Chapter 1. A Publishing Style Web CMS

The Alfresco Web Content Management is a next generation tool that allows organizations to rapidly create and more effectively maintain dynamic Internet, intranet, and extranet sites, enabling a shortened web development cycle, providing high returns on investment, and low cost of ownership. WCM manages the content and structure of websites, including the framework and navigation, as well as the creation, editing, approval, and publication processes. By using Alfresco you can implement web content management solutions with a scalable content repository: Web 2.0 AJAX-based user interface, flexible workflow, multi-language support, and a robust search engine.

This chapter provides an introduction to Alfresco WCM, outlining the benefits of using it for your enterprise's web content management requirements. It also introduces the new features of the Alfresco WCM.

In this chapter, you will learn about:

  • Alfresco WCM architecture
  • The Alfresco WCM model
  • Features of Alfresco WCM
  • Benefits

Good web content management pays big dividends

When an organization's management team is reviewing budgetary proposals, the price tag associated with a new computing solution often elicits one question: "Can't we avoid this expense?" The answer is obvious: you can continue to operate your websites without the benefit of a content management solution. However, the real question should be, "What is the cost of not making this purchase?"

Here are some factors to consider:

High labor costs and the shortage of qualified personnel

Finding and holding on to qualified employees can be a challenge. All the more a reason to make the most of each individual's skill set. A web content management solution that empowers content providers to post directly to a live site increases their productivity. By the same token, IT personnel who are not ensnared in the posting process are free to apply their skills and knowledge to more challenging tasks. Providing state-of-the-art tools helps promote positive attitudes while improving productivity, which can go a long way in retaining skilled personnel.

How long it currently takes to implement site changes

Does it take hours or even days to post new content on your websites? That's often far too long to leave outdated or incorrect information on a site. After all, the beauty of the Internet is providing target audiences with 24x7 access to all of the latest and greatest information. When a site becomes stale, users become disenchanted and are less likely to return. Recapturing a user's interest is far more difficult than maintaining it with fresh, personalized content.

Potential problems caused by erroneous or out-of-date postings

When new information doesn't get posted quickly, what does it cost your organization? In case of a publicly-traded company, incorrect financial postings can have serious consequences. Providing only accurate, timely product information can prevent misunderstandings that lead to customer dissatisfaction. Giving distributors and suppliers incorrect, out-of-date, or partial information can have a negative effect on your bottom line. The right web content management solution, one that is easy to use and maintain, will help ensure that your organization provides site visitors with reliable content.

Revenue losses attributable to an inability to respond

A website that cannot be scaled to meet a business' emerging needs is just as serious a problem as an inability to hire more people, move to a larger facility, or acquire additional suppliers. Revenue can be lost and the future of the organization diminished. Why take such chances, especially when websites are becoming central to doing business?

Competitive issues related to a lack of planning

Hiring an experienced webmaster allows an organization to use that individual's skills beyond day-to-day site maintenance. A knowledgeable individual can help review site architecture, assess future site requirements, and implement upgrades. These are valuable activities for growing organizations that want to remain competitive in today's rapidly changing economic environment. However, when the webmaster must operate as a "web page processor", the time and skills of this valuable resource cannot be fully utilized.

The right web content management solution can allow your organization to:

  • Make effective use of all internal resources
  • Slash the time required to implement site content changes or redesign a site
  • Ensure the availability of timely, accurate information
  • Scale its website to keep pace with organizational growth
  • Plan to accommodate new business initiatives and technological advances
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