

abba dabba search, 389391

adaptive Monte Carlo integration, 54, 496

adaptive quadrature, 4447, 52

adaptive techniques, 47, 469, 478

AdaptiveGridIntegration program, 47, 48, 496

AdaptiveMidpointIntegration sample program, 4446

AdaptiveTrapezoidIntegration program, 46

AddEntries method, 109, 506, 508

adding values

AVL trees, 278281

B-trees, 288289

2-3 trees, 283284


sparse matrices, 106107, 109, 505508

triangular arrays, 109, 504

addressing, open, 172174, 182, 183, 480, 514

Adelson-Velskii, G. M., 278. See also AVL t rees

adjacent nodes, 326, 327, 328

Adleman, Leonard, 412

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 398, 409410, 411, 416

after_me, 6162

age of brother, interview puzzle, 467, 475, 553554

agreement, consensus problem, 456

AIDS, Folding@home project, 439

airline connectivity matrix, 9495, 97

algorithmic concepts, summary, 477486

algorithm basics, 477478

arrays, 479

balanced trees, 482

complexity theory, 485

cryptographic algorithms, 484485

decision trees, 482483

distributed algorithms, 485486

hash tables, 480

interview puzzles, 486

linked lists, 478

network algorithms, 483484

numeric algorithms, 478

queues, 479

recursion, 480481

searching algorithms, 480

sorting algorithms, 479480

stacks, 479

string algorithms, 484

trees, 481482


approach, 2

basics, 123

exercises, 2023, 487490

summary of concepts, 477478

behavior, 2, 477

confusing, 6

correctness, 6, 477

data structures compared to, 3, 22, 477, 489

defined, 1, 3

efficiency, 7, 477

features, 67, 477

groupings, 2

intuitive approach, 2

maintainability, 6, 477

memory requirements, 2, 477

performance characteristics, 19

speed, 2, 477

themes, 2

all-pairs shortest paths, 345350, 353, 483, 534

alphabets, special, 397

Alzheimer's, Folding@home project, 439

ancestors, 228, 230

AngleSnowflake example program, 516

animal game, 256258, 274, 482, 521522

annealing, simulated, 314, 320, 321, 483

antiderivative, of function, 42

Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C (Schneier), 416

approximate routing, 200

arithmetic expressions. See expressions

Array class, BinarySearch method, 163

array packing, 91, 95, 479

arrays, 83109. See also one-dimensional arrays; sparse arrays; three-dimensional arrays; triangular arrays; two-dimensional arrays

Via, 346349, 353, 534

associative, 170

basic concepts, 8386

circular, 125126, 128, 479

complete binary trees in, 139140, 144, 145, 161, 236237

defined, 83, 479

Distance, 346, 348, 349, 534

exercises, 108109, 501509

graphical representations, 84

higher dimension, nonzero lower bounds, 9194

linked lists compared to, 56, 59

median of, 8788, 108, 501502

nonzero lower bounds, 8991, 108, 479, 511

queues compared to, 108

queues in, 124127

randomizing, 3133

rectangular, 109, 503

reversing, 117

scratch, 154

slice_size, 9394

sorting algorithms, summary of characteristics, 159160

special-purpose, 83, 108

stacks compared to, 108

stacks in, 113115

summary of concepts, 479

systolic, 436438, 446, 462, 485, 547

tetrahedral, 109, 503504

Array.Sort, 1819

Arrays.sort library method, Java, 152, 155

art gallery problem, 429

ASCII characters, 66

associative arrays, 170. See also hash tables

asymptotic performance, 7, 9, 18, 145

atmospheric noise, 26

attack, retreat. See consensus problem

augmenting paths, 369, 370, 373, 376, 484, 535

average, one-dimensional arrays, 8688

AVL trees

adding values, 278281

defined, 278, 482

deleting values, 281282

exercises, 293294, 524525

inventors, 278


backlinks, 369370, 373

back-of-the-envelope calculations, 467, 472

backtracking algorithms, 201203. See also chess

balanced trees, 277295

defined, 277

exercises, 293295, 524530

kinds, 277

node splits, 283284, 291, 482

O(log N) time, 277, 281282, 293

pictures, 277


left, 279281, 524525

right, 278281, 524525, 526

summary of concepts, 482

tall, thin trees, 147, 148, 233, 247, 271, 277, 283, 287, 293

bank examples

multiheaded queue, 129, 510

snapshot, 460

baseballs, in school bus, 467, 471

Beginning XML, 5th Edition (Fawcett, et al), 236

behavior, of algorithms, 2, 477

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC), 439

BGP. See byzantine generals problem

bias concept

biased coin, 2931, 52, 491

biased dice roll, 478, 491

biased PRNG, 29

defined, 29, 478

exercises, 52, 491

fairness from biased sources, 3031

Big O notation

complexity theory, 420421

described, 711, 477

log bases, 12, 14, 233

Big Omega notation, 420

Big Theta notation [Θ(g(N))], 420421

bin packing, 318, 417, 429

bin sort. See bucketsort algorithm

binary node class, 234235

binary search

described, 165166, 169, 480

exercise, 168, 513

speed, 167

binary trees


in arrays, 139140, 144, 145, 161, 236237

B-trees, 287

defined, 230

sorted, 1213

defined, 230

facts, 232

fat, 233

properties, 231233

sorted, 248, 250, 271, 278, 283

BinarySearch example program, 513

BinarySearch method, 163

bipartite detection problem, 432, 542543

bipartite matching, 371, 426

bipartite network, 371, 376, 537

bitwise XOR operator, 408, 409, 410

block ciphers, 408411, 484

Blowfish, 398

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing), 439

book copies to five people example, 3233, 52, 491492

bottleneck traveling salesman problem, 429. See also traveling salesman problem

bottom-up B-tree, 291

Boyer-Moore algorithm, 377, 388391, 394, 484

boys/girls, percentage in population, 475, 555556

brainstorm, interview puzzles, 470

branch and bound technique, 309310, 318, 320, 321, 323, 432, 483, 531

branches, 227228, 230, 481

breadth-first traversal, 334335, 342, 350, 355, 483

BreakLoopHashtable sample program, 7475

BreakLoopMarking sample program, 73

BreakLoopTortoiseAndHare example program, 500

brother's age, interview puzzle, 467, 475, 553554

Brownian motion, 26

brute-force, 299, 388, 389, 396, 410, 432, 448

B+trees, 291293, 295, 530

B-trees, 287290

defined, 287, 482

exercises, 294295, 528530

top-down, 291, 482

variations, 291293

bubblesort algorithm

characteristics, 159

comparison, 159160

described, 135138, 479

exercises, 160161, 511

improvements, 137138

Bubblesort example program, 511


B-trees, 287, 291, 292, 295, 528

bucketsort, 157159

hash table with chaining, 171172

bucketsort algorithm

characteristics, 160

comparison, 159160

described, 157159, 480

exercises, 161, 432, 511, 512, 513, 542

parallelism, 480

bully algorithm, 458459, 463, 550

byte streams, 399

byzantine generals problem (BGP), 453455, 457, 485


Caesar, Julius, 404

Caesar substitution, 404405, 406, 407, 416, 417, 541

cafeteria plates, stack of, 111112

calculus, 42, 46, 49

call stack, 187

call tree, 146, 147, 154, 188189

cancers, Folding@home project, 439

capacitated network, 368370, 376


defined, 327

residual capacities, 369370, 373, 376

residual capacity networks, 369370, 373, 376, 448, 535


interview puzzles, 486

poker program, 52, 492

randomization, 31, 52, 478, 492

Carmichael numbers, 53, 494495

CarmichaelNumbers example program, 495

carpet, Sierpinski, 201, 224, 517518

cells. See also linked lists

adding, 56

at beginning, 5960

at end, 6061

defined, 55, 478

deleting, 6263

DPUs, 436438

FindCellBefore algorithm, 5859

finding, 5758

InsertCell algorithm, 6162, 64, 6566, 69, 81, 498500

IntegerCell class, 5556

marking, 7274

sentinels, 5859, 478


described, 171172, 480

sorted, 480, 513, 514

Chaining example program, 513

Chandy, K. Mani, 460

Chandy/Misra solution, 451, 462, 548

checkers, 298


eight queens problem, 203206, 208, 223, 224, 322, 518

game tree, 202, 298, 300, 302, 303

heuristics, 304

knight's tour problem, 206209, 216, 223, 225, 518

child node, 228, 230

chimneys in Detroit, interview puzzles, 471

Chinese postman problem, 429


block, 408411, 484

Caesar substitution, 404405, 406, 407, 416, 417, 541

column transposition, 401403, 409, 417, 541

Feistel, 410411, 416

one-time pads, 404, 408, 418, 484, 541, 542

route, 403404

row/column transposition, 399401, 402, 417

simple substitution, 404, 407408

substitution, 404408, 416

substitution-permutation network, 409410, 416

transposition, 399404, 409, 417, 484

Vigenère, 405407, 408, 411, 416, 417, 541

ciphertext, 398

circular arrays, 125126, 128, 479

circular linked lists, 7172

circular queue, 125127

CircularQueue sample program, 126127


Array class, BinarySearch method, 163

complexity theory, 421424

heap and, 237

IntegerCell, 5556

node class, 328332, 483

tree nodes, 234236

clique, 430

clique cover problem, 430

clock puzzles, 467, 475

clock synchronization, 460461, 463464, 486


defined, 480

primary, 175177, 178

secondary, 177, 179

clusters, 439, 446. See also distributed environments

coin flips, fair, 3031, 52, 478, 491

collision, 170

collision-resolution policy, 170, 173, 174, 480

column transposition cipher, 401403, 409, 417, 541

column-major mapping, 8485

column-ordered sparse matrices, 107

combinations. See selections

comments, pseudocode, 4

commutative, edit distance algorithm, 396, 540

complete binary trees. See binary trees

complete trees

building, 236237

defined, 12, 229, 230

complexity theory, 419433. See also NP; P

Big O notation, 420421

bipartite detection problem, 432, 542543

bipartite matching, 371, 426

classes, 421424

detection problem, 427429, 432, 433, 485, 542543, 546

DTIME, 422, 485

exercises, 432433, 542547

EXPTIME, 423, 485

mergesort algorithm, 419

N log N sorting, 419420

NEXPTIME, 423, 485


NTIME, 423, 485

optimization problem, 427429, 482, 485

quicksort algorithm, 420421


described, 424425, 485

polynomial-time reductions, 424, 425, 426, 431, 432, 433, 485, 544

reporting problem, 427429, 433, 485, 546

subset sum problem, 427, 428, 431

summary of concepts, 485

3SAT problem, 321322, 425, 431

composite numbers, 36, 41, 53. See also Carmichael numbers

computational complexity theory. See complexity theory

computers. See also distributed algorithms

clusters, 439, 446

DFAs, 381386, 394, 395, 396, 421, 484, 537, 538, 539

distributed computing, 436, 438440, 446, 462, 485

flops, 439

grid computing, 439440, 446, 462

multiple cores, 435, 440, 446, 462, 485

multiple CPUs, 155, 432, 438439, 440, 449, 485

NFAs, 386387

nondeterministic, 421422, 423, 424, 445, 485

quantum computing, 435, 446, 485

Turing machines, 421422, 424, 425

virtual, 381, 439, 484

confusing algorithms, 6

congruential generators, linear, 2629

connected components, networks, 326, 327, 335, 336337, 351, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 532

connectivity matrix, airline, 9495, 97

connectivity testing, 335337, 350, 483

consensus problem, 455458, 486

ContainsDuplicates, 10, 15, 20

contention, 448

cookie examples, 30, 31

Cook-Levin theorem, 424

CopyEntries method, 109, 505, 508

copying linked lists, 6768

cores, multiple, 435, 440, 446, 462, 485

correctness, algorithm feature, 6, 477

costs, links, 326, 327, 328, 329, 338, 340, 342, 344

Cotes formulas. See Newton-Cotes formulas

counting combinations, eight queens problem, 204

counting permutations

with duplicates, 214

without duplicates, 216

countingsort algorithm

characteristics, 160

comparison, 159160

described, 156157, 480, 542

exercises, 161, 432, 511, 512

CountTicTacToeBoards example program, 530531

CPUs. See computers

Cracking the Coding Interview (McDowell), 474

creativity, interview puzzles, 465, 466, 467, 468, 472

critical-thinking ability, interview puzzles, 465, 468, 472

cryptanalysis, 398

cryptographic algorithms, 397418. See also ciphers

exercises, 417418, 540542

RSA algorithm, 412415, 416, 417, 418

summary of concepts, 484485

cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators. See CSPRNGs



defined, 398

linear congruential generator, 2629

defined, 397

digital signatures, 415416


AES, 398, 409410, 411, 416

Blowfish, 398

defined, 398

DES, 411, 416

public-key, 412413, 415, 416, 485

symmetric-key, 412415

unbreakable encryption scheme, 418, 542

GCDs, 33

goal, 398

hash values, 415

hieroglyphics, 397

history, 397398

large exponentiation, 35, 36

obscurity, 397, 398, 399, 415, 540

online information, 416

other uses, 415416

prime numbers, 37, 39, 40

quicksort, 19, 152

scytale method, 397, 399

security through obscurity, 397, 398, 399

terminology, 398399

crystals, 314

CSPRNGs (cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators)

described, 2829, 31

disadvantages, 29

unbreakable encryption scheme, 418, 542

cubes, 2122, 488489. See also dice rolls

curves. See specific curves

cutting stock problem, 318319

cycle detection, 359

cycles. See also networks; tortoise-and-hare algorithm

defined, 326, 327

Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm, 78

Hamiltonian, 430, 433, 543, 544, 545

loops, 328, 332

odd-cycle problem, 432, 543

three-cycle problem, 432, 542543


Data Encryption Standard (DES), 411, 416

data parallelism, 436, 440

data processing units (DPUs), 436438

data structures

algorithms compared to, 3, 22, 477, 489

defined, 3

interview puzzles, 469

numerical algorithms, 52

dead beef, 466

deadlock, 444445, 450, 451, 462, 485


distributed algorithms, 446447

parallel algorithms, 485

decision trees, 297323. See also heuristics

bin packing, 318

cutting stock problem, 318319

enormity, 297298

exercises, 322323, 530532

game trees

defined, 482

heuristics, 303305, 482

initial moves and responses, 302303, 482

minimax strategy, 298302, 322, 482

Reversi game, 304305

tic-tac-toe, 298303, 322, 531

interview puzzles, 469

knapsack problem, 319320

optimization problems, 482

partition problem, 305317, 319, 320, 321, 323

SAT problem, 321322

subset sum problem, 317318

summary of concepts, 482483

TSP, 320321

declaration, 4, 5

decryption. See cryptography


defined, 231, 327

in-degree, 326, 327, 328, 375, 535

out-degree, 326, 327, 328, 375, 535

degree-constrained spanning tree, 430

deleting cells, 6263

deleting values

AVL trees, 281282

B-trees, 289290

sorted trees, 248250

sparse arrays, 104105

2-3 trees, 284287

depth, node/tree, 229, 231

depth-first traversals, 243244, 256, 272, 331334, 335, 350, 355, 483, 520

deques (double-ended queues), 127128, 129, 479, 510

Dequeue, 123127

derivative, of function, 46, 49, 50

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 411, 416

descendants, 228, 231

detection problem, 427429, 432, 433, 485, 542543, 546

DetectKnapsack, 546

deterministic complexity classes, 422423

deterministic finite automata (DFAs), 381386, 394, 395, 396, 421, 484, 537, 538, 539

Detroit chimneys, interview puzzles, 471

DFAMatch example program, 538

DFAs. See deterministic finite automata

dice rolls

cookie example, 30

exercises, 52, 53, 491, 492


biased, 478

nonuniform distributions, 33

true randomness, 26

dictionaries, 170. See also hash tables

difficult interview puzzles, 465, 467, 468, 469, 472, 552

digital signatures, 415416

dining philosophers problem, 445, 449452, 462463, 485, 548549, 550

directed networks, 326327, 328, 329, 351, 532

discussion, during puzzle solutions, 467468, 473

disk bound application, 448

disk contention, 448

Distance array, 346, 348, 349, 534

distributed algorithms, 435464. See also parallel algorithms; parallelism

byzantine generals problem, 453455, 457, 485

clock synchronization, 460461, 463464, 486

consensus problem, 455458, 486

deadlock, 444445, 450, 451, 462, 485

debugging, 446447

dining philosophers problem, 445, 449452, 462463, 485, 548549, 550

exercises, 462464, 547551

general and lieutenants problem, 453455, 463, 549550

leader election, 458459, 486

mutexes, 442445, 447, 462, 548

snapshot, 459460, 486

summary of concepts, 485486

two generals problem, 452453, 463, 485

distributed computing, 436, 438440, 446, 462, 485

distributed environments

clusters, 439, 446

grid computing, 439440, 446, 462

distributed networks, 440

divide-and-conquer approach, 19, 153, 159, 469, 479

divider, 145146

dividing items, 145153, 157, 161, 511, 512

dominating set, 430

DoSomething, 6

double hashing, 178179, 181, 183, 480, 514515

double stacks, 115117, 128, 509

double-ended queues. See deques

DoubleHashing example program, 514

DoubleIt, 6

doubly linked lists

described, 6365, 478

loops in, 8081

DPUs (data processing units), 436438

DrawRelative method, 196, 199

DrawTree example program, 520


DTIME, 422, 485

duplicated letters, keys, 417


permutations with, 214215

selections with, 211213


ED, 267, 269

edges, network, 325, 327

edit distance algorithm, 3, 374, 391394, 396, 484, 540

efficiency, algorithm feature, 7, 477

eggs, golden, 475, 557558

eight queens problem, 203206, 208, 223, 224, 322, 518

embarrassingly parallel algorithms, 447449, 485

encryption. See cryptography

Enqueue, 123127

entanglement, 445

equation's roots, 4951, 496

Eratosthenes, sieve of, 3940, 53, 422, 478, 494

Euclid's algorithm, 3335, 53, 413, 492

Euler's totient function, 412, 413, 414

EvaluateBoolean example program, 537

EvaluateExpression example program, 537


algorithm basics, 2023, 487490

arrays, 108109, 501509

balanced trees, 293295, 524530

complexity theory, 432433, 542547

cryptographic algorithms, 417418, 540542

decision trees, 322323, 530532

distributed algorithms, 462464, 547551

hash tables, 182183, 513515

interview puzzles, 474475, 551558

linked lists, 8182, 497500

network algorithms, 351353, 375376, 532537

numerical algorithms, 5254, 491496

queues, 128129, 509510

recursion, 223225, 515518

searching algorithms, 168, 512513

solutions, 487558

sorting algorithms, 160162, 510512

stacks, 128129, 509510

string algorithms, 394396, 537540

trees, 271275, 519524

exhaustive search, decision trees, 307308

exponential runtimes, 15, 16, 20, 191

ExponentiateMod program, 414, 418, 493

exponentiation, fast, 3536, 41, 53, 413, 478, 492493

expressions. See also regular expressions


specialized tree algorithms, 258260, 274275

subexpressions, 258259, 384386, 387

matching parentheses, 378380, 381, 394


EXPTIME, 423, 485

extending partial ordering. See topological sorting

eXtensible Markup Language. See XML

external nodes, 228, 231

external sorting, 155, 159, 480


factorial algorithm

nonrecursive, 217, 225, 518

recursive, 223, 515

tail recursion, 216217

Factorial example program, 515

factorial function (N!), 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 186188, 189, 478, 481

failing, interview puzzles, 468, 470471, 473

failures, phase king algorithm, 456, 457, 458


coin flips, 3031, 52, 478, 491

ensuring, 2930

family tree analogy, 228

fast exponentiation, 3536, 41, 53, 413, 478, 492493

FastExponentiation example program, 492493

FastFibonacci example program, 518

fat trees, 233

Fawcett, Joe, 236

feedback vertex set, 430

Feistel, Horst, 412

Feistel ciphers, 410411, 416

fence painting, 22, 185, 489

fencepost problem, 554

Fermat liars, 40, 41, 53

Fermat witnesses, 4041

Fermat's little theorem, 40

Fermat's primality test, 6, 40, 52, 478

Fibonacci function, 23, 189, 218, 489490

Fibonacci numbers, 188189

FibonacciNumbers example program, 515

FibonacciValues array, 218219

FIFO (first-in-first-out), 123, 128, 244, 334, 335, 479

file processing, 448

fill percentage, 170, 173, 174, 181, 182

FindCellBefore algorithm, 5859

finding cells, 5758

finding items, linear arrays, 86

finding minimum, maximum, average, 8688

finding nodes, sorted trees, 247

finding paths in networks. See networks

finding prime numbers, 3940

finding zeros, 4951

FindZero algorithm, 50

first common ancestor (least common ancestor), 229, 231

first-in-first-out. See FIFO

five people, books for, 3233, 52, 491492

five-coloring maps, 363367

flips. See coin flips

floating-point operations per second (flops), 439

floating-point values

1 million, 162, 512

64-bit double-precision, 188

10, 161, 511

flops. See floating-point operations per second

Floyd, Robert, 78, 345

Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm, 78. See also tortoise-and-hare algorithm

Floyd–Warshall algorithm, 345

Folding@home, 439

For i loop, insertionsort algorithm, 160

For loop


inserting items, 89

insertionsort, 133

selectionsort, 134

described, 5

FindZero algorithm, 50

selections with, 210211

Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, 370

forks. See dining philosophers problem

4×4×3 three-dimensional array, 92

four-coloring, 362363, 367, 375, 484

four-person general and lieutenant problem, 455, 463


embarrassingly parallel algorithms, 447

self-similar, 193194, 200, 223, 481

full complete binary tree, 14

full trees, 229, 230, 231

function's antiderivative, 42

function's derivative, 46, 49, 50


game trees

defined, 482

heuristics, 303305, 482

initial moves and responses, 302303, 482

minimax strategy, 298302, 322, 482

Reversi game, 304305

tic-tac-toe, 298303, 322, 531

garbage-collection method, 63, 105

gas cap puzzle, 465, 466

gaskets, Sierpinski, 200201, 224, 517

GCDs (greatest common divisors)

cryptographic routines, 33

Euclid's algorithm, 3335, 53, 413, 492

exercises, 53, 492, 494495

GcdTimes example, 494

LCM, 53, 492

pseudocode example, 34

GcdTimes example program, 494

genealogy, 227, 325. See also networks; trees

general number field sieve, 445

generals problem

byzantine generals problem, 453455, 457, 485

consensus problem, 455458, 486

general and lieutenants problem, 453455, 463, 549550

two generals problem, 452453, 463, 485

generator curve, 193194, 223, 224, 481, 516

get method, 90, 94, 97

gigaflops, 439

girls/boys, percentage in population, 475, 555556

glib answer, interview puzzles, 471

Go, game, 298

gold bricks, 475, 556557

golden eggs, 475, 557558

Google, interview puzzles, 465, 473

graphical algorithms, recursion, 193201

GraphicalTowerOfHanoi example program, 515


networks as, 325

trees as, 227

greatest common divisors. See GCDs

grid computing, 439440, 446, 462

guess and check, interview puzzles, 470


HAM. See Hamiltonian path problem

HAMC. See Hamiltonian cycle

Hamiltonian completion, 430

Hamiltonian cycle (HAMC), 430, 433, 543, 544, 545

Hamiltonian path problem (HAM), 429, 430, 432, 440, 444, 446, 462, 543, 544, 545

hare and tortoise. See tortoise-and-hare algorithm

hash tables, 169183

associative arrays, 170

BreakLoopHashtable sample program, 7475


described, 171172, 480

sorted, 480, 513, 514


defined, 480

primary, 175177, 178

secondary, 177, 179

cryptography, 415

dictionaries, 170

exercises, 182183, 513515

fill percentage, 170, 173, 174, 181, 182

fundamentals, 170171

interface, 182

linear probing, 174176, 177, 178, 183, 480, 514, 515

open addressing, 172174, 182, 183, 480, 514

pseudorandom probing, 178, 179, 181, 183, 515

quadratic probing, 176178, 181, 183, 480, 514, 515

randomization, 480

removing items, 174

requirements, 170, 480

resizing, 171

selections (combinations)

defined, 209

with duplicates, 211213

without duplicates, 213214

with loops, 210211

simple example, 169170

summary of concepts, 480

useful features, 171


defined, 170

double, 178179, 181, 183, 480, 514515

ordered, 179181, 182, 515

heads/tails. See coin flips


classes, 237

defined, 187

described, 140144

heap-based priority queues, 127, 142

heapsort algorithm, 139145

characteristics, 159

comparison, 159160

complete binary tree in array, 139140, 144, 145, 161, 236237

countingsort compared to, 157

exercises, 161, 511, 512

implementing, 144145

mergesort compared to, 154

quicksort compared to, 152

sub O(N log N) algorithms, 156

height, trees/nodes, 229, 231, 271


decision trees

branch and bound technique, 309310, 318, 320, 321, 323, 432, 483, 531

exhaustive search, 307308

hill climbing, 314316, 320, 321, 323, 483

improving paths, 312313, 483

map-coloring algorithms, 367

random path selection, 311314

simulated annealing, 314, 320, 321, 483

sorted hill climbing, 316, 320, 323, 483

defined, 209, 303

exponential runtimes, 16

game trees, 303305, 482

Warnsdorff's heuristic, 209, 216, 225, 518

hieroglyphics, 397

higher dimension arrays, nonzero lower bounds, 9194

Hilbert curves, 196197, 199, 200, 220222, 224, 225, 516, 518

hill climbing, 314316, 320, 321, 323, 367, 375, 483

horticulture, 227. See also trees

Huntington's disease, Folding@home project, 439


impossible interview puzzles, 465, 467, 468, 469, 472, 552

ImprovedBubblesort example program, 511

improving paths, 312313, 483

in-degree, nodes, 326, 327, 328, 375, 535

inductive reasoning, tree theorems, 233, 481, 519520

initial moves and responses, 302303, 482

initiator curve, 193194, 195, 196, 481

inorder traversal, 240241, 244, 245, 247, 250251, 254, 272, 273, 482, 520521

InsertCell algorithm, 6162, 64, 6566, 69, 81, 498500

insertionsort algorithm

arrays, 132134

characteristics, 159

comparison, 159160

definition, 479

For i loop, 160

linked lists, 6869

O(N2) performance, 18, 82

QueueInsertionsort example program, 510

queues, 127, 129, 510

selectionsort compared to, 82, 500

StackInsertionsort example program, 509

stacks, 121122, 128129, 509

10 floating-point values, 161, 511

InsertionsortPriorityQueue example program, 510

int[,] numbers = new int[10, 20];, 8485

IntegerCell class, 5556

integrity, consensus problem, 456

interface, hash table, 182

intermediate values, storing, 218219, 481

internal node, 228, 231

interpolation search

described, 166167, 169, 480

exercises, 168, 513

recursion, 168, 513

speed, 167, 168

InterpolationSearch example program, 513

interview puzzles, 465475

answering questions, 468472

asking questions, 467468

assumptions, 465

back-of-the-envelope calculations, 467, 472

bad, 465466, 468

creativity, 465, 466, 467, 468, 472

critical-thinking ability, 465, 468, 472

discussion afterwards, 467468, 473

exercises, 474475, 551558

failing, 468, 470471, 473

glib answer, 471

impossible, 465, 467, 468, 469, 552

online, 473474

panic, 468, 469, 473

problem-solving ability, 467, 473, 486

problem-solving tips, 470

salvaging bad questions, 468

summary of concepts, 486

trivia, 467, 468469, 472, 486

working backwards, 466, 467, 472, 486

intuitive approach, to algorithms, 2

intuitive description, trees, 227228

ISP, 266, 267

iterating, over linked lists, 57


Java's Arrays.sort library method, 152, 155

job interview puzzles. See interview puzzles

job shop scheduling, 430



described, 397398

duplicated letters, 417

public-key encryption, 412413, 415, 416, 485

symmetric-key encryption, 412, 415

kitchen remodeling, 355359, 375

knapsack problem, 16, 319320, 417, 423, 430, 431, 432, 433, 448, 546

knight's tour problem, 206209, 216, 223, 225, 518

knowledge trees, 256258, 274, 482, 521

Koch curves, 193195

Koch snowflakes, 195, 223224, 516

KochSnowflake example program, 516


label-correcting shortest paths, 344345, 352, 483, 533

label-setting shortest paths, 340343, 344, 350, 352, 483, 533

Lamport, Leslie, 460

Landis, E. M., 278. See also AVL trees

last_added, 67

last-in-first-out. See LIFO

LCM. See least common multiple

leader election, 458459, 486

LeadsToSolution, 202

leaf nodes, 228, 231, 232, 481

least common ancestor (first common ancestor), 229, 231

least common multiple (LCM), 53, 492

left rotations, 279281, 524525

level, node/tree, 229, 231

liars, Fermat, 40, 41, 53

lieutenants. See generals problem

LIFO (last-in-first-out), 111, 117, 128, 333, 479

linear arrays. See one-dimensional arrays

linear congruential generators, 2629

linear probing, 174176, 177, 178, 183, 480, 514, 515

linear search (exhaustive search)

described, 164165, 480

exercises, 168, 512

linked lists, 164

recursion, 168, 512

sorted arrays, 164

speed, 167

unsorted arrays, 86, 164165

LinearLinkedListSearch example program, 512

LinearProbing example program, 175, 514

LinearSearch example program, 512

linked lists, 5582. See also cells

arrays compared to, 56, 59

basic concepts, 5556

circular, 7172

doubly linked lists

described, 6365, 478

loops in, 8081

exercises, 8182, 497500

graphical representation, 56

linear search, 164

with loops, 7181

multithreaded, 7071, 82, 500

operations, 478

planets, 7071, 82, 500

retracing, 7576

reversal, 7678

singly, 5663

sorted, 6566


copying lists, 6768

insertionsort algorithm, 6869

selectionsort algorithm, 6970

summary of concepts, 478

threads, 7071, 82, 500

linked-list queues, 123124

linked-list stacks, 112113

links. See also networks

backlinks, 369370, 373

costs, 326, 327, 328, 329, 338, 340, 342, 344

defined, 326, 328

directed/undirected, 326, 328

edges, 325, 327

livelock, 450, 451, 452, 462, 485, 550

log bases, 12, 14, 233

log N, 1214, 17, 478

longest path, 430

loops. See also cycles; For loop; While loop

algorithms, 8

BreakLoopHashtable sample program, 7475

BreakLoopMarking sample program, 73

BreakLoopTortoiseAndHare example program, 500

circular linked lists, 72

in doubly linked lists, 8081

For i loop, insertionsort algorithm, 160

linked list reversal, 76, 7778

linked lists with, 7181

nested, 10, 347, 349350

networks, 326

selections with, 210211

lower bound, nonzero, 8990, 108, 479, 511

lower triangular arrays, 109, 502

loyalty. See generals problem


mad cow, Folding@home project, 439

maintainability, algorithm feature, 6, 477

Mandelbrot set, 447

manhole covers, round, 465, 466

map coloring, 359367

five-coloring, 363367

four-coloring, 362363, 367, 375, 484

hill-climbing strategy, 367

other algorithms, 367

three-coloring, 362, 363, 364, 367, 375, 484, 535, 537

two-coloring, 360361, 375, 484, 537

Map2DArray, 85


array entries, 8485

hash tables, 480

marbles, interview puzzles, 474, 486, 551553

marking cells, 7274

matching parentheses, 378380, 381, 394

mathematical expressions. See expressions

matrices, 105108

airline connectivity matrix, 9495, 97

online article, 106


add, 106107, 109, 505508

column-ordered, 107

multiply, 107, 109, 508509

maximal flow algorithm, 368370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 426, 484, 536

maximum, one-dimensional arrays, 8688

maximum independent set, 430

maximum leaf spanning tree, 430

McDowell, Gayle Laakmann, 474

median, of arrays, 8788, 108, 501502

memory. See also stacks

algorithms, 2, 477

array packing, 91, 95, 479

garbage-collection method, 63, 105


classes, 237

defined, 187

described, 140144

heap-based priority queues, 127, 142

mapping array entries to memory locations, 8485

mergesort algorithm, 154155

MoveMemory, 18

recursion algorithms, 187

RtlMoveMemory, 18


node, 284, 285286

root, 287, 290

mergesort algorithm

characteristics, 159

comparison, 159160

described, 153155

divide-and-conquer approach, 19, 153, 159

exercises, 511, 512

external sorting, 155, 159, 480

Java's Arrays.sort library method, 152, 155

multiple processors, 449

parallelism, 154, 155, 159, 480

performance Θ(N log N), 420, 421

sub O(N log N) algorithms, 156

Microsoft, interview puzzles, 465, 473, 555

MidpointRectangleRule example program, 495496

MilkyWay@home, 439

minimal flow cut problem, 372374, 376, 537

Minimal Flow Cut tool, 372, 537

minimal spanning trees, 329, 338339, 350, 352, 483, 533

minimax strategy, 298302, 322, 482

minimum, one-dimensional arrays, 8688

minimum degree spanning tree, 430

minimum k-cut, 430

Misra/Chandy solution, 451, 462, 548

modeling accuracy, 478. See also rectangle rule; trapezoid rule

modulus operator, 4, 34

Monte Carlo integration, 48, 52, 54, 478, 496

Moore. See Boyer-Moore algorithm

Moore, Gordon E., 435

Moore's Law, 435, 462

MoveMemory, 18

multiheaded queue, 129, 510

MultiHeadedQueue example program, 510

multiple cores, 435, 440, 446, 462, 485

multiple CPUs, 155, 432, 438439, 440, 449, 485

multiple linear congruential generators, 27


sparse matrices, 107, 109, 508509

triangular arrays, 109, 505

two-dimensional matrices, 106

multiplicative inverse, 412, 413414

MultiplicativeInverse program, 414, 418

multithreaded linked lists, 7071, 82, 500

mutexes, 442445, 447, 462, 548


N, 15, 17, 478

N!. See factorial function

N log N, 15, 17, 419420, 478

N2, 15, 17, 478

naughts and crosses. See tic-tac-toe

NDArray sample program, 94

neighbors, 325, 328, 329, 333, 334, 335

nested loops, 10, 347, 349350

.NET Framework

Array.Sort, 1819

BinarySearch method, 163

network algorithms, 325376

exercises, 351353, 375376, 532537

map coloring, 359367

five-coloring, 363367

four-coloring, 362363, 367, 375, 484

hill-climbing strategy, 367

other algorithms, 367

three-coloring, 362, 363, 364, 367, 375, 484, 535, 537

two-coloring, 360361, 375, 484, 537

summary of concepts, 483484

topological sorting, 355359, 375, 484

traversals, 331339

breadth-first traversal, 334335, 342, 350, 355, 483

depth-first traversal, 331334, 335, 350, 355, 483, 520

NetworkMaker example program, 351, 532533, 534, 535, 536, 537


augmenting paths, 369, 370, 373, 376, 484, 535

bipartite, 371, 376, 537

capacitated, 368370, 376

connected components, 326, 327, 335, 336337, 351, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 532

connectivity testing, 335337, 350, 483

cycle, 326, 327, 328, 332

cycle detection, 359

directed, 326327, 328, 329, 351, 532

distributed, 440

edges, 325, 327

finding paths, 339350

all-pairs shortest paths, 345350, 353, 483, 534

any path, 339340

label-correcting shortest paths, 344345, 352, 483, 533

label-setting shortest paths, 340343, 344, 350, 352, 483, 533

as graphs, 325


backlinks, 369370, 373

costs, 326, 327, 328, 329, 338, 340, 342, 344

defined, 326, 328

directed/undirected, 326, 328

edges, 325, 327

maximal flow, 368370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 426, 484, 536

minimal flow cut problem, 372374, 376, 537

node class, 328332, 483


adjacent, 326, 327, 328

neighbors, 325, 328, 329, 333, 334, 335

partial ordering, 356357, 484

planar, 363, 367, 375, 430, 431

representations, 328331, 483

residual capacity, 369370, 373, 376, 448, 535

spanning trees

defined, 337

described, 337338

minimal, 329, 338339, 350, 352, 483, 533

strongly connected, 326, 328

terminology, 325328

trees compared to, 227, 322, 325, 332

undirected, 326, 327, 328, 329, 335, 337, 360, 545

weakly connected, 326, 328

work assignments, 370371, 376, 426, 484, 536, 537

Newton-Cotes formulas, 4244

Newton-Raphson method, 4951, 54, 488, 496

NewtonsMethod sample program, 51


NEXPTIME, 423, 485

NextIndex1, NextIndex2 and, 115116, 128, 509

NFAs. See nondeterministic finite automata

node class, networks, 328332, 483

node merges, 284, 285286

node splits, 283284, 291, 482

nodes. See also networks; trees

branches, 227228, 230, 481

child, 228, 230

classes for, 234236


networks, 325, 328

trees, 231

external, 228, 231

first common ancestor, 229, 231

height, 229, 231, 271

internal, 228, 231

leaf, 228, 231, 232, 481

level/depth, 229, 231


adjacent, 326, 327, 328

defined, 325, 328

in-degree, 326, 327, 328, 375, 535

neighbors, 325, 328, 329, 333, 334, 335

out-degree, 326, 327, 328, 375, 535

reachable, 326, 327, 328, 335

parent, 228, 231

root, 228, 229, 231

sorted trees

adding, 245247

deleting, 248250

finding, 247

3-node, 282

2-node, 282

vertices, 325, 430, 431

noise, atmospheric, 26

nondeterministic complexity classes, 423

nondeterministic computers, 421422, 423, 424, 445, 485

nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs), 386387

nondeterministic polynomial time. See NP

nonindexed database searches, 448

nonrecursive Factorial algorithm, 217, 225, 518

nonrecursive Hilbert curve algorithm, 220, 221222, 225, 518

NonrecursiveFactorial example program, 518

NonrecursiveFibonacci example program, 518

NonrecursiveFibonacci2 example program, 518

NonrecursiveHilbert example program, 518

nonuniform distributions

1 million integers, 162, 512

PRNGs, 33

nonzero lower bounds, 8991, 108, 479, 511

not_sorted, 136


defined, 423

NP-complete, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429431

NP-hardness, 426427

P equal NP question, 423, 431, 485

P is subset of NP, 423

quantum computing, 445


NTIME, 423, 485

null, 13

numeric quadrature. See numerical integration

numerical algorithms, 2554

adaptive quadrature, 4447, 52

data structures, 52

exercises, 5254, 491496

fast exponentiation, 3536, 41, 53, 413, 478, 492493


cryptographic routines, 33

Euclid's algorithm, 3335, 53, 413, 492

exercises, 53, 492, 494495

GcdTimes example, 494

LCM, 53, 492

pseudocode example, 34

Monte Carlo integration, 48, 52, 54, 478, 496

prime factors

Carmichael numbers and prime factors algorithm, 53, 494495

described, 3739

prime numbers, 3641

composite numbers, 36, 41, 53

defined, 36

Fermat's primality test, 6, 40, 52, 478

finding, 3940

sieve of Eratosthenes, 3940, 53, 422, 478, 494

testing for primality, 4041

summary of concepts, 478

uses, 51

numerical integration, 4248

rectangle rule, 4243, 44, 478

trapezoid rule, 4345, 478


O(1), 9, 11

O(log N), 12, 14, 15. See also balanced trees

O(N), 8, 9, 10, 11, 15

O(N log N), 15, 69, 88. See also sorting algorithms

O(N2), 7, 10, 15, 18, 20. See also sorting algorithms

O(N3), 11, 15, 350, 483, 489

O(sqrt(N)), 14, 38, 39

Θ(g(N)), 420

Θ(N log N), 420, 421

object references, 234, 481

obscurity, 397, 398, 399, 415, 540

octtrees, 266, 482

odd-cycle problem, 432, 543

1 (constant), 11, 17, 478

1,000 integers, 511

1,000 names, 512

100,000 integers with values between 0 and 1 billion, 161, 512

100,000 integers with values between 0 and 1,000, 161, 512

100,000 names, 162, 512

1 million floating-point values, 162, 512

1 million integers, 162, 512

one-dimensional arrays (linear arrays)

exercises, 108, 501

finding items, 86

finding minimum, maximum, average, 8688

graphical representation, 84

inserting items, 8889

int[,] numbers = new int[10, 20];, 84

median of, 8788, 108, 501502

removing items, 89, 109, 502

sample variance, 108, 501

standard deviation, 108, 501

one-time pads, 404, 408, 418, 484, 541, 542

OneTimePad example program, 542

open addressing, 172174, 182, 183, 480, 514

optimization problems. See also decision trees

bin packing, 318, 417, 429

complexity theory, 427429, 482, 485

decision trees, 482

knapsack problem, 433, 546

partition problem, 306310, 317, 323

ordered hashing, 179181, 182, 515

ordered tree, 229, 231

OrderedDoubleHashing example program, 514

OrderedQuadraticHashing example program, 514

ordering, partial, 356357, 484

out-degree, nodes, 326, 327, 328, 375, 535


P. See also NP

defined, 422

P equal NP question, 423, 431, 485

P is subset of NP, 423

painting fences, 22, 185, 489

panic, interview puzzles, 468, 469, 473

parallel algorithms

debugging, 485

embarrassingly parallel algorithms, 447449, 485

multiple CPUs, 435

parallelism. See also distributed algorithms

bucketsort algorithm, 480

complexity theory, 432

data, 436, 440

distributed computing, 436, 438440, 446, 462, 485

mergesort algorithm, 154, 155, 159, 480

multiple cores, 435, 440, 446, 462, 485

multiple CPUs, 155, 432, 438439, 440, 449, 485

quantum computing, 435, 446, 485

quicksort algorithm, 152, 154, 159, 480

scarcity, 446

systolic arrays, 436438, 446, 462, 485, 547

task, 440

types, 436, 485

parent node, 228, 231

parentheses, matching, 378380, 381, 394

ParenthesisMatching example program, 537

Parkinson's disease, Folding@home project, 439

parse trees, 380, 383, 387, 395, 396, 484, 539

partial ordering, 356357, 484

partition problem, 305317, 319, 320, 321, 323, 431, 433

PartitionProblem example program, 531532

passing methods, preorder traversal, 240

paths, network. See networks

pattern matching, 381387

P-boxes, 409

perfect tree, 231

permutation boxes, 409


defined, 209

with duplicates, 214215

without duplicates, 215216

petaflop, 439

phase king algorithm, 456458

philosophers problem, dining, 445, 449452, 462463, 485, 548549, 550


balanced trees, 277

solving interview puzzles, 471

pill bottles, interview puzzles, 475, 558

placeholder. See sentinels

plaintext message, 398

planar network, 363, 367, 375, 430, 431

PlanetList example program, 500

planets, linked list, 7071, 82, 500

playing cards. See cards

poker program, 52, 492

polynomial time. See NP; P


functions, 18

Newton-Cotes formulas, 4244

runtimes, 15, 20, 483

polynomial-time reductions, 424, 425, 426, 431, 432, 433, 485, 544

popping items, 112, 113, 114, 115116

postal services

Chinese postman problem, 429

TSP, 320

postorder traversal, 242243, 244, 272, 482, 520

precalculated values, fast exponentiation, 478

prefix trees, 266. See also tries

preorder traversal, 238240, 244, 271, 272, 331, 482, 520

Pretty Good Privacy program, 415

primary clustering, 175177, 178

prime factors

Carmichael numbers and prime factors algorithm, 53, 494495

described, 3739

prime numbers, 3641

composite numbers, 36, 41, 53

defined, 36

Fermat's primality test, 6, 40, 52, 478

finding, 3940

sieve of Eratosthenes, 3940, 53, 422, 478, 494

testing for primality, 4041

priority inversion problem, 444

priority queues, 127, 129, 142, 161, 479, 510, 511

PriorityQueue example program, 511

PRNGs (pseudorandom number generators)

biased, 29


described, 2829, 31

disadvantages, 29

unbreakable encryption scheme, 418, 542

dining philosophers problem, 450

fair, 29

linear congruential generators, 2629

nonuniform distributions, 33

seed values, 2628, 450

TRNGs, 2526

probabilistic algorithm, 41, 51, 478

probabilistic computers, 445

probabilistic method, interview puzzles, 469

probe sequences, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 513, 514, 515


linear, 174176, 177, 178, 183, 480, 514, 515

pseudorandom, 178, 179, 181, 183, 515

quadratic, 176178, 181, 183, 480, 514, 515

problem structure, interview puzzles, 469

problem-solving ability, 467, 473, 486

problem-solving tips, 470

proof-of-concept demonstrations, quantum computing, 445


four-coloring theorem, 363

inductive reasoning, tree theorems, 233, 481, 519520

intuitive approach to algorithms, 2

leaf and full nodes, binary trees, 232

random array, 32


balanced trees, 277

described, 36, 477

problem, 6

pseudorandom number generators. See PRNGs

pseudorandom probing, 178, 179, 181, 183, 515

PseudoRandomProbing example program, 514


public grid projects, 439440, 446, 462

public-key encryption, 412413, 415, 416, 485

pushdown stack, 112

pushing items, 112, 113, 114, 115116

puzzles. See interview puzzles


quadratic equation, 96

quadratic probing, 176178, 181, 183, 480, 514, 515

QuadraticProbing example program, 177, 514

quadrature, adaptive, 4447, 52

quadtrees, 260266, 482, 523

quantum computing, 435, 446, 485

quantum-size transistors, 435, 445

qubits, 445

queens problem. See eight queens problem

QueueInsertionsort example program, 510

queues, 123128

in arrays, 124127

arrays compared to, 108

circular, 125127

defined, 123, 479

deques, 127128, 129, 479, 510

exercises, 128129, 509510

FIFO, 123, 128, 244, 334, 335, 479

insertionsort algorithm, 127, 129, 510

linked-list, 123124

multiheaded, 129, 510

priority, 127, 129, 142, 161, 479, 510, 511

selectionsort algorithm, 129, 510

specialized, 127128

summary of concepts, 479

uses, 111, 128, 479

QueueSelectionsort example program, 510

quicksort algorithm, 145152

characteristics, 159

comparison, 159160

countingsort compared to, 157

divide-and-conquer strategy, 153

exercises, 161, 511, 512


in place, 149152

with stacks, 149

mergesort compared to, 153155

parallelism, 152, 154, 159, 480

picking dividing item, 148

randomization, 31, 479

runtime analysis, 146148

sub O(N log N) algorithms, 156

upper and lower bounds, 420421

using, 152

when to use, 19

worst-case performance O(N2), 7

QuicksortQueue example program, 511

QuicksortStack example program, 511


race conditions, 440444, 446, 462, 548

radiation detector, 26

radio waves, static, 26

radioactive sample, 26

random number generators, true, 2526. See also PRNGs

random numbers, true, 26

random path selection, decision trees, 311314

random searches, 448

randomization, 2533

arrays, 3133

dining philosophers problem, 450

hash tables, 480

interview puzzles, 469

quicksort algorithm, 31, 479

summary, 478, 26

RandomTrees program, 2728

Raphson method. See Newton-Raphson method

ray tracing, 447

reachable node, 326, 327, 328, 335

receiver, 398

rectangle rule, 4243, 44, 478

RectangleRule sample program, 4243

rectangular arrays, 109, 503

recursion, 185225

backtracking algorithms, 201203

defined, 185

drawbacks, 216, 223

eight queens problem, 203206, 208, 223, 224, 322, 518

exercises, 223225, 515518

factorial algorithm

nonrecursive, 217, 225, 518

recursive, 223, 515

tail recursion, 216217

factorial function (N!), 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 186188, 189, 478, 481

Fibonacci numbers, 188189

graphical algorithms, 193201

Hilbert curves, 196197, 199, 200, 220222, 224, 225, 516, 518

important features, 186

interpolation search, 168, 513

knight's tour problem, 206209, 216, 223, 225, 518

Koch curves, 193195

Koch snowflakes, 195, 223224, 516

linear search, 168, 512

memory, 187


defined, 209

with duplicates, 214215

without duplicates, 215216

removal, 216

general algorithm for, 220222, 481

storing intermediate values, 218219, 481

tail recursion removal, 216218

Sierpinski carpet, 201, 224, 517518

Sierpinski curves, 197200, 224, 516, 517

Sierpinski gaskets, 200201, 224, 517

summary of concepts, 480481

Tower of Hanoi puzzle, 119121, 189193, 223, 515516

RecursiveBinarySearch example program, 513

RecursiveInterpolationSearch example program, 513

RecursiveLinearSearch example program, 512


described, 424425, 485

polynomial-time reductions, 424, 425, 426, 431, 432, 433, 485, 544

regular expressions, 381387, 394, 395, 484, 537, 538

relational databases, B-trees, 293

remodeling kitchen, 355359, 375

removal. See recursion

removing items

hash tables, 174

linear arrays, 89, 109, 502

reporting problem, 427429, 433, 485, 546

ReportKnapsack, 546

residual capacities, 369370, 373, 376

residual capacity networks, 369370, 373, 376, 448, 535

resizing hash tables, 171

resource hierarchy solution, dining philosophers problem, 450451

retracing, linked list, 7576

retreat, attack. See consensus problem reversal

arrays, 117

linked list, 7678

stacks, 128, 509

Reversi game, 304305

right rotation, 279281, 524525, 526

Rivest, Ron, 412

rolls. See dice rolls

root at top, tree data structures, 228, 271

root merge, 287, 290

root split, 283, 284, 289

roots. See also nodes

of equations, 4951, 496

root node, 228, 229, 231


left, 279281, 524525

right, 278281, 524525, 526

round manhole covers, 465, 466

route ciphers, 403404

row/column transposition cipher, 399401, 402, 417

RowColumnTransposition example program, 540

row-major mapping, 8485, 91

RSA algorithm, 412415, 416, 417, 418

RtlMoveMemory, 18

Rule 1, 7, 8

Rule 2, 7, 89

Rule 3, 7, 9

Rule 4, 8, 910

Rule 5, 8, 10

runtime functions, 1117

Fibonacci function compared to, 23, 489490

graph, 18

list, in order of increasing speed of growth, 478

visualizing, 17

runtime performance. See also Big O notation; sorting algorithms

quicksort, 146148

recursive algorithms, 187

sorting algorithms, 131

Tower of Hanoi puzzle, 193

traversal, 244

understanding, 1


sales program, nonzero bounds, 90

salesman problem. See traveling salesman problem

salvaging bad questions, 468

sample variance, one-dimensional array, 108, 501

satisfiability problem (SAT), 321322, 424425, 431

S-boxes, 409

Schneier, Bruce, 416

school bus, baseballs in, 467, 471

scratch array, 154

scytale method, 397, 399


abba dabba example, 389391

brute-force, 299, 388, 389, 396, 410, 432, 448

nonindexed database, 448

random, 448

strings, 387391

tools, 163

traversal and, 237

searching algorithms, 163168

binary search

described, 165166, 169, 480

exercise, 168, 513

speed, 167

exercises, 168, 512513

interpolation search

described, 166167, 169, 480

exercises, 168, 513

recursion, 168, 513

speed, 167, 168

linear search (exhaustive search)

described, 164165, 480

exercises, 168, 512

linked lists, 164

recursion, 168, 512

sorted arrays, 164

speed, 167

unsorted arrays, 86, 164165

summary of concepts, 480

searching decision trees. See decision trees

searching game trees. See game trees

secondary clustering, 177, 179

security through obscurity, 397, 398, 399

seed values, 2628, 450

selections (combinations)

defined, 209

with duplicates, 211213

without duplicates, 213214

with loops, 210211

selectionsort algorithm

arrays, 134135

characteristics, 159

comparison, 159160

defined, 479

insertionsort compared to, 82, 500

linked lists, 6970

program, 160

queues, 129, 510

QueueSelectionsort example program, 510

stacks, 122123, 129, 509510

StackSelectionsort example program, 509

10 floating-point values, 161, 511

SelectKofN example program, 518

self-similar fractals, 193194, 200, 223, 481

sender, 398

sentinels, 5859, 246, 478

set method, 90, 94, 97

Shamir, Adi, 412

Shannon number, 298

Shor's algorithm, 445

short circuiting, 308, 310, 323

shortest-path algorithms

all-pairs shortest paths, 345350, 353, 483, 534

label-correcting shortest paths, 344345, 352, 483, 533

label-setting shortest paths, 340343, 344, 350, 352, 483, 533

stacks, 117

siblings, 228, 231

SierpDown, 199, 516

Sierpinski, Waclaw Franciszek, 201

Sierpinski carpet, 201, 224, 517518

Sierpinski curves, 197200, 224, 516, 517

Sierpinski gaskets, 200201, 224, 517

SierpLeft, 199, 516

SierpRight, 199, 516

SierpUp, 199, 516517


general number field sieve, 445

sieve of Eratosthenes, 3940, 53, 422, 478, 494

simple substitution cipher, 404, 407408

Simpson's rule, 44

simulated annealing, 314, 320, 321, 483

single swap strategy, 313

singly linked lists, 5663

six-sided dice. See dice rolls

64-bit double-precision floating-point number, 188

slice_size array, 9394

snapshot, 459460, 486

snowflakes, Koch, 195, 223224, 516

Social Security number, 292

socks, interview puzzles, 474, 551

solar system's planets, linked list, 7071, 82, 500

solutions. See exercises

sorted binary trees, 248, 250, 271, 278, 283

sorted chaining, 480, 513, 514

sorted hill climbing, 316, 320, 323, 483

sorted linked lists, 6566

sorted trees. See also balanced trees

building, 245247

defined, 12, 241, 482


adding, 245247

deleting, 248250

finding, 247

sentinels, 246

SortedChaining example program, 513


external, 155, 159, 480

linked lists

copying lists, 6768

insertionsort algorithm, 6869

selectionsort algorithm, 6970

stable, 155

tools, 132

topological, 355359, 375, 484

train cars

stack algorithms, 117119

stack insertionsort algorithm, 129, 509

stack selectionsort algorithm, 129, 509510

zero-time sort algorithm, 438, 446, 462, 547548

sorting algorithms, 131162. See also specific sorting algorithms

characteristics/techniques, 159160

exercises, 160162, 510512

O(N log N) algorithms, 138155

O[N2] algorithms, 132138

reasons for using, 131

runtime performance, 131

sub O(N log N) algorithms, 156159

summary of concepts, 479480

types, 131

space-filling curves, 200

spaghetti. See dining philosophers problem

spanning trees

defined, 337

degree-constrained, 430

described, 337338

maximum leaf spanning tree, 430

minimal, 329, 338339, 350, 352, 483, 533

minimum degree spanning tree, 430

sparse arrays, 97105

defined, 97, 479

deleting values, 104105

find row or column, 100

getting values, 101

setting values, 101104

sparse matrices

add, 106107, 109, 505508

column-ordered, 107

multiply, 107, 109, 508509

sparse triangular array, 109, 504

special alphabets, 397

specialized queues, 127128

specialized tree algorithms, 256270

animal game, 256258, 274, 482, 521522

expression evaluation, 258260, 274275

octtrees, 266, 482

quadtrees, 260266, 482, 523

tries, 266270, 275, 512, 523524

special-purpose arrays. See arrays

speed, algorithms, 2, 477


node, 283284, 291, 482

root, 283, 284, 289

spring-loaded stack, of plates, 111112

sqrt N, 14, 17, 478

stable sorting, 155

stack algorithms, 117123

StackInsertionsort example program, 509

stacks, 111123

in arrays, 113115

arrays compared to, 108

defined, 111, 187, 479

double, 115117, 128, 509

exercises, 128129, 509510

insertionsort algorithm, 121122, 128129, 509

LIFO, 111, 117, 128, 333, 479

linked-list, 112113

quicksort implementation, 149

reversal, 128, 509

selectionsort algorithm, 122123, 129, 509510

shortest-path algorithms, 117

summary of concepts, 479

uses, 111, 128, 479

StackSelectionsort example program, 509

standard deviation, one-dimensional array, 108, 501

starvation, 444

state transition diagram, 382383, 395, 396, 537, 538, 539

state transition table, 383

static, radio waves, 26

storing intermediate values, 218219, 481

stride, 174, 176, 178, 179, 181, 514

string algorithms, 377396

Boyer-Moore algorithm, 377, 388391, 394, 484

DFAs, 381386, 394, 395, 396, 421, 484, 537, 538, 539

edit distance algorithm, 3, 374, 391394, 396, 484, 540

exercises, 394396, 537540

matching parentheses, 378380, 381, 394

parse trees, 380, 383, 387, 395, 396, 484, 539

regular expressions, 381387, 394, 395, 484, 537, 538

string searching, 387391

summary of concepts, 484

strongly connected network, 326, 328

stupid questions, interview puzzles, 472

sub O(N log N) algorithms. See sorting algorithms

subexpressions, 258259, 384386, 387

subset sum problem, 317318, 427, 428, 431

substitution ciphers, 404408, 416

substitution-permutation network cipher, 409410, 416

subtrees, 229, 231

summary of algorithmic concepts. See algorithmic concepts

superposition, 445

SwapColumns example program, 540

swapping strategies, 313

SwapRowsAndColumns example program, 541

symmetric traversal. See preorder traversal

symmetrically threaded tree, 251

symmetric-key encryption, 412, 415


clocks, 460461, 463464, 486

generals' attacks, 452

synchronized philosophers, 450, 451, 452, 462, 548

systolic arrays, 436438, 446, 462, 485, 547


tail recursion removal, 216218

tails/heads. See coin flips

tall, thin trees, 147, 148, 233, 246, 247, 271, 277, 283, 287, 293. See also balanced trees

tape drives, mergesort algorithm, 155

target_value, 1213

task parallelism, 440

10 floating-point values, 161, 511

teraflop, 439

termination, consensus problem, 455


cryptography, 398399

networks, 325328

trees, 227231

test_node, 1213

tetrahedral arrays, 109, 503504

TextDisplay example program, 520

thin trees. See tall, thin trees

threaded trees, 250256

building, 251254

defined, 250

symmetrically, 251

traversal steps, 251, 255256

using, 254256

ThreadedTree example program, 521


defined, 250, 482

linked lists, 7071, 82, 500

3CNF (three-term conjunctive normal form), 425

3-node, 282

3SAT problem, 321322, 425, 431

three-coloring maps, 362, 363, 364, 367, 375, 484, 535, 537

three-cycle problem, 432, 542543

three-dimensional arrays

4×4×3, 92

graphical representation, 84

mapping, 85

row-major order, 85

three-dimensional shape, Monte Carlo integration, 54, 496

three-dimensional space, octtrees, 266, 482

three-partition problem, 431

three-person general and lieutenant problem, 454, 463

three-term conjunctive normal form (3CNF), 425


systolic arrays, 437438

zero-time sort algorithm, 438, 446, 462, 547548

tic-tac-toe (naughts and crosses)

exercise, 322, 531

initial moves and responses, 302303

minimax strategy, 298302

top variable, 56, 57

top-down B-tree, 291, 482

topological sorting, 355359, 375, 484

tortoise-and-hare algorithm, 7880, 82, 474, 500

totient function, Euler's, 412, 413, 414

Tower of Hanoi puzzle, 119121, 189193, 223, 515516

TowerOfHanoi example program, 190, 515

train cars. See sorting

traitors. See generals problem

transposition ciphers, 399404, 409, 417, 484

trapezoid rule, 4345, 478

TrapezoidRule sample program, 4344, 45, 46

traveling salesman problem (TSP), 16, 200, 320321, 417, 423, 429, 431, 432

traversals, 237244

defined, 237

depth-first, 243244, 256, 272, 331334, 335, 350, 355, 483, 520

inorder, 240241, 244, 245, 247, 250251, 254, 272, 273, 482, 520521

postorder, 242243, 244, 272, 482, 520

preorder, 238240, 244, 271, 272, 331, 482, 520

runtimes, 244

searching and, 237

steps, threaded tree, 251, 255256

tree theorems, inductive reasoning, 233, 481, 519520

trees, 227275. See also balanced trees; decision trees; nodes; subtrees


defined, 230

facts, 232

fat, 233

properties, 231233

sorted, 248, 250, 271, 278, 283

call tree, 146, 147, 154, 188, 189

complete binary trees

in arrays, 139140, 144, 145, 161, 236237

B-trees, 287

defined, 230

sorted, 1213

exercises, 271275, 519524

family tree analogy, 228

fat, 233

full, 229, 230, 231

height, 171, 229, 231

intuitive description, 227228

knowledge, 256258, 274, 482, 521

level/depth, 229, 231

networks compared to, 227, 322, 325, 332

ordered, 229, 231

parse, 380, 383, 387, 395, 396, 484, 539

properties, 481482

RandomTrees program, 2728

recursive definition, 229

root at top, 228, 271


adding nodes, 245247

building, 245247

defined, 12, 241, 482

deleting nodes, 248250

finding nodes, 247

sentinels, 246

spanning trees

defined, 337

degree-constrained, 430

described, 337338

maximum leaf spanning tree, 430

minimal, 329, 338339, 350, 352, 483, 533

minimum degree spanning tree, 430

specialized tree algorithms, 256270

animal game, 256258, 274, 482, 521522

expression evaluation, 258260, 274275

octtrees, 266, 482

quadtrees, 260266, 482, 523

tries, 266270, 275, 512, 523524

summary of concepts, 481482

tall, thin, 147, 148, 233, 246, 247, 271, 277, 283, 287, 293

terminology, 227231

threaded, 250256

building, 251254

defined, 250

symmetrically, 251

traversal steps, 251, 255256

using, 254256

unordered, 229, 273

XML and, 236

treesort algorithm, 247

triangles. See Koch snowflakes; Sierpinski gaskets

triangular arrays, 9497

add, 109, 504

lower, 109, 502

multiply, 109, 505

sparse, 109, 504

sparse arrays compared to, 97, 9899

tetrahedral arrays, 109, 503504

upper, 94, 109, 502

tries (prefix trees), 266270, 275, 512, 523524

triple DES, 411, 416

trivia, 467, 468469, 472, 486

TRNGs. See true random-number generators

true random numbers, 26. See also dice rolls

true random-number generators (TRNGs), 2526. See also PRNGs

TSP. See traveling salesman problem

Turing, Alan, 421

Turing machines, 421422, 424, 425

two generals problem, 452453, 463, 485

2-3 trees, 282287

adding values, 283284

defined, 282, 482

deleting values, 284287

exercise, 294, 527

variations, 291293

2N, 16, 17, 478

2-node, 282

two-coloring maps, 360361, 375, 484, 537

TwoDArray sample program, 9091

two-dimensional arrays

graphical representation, 84

int[,] numbers = new int[10, 20];, 8485

nonzero local bounds, 9091

two-dimensional matrices, multiply, 106

two-dimensional space. See quadtrees


unbounded knapsack, 431

unbreakable encryption scheme, 418, 542

undirected networks, 326, 327, 328, 329, 335, 337, 360, 545

uniform value distribution

bucketsort, 157, 160, 162, 512

1 million integers, 162, 512

unordered trees, 229, 273

upper triangular arrays, 94, 109, 502


validity, consensus problem, 456

values array, 9194, 115, 154, 157

vehicle routing, 431

vertex coloring, 430

vertex cover, 431

vertices, 325, 430, 431

Via array, 346349, 353, 534

Vigenère cipher, 405407, 408, 411, 416, 417, 541

virtual backlinks, 369370, 373

virtual computer, 381, 439, 484

visualizing runtime functions, 17


waiter, dining philosophers problem, 451, 550

WAN, 267, 269, 270

WANE, 266267, 269

WANT, 266, 267, 269

WANTED, 267, 269, 270

Warnsdorff's heuristic, 209, 216, 225, 518

weakly connected network, 326, 328

While loop

described, 4

Euclid's algorithm, 3435

finding cells, 5758

general recursion removal, 220

heaps, 143

iteration over linked list, 57

ordered hash table, 181

quicksort algorithm, 151152

sentinels, 59

tail recursion, 218

threaded trees, 255, 256

“Why Are Manhole Covers Round?” article, 466

WISP, 266, 267

witnesses, Fermat, 4041

work assignment, 370371, 376, 426, 484, 536, 537

work related questions, interview puzzles, 472

working backwards, interview puzzles, 466, 467, 472, 486

worst-case performance, algorithms, 7


XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

Beginning XML, 236

network data, 330

trees and, 236

XOR operator, 408, 409, 410


zeros, finding, 4951

zero-time sort algorithm, 438, 446, 462, 547548

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