, it is straightforward to compute the convex hull of the contour area. The convex hull is basically the envelope of the contour area. If you think of all the pixels that belong to the contour area as a set of nails sticking out of a board, then the convex hull is the shape formed by a tight rubber band that surrounds all the nails.

We can get the convex hull directly from our largest contour (max_contour):

hull = cv2.convexHull(max_contour, returnPoints=False)

As we now want to look at convexity deficits in this hull, we are instructed by the OpenCV documentation to set the returnPoints optional flag to False.

The convex hull drawn in yellow around a segmented hand region looks like this:

Finding the convex hull of a contour area

Finding the convexity defects of a convex hull

As is evident from the preceding screenshot, not all points on the convex hull belong to the segmented hand region. In fact, all the fingers and the wrist cause severe convexity defects, that is, points of the contour that are far away from the hull.

We can find these defects by looking at both the largest contour (max_contour) and the corresponding convex hull (hull):

defects = cv2.convexityDefects(max_contour, hull)

The output of this function (defects) is a 4-tuple that contains start_index (the point of the contour where the defect begins), end_index (the point of the contour where the defect ends), farthest_pt_index (the farthest from the convex hull point within the defect), and fixpt_depth (the distance between the farthest point and the convex hull). We will make use of this information in just a moment when we try to extract the number of extended fingers.

For now though, our job is done. The extracted contour (max_contour) and convexity defects (defects) can be passed to recognize, where they will be used as inputs to _detect_num_fingers:

return (cnt,defects)
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