Restructuring Data into a Tidy Form

All the datasets used in the preceding chapters have not had much or any work done to change their structure. We immediately began processing the datasets in their original shape. Many datasets in the wild will need a significant amount of restructuring before commencing a more detailed analysis. In some cases, an entire project might only be concerned with formatting the data in such a way that it can be easily processed by someone else.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Tidying variable values as column names with stack
  • Tidying variable values as column names with melt
  • Stacking multiple groups of variables simultaneously
  • Inverting stacked data
  • Unstacking after a groupby aggregation
  • Replicating pivot_table with a groupby aggregation
  • Renaming axis levels for easy reshaping
  • Tidying when multiple variables are stored as column names
  • Tidying when multiple variables are stored as column values
  • Tidying when two or more values are stored in the same cell
  • Tidying when variables are stored in column names and values
  • Tidying when multiple observational units are stored in the same table

There are many terms that are used to describe the process of data restructuring, with tidy data being the most common to data scientists. Tidy data is a term coined by Hadley Wickham to describe a form of data that makes analysis easy to do. This chapter will cover many ideas formulated by Hadley and how to accomplish them with pandas. To learn a great deal more about tidy data, read Hadley's paper (

What is tidy data? Hadley puts forth three simple guiding principles that determine whether a dataset is tidy or not:

  • Each variable forms a column
  • Each observation forms a row
  • Each type of observational unit forms a table

Any dataset that does not meet these guidelines is considered messy. This definition will make more sense once we start restructuring our data into tidy form, but for now, we'll need to know what variables, observations, and observational units are.

To gain intuition about what a variable actually is, it is good to think about the distinction between a variable name and the variable value. The variable names are labels, such as gender, race, salary, and position. The variable values are those things liable to change for every observation, such as male/female for gender or white/black for race. A single observation is the collection of all variable values for a single observational unit. To help understand what an observational unit might be, consider a retail store, which has data for each transaction, employee, customer, item, and the store itself. Each of these can be considered an observational unit and would require its own table. Combining employee information (like the number of hours worked) with customer information (like amount spent) in the same table would break this tidy principle.

The first step to resolving messy data is to recognize it when it exists, and there are boundless possibilities. Hadley explicitly mentions five of the most common types of messy data:

  • Column names are values, not variable names
  • Multiple variables are stored in column names
  • Variables are stored in both rows and columns
  • Multiple types of observational units are stored in the same table
  • A single observational unit is stored in multiple tables

It is important to understand that tidying data does not typically involve changing the values of your dataset, filling in missing values, or doing any sort of analysis. Tidying data involves changing the shape or structure of the data to meet the tidy principles. Tidy data is akin to having all your tools in the toolbox instead of scattered randomly throughout your house. Having the tools properly in the toolbox allows all other tasks to be completed easily. Once the data is in the correct form, it becomes much easier to perform further analysis.

Once you have spotted messy data, you will use the pandas tools to restructure the data, so that it is tidy. The main tidy tools that pandas has available for you are the DataFrame methods stack, melt, unstack, and pivot. More complex tidying involves ripping apart text, which necessitates the str accessor. Other helper methods, such as rename, rename_axis, reset_index, and set_index will help with applying the final touches to tidy data.

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