Model Question Papers

These are a few model question papers in which 70 marks are assigned for the theory paper while 30 marks are assigned to project/field work.


Total marks –70

Time – 3 hours

1.Answer the following questions:

1 x 10

  1. What are the components of environment?
  2. What is soil?
  3. What does the term biological resource mean?
  4. In which year was the Earth Summit held?
  5. What is a food web?
  6. What is the permissible limit of lead in drinking water?
  7. What is the full form of SPCB?
  8. What is fly ash?
  9. What is the name of the disease caused in human beings due to asbestos?
  10. Which gas is both harmful and beneficial to life on earth?

2.Answer the following questions:

2 x 5

  1. What do you mean by habitat?
  2. What is soil?
  3. What is biodiversity?
  4. What is biomagnification?
  5. What is sustainable development?

3. Answer any four of the following questions:

5 x 4

  1. What is acid rain?
  2. What is noise pollution?
  3. What is Chipko movement?
  4. What is organic farming?
  5. What is eutrophication?
  6. What are environmental ethics?

4. Answer any three of the following questions:

3 x 10

  1. Write the composition of atmosphere.
  2. What is Greenhouse Effect? What are the major gases responsible for the same?
  3. What is waste? How can it be converted to wealth?
  4. Write a note on sanitary landfilling of solid waste explaining its merits and demerits.
  5. Differentiate between Polluter Pays Principle and Beneficiary Pays Principle.

Total marks - 70

Time - 3 hours

1. Answer the following questions:

1 x 10

  1. Who wrote Silent Spring?
  2. Name the components of the biosphere.
  3. Name the different types of ecological (Eltonian) pyramids.
  4. Which layer of the atmosphere is also known as ozonosphere?
  5. What is PAN?
  6. What is lotic water?
  7. What is a wetland?
  8. What is ex-situ conservation?
  9. What are fossil fuels?
  10. What are the major components of soil?

2.Answer the following questions:

2 x 5

  1. What is surface water?
  2. What is meant by the word ‘resource’?
  3. What is BOD?
  4. What is trophic level?
  5. Name the two main causes of eutrophication.

3. Answer any four of the following questions:

5 x 4

  1. What is marine water pollution?
  2. What are the characteristic structural changes noticed in the human body affected from fluorosis?
  3. Differentiate between HIV and AIDS.
  4. Explain the need for value education.
  5. Write a short note on Narmada Bachao Andolan.
  6. Write a short note on mushroom cultivation.

4. Answer any three of the following questions:

3 x 10

  1. Explain the impact of environment on human health.
  2. What is ISO 14000?
  3. Explain the necessity of Environmental Impact Assessment.
  4. What is smog? Explain in detail.
  5. What is rain water harvesting? Explain the main techniques of rain water harvesting.

Total marks - 70

Time - 3 hours

1. Answer the following questions:

1 x 10

  1. What is biofertilizer?
  2. Explain the term afforestation.
  3. What is organophosphorous insecticide?
  4. Define biopesticide.
  5. Name the gases that cause ozone depletion.
  6. Define the term dendrothermal energy.
  7. What is hazardous waste?
  8. Where and when did the last tsunami occur?
  9. Name two ecological hotspots of India.

2. Answer the following questions:

2 x 5

  1. What is the role of blue-green algae in the nitrogen cycle?
  2. What are the diseases caused by heavy metal poisoning?
  3. Name the landslide prone areas of India?
  4. Write two points of difference between urban environment and natural environment?
  5. What is tsunami?

3. Answer any four of the following questions:

5 x 4

  1. Explain the different methods of timber extraction.
  2. Explain the impact that dams have on forests as well as tribal people.
  3. What do you mean by green manuring?
  4. State the importance of wetlands.
  5. Write a short note on generation of electricity from waste.
  6. Explain how an individual can contribute in the prevention of pollution.

4. Answer any three of the following questions:

3 x 10

  1. What do you mean by the term biomedical waste? Write a note on the options that are recommended for the treatment of different varieties of biomedical wastes.
  2. Write a short note on recycling of plastic.
  3. Give a brief description of the useful functions of forest resources.
  4. Differentiate between ex-situ and in-situ conservation.
  5. What are endemic species? Write a note on measures taken to preserve endemic species.

Total marks - 70

Time - 3 hours

1. Answer the following questions:

1 x 10

  1. What do you understand by the term contaminant?
  2. What is biofuel?
  3. What is a biome?
  4. What is ocean thermal energy?
  5. What is a pollutant?
  6. What is the full form of DDT?
  7. Name a source of fly ash.
  8. Where is the Silent Valley situated?
  9. What is MIC?
  10. What is temperature inversion?

2. Answer the following questions:

2 x 5

  1. Name three main effects of disaster.
  2. What are the effects of acid rain?
  3. What is BOD?
  4. Define secondary producer in a food chain.
  5. What does the term endangered species mean?

3. Answer any four of the following questions:

5 x 4

  1. Briefly discuss about the alternative sources of energy.
  2. What is carrying capacity?
  3. What is bioremediation?
  4. Briefly discuss about environmental protection laws.
  5. What is an inverted pyramid?
  6. Differentiate between a wasteland and a wetland.

4. Answer any three of the following questions:

3 x 10

  1. What is earthquake? What steps should be followed for mitigating the damage caused by earthquakes?
  2. How does energy flow through an ecosystem?
  3. Write a short note on arsenic pollution.
  4. Write a short note on different methods that can be employed for control of noise pollution.
  5. Write a short note on photochemical smog.

Total marks- 70

Time - 3 hours

1. Answer the following questions:

1 x 10

  1. What is Gross Primary Productivity?
  2. What is the full form of SPCB?
  3. What are the present day numbers of sanctuaries of India?
  4. What is the percentage of tribal people displaced as a result of dam-building?
  5. Name two pollutants of automobile exhaust.
  6. When did the supercyclone occur in Orissa?
  7. What do you mean by the term ‘Human Resource’?
  8. What is PAN?
  9. Name two tiger projects of India.

2. Answer the following questions:

2 x 5

  1. Mention two sources of lead pollution.
  2. What are the basic differences between in-situ and ex-situ cultivation?
  3. What is albedo?
  4. What is an aquifer?
  5. What was the main objective of the Earth Summit?

3. Answer any four of the following questions:

5 x 4

  1. Define ecological niche.
  2. What is Chernobyl disaster?
  3. What are the main causes of drought?
  4. Define population explosion.
  5. Write a short note on EIA.
  6. Classify different types of fresh water ecosystem.

4. Answer any three questions of the following:

3 x 10

  1. Write about the role that biogeochemical cycles play in nature.
  2. What do you mean by environmental ethics? What role do they play in getting rid of environmental hazards?
  3. Write a note on fluoride pollution.
  4. What do you mean by emission trading?
  5. Write a note on consumerism and waste products.
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