How to do it...

  1. Read in the college dataset with the institution name as the index, and with only the undergraduate race columns:
>>> usecol_func = lambda x: 'UGDS_' in x or x == 'INSTNM'
>>> college = pd.read_csv('data/college.csv',
>>> college.head()
  1. Use the stack method to convert each horizontal column name into a vertical index level:
>>> college_stacked = college.stack()
>>> college_stacked.head(18)
INSTNM Alabama A & M University UGDS_WHITE 0.0333 UGDS_BLACK 0.9353 UGDS_HISP 0.0055 UGDS_ASIAN 0.0019 UGDS_AIAN 0.0024 UGDS_NHPI 0.0019 UGDS_2MOR 0.0000 UGDS_NRA 0.0059 UGDS_UNKN 0.0138 University of Alabama at Birmingham UGDS_WHITE 0.5922 UGDS_BLACK 0.2600 UGDS_HISP 0.0283 UGDS_ASIAN 0.0518 UGDS_AIAN 0.0022 UGDS_NHPI 0.0007 UGDS_2MOR 0.0368 UGDS_NRA 0.0179 UGDS_UNKN 0.0100 dtype: float64
  1. Invert this stacked data back to its original form with the unstack Series method:
>>> college_stacked.unstack()
  1. A similar sequence of operations can be done with melt followed by pivot. First, read in the data without putting the institution name in the index:
>>> college2 = pd.read_csv('data/college.csv', 
>>> college2.head()
  1. Use the melt method to transpose all the race columns into a single column:
>>> college_melted = college2.melt(id_vars='INSTNM', 
>>> college_melted.head()
  1. Use the pivot method to invert this previous result:
>>> melted_inv = college_melted.pivot(index='INSTNM', 
>>> melted_inv.head()
  1. Notice that the institution names are now shuttled over into the index and are not in their original order. The column names are not in their original order. To get an exact replication of our starting DataFrame from step 4, use the .loc indexing operator to select rows and columns simultaneously and then reset the index:
>>> college2_replication = melted_inv.loc[college2['INSTNM'],
>>> college2.equals(college2_replication)
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