Appendix IV

Important Abbreviations

CAZRI—Central Arid Zone Research Institute

CEC—Council on Environment Quality

CFC—Chlorofluoro carbon

CITES—Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

CPCB—Central Pollution Control Board

DNES—Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources

EIA—Environmental Impact Assessment

ENVIS—Environmental Information System

EPA—Environmental Protection Agency

EPC—Environmental Protection Council

FAO—Food & Agricultural Organization

GEF—Global Environment Facility (Funds)

GEMS—Global Environmental Monitoring System

IAEA—International Atomic Energy Agency

ICRAF—International Council for Research in Agro-Forestry

IIED—International Institute for Environment & Development

IUCN—International Union for Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources

MAB—Man & Biosphere Programme

MINAS—Minimal National Standards

NAWDF—National Afforestation & Wastelands Development Fund (For Greener India)

NCEP—National Committee on Environmental Planning

NCEPC—National Committee on Environmental Planning & Coordination

NEPA—National Environmental Policy Act (1969)

NLUWDC National Land Use & Wasteland Development Council

NWDB—National Wasteland Development Board

SACEP—South Asia Cooperative Environmental Programme

SCOPE—Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment

SPCB State Pollution Control Board

UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment & Development, also called ‘Earth Summit 1992’

UNEP—United Nations Environment Programme

WCED—World Commission on Environment & Development

WCS—World Conservation Strategy

WHO—World Health Organization

WMO—World Meteorological Organization

WWF—World Wide Fund for Nature-India

WRI—World Resources Institute (Washington DC, USA)

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