Comparison between AdaBoosting versus gradient boosting

After understanding both AdaBoost and gradient boost, readers may be curious to see the differences in detail. Here, we are presenting exactly that to quench your thirst!

The gradient boosting classifier from the scikit-learn package has been used for computation here:

# Gradientboost Classifier
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

Parameters used in the gradient boosting algorithms are as follows. Deviance has been used for loss, as the problem we are trying to solve is 0/1 binary classification. The learning rate has been chosen as 0.05, number of trees to build is 5000 trees, minimum sample per leaf/terminal node is 1, and minimum samples needed in a bucket for qualification for splitting is 2:

>>> gbc_fit = GradientBoostingClassifier (loss='deviance', learning_rate=0.05, n_estimators=5000, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, max_depth=1, random_state=42 ) 

>>> print (" Gradient Boost - Train Confusion Matrix ",pd.crosstab(y_train, gbc_fit.predict(x_train),rownames = ["Actuall"],colnames = ["Predicted"]))
>>> print (" Gradient Boost - Train accuracy",round(accuracy_score(y_train, gbc_fit.predict(x_train)),3))
>>> print (" Gradient Boost - Train Classification Report ",classification_report( y_train, gbc_fit.predict(x_train)))

>>> print (" Gradient Boost - Test Confusion Matrix ",pd.crosstab(y_test, gbc_fit.predict(x_test),rownames = ["Actuall"],colnames = ["Predicted"]))
>>> print (" Gradient Boost - Test accuracy",round(accuracy_score(y_test, gbc_fit.predict(x_test)),3)) >>> print (" Gradient Boost - Test Classification Report ",classification_report( y_test, gbc_fit.predict(x_test)))

If we analyze the results, Gradient boosting has given better results than AdaBoost with the highest possible test accuracy of 87.5% with most 1's captured as 24, compared with AdaBoost with which the test accuracy obtained was 86.8%. Hence, it has been proven that it is no wonder why every data scientist tries to use this algorithm to win competitions!

The R code for gradient boosting classifier applied on HR attrition data:

# Gradient boosting

# Giving weights to all the observations in a way that total #weights will
be euqal 1
model_weights <- ifelse(train_data$Attrition_ind == "0",
(1/table(train_data$Attrition_ind)[1]) * 0.3,
(1/table(train_data$Attrition_ind)[2]) * 0.7)
# Setting parameters for GBM
grid <- expand.grid(n.trees = 5000, interaction.depth = 1, shrinkage = .04, n.minobsinnode = 1)
# Fitting the GBM model
gbm_fit <- train(Attrition_ind ~ ., data = train_data, method = "gbm", weights = model_weights,
tuneGrid=grid,verbose = FALSE)
# To print variable importance plot

tr_y_pred = predict(gbm_fit, train_data,type = "raw")
ts_y_pred = predict(gbm_fit,test_data,type = "raw")
tr_y_act = train_data$Attrition_ind;ts_y_act = test_data$Attrition_ind

tr_tble = table(tr_y_act,tr_y_pred)
print(paste("Gradient Boosting - Train Confusion Matrix"))

tr_acc = accrcy(tr_y_act,tr_y_pred)
trprec_zero = prec_zero(tr_y_act,tr_y_pred); trrecl_zero =
trprec_one = prec_one(tr_y_act,tr_y_pred); trrecl_one = recl_one(tr_y_act,tr_y_pred)

trprec_ovll = trprec_zero *frac_trzero + trprec_one*frac_trone
trrecl_ovll = trrecl_zero *frac_trzero + trrecl_one*frac_trone

print(paste("Gradient Boosting Train accuracy:",tr_acc))
print(paste("Gradient Boosting - Train Classification Report"))

ts_tble = table(ts_y_act,ts_y_pred)
print(paste("Gradient Boosting - Test Confusion Matrix"))
ts_acc = accrcy(ts_y_act,ts_y_pred)
tsprec_zero = prec_zero(ts_y_act,ts_y_pred); tsrecl_zero =
tsprec_one = prec_one(ts_y_act,ts_y_pred); tsrecl_one = recl_one(ts_y_act,ts_y_pred)
tsprec_ovll = tsprec_zero *frac_tszero + tsprec_one*frac_tsone
tsrecl_ovll = tsrecl_zero *frac_tszero + tsrecl_one*frac_tsone
print(paste("Gradient Boosting Test accuracy:",ts_acc))
print(paste("Gradient Boosting - Test Classification Report"))

# Use the following code for performing cross validation on data - At the moment commented though
#fitControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 4, repeats = 4)
# gbmFit1 <- train(Attrition_ind ~ ., data = train_data,
method = # "gbm", trControl = fitControl,tuneGrid=grid,verbose = FALSE)
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