Required modules

Although many pre-installed libraries and modules are already included as part of an IBM Watson Notebook environment (depending upon the type of notebook selected), various other modules and frameworks may still need to be installed for a particular project to work correctly, so the first thing we should do in our notebook is to type the following command to see the list of pre-installed libraries: 

!pip list –isolated
It is a very good idea to always begin a new project by using this command to gain an understanding of your notebook's environment; it may save time later.

You can then use the Python !pip install command to install each of this project's required modules line by line, as follows:

!pip install asn1crypto==0.23.0
!pip install bleach==1.5.0
!pip install certifi==2017.11.5
!pip install cffi==1.11.2
!pip install chardet==3.0.4
!pip install cryptography==2.1.3
!pip install cycler==0.10.0
!pip install enum34==1.1.6
!pip install html5lib==0.9999999
!pip install idna==2.6
!pip install Markdown==2.6.9
!pip install matplotlib==2.1.0
!pip install numpy==1.13.3
!pip install olefile==0.44
!pip install Pillow==4.3.0
!pip install protobuf==3.5.0.post1
!pip install pycparser==2.18
!pip install pyOpenSSL==17.4.0
!pip install pyparsing==2.2.0
!pip install pysolr==3.6.0
!pip install python-dateutil==2.6.1
!pip install pytz==2017.3
!pip install requests==2.18.4
!pip install six==1.11.0
!pip install tensorflow==1.4.0
!pip install tensorflow-tensorboard==0.4.0rc3
!pip install urllib3==1.22
!pip install watson-developer-cloud==1.0.0
!pip install Werkzeug==0.12.2

An alternative and more efficient way to install the required modules with one command is to reference the provided requirements.txt file:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
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