The law of thought and leadership management

Section 1 The importance of following the law of thought and improving soft management

All thinking activities of human beings arise from three important consumption processes while no thinking activities are separate from them. It is the task of ideological and political work to guide people to unify the extremely complex thinking incurred during the three important consumption process to the correct thinking (sometimes wrong thinking), meanwhile help people to solve specific issues incurred for multiple reasons. The thinking issues are complex; we cannot deal with them with simple moralizing. We should observe thinking laws to solve new situations and issues incurred in the three important consumptions.

Ideological and political work is the legacy of our party and army. Every victory of our work is closely connected with strong and forceful ideological and political work. Resorting to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought, the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries enlightened the progressive proletariat and intellectuals, established the Communist Party, further increased the Party organization by deeply and extensively promoting Marxism-Leninism and relying on ideological and political work, led grandiose workers’ and farmers’ movements, set up the people’s army, and enhanced the army’s morale with an effective ideological and political work. Under suffering and difficult conditions, the Party fought with a strong will to seize the victory in the anti-Japan war and defeated Kuomingtang reactionaries. Mao Zedong (1987) said:

During the past fifteen years, our Party observed and will observe revolutionary and Bolshevistic tradition, which is orthodox in our Party, including everything good politically, organizationally and in working style, which is undeniable. Without this great tradition, our party won’t be sustained, united, and cemented and we won’t obliterate intra-Party mistakes, win revolutionary victory by fighting with the enemy and establish the Communist Party as the big one winning the trust of the people and different social classes… On the basis of People’s War and upon such principles as unity of army and people, commanders and soldiers and disintegration of enemy, People’s Liberation Army establishes its own strong and forceful revolutionary political work, which is an important factor for us to defeat the enemy.

Since the founding of New China, besides the correct route and policy, ideological and political work continues to play a very import role in gaining victory of the war to resist America and aid Korea and the socialist transformation. The unit of politics and economy, and politics and technology is undoubted and will remain so. This is loyal and professional. The word politics will still exist in the future. However, the meaning has changed. If we are always engaged in businesses and overlook ideological and political work, we will emerge as directionless economists and technicians, which is very dangerous. Ideological and political work serves economic fundamentals and ensures the completion of economic and technological work. However, ideology and politics are commander and soul. If we relax a little on ideological and political work, the economic and technological work will be led astray. Without the strong and forceful ideological and political work, the implementation and execution of correct routes and various policies will encounter enormous difficulty and resistance.

The ten-year turmoil of the Cultural Revolution misled people’s thought, with cases involving unjust, fake, and false charges piled up. The third plenary session of the 11th Chinese Central Committee began to rectify wrongful cases, systematically correct mistakes in various fields and adjust several policies, ideological, and political work to conform to the building of four modernizations in China. Because of the remaining ‘leftist’ influence, people don’t understand well the newly formulated policies catering to the development of new scenarios. Under such circumstances, it is very important to do good ideological and political work. Deng Xiaoping (2002) said:

We should put ideological and political work in a very important position, seriously do it well without relaxation. This work involves Party committees, management at various levels and each party member. We should be target-focused and careful in this work. In order to make this work popular with the masses, the most important factor is that each Party member, especially those serving in a leader’s position should start doing first themselves when this work involves the mobilization of masses. Therefore, in order to do good ideological and political work, we need to improve the Party’s leadership and the leadership system.

If we fail in ideological and political work, the correct policy of the Party’s central committee won’t be smoothly executed; the adjustment of the national economy and four modernizations won’t be smoothly realized. Therefore, ideological and political work is the lifeline for the development of the national economy and the realization of the four modernizations.

Existence determines ideology. Since thought, ideology, and politics emerge from certain economic fundamentals, ideological and political work, with the development of different economic rules, interests, and interrelations, different thought, ideology, and political views will unavoidably form their their own rules. Ideological politics emerging from socialist economic fundamentals and superstructure represents the fundamental interests of the broad masses. In the fight against capitalist ideological politics, proletarian ideological politics looms and forms its own rules. It has become a science to study and master its rules. In order to do good ideological and political work, we have to study the rule of ideological activity for the emergence of thought. When we apply this rule to the soft management of enterprise, we might get twice the result with half the effort.

Section 2 The law of ideological tendency of thinking activities

Materiality of thinking

Each thinking activity of man is a reflection in the brain of a certain form of the motion of matter. Since human beings are advanced animals, we are capable of initiative thinking, able to summarize, induct, and abstract to a certain extent. The concept is formed by analyzing, or integrating unfamiliar substances or the combination of both. What distinguishes the human from the animal is thinking capacity. Thinking is the most advanced mental activity with new form of quality. Human thought is the reflection of a certain social material culture in the brain’s thinking activity.

Since thinking and thought are a reflection of a certain form of matter, in class societies, people live at a certain rank of class and all ideas and thoughts are marked with the trait of that class. Ideas immune from the impact of class do not exist. Neither does the thinking above the support of materials.

Effects of thinking and thought on matter

Since thinking and thought exist in a certain motion of matter, a correct thought will strongly boost material development while an outdated, decayed, or wrong thought in a leading position can severely impact and hinder development. When the principle of steam was discovered, Watt, the famous scientist, inducted and carried out repeated experiments, and finally the steam engine was invented and its application boosted the rapid development of the material civilization of the whole society. Based on the discovery of the nature of lightening, Franklin inducted and carried out experiments many times to invent the lightening rod while the extensive application of electricity brought human beings into the electric era. There was the same enduring process for the discovery of the molecule, atom, and ion. Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong’s thought represented the advanced proletariat thought of human beings, which guided the proletariat class to transform the world and gain a significant victory. The victory of the October Revolution, China’s New Democratic Revolution and socialist revolution, is forceful proof of this.

Under general conditions, when a person is in a progressive mood, he will work efficiently; when a person bears a wrong thought or has a depressed or unhappy mood, his work efficiency will be relatively low. Therefore, thinking and thought are a reflection of a certain form of matter, and they can be used to affect matter at the same time – ‘matter transforms into spirit and spirit into matter’ to promote things to move forward continuously.

Thinking and thought of tended regularity

Thinking and thought are a reflection of a certain form of matter. The motion of a certain matter has its own regularity and tendency, which constitutes the characteristics of variety of matter and the difference between each. Since the motion of various matter has its own regularity and tendency, upon its reflection in human thinking and thought, the thinking and thought with regular tendencies comes into being. For example, when politics and economy are unstable or in a transformation stage, most people will tend to be waiting, expecting, and hesitating. In such a context, if people are not educated with correct thoughts and policies, the speed and anticipated effect of the overall revolution will be compromised. Therefore, the work of scenario education matters, which will be the first priority of leaders, tolerating no negligence.

When education on ideological politics tends to be neglected, the corrupted capitalist ideology and its culture and art will surely be flooded, poisoning Party members, cadres, and the innocent young generation. In such contexts, human thought was plagued, which damaged the Party. Faced with such a reality, we need to promote the correct advanced thought, forcefully propagandize righteous people and good deeds, carry out integrated education with typical good deeds, and inflict severe penalties on those who behave badly.

When the immediate interest of most people is involved, people’s minds tend to fluctuate. For example, in 1976 and 1979, the national government was determined to adjust salaries of 40–60% employees. However, 90% of people tended to raise their salary to a higher level. Before the official start of salary adjustment, smart leaders should take advantage of such a mindset, and send out a new call for ‘four modernizations’ in a timely manner. Most employees imposed stricter requirements on themselves and competed to complete various production tasks. To a certain extent, the analysis of such a mindset will always disclose the simplest fact: people need first to consider food, beverages, clothes, shelter, and transportation whatever the social consciousness is.

When the salary adjustment was officially started, the thinking and thought of people turned from the tendency of raising their salary to whether it could be realized. In such an environment, people tended to compare their advantages to others’ disadvantages, displaying unstable emotions. The main method of ideological and political work at this moment was to guide people to understand the meaning of the salary adjustment, treat themselves and others correctly, and understand the correct attitude they should have when their salaries couldn’t be raised. What was more important, the exemplary force of management at various levels was a force for ideological and political work. Each Party member should always keep in mind that the pioneering and exemplary functions of the Communist Party members are very important.

When the salary adjustment work basically ended, the thought of most people soon returned to a stable phase under the atmosphere of a solid thought foundation when the salary due to employees was adjusted. However, we should be clear that even a few irrational phenomena would cause dissatisfaction in some people.

Leaders should follow the necessary rules of the development of such an ideological activity. We need to face mistakes that occur at work bravely and patiently educate some people without correct thinking and offer aids to people in need. After some time, the thoughts of these people would gradually return to normal.

When activities of human thinking form a kind of mindset, another form of mindset is covered. Therefore, inexorable laws of the activity of thinking are applied to do ideological and political work so as to prevent thinking and thought from developing in an extreme direction. Materialistic dialectics is employed to solve problems. For example, at the stage of growing up, a person should encounter qualitative leaps physically and psychologically. Reason will be compromised by sensation. Relations of love and study could extend to the extreme and improper tackling of a love affair, which would severely impact study and work. Therefore, we need to guide young people to handle relations of love, marriage, study, and work correctly.

At a certain stage, the over focus on production efficiency of all employees would lead to production safety and normal operation of equipment being overlooked; when incidents of human injury and equipment damage were caused investigation of responsible persons was started; the mindsets of the employees would turn from focusing on production to the treatment of incidents, and employees would tend to be over-cautious and depressed and thus affect production efficiency. A correct handling of such a tendency required leaders to focus especially on production safety during a production boom, operate strictly by the rules, and educate employees to eliminate potential safety risks at the burgeoning state. In case of serious incidents, materialistic dialectics should be employed, clearly analyzing the cause and liabilities for the incident and immediately adopting remedying measures.

Section 3 Educate people with advanced culture and thought

Due to the unbalanced development status among different industries in various regions, Chinese people have different economic statuses. The advanced cultural ideology is fighting fiercely with all outdated thought every minute. If the thinking and thought of the public are left unrefined, people could lack a common language and will. During the periods of reform and opening up, and the emancipation of minds, economic restructuring is an arduous and complex task. We have seen many existing problems and will encounter many unanticipated problems. In order to complete this task and ensure the uniting of thought and actions, we have to strengthen and improve the ideological work effectively. Or else, the ideological turmoil is unfavorable for political stability. Once the advanced correct thought on behalf of people is mastered by the masses, it will become a material force to transform society and the world. Therefore, we should work hard on the following:

1. Strengthen the study of advanced theory. It is difficult for most people to study and extensively read basic theories. Therefore, most people should grasp the fundamental things of policy. We need to understand China’s existing policies, actual working experiences, and problems deeply through repeated discussions and guide people to discuss them intensively. Only in this way can we handle them well and use them to guide actual work.

2. In accordance with existing policies, study materialistic dialectics, which may deepen our understanding of the theoretical basis of existing policies, and at the same time help us gradually overcome and correct various erroneous ideas and thoughts.

3. Based on various wrong thoughts incurred in living consumption, scientific production consumption and social consumption, use materialistic dialectics to guide people to discussion to gradually overcome and rectify various wrongful thoughts.

4. Attach importance to theoretical study and elect a qualified theoretical supervisor to guide people to grasp essential points and explain them in simple way.

5. The leadership management should lead in study and promote the learning experiences of masses.

6. Improve various institutions for study (including part-time and amateur) and the learning system.

Section 4 Three important consumptions and ideological work

Living consumption, social consumption, and scientific research and production consumption are the most essential activities of human beings. Living consumption is essential for people to survive. Production consumption is an outcome of living consumption. During the whole process of living consumption, production consumption, and social consumption, different kinds of thoughts came into being. Even in communist society where social classes have been eradicated, there are still correct and wrong thoughts. Without living consumption, social consumption, and scientific research and production consumption, there won’t be any thinking and thoughts. Therefore, thought arises from living consumption, social consumption, and scientific research and production consumption and, at the same times, affects those three important consumptions. Ideological and political work will be carried out combined with the three important consumptions, and we need to correct wrong mindsets in time. Delayed correction will adversely impact the completion of the production task and product quality. For example, an employee who held an irresponsible attitude towards work because he was unsatisfied with his bonus produced a defective product. The relevant leader discovered it and held an incident analysis meeting that same night. The leader timely found out about that employee’s mindset and operational mistake and formulated correct measures. This correct method helped to raise the product eligibility rate from 50% to 85% and the task was completed beyond the quota.

Section 5 The general law of thinking by young people

As a general rule, young people think less and are apt to accept new things and be courageous, but at the same time they are immature and have less social experience. During the transformation from being a teenager to being a young person, a person will gradually grow mature physiologically. Their thinking about study, work, love, marriage, and so on at a certain stage will fill their whole mindsets.

Keeping company with good and talented people explains the huge influence of the environment on human beings and it is important in exerting deeper influence on the young.

In our country, we cultivate and educate the young generation with right advanced thinking. However, we need to clearly realize that the remaining feudal thought and corrupted thought of materialism poisoned the pure soul of young people like the plague. When serious facts are reflected in the brain of the young, the ideas and thoughts they form can be divided into four common tendencies:

1. Being diligent and hard working. We need more work in finding more efficient ways for the younger generation to master techniques to make great contributions to national development. During study and work, when love and marriage are touched upon, young people should think carefully and regard their career as the first priority. Some would take advantage of sincere love to promote study and work.

2. Being not so ambitious in study. Young people should seek to be self-sufficient and lead a stable and comfortable life by finding the right person to marry who has some skills.

3. Being arrogant and superficial. There are some people who are arrogant and superficial, particular about jobs, and rely on parental influence and superficial economic conditions.

4. Being corrupt. There are a few people who indulge in a corrupt capitalist life, empty-minded, seeking economic benefits by any means to satisfy themselves and their counterparts.

In study, work, love and marriage, young people tend to have ten kinds of thinking and thought:

1. Superficial, vain young people are impressed with appearance, beauty, wealth, and reputation, which is a biased aesthetic view.

2. A sober-minded young person will generally attach importance to inner beauty, industriousness, ambition, and love appearance and beauty but not pursue them too severely. They enjoy a harmonious family, work hard, and are active in work with little ideological fluctuation.

3. Some feel self-abased due to misfortune or suffering or severely impressed by the misfortune and suffering of others. These groups of people generally attach great importance to inner beauty and find a kind husband or wife with an active working attitude. Generally speaking, they don’t pay much attention to study and work, tend to stay silent and self-contained.

4. Some are innocent and immature. Boys or girls easily fall in love, generally in adolescence, and thus should be correctly guided so that they can hold the right attitude towards the world outlook and the relationships between life and work.

5. Pretty, sober-minded, and far-sighted girls are generally aggressive, smart in work, and simple in lifestyle, and very patient; they focus on finding talented, enterprising, industrious men with inner beauty to love; they like external beauty but don’t pursue it too strongly, while talented, sober-minded, practical, far-sighted, strong-willed men tend to find a pretty, sober-minded female to love.

6. Instant love is usually the beginning of first love. Although unfamiliar with each other, the two admire and respect each other (including personality and style). They have a good impression of each other, which is usually the starting point of recognition and friendship.

7. Isolated young people are always stubborn in their own personal opinions, usually silent, become very talkative when meeting someone conforming to their opinions, like to choose sincere, honest, and enterprising partners to love.

8. Persons rich in love usually have multi-level aesthetical values, and are radical. Their family is usually interested in economics and politics. They are talkative and outdo others in their intelligence and appearance. When the love affair is touched upon, they may think many others conform to their tastes. The second possibility is that they may soon select their favorite love, showing love and care. Outside, they usually show affection or love for other men or women. Third, rich love may make a person dislike the old while pursuing the new.

9. Young people who regard love as a sacrifice for selfish desire are not capable themselves. With regard to marriage, they would like to find a counterpart with influential family background, which may bring them political development or economic satisfaction.

10. People who are arrogant and unfortunate in love usually outdo others in intelligence and appearance, and enjoy skills and reputation. They don’t have a clear understanding of themselves, faltering in love and work. They place higher demands on love, forgetting the principle that everyone is not perfect. Therefore, they fail to find their Mr. or Ms Right. With the passage of time, they have to shoulder the consequences of love.

To sum up, adolescents usually have ten mindsets. Arrogance is the big enemy of love. Industriousness and loyalty makes the bridge of love, while fatuity is the mire of love. We should strengthen education about equality, dignity, and self-respect for the young, and severely criticize any behavior hurting others’ dignity while the serious violators should be punished and educated.

When we are engaged in the education of young people we should:

• forcefully promote the advanced model of young people in various fields, actively guide them, and make them develop on the right healthy track

• arrange the study of politics, business, and entertainment activities of young people to avoid ideological emptiness

• pay more attention to both ends, and influence the middle

• use the good as a roadmap helping the backward to catch up with the advanced and promoting the middle.

In this way, we can promote the enthusiastic, move those who are neutral forward, and let those who are resistant to change catch up.

Because of the prevailing pessimism and depression, and contempt for older people by backward young people, and the neutral mindset of others, we should be very patient when dealing with ideological and political work of neutral and resistant people. During the process of motivation and influence, we should be good at finding their achievements and advantages, detect very tiny progress they have made, and avoid attaching bias and sarcasm to them.

We should be good at dealing with the mindset of the individual according to four categories of tendency and ten thinking and thought rules. We should insist on opening one lock with one key. Let experience cultivate and educate the young with personal experiences. It has been proven that the aforesaid method is very effective.

Section 6 The law of thought under special conditions

When we encounter special circumstances during work and study, new thinking and thought activities are generated. Studying and grasping laws of thought under special circumstances, we can actively prevent the generation of negative factors and convert negative factors into active factors. It is necessary to study what kind of problems one encounters, at what age and what time, and what kind of thought is produced.

When people are sick, lying in bed, they hope that their relatives or friends will come to see them, and carefully watch others’ attitudes towards them to detect levels of concern about their illness. If the sick person is unmarried, they worry a lot about their future love, marriage, and so on. In these circumstances, their leaders and friends should visit them, help them solve problems, which will help the person who is ill to calm down and recover quickly, and make a contribution when returning to work. After returning to work, sick people easily accept criticism when making mistakes as they regard criticism as a kind of sincere care. If nobody cares about them when they are sick, they will then complain and hold negative attitudes towards work. It will be very insignificant to do ideological and political work then.

When people are praised, rewarded, and have succeeded in reform, joining the Party and Group or have been promoted, it is easy for them to become proud and conceited, which leads to them lagging behind. In such circumstances we should avoid such negative thinking at an earlier stage and carry out education with the dialectic method. When people are criticized, encounter setbacks, retaliate, fail in reform and innovation, join the Party or group, are not satisfied with promotion, mistreated in retirement, unsatisfied with work transfer, irritated by unreasonable job assignment, they will become annoyed, depressed, and complaining and abusing at work. It is said that difficulty and setback are the fate of humans. We should establish a real outlook on growth and maturity and regard setback and difficulty as the dynamics for moving forward.

When people are in trouble, have family difficulties, re unhappy with their children’s marriage, or if newly married, cannot afford an apartment, they easily become worried. In these cases leaders should make a family visit in person and help to solve the actual problems as best as they can.

People who like to do what they are good at, but are misused, will complain or get angry. Under such circumstances, the relevant leader should reflect the actual condition to the superior to shift the misused person to the right post. We need to guide and educate these kinds of people to correctly understand the complexities of things. It needs a process to solve problems. They should hold a positive attitude and adapt themselves to the new situation, help to facilitate their life and work so that they may change to like what they are engaged in, meanwhile, making contributions to national development and the well-being of human beings.

Section 7 Adhere to the guideline of coaching

One is apt to lose one’s reason when in radical activities of thought. One cannot think causal factors comprehensively since being stubborn about one’s opinion gets in the way, thus causing tension among family members, relatives, neighbors, classmates, colleagues, superiors, and subordinates. We should be serious in handling these contradictions.

During year-end festivals, couples quarrel since they are not rich enough to give cash to parents in economic difficulties in rural areas. Improper handling of such situations will cause severe consequences; for example, neighbors will quarrel or fight because of contradictions related to housing, land, water, electricity, or rumors. We should detect such contradictions in time and do ideological work early, stick to the reasoning method to persuade people; we should avoid contradictions escalating, adopt necessary administrative measures, be strict in criticism and education, and loose in seeking punishment.

Contradictions among colleagues are usually caused by rumor, mutual benefits, reputation, or work disagreements. We should educate employees to win awards and honors with legitimate effort, be immune to rumors, communicate and consult more regarding work disagreements, stick to problems of principle while they make concessions in tiny issues, and seek common ground while preserving tiny differences. Multiple reasons cause contradictions between superior and subordinate, cadre and masses; some result from the bad lifestyle of leaders while some result from the lack of abilities of leaders, who cannot meet the requirements of subordinates and masses.

These contradictions are universal and last for a long time. To solve these contradictions, leaders have to know people profoundly, rectify party style, and practice what they preach to people. Leaders should educate subordinates and masses to treat relations between immediate interests and long-term interests correctly. Leaders should bring good deeds to the masses in person; clarify reasons when something cannot be done in person, and take responsibility for organizing people to solve problems that can be settled with some effort.

Section 8 Care about people’s living consumption

Personal interests are reflected most evidently, intensively, and sensitively in one’s activities of thought, and are the most basic problems. Leaders are responsible for being representatives of the personal livelihood interests of people. Otherwise, various tasks and calls will not be accepted easily. During the revolutionary and warring age, the Communist Party educated and organized farmers to carry out the revolution. After the revolution, farmers were allocated housing and land. Wherever it is, our army will bring good deeds to people so that our army is popular with the public. The broad masses are ready to join the army to safeguard the fruits of revolution. During the revolution fight, they know the principle of making lifelong devotion to communism, and may stand the test of any hardships.

Mao Zedong once criticized those personnel who only focus on fighting while they neglect the livelihood of people, and pointed out that if we only mobilize people to fight without doing anything else, can we achieve the target of defeating the enemy? Of course not. We have to do lots of work in order to win. Lead the land struggle of farmers and allocate land to the farmer; enhance the labor enthusiasm of labor and increase farmers’ production; safeguard workers’ interests; establish cooperatives; develop foreign trade; and solve problems of clothes, food, shelter, daily necessity, disease, hygiene, and marriage issues related to farmers. All actual living issues related to the masses should be our concern. If we have noticed these issues, have them solved to meet needs of farmers, we can become true organizers of the farmers with them around us to support us. Comrades, till then, will we be capable enough to participate in the revolution? We will be fully capable till then.

It is because the revolution army led by the Communist Party truly cared about the living consumption of the masses that the masses really stand at the side of the People’s Liberation Army and finally won the victories of the New Democratic Revolution, Liberation War, and Socialist Construction.

If a leader doesn’t care to educate subordinates and broad masses, he cannot win their support and be a leader people will follow. For example, storing vegetables for winter in the northern part of China is the great concern of many people. If leaders manage to organize the purchase and transportation of vegetables to meet people’s needs of living consumption, people can keep their mind on work and production. People, of course, react positively to such kind of leaders.

Section 9 Moral education

Morals are a code of collective living and conduct, which stipulate the obligations of people, relations between people, and relations between people and society. No morals can exist without society. The moral is not an abstract concept. With the change in social formation and economic foundation, morals change as well. When the economic fundamentals of socialist public ownership are established, broad masses become masters of the country and then socialist morals of citizens are generated. To love our socialist country is the profound expression of the new psychology, so are integrity, loving labor, innovation spirit, strong will, generosity, national equality, equality among men and women, respect for the old with love for the young, and so on. Morals are a reflection of a certain economic fundamentals, which must serve the politics and economy of this society. Morals are ideological power to solidify the social system and make it develop more powerfully. The greatness of Lei Feng comes from his consistent pursuit of morals in his very short life; he had made common but great contributions to social affairs, setting for us a good example of pursuing the right social morals. Lei Feng is praised by the generations that followed him. Once his spirit was mastered by the broad masses, it turned into a material force to transform society. The force of social consciousness sometimes outnumbers the power of law and directives.

Right morals have significant effects on constructing socialist material and spiritual civilization. Ideological and political works have to pay adequate attention to moral education, beginning with the concept of honor, ‘five attentions and four beauties’, combined with learning deeds from Lei Feng and other social figures. A citizen should love our socialist country, the Chinese nation, be ready to serve broad masses and bring good deeds to the general public. Leaders and politicians should preach in person, setting personal examples. To educate others must start with the educator himself or herself. For example, don’t speak four-letter words; let the old, weak, and disabled take seats when taking the bus. If you do like this, the young will imitate you and the public will follow what you have preached; launch the campaign of the month for civilization and politeness, have comprehensive propaganda; moral leaders organize major activities and strive for marked achievements, set good examples, mobilize the public to learn, summarize and reward good deeds, forcefully promote good deeds and fine people, and gradually cultivate a socialist moral style.

Section 10 Style construction

Style as a reflection of the activities of thought

Chen Yun pointed out that the social style of the ruling party is related to the rising and falling of the controlling party. Meanwhile, the style of a unit or factory is directly related to the style of major leaders. As the saying goes that soldiers will follow the general while the grass will follow the direction of the wind. We will get a principle from this old saying that work styles of leaders have great influence on subordinates.

The power of a style

A style is a kind of silent order and power. The style of a team is determined by the style of the leader. The good style of a unit or factory is favorable for implementing the principles and policy of the Party, which will be confident of fulfilling its task and being brave to face the risk and difficulty, feel shameful for failing to complete the task. Or else, if they feel cowardly facing difficulty and risk, the order will lose power and function. For example, if a unit stops production because of loss of power for one hour, workers are willing to complete the task by voluntarily extending work hours for half an hour to finish their task. Because of mechanical problems, another unit stops production for 45 minutes. Workers left the production site, disobeying the order of leaders. Different styles have different effects.

The cultivation of a style

These are ways to cultivate a style:

1. Leaders teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction, and be strict with themselves and then other people.

2. Leaders promote good styles on every occasion, and criticize and correct wrong styles.

3. Leaders exercise good styles in practice, and are strict with rules. For example, we should highlight the attitude and discipline of completing tasks in case the implementation plan is not strictly abided to. We should have precise organization, strict requirements and discipline, and serious attitudes to implement organizational discipline.

4. The superior inspects the work of inferiors and their units, and especially the work style of leaders. The main method of solving problems starts with finding the causes from leaders. If we do this, we may possibly rectify an adverse style.

Section 11 Ideological education and strict requirements

We are all aware of the relationships between ideological education and strict requirements. However, two inclinations may emerge during actual work: when we attach importance to ideological work, we tend to think that ideological work is omnipotent. If we patiently work, anybody can be transformed. It is a bias; another scenario is that we tend to manage the economy through economic means while overlooking the function of ideological work. It is proven by practice that both tendencies are wrong. In order to make broad masses produce study and live in an order way, we need to require government, production leaders, and authority leaders to issue compulsory decrees. Without these administrative decrees, the social order cannot be maintained. This is commonsense to us all, which is complementary with solving internal contradictions among people with persuasion. Therefore, people in charge will hold on to advanced ideological and political work with the combination of strict requirements and law enforcement. Superiors criticize as severely as possible and punish as little as possible.

Section 12 Establish an ideological work net

Leaders at different levels are the backbones at work among the masses. They are hard cores of production, as well as the hard cores that ideological and political work depends on. If we can detect the mindset of people, we may achieve better effects in ideological work. Only when leaders and backbones conduct ideological work together, can ideological situations be grasped at any moment and problems solved in time. We build an ideological and political work net to solve contradictions by mutual respect, love, and help.

Section 13 The essence of ideological work

It is important to make clear that the essence of ideological work is to solve various ideological conflict. Materialistic dialectics holds that contradiction exists in everything. Therefore, in the ideological sphere, there is inevitably a series of contradictions, from living consumption, social consumption, scientific experiment consumption, and production consumption; there are contradictions. Without contradictions, social production and scientific experiment won’t exist and living consumption won’t be so colorful. The existence and development of contradictions promote the advance of social production and scientific consumption, and enhance the living standards of the masses. The influence of ideological work is to understand contradictions in a positive way, and to spur the productivity of consumption society to develop by leaps and bounds.

There are internal and external factors causing the transference and development of contradictions. The internal cause is the basis while the external cause is the condition of change. The external cause exerts its functions through the internal cause while the ideological work is the external cause. Therefore, in order to solve contradictions reasonably, we should grasp the internal factors of the contradiction. In this way, ideological work can be target-focused to deal with contradictions in a positive way.

The contradiction is universal as well as special. Therefore, we should differentiate when dealing with ideological work.

Section 14 Become skilled in the holistic method

For contradictions of universality, the work method of ‘open all locks with one key’ will be employed. Contradictions of universality are contradictions that have something in common. If this method is employed in dealing with these kinds of contradiction, these contradictions can be solved efficiently. For example, life and work are the most basic contradictions. If people are happy they can work efficiently; conversely, they will work at low efficiency in poverty and apathy if they are unhappy. Therefore, life has a direct influence on work. Meanwhile, work also has direct influence on living consumption. If we work well, enjoy a rich material life, the spiritual life will be fulfilling, and the material and spiritual life will correspondingly be enhanced. Therefore, as an ideological worker, we should make the care of people’s life as our first priority, mobilize the initiative of all employees, and promote the smooth progress of work. The smooth development of work will enhance the living standards of the masses, generating a virtuous circle. On the other hand, where there are work difficulties, we should inspire people to fight for happiness, ascend the career ladder, and work hard, getting rid of worrying and negative thoughts. If not, ideological work will become empty preaching, losing calling force.

Under the condition of a socialist market economy, contradictions between collective interests and personal interests are universal. No group can get rid of this kind of contradiction. Not properly solved, it will adversely influence work. In order to solve this contradiction, we mainly use materialistic, spiritual, cultural, and information forces to mobilize the work initiative of people. Meanwhile, we should help people to hold a noble world outlook to broaden horizons so that personal and regional interests should give way to collective and overall interests. Finally, the collective interests will defeat personal interests, and we will work hard to make contributions to the development of our country, which is a strategic view.

As a member of a group, we should also build the noble collective outlook. Or else, we will be restricted in a little personal space to achieve nothing. With regard to Sanzhu Corporation, the unconventional fissionlike rapid development in the economic tide is closely attached to the noble outlook of each employee. Since the establishment of the company, we constantly base ourselves on dedication; hold four banners of compatriotism, devotion, hard work, and frugality; regard the promotion of high-tech products and transferring them into social productivity as personal responsibilities and missions; and attach equal importance to social interests and economic interests. As a result, the meaning of an enterprise is enhanced and the senses of responsibility and mission of employees are strengthened. We, therefore, automatically get rid of some narrow ideological concepts and effectively reinforce the professionalism of the staff. The unity of national interests, collective interests, and personal interests has become the mainstream of the enterprise’s thought. During the process of three important consumption processes, 157,000 working staff made solid friendships, which deserves lifelong remembering.

The method of ‘open all locks with one key’ also manifests itself in how to grasp principal contradictions, by virtue of the fact that principal contradictions determine the development of things, and that once principal contradictions are settled, other contradictions can consequently be solved. Therefore, we need to grasp principal contradictions in dealing with ideological work. Generally speaking, when the immediate interests of most people are involved, they will become the principal contradictions there and then. Ideological and political work should start from the principal contradictions. For example, when the decision of the salary adjustment of some employees is made, it will soon become a principal contradiction. The ideological personnel should actively carry out work by following this principal contradiction.

The contradiction will vary in different stages of salary adjustment: prior to salary adjustment, most employees look forward to salary rise; therefore, they set stricter requirements of themselves and are active in work. At that moment, the focus of ideological work is correctly guiding people to know deeply the meaning of the salary adjustment, correctly treating oneself and others, displaying the exemplary force of management, educating the public with action and stabilizing emotions of the masses to ensure the normal progress of production and work.

When the salary adjustment is finished, the focus of ideological work is to do well channeling and loosening ‘deadlock’. We need to realize deeply and recognize bravely the mistakes in work and rectify them. We need to patiently and fully educate and offer help to those employees who cannot correctly realize the meaning of salary adjustment for their actual difficulties so that their burden may be alleviated, their spirit lifted, and they will work to realize the meaning of the salary adjustment without any negative side effects. In summary, with the development and change of contradiction, we need to note that mental labor and physical labor cannot be effectively combined and their initiatives won’t be displayed with only simple institutions and discipline.

Section 15 Become skilled in the work method of ‘one key to open one lock’

Principles of ideological work include listening, channeling, and leading. We need to put ourselves in others’ shoes and adopt reverse thinking to lead employees to look forward and unite various thought towards a common goal. We need to respect personality and the rights of humans, attach importance to equality and democracy, and avoid being bullish.

The contradiction is universal as well as unique. We need to adopt the method of opening all locks with one key to solve contradictions of universality. Contradictions of individuality are contradictions that have their own individuality at different development stages for different groups. An ancient saying goes ‘each family has its own difficulty’, which refers to the specialty of contradiction. We need to adopt different measures to solve different contradictions. Sanzhu Corporation’s development also brings us many contradictions. Ideological chaos and work passivity will be caused without strong and forceful ideological work to influence the development of the company. Our rapid development lies in the fact that we do ideological and political work from various aspects. For example, when the company is initially established, some management rapidly grows in practice; meanwhile, such vicious mindsets as conceitedness and pride came out. We issue an article on the relationship between talents and the stage.

We assert the importance of talents on starting business and explain in theory and practice that talents need a stage to display them. Without a stage, talents will fulfill nothing. Meanwhile, we call employees to study this article and circulate it in various meetings. Therefore, we correct arrogant thought to ensure the healthy growth of our team. In order to assert micro interests, I focused on explaining the dialectic relations of micro interests and macro interests, emphasized the importance of macro interests on the development of capital, and thus corrected the wrong idea of splitting and sharing all the profit among employees.

Section 16 Emphasize ideological work for intellectuals

Intellectuals are a special group with a unique life and value concept, especially since they have been used to a lifelong income without crisis since they originally worked in institutions and state-owned units. Facing a performance-based distribution mode and work method in Sanzhu, a private company, they needed time to get used to it. Therefore, we needed to adopt a special method to deal with the ideological work of intellectuals. Sanzhu Corporation is a centralized place for intellectuals. Here, 90% of managers boast of an academic degree above college level, and they are the business backbone and hope for the enterprise to explore new markets. If the ideological work cannot catch up, it is a waste of talent as well as internal consumption of the enterprise. Some state-owned enterprises cannot function well, not because of a talent deficiency but because they don’t attach much importance to the ideological work of the intellectual. Therefore, since the establishment of our company, we regard talents as the priority of priorities and attach great importance to the ideological work of intellectuals.

The key to ideological and political work of intellectuals does not lie in preaching, but in action. First of all, we must respect them for their personality. The spirit of not succumbing to a bowl of rice among ancient intellectuals still prevails in the intellectuals of today. Therefore, we need to respect their personality and adequately confirm their life values and labor to make them realize their life value during labor. At present, the whole society considers talents are our treasure. However, such kinds of treasure are not rewarded in social status. But here in our company, we really treat talents as treasure.

Second, we care for intellectuals especially when it comes to living consumption, and know what miseries intellectuals go through and try to solve them. Generally speaking, most intellectuals lack social communication skills since they are more engaged in their profession. Therefore, they tend to encounter more living difficulties. Under such circumstances, it becomes very important to be concerned and care for them. Instead of coming from ritual, this care comes from being treated like our relatives, a sincere love. In this way, they will really think that they are one of us instead of just being an employee, and will display initiative as masters of the company. Therefore, I have done a lot in caring for the lives of employees, in particular experts, ranging from finding jobs for their family members, family telephone installations, and balcony allocations.

All these are my concern. I also provide cash aid to facilitate their work and reduce their worries about living expenses. In this way, they will display their full talents during work, and honor the enterprise. Besides, the principle of distribution according to work should be strictly observed. We should not be afraid of income gaps with people devoting more work getting more payment, less work, less payment. Sometimes the income difference can be three times or five times. In this way, people devoting more time to work will become much happier and people devoting less time to work won’t complain either.

The impact on intellectuals by ideological and political workers is tremendous. In Sanzhu Corporation, I regard it as fundamental that the company takes resources from society and must make contributions to society in return. All behaviors of the company start from devotion, such as delivering relief products to old soldiers and advocating the establishment of a caring fund. We educate all employees to carry out work in accordance with the law and regard ‘dedication to society’ as our motto, which encourages the intellectuals a lot and creates the best stage for them to realize their own values. In such circumstances, if we do ideological work in detail and with care, all problems can be solved.

In summary, ideological work, which is universal as well as special, is very necessary. If the ideological works can be faithful to fact, the purpose of ideological work can be realized.

Generally speaking, all thoughts of ideological activities are reflections of matter, the product of internal and external activities of matter, the three important consumption processes, which are contradictory as well as interconnected, and have different stages and activities. Besides, they have their own rules. These units of opposites and struggles among different matters and in different stages are internally connected and follow some necessary rules. These units of opposites and struggles will be reflected in the thoughts formed in our mindsets and follow some regularity. We study these rules in order to master and use them.

When we mastered different rules of thinking in different spaces, time, and conditions, various thoughts will necessarily arise. Then we can be deal with ideological work. During the process of study, we should pay attention to universality and individuality, which requires us to master the inner psychological activities. It is an important ideological and working method for us, which prevents us from making various mental and metaphysical mistakes and helps us eliminate subjectivism and bureaucracy. This is one of the reasons why we explore ideological activities and the generation of ideological rules.

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