Custom kernels – getting convoluted

As we have just seen, many of OpenCV's predefined filters use a kernel. Remember that a kernel is a set of weights, which determine how each output pixel is calculated from a neighborhood of input pixels. Another term for a kernel is a convolution matrix. It mixes up or convolutes the pixels in a region. Similarly, a kernel-based filter may be called a convolution filter.

OpenCV provides a very versatile function, filter2D(), which applies any kernel or convolution matrix that we specify. To understand how to use this function, let's first learn the format of a convolution matrix. It is a 2D array with an odd number of rows and columns. The central element corresponds to a pixel of interest and the other elements correspond to that pixel's neighbors. Each element contains an integer or floating point value, which is a weight that gets applied to an input pixel's value. Consider this example:

kernel = numpy.array([[-1, -1, -1],
                      [-1,  9, -1],
                      [-1, -1, -1]])

Here, the pixel of interest has a weight of 9 and its immediate neighbors each have a weight of -1. For the pixel of interest, the output color will be nine times its input color, minus the input colors of all eight adjacent pixels. If the pixel of interest was already a bit different from its neighbors, this difference becomes intensified. The effect is that the image looks sharper as the contrast between neighbors is increased.

Continuing our example, we can apply this convolution matrix to a source image and destination image as follows:

cv2.filter2D(src, -1, kernel, dst)

The second argument specifies the per-channel depth of the destination image (such as cv2.CV_8U for 8 bits per channel). A negative value (as used here) means that the destination image has the same depth as the source image.


For color images, note that filter2D() applies the kernel equally to each channel. To use different kernels on different channels, we would also have to use the split() and merge() functions, as we did in our earlier channel mixing functions. (See the section Simulating RC color space.)

Based on this simple example, let's add two classes to One class, VConvolutionFilter, will represent a convolution filter in general. A subclass, SharpenFilter, will represent our sharpening filter specifically. Let's edit to implement these two new classes as follows:

class VConvolutionFilter(object):
    """A filter that applies a convolution to V (or all of BGR)."""
    def __init__(self, kernel):
        self._kernel = kernel
    def apply(self, src, dst):
        """Apply the filter with a BGR or gray source/destination."""
        cv2.filter2D(src, -1, self._kernel, dst)

class SharpenFilter(VConvolutionFilter):
    """A sharpen filter with a 1-pixel radius."""
    def __init__(self):
        kernel = numpy.array([[-1, -1, -1],
                              [-1,  9, -1],
                              [-1, -1, -1]])
        VConvolutionFilter.__init__(self, kernel)

The pattern is very similar to the VCurveFilter class and its subclasses. (See the section Designing object-oriented curve filters.)

Note that the weights sum to 1. This should be the case whenever we want to leave the image's overall brightness unchanged. If we modify a sharpening kernel slightly, so that its weights sum to 0 instead, then we have an edge detection kernel that turns edges white and non-edges black. For example, let's add the following edge detection filter to

class FindEdgesFilter(VConvolutionFilter):
    """An edge-finding filter with a 1-pixel radius."""
    def __init__(self):
        kernel = numpy.array([[-1, -1, -1],
                              [-1,  8, -1],
                              [-1, -1, -1]])
        VConvolutionFilter.__init__(self, kernel)

Next, let's make a blur filter. Generally, for a blur effect, the weights should sum to 1 and should be positive throughout the neighborhood. For example, we can take a simple average of the neighborhood, as follows:

class BlurFilter(VConvolutionFilter):
    """A blur filter with a 2-pixel radius."""
    def __init__(self):
        kernel = numpy.array([[0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04],
                              [0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04],
                              [0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04],
                              [0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04],
                              [0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04]])
        VConvolutionFilter.__init__(self, kernel)

Our sharpening, edge detection, and blur filters use kernels that are highly symmetric. Sometimes, though, kernels with less symmetry produce an interesting effect. Let's consider a kernel that blurs on one side (with positive weights) and sharpens on the other (with negative weights). It will produce a ridged or embossed effect. Here is an implementation that we can add to

class EmbossFilter(VConvolutionFilter):
    """An emboss filter with a 1-pixel radius."""
    def __init__(self):
        kernel = numpy.array([[-2, -1, 0],
                              [-1,  1, 1],
                              [ 0,  1, 2]])
        VConvolutionFilter.__init__(self, kernel)

This set of custom convolution filters is very basic. Indeed, it is more basic than OpenCV's ready-made set of filters. However, with a bit of experimentation, you should be able to write your own kernels that produce a unique look.

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