
We have already discussed is an object-oriented relational database management system. The backbone of the entire system based on is in relationships.


Relationships link two different objects with each other. For example, a library user can also be a library card holder. To represent this relationship we need to assign a customer record to a user record, this is achieved using a relationship.

There are two main types of relationships:

Lookup (1:n)

The Lookup relationship can be visualized in the following image:

Lookup (1:n)

Lookup relationships are loosely coupled relationships. For example, a card of a member can have multiple penalties (fines) on it. The penalties on the card are shown at the bottom of the card in a list.

Lookup relationships have the following properties:

  • The two objects records have no relationship dependencies on each other
  • The lookup field value is optional
  • Updating and deleting the child record has no effect on the parent
  • Both objects have their own owners and sharing rules
  • A record can have 25 lookup fields with 25 different objects

Master-Detail relationship (1:n)

The following image illustrates the Master-Detail relationship:

Master-Detail relationship (1:n)

Master-Detail relationships are more tightly coupled relationships. For example, the relationship between the customer and the card in the library management will be Master-Detail. Where the customer is the master and the card is the child in the relationship.

Master-Detail relationships have the following properties.

  • When two objects are in Master-Detail relationship (also called master-child relationship) the detail/child follows the master.
  • The ownership of the child record is given to the master objects owner. The child does not have separate owner.
  • The detail inherits the sharing, security settings as well as the look and feel of the master.
  • A master record is always required for storing the child record.


    While creating a Master-Detail relationship, there must be absolutely no record of the object. If there are some records, create a lookup instead. Fill the lookup fields of all the records and then convert it into a Master-Detail.

  • If the master record is deleted, the child record is also deleted.
  • In a Master-Detail relationship between a standard object and custom object, the custom object will always be the detail record.
  • An object can maximum of two master objects. In cases of multiple objects, both the masters are required. If one master is deleted, the child object gets deleted immediately.
  • A Master-Detail can be multiple level deep, parent-child-grand-children.
    • If the master is standard object: two multiple level deep.
    • If the master is child object: three multiple level deep.

Special relationships

Using the Master-Detail and lookup relationships we can create two more types of relationships:

  • Self-relationship:
    • When an object has a lookup with itself, it is a self-relationship. A self relationship creates a tree diagram of the objects. For example, the account has a lookup on himself, called Parent Account.
    • On the user object a special self-relationship called the hierarchical relationship helps create superior roles such as supervisor, manager on user object. The hierarchical relationship is a self-relationship of the user object.
  • Many-to-many relationships:
    • A many-to-many relationship between two objects is a relationship in which an object A can have many child objects B, while object B can have multiple child objects A as shown in the figure below:
      Special relationships

A real world example is the relationship between student and teacher. A student can be taught by multiple teachers while a teacher can teach multiple students. Normally lookup and master child relationships are 1:N, however, a small trick can create a many-to-many relationship on The trick to create the master child object is as follows:

  • First create a junction object, which contains a link to two master-objects
  • Create the name field as auto-number in the junction object

Some properties of the junction objects are as follows.

  • The junction object identifies the first master as the primary master. It uses the look and feel of the primary master.
  • If any master record is deleted, the junction record is automatically deleted.

Exercise – creating a junction object

Create a customer object to collect information about customer. Use the maximum field types described above to create fields.

Create a many-to-many relationship between customer and media. This object will be used for checkout and check in of the media item.

Exercise – building the data model for the Library Management System

Refer back to the requirements and understand what you have to build. The requirement contains different objects, lookups, master-child relationships, and junction objects. Use the information from the chapter and build the basic data model.

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