Creating animations

Matplotlib provides two main interfaces for creating animations: TimedAnimation and FuncAnimation. TimedAnimation is useful for creating time-based animations, while FuncAnimation can be used to create animations according to a custom-defined function. Given the much higher level of flexibility offered by FuncAnimation, we will only explore the use of FuncAnimation in this section. Readers can refer to the official documentation ( for more information about TimedAnimation.

FuncAnimation works by repeatedly calling a function that changes the properties of Matplotlib objects in each frame. In the following example, we've simulated the change in median weekly earnings by assuming a 5% annual increase. We are going to create a custom function--animate--which returns Matplotlib Artist objects that are changed in each frame. This function will be supplied to animation.FuncAnimation() together with a few more extra parameters:

import textwrap 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
# Matplotlib animation module
from matplotlib import animation
# Used for generating HTML video embed code
from IPython.display import HTML

# Adapted from previous example, codes that are modified are commented
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,7))
ind = range(df.shape[0])
rects = ax.barh(ind, df["Median usual weekly earnings ($)"], height=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel('Median weekly earnings (USD)')
ylabels=[textwrap.fill(label,15) for label in df["Educational attainment"]]

# Change the x-axis range
# Add a text annotation to show the current year
title = ax.text(0.5,1.05, "Median weekly earnings (USD) in 2016",
bbox={'facecolor':'w', 'alpha':0.5, 'pad':5},
transform=ax.transAxes, ha="center")

# Animation related stuff
n=30 #Number of frames

# Function for animating Matplotlib objects
def animate(frame):
# Simulate 5% annual pay rise
data = df["Median usual weekly earnings ($)"] * (1.05 ** frame)

# Update the bar heights
for i, rect in enumerate(rects):

# Update the title
title.set_text("Median weekly earnings (USD) in {}".format(2016+frame))

return rects, title

# Call the animator. Re-draw only the changed parts when blit=True.
# Redraw all elements when blit=False
anim=animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, blit=False, frames=n)

# Save the animation in MPEG-4 format'test.mp4')

# OR--Embed the video in Jupyter notebook

Here is the screen capture of one of the video frames:

In this example, we output the animation in the form of MPEG-4-encoded videos. The video can also be embedded in Jupyter Notebook in the form of an H.264-encoded video. All you need to do is call the Animation.to_html5_video() method and supply the returned object to IPython.display.HTML. Video encoding and HTML5 code generation will happen automatically behind the scenes.

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