

10K-ohm (10KΩ) resistor, stripes on, 30


/* and */ comments, using, 23, 35

+ (addition) symbol, using, 88

// (comments), using, 23

{} (curly braces) in Hello Blinky World, 22

/ (division) symbol, using, 88, 97

= (equals sign), using, 78

(minus) symbol, using, 87

* (multiplication) symbol, using, 88

Ω (ohms) symbol, 60

" (quote marks), including strings in, 111



Arduino Lessons, 157

soldering tutorial, 80

addition, symbol for, 88

air movement, sensing, 7980

alarm, powering, 76

API (application programming interface), 115116, 152153. See also OpenWeatherMap key

Apple computers, downloading software for, 47

Arduino boards, verifying connection, 1213

Arduino libraries

CapacitiveSensor, 6667

for A Gentle Touch, 6162

for wifi board, 105106

Arduino Online

code, 111, 176183

connecting with wifi board, 99100

fixes, 109110

function of, 110111

ingredients, 99

loading up code, 105107

making it go, 108

strings, 111

testserver, 112113

wiring up parts, 104105

The Arduino Playground, 157

Arduino setup, fixes, 13

Arduino software downloads, 18

for Linux users, 1011

for Macs, 4

for Windows, 7

Arduino Uno

displaying as option, 1213

Revision 3, 12

arduino-#.* file, downloading and unzipping, 45 icon, displaying on desktop, 5


forums, 24

getting connected, 3

for Linux users, 1011

for Mac OS X, 47

as open source hardware, 1

troubleshooting installation, 13

untethering, 77

for Windows users, 710


blinky world. See Hello Blinky World; Ice, Ice Blinky

board type, setting, 12

breadboard, invisible connections in, 26

buttons, triggering things with, 141142


polarity of, 73

stopping, 76


calibration, 4344

candle. See Electric Candle

capacitance sensing, 5960

CapacitiveSensor library, downloading, 62

charting data, 153155

circuit diagrams. See wiring diagrams


Arduino Online, 105107, 111, 176183

and code blocks, 165

Dark-Detecting Light, 3435, 166167

Do I Need an Umbrella Today? 117118, 125126, 183190

Electric Candle, 8688, 172174

A Gentle Touch, 6164, 6667, 170171

Hello Blinky World, 1820, 2223, 166

Ice, Ice Blinky, 52, 5658, 169170

Invisible Ruler, 9497, 175176

Night Light, 4143, 46, 168169

Online Temperature Tracker, 146147, 151152, 196199

Send Email with a Button, 130134, 140, 190195

sensor reading, 54

Someone Moved My Stuff! 7374, 78, 172

website, 41

cold-water LED. See Ice, Ice Blinky

comments (//), using, 23

conductive fabric sellers, 67

connection, making, 3

constants, explained, 5758

curly braces ({}) in Hello Blinky World, 22


Dark-Detecting Light

10K-ohm (10KΩ) resistor, 30

in bright light, 34

code, 3435, 166167

comments, 35

fixes, 33

function of, 3335

ground, 2930

ingredients, 2527

integers in code, 35

loading up code, 32

in low light, 3334

making it go, 32

pin numbers, 35

seeing sensor’s value, 3637

sensor circuit, 32

using static resistors, 36

value of sensorValue, 36

variables in code, 35

wiring diagram, 31

wiring up parts, 2732

data. See also online data

charting, 153155

printing, 151152

data account, getting for free, 147148, 149150, 153

delay() command, in Hello Blinky World, 21

distance measurement, acting on, 97

distance sensing, 9192

division, symbol for, 88, 97

DIY sandwich, 116

Do I Need an Umbrella Today?

code, 125126, 183190

determining location, 120122

DIY sandwich, 116

entering wifi information, 123

fixes, 124

function of, 124125

ingredients, 115

loading up code, 117118

making it go, 123124

OpenWeatherMap key, 118120

wiring up parts, 116117

douseCandle() function, calling, 8889


CapacitiveSensor library, 62

online data, 152

sketches, 165

downloading Arduino software

for Linux users, 1011

for Macs, 4

for Windows, 7


Electric Candle

assembly, 85

code, 88, 172174

fixes, 87

function of, 8788

ingredients, 7980

jumper wires, 8485

loading up code, 8687

making it go, 87

math symbols, 88

sensing air movement and wind, 7980

soldering, 8081

wiring up parts, 8285

electricity, ground path for, 29

email, customizing, 140141

email button project assembled, 130

equals sign (=), using, 78 website, 110


fading night light, 47


Arduino Online, 109110

Arduino setup, 13

Dark-Detecting Light, 33

Do I Need an Umbrella Today? 124

Electric Candle, 87

A Gentle Touch, 6566

Hello Blinky World, 20

Ice, Ice Blinky, 5253

Invisible Ruler, 95

Night Light, 4546

Online Temperature Tracker, 150151

Send Email with a Button, 138139

Someone Moved My Stuff! 76

Flash memory, 125

force, sensing, 6970, 77

forums for Arduino, 24

Fritzing. See wiring diagrams

functions, calling, 8889


A Gentle Touch

accessing code for, 6364

Arduino libraries, 5960

capacitance sensing, 5960

code, 6667, 170171

detecting touch, 5960

fixes, 6566

if-then code, 6566

ingredients, 59

loading up code, 6165

making it go, 65

parts, 60

wiring up parts, 6061

Genuino, explained, 12

Get Your Arduino Online. See Arduino Online

glowing toys, 41, 45

ground in circuit, explained, 30

H Arduino Projects, 157

headers, soldering onto wifi board, 100104

Hello Blinky World

// (comments), 23

code, 166

delay() command, 21

fixes, 20

function of, 21

holes vs. pins, 17

ingredients, 15

loading up code, 1820

loop() section, 21

voidloop() section, 2223

voidsetup() section, 2223

wiring diagram, 16

wiring up parts, 1618

help, accessing for Arduino setup, 13

HIGH signal, sending to Ping sensor, 95

holes vs. pins, 27

hometown, getting coordinates for, 121


Ice, Ice Blinky

code, 5657, 169170

constants, 5758

determining temperature, 5556

fixes, 5253

floating point numbers, 57

function of, 53

improving LED, 56

ingredients, 49

loading up code, 52

making it go, 52

seeing sensor reading, 54

sending and sensing power, 5657

temperature sensing, 49

wiring up parts, 5051

if-then code

for acting on distance measurement, 97

adding to LED, 56

in A Gentle Touch, 6566

IFTTT (If This Then That), 128, 136137. See also Send Email with a Button

IFTTT account, making, 131133

IFTTT toolbar, using, 133136


Arduino Online, 99

Arduino setup, 1

Dark-Detecting Light, 25

Do I Need an Umbrella Today?, 115

Electric Candle, 79

A Gentle Touch, 59

Hello Blinky World, 15

Ice, Ice, Blinky, 49

Invisible Ruler, 91

kits, 159160

Night Light, 39

Online Temperature Tracker, 143

parts, 160162

Send Email with a Button, 127

Someone Moved My Stuff!, 69

input and output, 5657

installing Arduino software

getting help with, 13

for Linux users, 1011

for Mac OS X, 4

for Windows, 710

integers in code, 35

Internet, connecting to, 99100

Invisible Ruler

code, 9697, 175176

distance sensing, 9192

fixes, 95

function of, 95

ingredients, 91

loading up code, 9495

making it go, 95

pins on Ping sensor, 92

sensing speed of sound, 96

wiring up parts, 9293


jaguar, 7576

L, accessing, 121

LED (light-emitting diode)

adding if-then code to, 56

fixing for Ice, Ice Blinky, 5253

for Hello Blinky World, 16

length of “legs,” 17

lighting up, 97

quirk, 17

turning off and on, 21

LED pin, setting to LOW, 89

ledPin, declaring, 5657

libraries, defined, 61

light, sensing, 2527, 3940

links and code. See code; websites

Linux users, Arduinos for, 1011

location, determining for Do I Need an Umbrella Today? 120122

long, beginning functions with, 9697


Mac OS X, Arduinos for, 47

math symbols, 88

memory, sections of, 125126

Microsoft Windows users, Arduinos for, 710

minus, symbol for, 87

multiplication, symbol for, 88


Night Light

calibration, 4344

code, 46, 168169

fading, 47

fixes, 4546

ingredients, 39

loading up code, 4143

making it go, 44

wiring diagram, 40

wiring up parts, 4041


ohms (Ω) symbol, 60


getting, 99100

logging and charting sensor data, 143144

triggering things, 127128

online data, downloading, 152. See also data

Online Temperature Tracker. See also temperature

API (application programming interface), 152153

charting data, 153155

code, 151152, 196199

downloading data, 152

fixes, 150151

function of, 151

getting data account for free, 147148

ingredients, 143

inserting wifi info, 148

loading up code, 146147

making it go, 149150

positioning wifi shield, 145

thermistor, 145146

wiring up parts, 144146

OpenWeatherMap key, getting for free, 118120. See also API (application programming interface)

output, declaring ledPin as, 5657


photoresistor. See also resistors

bringing power to, 28

using, 2526

pin numbers, reassigning, 35

Ping sensor

pins on, 92

sending HIGH signal to, 95


vs. holes, 17, 27

on Ping sensor, 92

plastic, making pressure sensitive, 77 website, 153

port, setting, 12

pow, explained, 88

power, sending and sensing, 5657

power supply

purchasing, 77

wiring up, 89

pressure-sensitive plastic, 77

printing data, 151152

project sources, 157

pulseIn() function, 96


quote marks ("), including strings in, 111


reading information online, 115116

resistance, detecting changes in, 49

resistors. See also photoresistor

pairing sensors with, 85

tinkering with, 36

values, 60, 66

ruler. See Invisible Ruler


Send Email with a Button. See also IFTTT (If This Then That)

code, 140, 190195

customizing, 140141

entering wifi information, 128131

fixes, 138139

function of, 139

if-then alternatives, 141142

ingredients, 127

Maker Channel info, 136137

making it go, 137138

setting up IFTTT, 131136

untethering, 140

wiring up parts, 128131


air movement and wind, 7980

distance, 9192

force, 6970, 77

light, 2527, 3940

speed of sound, 96

sensor circuit, 32

sensor data, logging and charting online, 143144

sensor reading, seeing for Ice, Ice Blinky, 54

SENSORPIN, making into constant, 5758

sensorValue, watching value of, 3637

Serial Monitor, turning on, 43

sheep glowing, 45

shields, explained, 99


Arduino Online, 176

Dark-Detecting Light, 166

Do I Need an Umbrella Today? 183

downloading, 42, 165

Get Your Arduino Online, 176

Hello Blinky World, 166

Ice, Ice Blinky, 169

Invisible Ruler, 175

Night Light, 168

Online Temperature Tracker, 196

Send Email with a Button, 190

smart objects, 12, 18, 39, 91, 99, 127, 153, 157, 159160, 162

software. See Arduino software downloads


Electric Candle, 8081

headers onto wifi board, 100, 104

Someone Moved My Stuff!

code, 78, 172

equals sign (=), 78

fixes, 76

ingredients, 69

loading up code, 7374

making it go, 7576

powering alarm, 76

pressure-sensitive plastic, 77

sensing force, 6970

untethering Arduino, 77

wiring up parts, 7073

sound, sensing speed of, 96

SparkFun WiFi Shield, ordering, 100

SRAM (static random-access memory), 125126

starting Arduino software, 18

static resistors

colored bands on, 60

using, 36

Stoffregen, Paul, 62

strings, using with Arduino Online, 111

subtraction, symbol for, 88


temperature. See also Online Temperature Tracker

determining, 5556

sensing, 49

temperature sensor

position of, 50

wiring to Arduino, 51

testserver, explained, 112


explained, 49

wiring for Online Temperature Tracker, 145146

TMP36 thermistor, 49

tools, 162

touch, detecting, 5960


glowing, 41

jaguar, 7576

sheep glowing, 45

trigger signal. See Send Email with a Button

troubleshooting. See fixes


umbrella project. See Do I Need an Umbrella Today?

upload arrow, identifying, 19


variables, explained, 35, 57

Velostat, buying, 77

voidloop() section

in Dark-Detecting Light, 33

in Hello Blinky World, 2123

voidsetup() section in Hello Blinky World, 2223


weather forecast. See Do I Need an Umbrella Today?


Arduino forums, 24

Arduino library, 62

Arduino software, 4, 7, 10

code and code blocks, 165

conductive fabric sellers, 67

decoder table for static resistor, 60

Do I Need an Umbrella Today? 117118

downloading Arduino software, 4

Electric Candle, 86, 110

A Gentle Touch code, 63

IFTTT (If This Then That), 131

installation help, 13

Invisible Ruler, 94

links and code, 41

online data account, 147

Online Temperature Tracker, 146

parts and ingredients, 2, 60, 153

power supply, 77, 89

resistor values, 66

Send Email with a Button, 130134

sketches, 42

soldering irons and tutorial, 80, 100

Someone Moved My Stuff! 73

SparkFun WiFi Shield, 100

temperature, 5556

thermistors, 49

troubleshooting Arduino installation, 13

Velostat, 77

wifi board

connecting to Internet with, 99100

getting Arduino library for, 105106

pressing onto Arduino, 105

soldering headers onto, 100, 104

wifi information

Do I Need an Umbrella Today? 123

Online Temperature Tracker, 148

Send Email with a Button, 131

wifi service, 162163

wind, sensing, 7980

Windows users, Arduinos for, 710

wiring diagrams

Dark-Detecting Light, 31

Electric Candle, 8285

force sensor project, 71

A Gentle Touch, 60

Hello Blinky World, 1618

Invisible Ruler, 93

Night Light, 40

Online Temperature Tracker, 144

Send Email with a Button, 128


.zip files, managing, 62

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