Principal Component Analysis - PCA

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the dimensionality reduction technique which has so many utilities. PCA reduces the dimensions of a dataset by projecting the data onto a lower-dimensional subspace. For example, a 2D dataset could be reduced by projecting the points onto a line. Each instance in the dataset would then be represented by a single value, rather than a pair of values. In a similar way, a 3D dataset could be reduced to two dimensions by projecting variables onto a plane. PCA has the following utilities:

  • Mitigate the course of dimensionality
  • Compress the data while minimizing the information lost at the same time
  • Principal components will be further utilized in the next stage of supervised learning, in random forest, boosting, and so on
  • Understanding the structure of data with hundreds of dimensions can be difficult, hence, by reducing the dimensions to 2D or 3D, observations can be visualized easily

PCA can easily be explained with the following diagram of a mechanical bracket which has been drawn in the machine drawing module of a mechanical engineering course. The left-hand side of the diagram depicts the top view, front view, and side view of the component. However, on the right-hand side, an isometric view has been drawn, in which one single image has been used to visualize how the component looks. So, one can imagine that the left-hand images are the actual variables and the right-hand side is the first principal component, in which most variance has been captured.

Finally, three images have been replaced by a single image by rotating the axis of direction. In fact, we replicate the same technique in PCA analysis.

Principal component working methodology is explained in the following sample example, in which actual data has been shown in a 2D space, in which X and Y axis are used to plot the data. Principal components are the ones in which maximum variation of the data is captured.

The following diagram illustrates how it looks after fitting the principal components. The first principal component covers the maximum variance in the data and the second principal component is orthogonal to the first principal component, as we know all principal components are orthogonal to each other. We can represent whole data with the first principal component itself. In fact, that is how it is advantageous to represent the data with fewer dimensions, to save space and also to grab maximum variance in the data, which can be utilized for supervised learning in the next stage. This is the core advantage of computing principal components.

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues have significant importance in the field of linear algebra, physics, mechanics, and so on. Refreshing, basics on eigenvectors and eigenvalues is necessary when studying PCAs. Eigenvectors are the axes (directions) along which a linear transformation acts simply by stretching/compressing and/or flipping; whereas, eigenvalues give you the factors by which the compression occurs. In another way, an eigenvector of a linear transformation is a nonzero vector whose direction does not change when that linear transformation is applied to it.

More formally, A is a linear transformation from a vector space and  is a nonzero vector, then eigen vector of A if  is a scalar multiple of . The condition can be written as the following equation:

In the preceding equation,  is an eigenvector, A is a square matrix, and λ is a scalar called an eigenvalue. The direction of an eigenvector remains the same after it has been transformed by A; only its magnitude has changed, as indicated by the eigenvalue, That is, multiplying a matrix by one of its eigenvectors is equal to scaling the eigenvector, which is a compact representation of the original matrix. The following graph describes eigenvectors and eigenvalues in a graphical representation in a 2D space:

The following example describes how to calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues from the square matrix and its understanding. Note that eigenvectors and eigenvalues can be calculated only for square matrices (those with the same dimensions of rows and columns).

Recall the equation that the product of A and any eigenvector of A must be equal to the eigenvector multiplied by the magnitude of eigenvalue:

A characteristic equation states that the determinant of the matrix, that is the difference between the data matrix and the product of the identity matrix and an eigenvalue is 0.

Both eigenvalues for the preceding matrix are equal to -2. We can use eigenvalues to substitute for eigenvectors in an equation:

Substituting the value of eigenvalue in the preceding equation, we will obtain the following formula:

The preceding equation can be rewritten as a system of equations, as follows:

This equation indicates it can have multiple solutions of eigenvectors we can substitute with any values which hold the preceding equation for verification of equation. Here, we have used the vector [1 1] for verification, which seems to be proved.

PCA needs unit eigenvectors to be used in calculations, hence we need to divide the same with the norm or we need to normalize the eigenvector. The 2-norm equation is shown as follows:

The norm of the output vector is calculated as follows:

The unit eigenvector is shown as follows:

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