In the income statement all income and expenses apart from depreciation and changes in provisions are cash oriented.

Prepare the cash flow statement for year X1.

b) Solution

Using the indirect method for the calculation of the cash flow from operating activities, in a first step the net result must be adjusted for any non-cash items in the income statement. In a second step, additional cash flows must be calculated by comparing balance sheet items.

Tab. 5.58: Exercise 35 solution.

ItemValue in €Explanation
Net result90,000
+ Depreciation50,000
+ Increase in provisions20,000Calculate increase from current and prior balance sheet
− Increase in inventories−10,000Calculate increase from current and prior balance sheet
+ Decrease in trade receivables+20,000Calculate decrease from current and prior balance sheet
− Decrease in trade payables−50,000Calculate decrease from current and prior balance sheet
= Cash flow from operating activities120,000
− Expenditures for non-current assets−130,000See text; basis: cash flows
+ Proceeds from disposal of non-current assets+40,000See text; basis: cash flows
= Cash flow from investing activities90,000
+ Proceeds from new loans70,000See text; basis: cash flows
− Repayment of loans−20,000See text; basis: cash flows
− Payment of dividend−70,000See text; basis: cash flows
= Cash flow from financing activities20,000
Total change of cash+10,000Sum of partial cash flows
Cash at beginning80,000See balance sheet, prior year
Cash at end90,000See balance sheet, current year

c) References

DRS 21

Coenenberg et al., 2016 (1), p. 818

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