The pipeline

Here, after we have created our three datasets, the Apache Spark ML pipeline will be created, and the model is trained by performing the following steps:

  1. First, you need to import the Apache Spark ML packages that will be needed in the subsequent steps:,StringIndexer,IndexToString,VectorAssembler importRandomForestClassifier
from import Pipeline, Model
  1. Next, the example uses the StringIndexer function as a transformer to convert all of the string columns into numeric ones:
stringIndexer_mar = StringIndexer(inputCol="MARITAL_STATUS", outputCol="MARITAL_STATUS_IX")
  1. In the following step, the example creates a feature vector by combining all features together:
vectorAssembler_features = VectorAssembler(inputCols=["GENDER_IX", "AGE", "MARITAL_STATUS_IX", "PROFESSION_IX"], outputCol="features")
  1. Next, the estimators that you want to use for classification are defined (random forest is used):
rf = RandomForestClassifier(labelCol="label", featuresCol="features")
  1. And finally, convert the indexed labels back into original labels:
labelConverter = IndexToString(inputCol="prediction", outputCol="predictedLabel", labels=stringIndexer_label.labels)

  1. Now the actual pipeline is built:
pipeline_rf = Pipeline(stages=[stringIndexer_label, stringIndexer_prof, stringIndexer_gend, stringIndexer_mar, vectorAssembler_features, rf, labelConverter])

At this point in the example, you are ready to train the random forest model by using the pipeline and training data you have just built.

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