Understanding support vector machines

A support vector machine (SVM) can be imagined as a surface that creates a boundary between points of data plotted in a multidimensional space representing examples and their feature values. The goal of an SVM is to create a flat boundary called a hyperplane, which divides the space to create fairly homogeneous partitions on either side. In this way, SVM learning combines aspects of both the instance-based nearest neighbor learning presented in Chapter 3, Lazy Learning – Classification Using Nearest Neighbors, and the linear regression modeling described in Chapter 6, Forecasting Numeric Data – Regression Methods. The combination is extremely powerful, allowing SVMs to model highly complex relationships.

Although the basic mathematics that drive SVMs have been around for decades, interest in them grew greatly after they were adopted by the machine learning community. Their popularity exploded after high-profile success stories on difficult learning problems, as well as the development of award-winning SVM algorithms that were implemented in well-supported libraries across many programming languages, including R. SVMs have thus been adopted by a wide audience, which might have otherwise been unable to apply the somewhat complex mathematics needed to implement an SVM. The good news is that although the mathematics may be difficult, the basic concepts are understandable.

SVMs can be adapted for use with nearly any type of learning task, including both classification and numeric prediction. Many of the algorithm's key successes have come in pattern recognition. Notable applications include:

  • Classification of microarray gene expression data in the field of bioinformatics to identify cancer or other genetic diseases
  • Text categorization, such as identification of the language used in a document or classification of documents by subject matter
  • The detection of rare yet important events like combustion engine failure, security breaches, or earthquakes

SVMs are most easily understood when used for binary classification, which is how the method has been traditionally applied. Therefore, in the remaining sections we will focus only on SVM classifiers. Principles similar to those presented here also apply when adapting SVMs for numeric prediction.

Classification with hyperplanes

As noted previously, SVMs use a boundary called a hyperplane to partition data into groups of similar class values. For example, the following figure depicts hyperplanes that separate groups of circles and squares in two and three dimensions. Because the circles and squares can be separated perfectly by a straight line or flat surface, they are said to be linearly separable. At first, we'll consider only the simple case where this is true, but SVMs can also be extended to problems were the points are not linearly separable.

Classification with hyperplanes

Figure 7.15: The squares and circles are linearly separable in both two and three dimensions


For convenience, the hyperplane is traditionally depicted as a line in 2D space, but this is simply because it is difficult to illustrate space in greater than two dimensions. In reality, the hyperplane is a flat surface in a high-dimensional space—a concept that can be difficult to get your mind around.

In two dimensions, the task of the SVM algorithm is to identify a line that separates the two classes. As shown in the following figure, there is more than one choice of dividing line between the groups of circles and squares. Three such possibilities are labeled a, b, and c. How does the algorithm choose?

Classification with hyperplanes

Figure 7.16: Three of many potential lines dividing the squares and circles

The answer to that question involves a search for the maximum margin hyperplane (MMH) that creates the greatest separation between the two classes. Although any of the three lines separating the circles and squares would correctly classify all of the data points, the line that leads to the greatest separation will generalize the best to future data. The maximum margin will improve the chance that even if random noise is added, each class will remain on its own side of the boundary.

The support vectors (indicated by arrows in the figure that follows) are the points from each class that are the closest to the MMH. Each class must have at least one support vector, but it is possible to have more than one. The support vectors alone define the MMH. This is a key feature of SVMs; the support vectors provide a very compact way to store a classification model, even if the number of features is extremely large.

Classification with hyperplanes

Figure 7.17: The maximum margin hyperplane is defined by the support vectors

The algorithm to identify the support vectors relies on vector geometry and involves some fairly tricky mathematics that is outside the scope of this book. However, the basic principles of the process are fairly straightforward.


More information on the mathematics of SVMs can be found in the classic paper Support-Vector Networks, Cortes, C and Vapnik, V, Machine Learning, 1995, Vol. 20, pp. 273-297. A beginner-level discussion can be found in Support Vector Machines: Hype or Hallelujah?, Bennett, KP and Campbell, C, SIGKDD Explorations, 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 1-13. A more in-depth look can be found in Support Vector Machines, Steinwart, I and Christmann, ANew York: Springer, 2008.

The case of linearly separable data

Finding the maximum margin is easiest under the assumption that the classes are linearly separable. In this case, the MMH is as far away as possible from the outer boundaries of the two groups of data points. These outer boundaries are known as the convex hull. The MMH is then the perpendicular bisector of the shortest line between the two convex hulls. Sophisticated computer algorithms that use a technique known as quadratic optimization are capable of finding the maximum margin in this way.

The case of linearly separable data

Figure 7.18: The MMH is the perpendicular bisector of the shortest path between convex hulls

An alternative (but equivalent) approach involves a search through the space of every possible hyperplane in order to find a set of two parallel planes that divide the points into homogeneous groups yet themselves are as far apart as possible. To use a metaphor, one can imagine this process as similar to trying to find the thickest mattress that can fit up a stairwell to your bedroom.

To understand this search process, we'll need to define exactly what we mean by a hyperplane. In n-dimensional space, the following equation is used:

The case of linearly separable data

If you aren't familiar with this notation, the arrows above the letters indicate that they are vectors rather than single numbers. In particular, w is a vector of n weights, that is, {w1, w2, ..., wn}, and b is a single number known as the bias. The bias is conceptually equivalent to the intercept term in the slope-intercept form discussed in Chapter 6, Forecasting Numeric Data – Regression Methods.


If you're having trouble imagining the plane in multidimensional space, don't worry about the details. Simply think of the equation as a way to specify a surface, much like the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) is used to specify lines in 2D space.

Using this formula, the goal of the process is to find a set of weights that specify two hyperplanes, as follows:

The case of linearly separable data

We will also require that these hyperplanes are specified such that all the points of one class fall above the first hyperplane and all the points of the other class fall beneath the second hyperplane. This is possible so long as the data are linearly separable.

Vector geometry defines the distance between these two planes as:

The case of linearly separable data

Here, ǁwǁ indicates the Euclidean norm (the distance from the origin to vector w). Because ǁwǁ is the denominator, to maximize distance we need to minimize ǁwǁ. The task is typically re-expressed as a set of constraints, as follows:

The case of linearly separable data

Although this looks messy, it's really not too complicated to understand conceptually. Basically, the first line implies that we need to minimize the Euclidean norm (squared and divided by two to make the calculation easier). The second line notes that this is subject to (s.t.) the condition that each of the yi data points is correctly classified. Note that y indicates the class value (transformed to either +1 or -1) and the upside-down "A" is shorthand for "for all."

As with the other method for finding the maximum margin, finding a solution to this problem is a task best left for quadratic optimization software. Although it can be processor-intensive, specialized algorithms are capable of solving these problems quickly even on fairly large datasets.

The case of nonlinearly separable data

As we've worked through the theory behind SVMs, you may be wondering about the elephant in the room: what happens in the case that the data are not linearly separable? The solution to this problem is the use of a slack variable, which creates a soft margin that allows some points to fall on the incorrect side of the margin. The figure that follows illustrates two points falling on the wrong side of the line with the corresponding slack terms (denoted with the Greek letter Xi):

The case of nonlinearly separable data

Figure 7.19: Points falling on the wrong side of the boundary come with a cost penalty

A cost value (denoted as C) is applied to all points that violate the constraints and rather than finding the maximum margin, the algorithm attempts to minimize the total cost. We can therefore revise the optimization problem to:

The case of nonlinearly separable data

If you're confused by now, don't worry, you're not alone. Luckily, SVM packages will happily optimize this for you without you having to understand the technical details. The important piece to understand is the addition of the cost parameter, C. Modifying this value will adjust the penalty for points that fall on the wrong side of the hyperplane. The greater the cost parameter, the harder the optimization will try to achieve 100 percent separation. On the other hand, a lower cost parameter will place the emphasis on a wider overall margin. It is important to strike a balance between these two in order to create a model that generalizes well to future data.

Using kernels for nonlinear spaces

In many real-world datasets, the relationships between variables are nonlinear. As we just discovered, an SVM can still be trained on such data through the addition of a slack variable, which allows some examples to be misclassified. However, this is not the only way to approach the problem of nonlinearity. A key feature of SVMs is their ability to map the problem into a higher dimension space using a process known as the kernel trick. In doing so, a nonlinear relationship may suddenly appear to be quite linear.

Though this seems like nonsense, it is actually quite easy to illustrate by example. In the following figure, the scatterplot on the left depicts a nonlinear relationship between a weather class (Sunny or Snowy) and two features: Latitude and Longitude. The points at the center of the plot are members of the Snowy class, while the points at the margins are all Sunny. Such data could have been generated from a set of weather reports, some of which were obtained from stations near the top of a mountain, while others were obtained from stations around the base of the mountain.

Using kernels for nonlinear spaces

Figure 7.20: The kernel trick can help transform a nonlinear problem into a linear one

On the right side of the figure, after the kernel trick has been applied, we look at the data through the lens of a new dimension: Altitude. With the addition of this feature, the classes are now perfectly linearly separable. This is possible because we have obtained a new perspective on the data. In the left figure, we are viewing the mountain from a bird's-eye view, while on the right, we are viewing the mountain from a distance at ground level. Here, the trend is obvious: snowy weather is found at higher altitudes.

In this way, SVMs with nonlinear kernels add additional dimensions to the data in order to create separation. Essentially, the kernel trick involves a process of constructing new features that express mathematical relationships between measured characteristics.

For instance, the Altitude feature can be expressed mathematically as an interaction between Latitude and Longitude—the closer the point is to the center of each of these scales, the greater the Altitude. This allows the SVM to learn concepts that were not explicitly measured in the original data.

SVMs with nonlinear kernels are extremely powerful classifiers, although they do have some downsides, as shown in the following table:



  • Can be used for classification or numeric prediction problems
  • Not overly influenced by noisy data and not very prone to overfitting
  • May be easier to use than neural networks, particularly due to the existence of several well-supported SVM algorithms
  • Gained popularity due to their high accuracy and high-profile wins in data mining competitions
  • Finding the best model requires the testing of various combinations of kernels and model parameters
  • Can be slow to train, particularly if the input dataset has a large number of features or examples
  • Results in a complex black box model that is difficult, if not impossible, to interpret

Kernel functions, in general, are of the following form. The function denoted by the Greek letter phi, that is, ϕ(x), is a mapping of the data into another space. Therefore, the general kernel function applies some transformation to the feature vectors xi and xj, and combines them using the dot product, which takes two vectors and returns a single number.

Using kernels for nonlinear spaces

Using this form, kernel functions have been developed for many different domains. A few of the most commonly used kernel functions are listed as follows. Nearly all SVM software packages will include these kernels, among many others.

The linear kernel does not transform the data at all. Therefore, it can be expressed simply as the dot product of the features:

Using kernels for nonlinear spaces

The polynomial kernel of degree d adds a simple nonlinear transformation of the data:

Using kernels for nonlinear spaces

The sigmoid kernel results in an SVM model somewhat analogous to a neural network using a sigmoid activation function. The Greek letters kappa and delta are used as kernel parameters:

Using kernels for nonlinear spaces

The Gaussian RBF kernel is similar to an RBF neural network. The RBF kernel performs well on many types of data and is thought to be a reasonable starting point for many learning tasks:

Using kernels for nonlinear spaces

There is no reliable rule for matching a kernel to a particular learning task. The fit depends heavily on the concept to be learned as well as the amount of training data and the relationships among the features. Often, a bit of trial and error is required by training and evaluating several SVMs on a validation dataset. That said, in many cases, the choice of kernel is arbitrary, as the performance may vary only slightly. To see how this works in practice, let's apply our understanding of SVM classification to a real-world problem.

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