Model selection

In the previous section we worked on ways to preprocess the data and select the most promising features. As we stated, selecting a good set of features is a crucial step to obtain good results. Now we will focus on another important step: selecting the algorithm parameters, known as hyperparameters to distinguish them from the parameters that are adjusted within the machine learning algorithm. Many machine learning algorithms include hyperparameters (from now on we will simply call them parameters) that guide certain aspects of the underlying method and have great impact on the results. In this section we will review some methods to help us obtain the best parameter configuration, a process known as model selection.

We will look back at the text-classification problem we addressed in Chapter 2, Supervised Learning. In that example, we compounded a TF-IDF vectorizer alongside a multinomial Naïve Bayes (NB) algorithm to classify a set of newsgroup messages into a discrete number of categories. The MultinomialNB algorithm has one important parameter, named alpha, that adjusts the smoothing. We initially used the class with its default parameter values (alpha = 1.0) and obtained an accuracy of 0.89. But when we set alpha to 0.01, we obtained a noticeable accuracy improvement to 0.92. Clearly, the configuration of the alpha parameter has great impact on the performance of the algorithm. How can we be sure 0.01 is the best value? Perhaps if we try other possible values, we could still obtain better results.

Let's start again with our text-classification problem, but for now we will only use a reduced number of instances. We will work only with 3,000 instances. We start by importing our pylab environment and loading the data.

>>> %pylab inline
>>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
>>> news = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all')
>>> n_samples = 3000
>>> X_train =[:n_samples]
>>> y_train =[:n_samples]

After that, we need to import the classes to construct our classifier.

>>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
>>> from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

Then import the set of stop words and create a pipeline that compounds the TF-IDF vectorizer and the Naïve Bayes algorithms (recall that we had a stopwords_en.txt file with a list of stop words).

>>> def get_stop_words():
>>>     result = set()
>>>     for line in open('stopwords_en.txt', 'r').readlines():
>>>         result.add(line.strip())
>>>     return result
>>> stop_words = get_stop_words()
>>> clf = Pipeline([('vect', TfidfVectorizer(
>>>           stop_words=stop_words,
>>>           token_pattern=ur"[a-z0-9_-.]+[a-z][a-z0-9_-
>>>    )),
>>>    ('nb', MultinomialNB(alpha=0.01)),

If we evaluate our algorithm with a three-fold cross-validation, we obtain a mean score of around 0.811.

>>> from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score, KFold
>>> from scipy.stats import sem
>>> def evaluate_cross_validation(clf, X, y, K):
>>>     # create a k-fold croos validation iterator of k=5 folds
>>>     cv = KFold(len(y), K, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
>>>     # by default the score used is the one returned by score 
        method of the estimator (accuracy)
>>>     scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=cv)
>>>     print scores
>>>     print ("Mean score: {0:.3f} (+/-{1:.3f})").format(
>>>         np.mean(scores), sem(scores))
>>> evaluate_cross_validation(clf, X_train, y_train, 3)
[ 0.814  0.815  0.804]
Mean score: 0.811 (+/-0.004)

It looks like we should train the algorithm with a list of different parameter values and keep the parameter value that achieves the best results. Let's implement a helper function to do that. This function will train the algorithm with a list of values, each time obtaining an accuracy score calculated by performing k-fold cross-validation on the training instances. After that, it will plot the training and testing scores as a function of the parameter values.

>>> def calc_params(X, y, clf, param_values, param_name, K):
>>>     # initialize training and testing scores with zeros
>>>     train_scores = np.zeros(len(param_values))
>>>     test_scores = np.zeros(len(param_values))
>>>     # iterate over the different parameter values
>>>     for i, param_value in enumerate(param_values):
>>>         print param_name, ' = ', param_value
>>>         # set classifier parameters
>>>         clf.set_params(**{param_name:param_value})
>>>         # initialize the K scores obtained for each fold
>>>         k_train_scores = np.zeros(K)
>>>         k_test_scores = np.zeros(K)
>>>         # create KFold cross validation
>>>         cv = KFold(n_samples, K, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
>>>         # iterate over the K folds
>>>         for j, (train, test) in enumerate(cv):
>>>   [X[k] for k in train], y[train])
>>>             k_train_scores[j] = clf.score([X[k] for k in 
                train], y[train])
>>>             k_test_scores[j] = clf.score([X[k] for k in test], 
>>>         train_scores[i] = np.mean(k_train_scores)
>>>         test_scores[i] = np.mean(k_test_scores)
>>>     # plot the training and testing scores in a log scale
>>>     plt.semilogx(param_values, train_scores, alpha=0.4, lw=2, 
>>>     plt.semilogx(param_values, test_scores, alpha=0.4, lw=2, 
>>>     plt.xlabel("Alpha values")
>>>     plt.ylabel("Mean cross-validation accuracy")
>>>     # return the training and testing scores on each parameter 
>>>     return train_scores, test_scores

The function accepts six arguments: the feature array, the target array, the classifier object to be used, the list of parameter values, the name of the parameter to adjust, and the number of K folds to be used in the crossvalidation evaluation.

Let's call this function; we will use numpy's logspace function to generate a list of alpha values spaced evenly on a log scale.

>>> alphas = np.logspace(-7, 0, 8)
>>> print alphas
[  1.00000000e-07   1.00000000e-06   1.00000000e-05   1.00000000e-04
1.00000000e-03   1.00000000e-02   1.00000000e-01   1.00000000e+00]

We will set the values of the alpha parameter of the NB classifier within the pipeline, which corresponds to the parameter name nb__alpha. We will use three folds for the cross-validation.

>>> train_scores, test_scores = calc_params(X_train, y_train, clf, alphas, 'nb__alpha', 3)

In the following figure, the line at the top corresponds to the training accuracy and the one at the bottom to the testing accuracy:

Model selection

As expected, the training accuracy is always greater than the testing accuracy. We can see in the graph that the best testing accuracy is obtained with an alpha value in the range of 10-2 and 10-1. Below this range, the classifier shows signs of overfitting (the training accuracy is high but the testing accuracy is lower than it could be). Above this range, the classifier shows signs of underfitting (accuracy on the training set is lower than it could be).

It is worth mentioning that at this point a second pass could be performed in the range of 10-2 and 10-1 with a finer grid to find an ever better alpha value.

Let's print the scores vector to look at the actual values.

>>> print 'training scores: ', train_scores
>>> print 'testing scores: ', test_scores
training scores:  [ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0.99933333 0.99633333 0.96933333]
testing scores:  [ 0.75 0.75666667 0.76433333 0.77533333 0.78866667 0.811 0.81233333 0.753]

The best results are obtained with an alpha value of 0.1 (accuracy of 0.812).

We created a very useful function to graph and obtain the best parameter value for a classifier. Let's use it to adjust another classifier that uses a Support Vector Machines (SVM) instead of MultinomialNB:

>>> from sklearn.svm import SVC
>>> clf = Pipeline([
>>>     ('vect', TfidfVectorizer(
>>>                 stop_words=stop_words,
>>>                 token_pattern=ur"[a-z0-9_-.]+[a-z][a-z0-
>>>     )),
>>>     ('svc', SVC()),
>>> ])

We created a pipeline as before, but now we use the SVC classifier with its default values. Now we will use our calc_params function to adjust the gamma parameter.

>>> gammas = np.logspace(-2, 1, 4)
>>> train_scores, test_scores = calc_params(X_train, y_train, clf, gammas,'svc__gamma', 3)

For gamma values lesser than one we have underfitting and for gamma values greater than one we have overfitting.

Model selection

So the best result is for a gamma value of 1, where we obtain a training accuracy of 0.999 and a testing accuracy of 0.760.

If you take a closer look at the SVC class constructor parameters, we have other parameters, apart from gamma, that may also affect classifier performance. If we only adjust the gamma value, we implicitly state that the optimal C value is 1.0 (the default value that we did not explicitly set). Perhaps we could obtain better results with a new combination of C and gamma values. This opens a new degree of complexity; we should try all the parameter combinations and keep the better one.

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